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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADD 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 12. APRIL. 1930 24 Ha despertado gran interés el nuevo plan propuesto por este semanario para la Lotería Nacional del Asilo Chapui Carta de unos vecinos de Limón Day School Opened Man Killed Cricket at 24 Miles Missionary meenting in Limon THE VIRILLA WRECK When in Rome do not as they En su popular periódico THE derivarían todos los demás premios, buena debería de jugarse un sorteo The doors of the building SEARCHLIGHT del sábado de Abril como se juega en Panamá, ideal sería con un premio mayor de 200. 000 coEstrada vvere on the 7th. inst. throvyn On Sunday evening last vvhile the de 1930, propone Ud. a la Junta de su plan.
lones y los demás premios en proporOld line passenger Train vvas returopen to the public for the purpose Caridad de San José un nuevo plan para Antes de empesar el nuevo sistema; ción, siguiendo el mismo sistema, a ning from Guapiles to Limon, vvhen of educating the little minds. The teach los sorteos de la Loteria del Asilo si es que el público y la Junta lo 80 colones el billete. Diez mil billetes she arrived at Cimmarrones vvhere er in charge is one with experience, Chapui. El sistema no puede ser mejor aprueban, proponga Ud. que la Junta serían 800. 000 colones y en premios who has had years of practice in some vvas the meeting point for both these y la distribución de premios muy halase dirijn a todos sus revendedores en la serian 607. 600 colones. El éxito de la old line trains, while the trian vvas of the Junta lo auguro sin temor alguno y si running into the Station; a native half ta establece ese sistema el público y la del sorteo y les pregunte no que prueben y verán.
drunk tried to stagger across the RailHe is disposed to help the grown ups prará más billetes y aquellos que comque cuántos billetes desea cada uno, ca Exite a los demás colegas, tanto de vvay lines and met his death; this time vvho vvere less fortunate to grasp the pramos lotería de Panamá no la comprada semana, le aseguro que se colocan la capital como de las provincias by chance it vvas not Byron, the body three Rs. during the tender years of ríamos más.
los diez mil números.
vuelva a publicar su plan llamándolos vvas picked up and taken into Limon childhood Como Ud. sabe señor Director, ha Aquí en Limón por ejemplo; los do a que hagan público su parecer. for doctors verdict and burial.
To those who are too busy for pedagogic instructions he also offers anbemos muchos que jugamos lotería sin mingos toda la mañana andan los reLos sorteos que anuncian para el fuother kind of assistance. legal advicepensar en que pueda uno sacar un pre vendedores por todas partes interponién turo no son nada halagadores y creo mio, sino por el instinto de jugar que dosele a uno al paso, metiéndole la loque si aquí en Limón no se venden best, surest and safest.
tenemos tería a uno por la nariz, en Panamá ahora mil billetes, con el nuevo plan Consult him and save a possible loss of many thousands of dollars, to say El plan que leo en su periódico es por ejemplo los viernes en la tarde no se venderán menos.
nothing of the untold vvorries and muy bueno, la utilidad para la Junta consigue uno un pedazo de la lotería ni a doble precio La Junta deberá también pedir al de 20. 000 colones semanales, muy bueiniseries aftendant on losing in lavvsuits.
Congreso venidero y al Gobierno que March 31 1930.
He represents the the Limon Service na, son 20. 000 colones seguros y libres Además aquí debería de prohibirse echen abajo la Ley del 29 de Diciem Mr. Nation: Bureau.
y la distribución de premios admirable; que anden con la lotería importunando bre de 1917 que establece un impuesto la emisión de 10. 000 billetes en estas al público; atravesándose al paso, gri de 10 por ciento a todos los premios Editor of THE SEARCHLIGHT condiciones sería nada. Aquí en la Pro tándole a uno: el domingo se juega, de la Lotería del Asilo Chapui, ese vincia de Limón estamos seguros de o aquí está el gordo, o vea compre impuesto es tan ridículo como aquel Dear Sir: que se colocarían de a mil billetes este pedacito, impertinencias por el es famoso congreso que lo emitió.
