
Saturday 12 Apnl. 1930 CURRENT ITEMS calls SOLOMON JAMAICA REMEDIES ועפפער HOTEL RIALTO EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ HOTEL RIALTO TITS AND BITS it Radio aciivities in Costa Rica With a vievy of giving our readers April, Sth. 1930 a clearer viery of the influence vwhich Mr. Nation, radio operations are having Box 123 on Dear Editor: Irish Election Limon vvho goes to Mass regularly bargo these securities to satisfy a claim our community vve had planned to puevery morning. He is novv at logger for a Pagare of 350 signed by one Last night read by radio, the poeblish a letter and certain messages which try to Miss Costa Rica by Pedro Ujueta De Valera has been defeated in the heads vvith the Municipality of Limon Alfred Johnson, and presumably him.
came across from traburg to our little and had to repeat it by urgent phone Irish Elections former President Cos for attempting to dismiss certain em Johnson protested his innocence in the Station at Heredia and mes.
grave has again been reelected Presidentployees and cut down the Salaries of matter, Mr. Solis takes his signature of The Irish Free State. do not know if you recolleet of others, because of the Crisis, don Jose and vvhen comparing it to that on the sages sent by Mr. Amando Céspedes my name, being the first nevyspaper Gasoline vided for, because their occupations Bird, and so had to release the cheques no, these men have gt to be pro Pagare finds that really this is not his Marín of Heredia, but for man printing a daily newspaper in that vvant of Space vve must postpone same Port in 1897, the time of Spanish The Contract vvhich was advertised are of vital necessity to the Community, thus embargoed.
until our next issue, but will give the merican War for tenders for 50. 000 gallons of gas. The matter has been placed before the Another Explanation letter from Mr. Marín vvhich vve apPoor old Garvey admired me very oline for government use, vvas avvarded Minister of internal affairs.
preciate immensely. Is the much, as well as Mr. Wood and Mr.
to Don Emilio Clare, his being the Bravo Don Jose; we are proud of In consequence of the pleadings of Smallest Station in the World but is Asch, and many others that tensed my lovvest bid, at 84 centimos per gallon you.
Mrs. Roslyn Dunkley to penetrate the 17 years put in Puntarenas vvith thirty days grace CESPEDES Mistaken Identity sympathy of public opinion, in the doing some long distance listening in after delivery. 25. 000 gallons vvill be matter of the murder of her husband delivered on 30 April and 25. 000 on peculiar incident came under our Luther; The authority of Estrada has 31st of May thirty days after which vievy on Monday last in Limon Mr. also sent us the follovving letter conhe vvill recieve his 42. 000.
Alfred Johnson our Agent at Pocora tradicting certain impressions against Our Governor Stand had the strange experience of having the probity of his actions in the case, vvhich vve gladly pubish so as to bis Banana cheques embargoed on and DOCTOR IN THE HOME Don Jose Hernandez Sanchez is not payment stopped since February. He exhibit our impartiality in such publiThese Remedies have stood the Test for 48 years a Governor that can be easily put out arrived in Limon and vvas informed cations affecting public vvelfare.
SOLOMON Liver Tonic for Bad Nerves, Indigestion and Biliousness.
the right vvay of thinking as he by the Co that his cheques vuere knows the lavvs of his country and embargoed on by Mr. Solicitor Solis, The Editor of THE SEARCHLIGHT SOLOMON Lung Balsam for Coughs and Colds.
follovy the dictates of the lays of his he goes to Mr. Solis and in our preSOLOMON Healing Oil for Cuts, Wounds and Sprains.
God as near as is human possible he is Use SOLOMON Highgrade Cocoanut Oil Pomade Grows ard sence finds that Mr. Barahona of San Dear Sir: strengthens the Hair.
the only governor we have ever had in Jose had given him instructions to em take the opportunity of sending BE SURE to ask for SOLOMON Dan you the following lines trusting you AND SEE THAT YOU GET IT EDD vvill be good enough to give same PREPARED ONLY BY publicity not exactly as a response to SOLOMON, ARMSTRONG CO LTD. PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON JA.
the article of Roslyn White Black Agent for Costa Rics, Botica Grillo Port Limón which have no need to take notice of, because with the surrounding circunstances of the tragic death of her husband Luther Stanford Dunkley. she The first idea of a traveller on going into a Town is to find himis unworthy of notice, but do so, self a clean, comfortable room in which there is a good bed in a that the public avvay from this locality healthy quarter, and this meets your requirements in no other may realize that vvhat she has publishHotel as it does in ed in your weekly of the 29th March, LAWYER AND NOTARY is entirely false and a burlesque on herself. Hovy this woman could have Office 50 yeards to the West of the Presidencial Residence the effrontery to say that she is a resAvenue de Las Damas, San Jose pectable vwoman in full Communion vvith her Church etc, vvhen she herTELEPHONE 2756 in the new upstair, fireproof and carthquake proof building, 50 self related to me that for some time yards North of the North western gate of the San Jose Market, before the murder of her husband she adjoining the Botica Nacional.
had intimate relations vvith another The HOTEL RAILTO is a bran new Hotel in a bran new man at 28 miles; and as a member of building, with bran new Beds and other furnishings. The only old her Church as she says she is, hovv is thing in it is the management; It is run by may don Luis Vanni it that she confessed before my Author who is an old Limonense and knows how to cater for a traveller Bungalow erected on a Stump ity in presence of the policemen that First class meals, at very moderate Prices or as per your orders; it vyas Wm. Ford vvho assassinated her In the stump of a California Redwood. GOLIATH with a fine Cafeteria and Soft drinks of all kinds.