Would you kindly report the undersemanales, entonces veríamos como un tilo; deberia obligarse a todos los venEsta es nuestra opinión, eque dicen mentioned game of cricket in the interThe Armual Missionary Meeting of negocio muy productivo invertir unos dedores a colocarse en ciertos puntos los demás ciudadanos, que dice Ud?
the Limon Baptist Church vvas held on de las ciudades y en una tabla colocar est of sport, in your valuable press.
cuantos reales en lotería todas las selos números, estoy seguro de que con On Sunday 29th inst the Pacuarito Monday evening. April the 7th.
manas. Luego la idea de que se forme C Journeyed to 24 miles to try conel número a la hora de jugarse la lo el plan propuesto por Ud. la gente se The meeting was opened with a Affmos.
clusions with the Fearless C, Pacuateria, es muy buena. Así se jugarían hymn follovved by a beautiful prayer ría la que saldría en busca de la lotería.
rito captained by Sinclair and the Fearnúmeros nada más; principiando de from Rev. Pitt.
Después de cada primer domingo de Mr. A. Shavy from Siquirres took izquierda a derecha y del primero se Julio y cada domingo antes de NocheUnos ciudadanos less by Bennett Sinclair called the coin correctly and the chair and stimulated the meeting sent in the Fearless to bat, Sinclair and vvith anecdotes of early christian vvork Stewart were the destroying angels, Sinin Costa Rica among the West Indians.
Everyone vvas apparently glad to see for 29; at the fall of the 9th wicket him, and appreciated his plain friendly the score was 21 runs when Wilson vvay of speaking At last this Case has come to a con to a year imprisionment, but in the Romans unless what the and Phillips by careful, and well judRev. Forde read excerpts from the clusion before the Courts. On monday appeal to the Criminal Judge of that ged playing carried the score to 67 Baptist Missionary Report on work the highest court of appeal met with. sentence was reduced to six thus pulling their side out of the hole.
done in the CONGO and other parts of Africa ding and associated with him were in this sentence of the Supreme Court Fearless sent in Pacuarito to The speakers for the evening vere, Justices Víctor Trejos, Vargas, Dávila, now, the sentence of the Criminal Judmake 68 to win which they failed todo, Rev. B, Siley, Rev. Wm. Forde, and and Guardia.
ge of six Months has been upheld, but The reception given by the Limon due to the bowling of Claudie Wilson, Rev. Pitt, Adjutant Wright of the This case arose out of the great public to Miss Salazar vvho arrived on the Judges have made a special recwho got wickets for 11 rums. Salvation Army vvas unable to attend Railway accident at the Virilla Bridge comendation to the Executive Board Pastores returning to her home Allen for 11. Pacuarito was all out to illness.
due in San Jose, and who represented her some three years ago in which several in Privy Council for pardoning them for 27 runs, and a good days sport These gentlemen play an important people lost their lives and many others under special reasons.
country in the Miami Beauty Contest was brought to a conclusion.
part in our lives, and sometimes their was filled with enthusiasm. Days before, got damaged crippled for life. The It is to be hoped that all lovers of This case been watched with great efforts are not given the amount of Northern Railway Co. came to a cominvitations were scattered on the streets this the greatest of gentlemanly games respect that is due, yet it is evident that promise with many, but those who interest by every lawyer in Costa Rica requesting all the women folks without not only because it involved a very will follow the example of these tvvo they have no intentions of giving up. would not accept the Companys terms, distinction of class or color to meet her considerable sum of money which Clubs, and prove to all concerned that Rev. Pitt has been in this community put the matter before the Judges of would have to be paid by the Northern on the pier. This brought about hunfor over thirty years and Rev. Forde Heredia who decided in their favour, there is no game of Balls that can comdreds of women answering to the repete with cricket, for its healthy modeRailway Co. to the claimants for Daabout tvventy years, and the fact that the Company appealed to the higher quest with all cordiality, many taking rate mages etc. but from the standpoint of exercise, gentlemanly deportment, they have never left the province Courts with the result of a definite bunches of flowers and all interested a precedence in the responsabilities of to vvhich they were first allocated is unsurpassed entertainment, exhibition of sentence now from which there is no in seeing her face and getting a smile a revelation of the Spirit of God workthe Company in such accidents, which from her, which she took pains to discomradeship and clean sporting propening in human life. Rev. Siley is a nevy.