husband, and novy vvants to make it estimated to be 3000 years old, a minappear that she did not make such ing prospector years ago built himA sea elephant that weighs 7000 cca confession, as well as vvishing to deny self a two story building which is still pounds and takes a meal of 450 pound that it vvas read to her, and she signed intact in what is now General Grant presence of tvyo respectable per Natural Park. The kept his horse down of fish attract, crowds of men in a Circus. This animal was captured in MANA sons, Messrs James and Henry Hylton. stairs and lived in a room on the secHovy is it possible that this woman ond floor the Lost Sea near the South Pole, and THE CHANCE MAY NEVER WALK YOUR would attempt to make the public believe weighed one ton then, but has gained 000 pounds a year since then and WAY AGAIN such a Judging from the fact that the tvvo Police vvho present Imported peas improve soil is not yet fully grown. He is known as a sea elephant for want of a proper vvhen she made the confession are With the prospects of The Nicaragus Canal: The Carretera (Main Roads)
both countrymen of hers as well as Three peas, imported accidentally name and is supposed to be the only through Alajuela, San Carlos, to Lake Nicaragua the Canalization of Tortnguero Do you realize what a home in San Jose will mean to you. the trvo gentlemen who signed the way heredis teretariato ordered quarts Specimen of is kind to survive capti declaration, vould it not be ridiculous contribute much to the wealth of Ame.
in me to attempt such a He is named GOLIATH by the DE FOR SALE This vvoman says that she was closcircus men. He has a Special tank holded up in a dark room and there it creased to nine bushels. have a vigoing 500 gallons of water and when beautifal home in Barrio (Village) Mexico, overlooking the Torres bridge to vvas that asked her the questions; he travels he goes on a 100 foot flat the North and the Savannahs to the West, idealistic Views lie, because vvhen she entered bearing nodules, and the vines are procar provided with a 10. 000 gallon tank Sell out in Limon and enquire of THE SEARCHLIGHT. Prices etc. my Office, that evening, she look a lific, often extending from six to 12 Weber Tinnola, also for Sale. The maker is the guarantee and a sand beach.
seat beside me at the door and as the feet in length. Indications are that the public vvhich was gathering on the peas will yield about 30 bushels of only fish which he ante Swallows whole and has learned to ansnearby Railvvay Station Platform and seed to the acre, and a marked improcould hear all that was taking place, been noted wherever they have been vement in productivity of the Soil has wer his trainer call.
Doo she asked me as a favour to close the door, as she vvas ashamed, and planted.
vvas LENISE gedy of the murder of Luther, this is then, that she confessed the entire tra.
the Truth; the belance of her story HOTEL EXCELSIOR is only a Pantomine of the Pilate Mrs.
Mrs. VIRA WILLIAMS BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY Roslyn, because the entire neighbourhood is thoroughly conversant vvith ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED To my many friends and Patrons the horrible crime of her unfortunate husband.
This serves to advise you that have not removed my HOTEL EXCELSIOR Bureau established for the greater convenience, from in front of Alsina Printery As had intended to do. am still at the understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishThanking you for space afforded me old spot thoroughly renovated; and from 1st. April, will be at your disSpeaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection posal with new clean, Airy and comfortable Rooms and a Boarding House Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen Justino Vallejo where you can have your meals attended to in the real Jamaica style.
against unscrupulous debtors.
Chief of Police MRS. ELVIRA WILLIAMS Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conEstrada, April 1930.
fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both releexellele nowy operated under the direction of a Barrister with Railway Mishaps over tyventy five years practical experience, acquired on the Berch of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and During last vveek while an extra: Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials train yvas running betvven El Alto and Cartago at a road crossing at. Taras, are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge an old vvoman named Chepita Monge CENTRAL AVENUE and Counsel.
CUESTA DE MORAS vvas Knocked down and killed by the EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ We make first class Furniture best materials in Mahogany, CeEngine. The old woman vvas deaf Barrister Intustigatar and so did not hear the repeated dar or the best lumber in the Country. according to your taste.
Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager vvhistles of the Engineer, and in atAt prices that defy competition; vvorkmanship unsurpassable.
tempting to cross the Ry Track was Krocked dovvn; ofcourse it BRANCH OFFICE vvas not Send MAIN OFFICE orders Enrique Valle Co.
you his fault, as usual it vvas the unSan José, 50 yards West of the Limon: Oposite Arrasty Theatre Presidencia lucky Engineer Byron; he is vvell TELEFONO 3219. San José vue guarantee your satisfaction, a Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of sounding his vvhistle, yet any time you satisfied customer is our best certificate of Honor Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, L; California, hear of a mishap of the kind its alNew York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, vvays poor Byron.
eeeee erre Careless Driving COASTWISE VESSEL We have vatched the Engines run The Motor vessel Pasagero will make regular Calls at by the Railway Crossing at ninth Street tovvards Cieneguita, and it is certainly Port Limon every month on her way from Bluefields to Bocas del Toro and Colon.
a mystery that there are not several mishaps at that Crossing. Some of the On the return voyage she will accept Passengers and in front of the Side Chapel of The Cathedral.
Engineers run at that crossing at 15 to 20 miles per hour, especially when Cargo from Port Limon to Bluefields, Pto. Cabezas, coming from the Machine Shops to Pto. Castillo, Belize and Pto. Barrios.
San Jose TELEPHONE 3439 take up their duty, they run as if they vvere being chased by a tidalyvave For further particulars enquire of her The most exquisite finishing touches from behind. The Traffic cop would AGENT Señor Don LEON BONILLA do vvell to vvatch this point for furious Engines as he does for Trucks PORT LIMON ZAO and bycicles.
vvere this is Goliath eats om LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND lose; a eeeeeeeeeee Furniture Store of Enrique Valle Co.
PACHECO PHOTO STUDIO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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