appeal and the appeal of the Company it has always repudiated up to now. tribute with profusion. The procession sities. We do hope Cricket vvill again has been declared out of place, and the comer in comparison, but he has alreabe taken up in this country. What has Again we must reiterate our sentence of the Judges Civil and Criaccompanied her to the Park Hotel dy endeared himself to the people, and become of the Limón Cricket Clubs.
minal of Heredia has been upheld gratulations to Lic. Don Ramón Zelaya and dictated to the traffic. Trains and We see the boys of San José are forin everyone likes to hear him speak.
all its parts, The Company having to and his associate Lic Don Miguel Pa.
Automobiles stayed one side and alRev. Forde toured the United States mulating a Cricket Club in the Capital, pay all indemnities asked for and dacheco for the grim determination in owed the street to the procession. This vve hope soon to see them inviting the last year in the interest of his Church mages ands costs both personal and which they fought this case, as everydisplay of fondness for the woman Country teams, Come on San José lets vvork, and in spite of inducements of processal. Don Ramon Zelaya is to be body well aware what it means to who in the midst of a great metro set the Example, the old Sport is with fered him, he preferred to come back congratulated on signal success in open up a lawsuit with a rich Corpo polis, and in the country were modesty to his humble Church and people.
the case. The lawyers of the Company ration as this in this country.
is practically a thing of the past, unfurMessrs Serrano, Gongora and Picado In this sentence, all extra Judicial setled its flag, and replaced it again among the virtues of not alone womankind put in their reasons of appeal in writ tlements have been set aside, and all men greatest virtue MODESTY.
but also among mankind, is scarce ing meantime Messrs Zelaya and Pa claims must be settled by a valuation, This is a great lesson to our vyomcheco replied orally and carried every on a regular scale or basis of the soenough Little did Costa Rica know anhood around us, who are always point before them, they representing cial standing in the business connexions that this young lady of humble birth IN all the claimants in the case.
vvont to be seemigly forgetful of the of each claimant in his Community it would establish to the world that Latin The Conductor Gonzalo Facio, and modesty and decency taught them in will be seen the importance of this America posseseses one of the greatest their Natal Homes.
the Engineer Víctor Manuel Calvo were Judgment treasures that a woman should retain.
found guilty by the Alcalde of Heredia In a few words slie has placed Beauty We hope that many women will Contests on a higher pinacle than the take a lesson from Miss Costa Rica, and of negligence in the first instance and will no more attribute the loss of deoriginators ever expected.
She boldly refused to do what the tedly received at their early training cent conduct that many of them undoubRomans do because she was in Rome to their travels in the Republics.
and she has left the United States sprinkled with a rejuvenation of woSPECIAL CORRESPONDENT committee consisting of the following young gentlemen Messrs. George Hooker, Brevvsterr, 125 Yards south of El Cometa Royal, and Cliford, Scientifical Eye Examination Hamilton, of St. Marks Boy Behind La Iglesia Merced Scouts of Port Limon came on a visit for the purpose of organizing a troop here.
Glasess of all Classes and Prices They vvere met by a few of the interested ones and after making preliminaTy arrangements they left on the 30 Apartado 771 Telephone 3289 train vvith the hope of returning at an early date to put the finishing touch on the vvork which they have begun.
Gran novelty in Umbrellas These youngsters are to be congratsick cotton parasols of all colours ulated. It is requisite that the parents and guardians of the vicinity cooperate Fixed prices to defy Competition vvith them to accomplish their aim, as Just in front of good boy scouts in a locality is a sign HOTEL COSTA RICA of good citizenship among the rising generationisegon Lizano del conAdvertise THE SEARCHLIGHT ESTRADA LA JAPONESA DOMINGO REGO CONSULTORIO OPTICO RIVERA Finisterre de cultura y Juve Costa Rica


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