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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 19. APRIL. 1930 25 RADIO LISTENING IN THE EMPTY TOMB Limon PASSING EVENTS to time, met people who We are sorvy we did not get in April, 10th. 1930.
touch Mr. Cespedes Marin before or At this happy Easter season vve through the ordinances of grace; and take our place, through His redeeming Mr. Willy Schwartz we should have had daily communi complete the series of the greater com thus may we humbly entertain the goodness, with the ransome of the cations with Kingston during the Crick27, Faubourg de Saverue memorations which remind us of the hope that there shall davvn on us at Lord for ever et Tour of the Marylebone Cricket successive stages of the life and mi last a blessed morning, brighter by far Team; however we are now in and STRASBOURG, Bas Rhin France, nistry of Jesus Christ. It was the Re than that of any earthly Easter, the Father Ryecart will get from him continually all the Europe, surrection as leading to and completed morning when we shall rise by a real St. Mark Rectory latest across the Blues by Listeneng in My dear Mr. Schwartz: in the Ascension, vvhich crowned our Resurrection, and pass through His Scobbing: heres his dope by Saviour vvork on earth.
mercy from the rest of the grave, and and if there is a Contemporary in have receive your letter dated March The fact of Christ Resurrection is Kingston who wants to associate, please 9th. last, and surely must congratulate treated as an impregnable position in send us your Name, length and Strength you for your extraordinary reception history and is supported by the evito Heredia, Costa Rica. of NRH. My friend Mr. Charles Schro dence of unimpeachable eye vvitnesses.
eder from Philadelphia, will send you St. Paul vvas content to convince men Mr. Nation this letter, and by separate mail am of the fact of the Resurrection, as if, sending direct from here all dope on that once established, all else that vvas Box 123. Port Limon. this Station. want you to be friend to for their soul health and for the glory Salvation Army and are placing all the blame on him. It Charlie, the first report had from of God must needs follovy. From time is expected that his government will USA about two years ago, he being Dear Editor: St. Paul An Excursion train has been annouu. fall by a vote of eensure over the 2500 miles north of NRH. Charlie is vvere unvvilling to believe the Story of ced by the Salvation Army for Guápi Conference failure.
Last night read by radio, the poet always glad for my records, and as he the Resurrection. As an example, some les as an outing to the Sunday School ry to Miss Costa Rica by Pedro Ujue is an amateur fan, perhaps you can OUR LOTERY of the Corinthians had denied that children at return fares from Limón ta and had to repeat it by urgent get in shape with him by code. am either Christ or any dead person could for adults of 00 on the 22nd. inst.
In Spite of the propositions put bephone calls.
surprised that you hear NRH with literally rise again with their bodies. Sunday School children of other denomloud speaks and vvith six feet antena fore the Junta by us and others. The inations vvould be carried at half rate.
St. Paul reply is of the highest imBoard has decided to curtail from next do not know if you recollect of only; that receiver Schnell type must portance. St. Paul first of all emphasises my name, being the first newspaper be a very good one.
The New Calendar Sunday the prize to 30. 000 instead of the truth of the bodily Resurrection of 40. 000, the second prize vvill be man printing a daily newspaper in Your report is complete in accord Christ Himself, and then he gives a list Mr. Moses Cotsworth the propos that Port in 1897, the time of Spanish 000 intead of 6:000, vvith ance vvith my log book and therefore of appearances of the risen Christ, er of the nevy almanac of 13 months, American Var. Poor old Garvey third prize of 2. 000 tuvo prizes you are granted my Diploma at once.
more in number than are recorded by is here in consultation with the Lords admired me very much, as well as Mr. The vvhistling you heard it was not of 000, and five of 500, and any one Evangelist. This is, he says Wood and Mr. Asch, and many others of the Ecclesiastical Body and the heads ten of 200. The emision vvill be of from flute but direct from my ovvn the Gospel. and if it is not true, of the chambers of Commerce Agrithat teased my 17 years, six thousand Tickets instead of seven and mouth; so vvatch out that will be then Christianity is a huge mistake vwhistling for you again on May 12th. the Apostles are false vvitnesses, Chrisculture at the expense of the League To day, live remembering such and 17th at the some hour in your tian preaching and belief are alike vain, the price of the Tickets remain the of Nations, vvith a vievy of its accep same tvventy colones.
tance by Costa Rica. This Almanac is This seems to be the death note of our eated our life out in the ugly Port place to a. in vvhich days and we are of all men most misera to come in force in 1933.
then, when we used to walk on top oftenly.
Lottery Scheme; as it has gone into ble. But Jesus Christ is truly risen, Miss Henrietta Davis Wins such decadence as not to merit the of strong colored men or on horseback, have novy Birmingham, England, appreciatioo of investors, we are sorry because of heavy rains svampo.
Barcelona in Spain, and Strasbourg in and the cause of the general ResurrecFrance, hearing NRH. vvith 736 vvattstion of the dead.
It is pleasing to note that the Case of this decision of the Board of Directors. congratulate you for your news povver only and on loudspeaker all. When we look on Christ Resurrecagainst Miss Henrietta Vinton Davis paper, and am enclosing here some Hi, hi! Please report to your friendstion as a doctrine, vve may dvvell on for making incorrect returns to the dope on this Station and some poetry Prohibition in Australia Collector General of Jamaica re, the Amand to nevuspapers, send me the page its inestimable treasures of comfort and just received, which you can print if any nevvs on then.
usement Tax Lavy, has been vvon by her.
assurance; on the light it throvvs Melbourne 14. The prohibition pleAlso a letter from France of which upon Mr. Simpson got her acquitted biscite throughout Australia has resulted am sending you the copy of reply.
Yours must sincerely, NRH the darker places of all human history, But vvhen yve look on the Resurrecon the point of Jurisdiction the alleged for Prohibition 400. 000 against it If you reprint same, please send me a Amando Cespedes Marin tion as a practical lesson on our ovun offence not having been Committed in St. 550. 000 votes, thus prohibition has lost copy or several, for which will pay. NRH MAIL CLUB: Please read this Andrews recovery from the death of a fallen out here.
Thanking you very much, am yours copy, vvrite to the party, and send the nature, the vvhole force of its teaching against herself and Mr. Marcus Garvey The Yearly Estimate ApAnother case of an identical nature truly, copy to another friend canih sorona dit may be summed up with a moncept he has been set for the 30 th. inst.
Cespedes culture and fraternity propriation of Britain dead Tarry no longer among the Sports From far off Costa Rica, ten o clock by Eastern Time, corrupted graves of selfishness, sinfulMr. Phillip Snowden Chancellor of ness, vanity, worldliness, uncharitible The Baseball season vvs inaugurated Station NRH broadcasting if you please; Great Britain presented his Estimates ness, and formalism. Christ is not there. on 14th inst. by President Hoover, who of apropriations for the current year With an entertaining program from that sunny southernclime Christ cannot be found either amidst pitched the first Ball in the inaugural for discusion before the house of ComWhile up here in the North we nearly freeze.
material indulgences, or wordly moti match of the Red Sox of Boston against mons the 14th inst at 45 p, Mr. Cespedes is putting on this shovv at his expense, ves, or lives devoted to the pursuit of the Senators of Washington the Red He explained that revenue of last year mere frivolous amusement. Christ can Sox vvon by to 3; the match vvas shovved a dificit of 14. 520. 000 as It a pleasure and a hobby of his ovvn; not be discovered among jarring fac vidnessed by 25. 000 persons.
rather than a surplurs of 096. 000 as While we who listen in agree his stuff is all immense, tions, or schemes of self improvement, was expected. The present calculations Giant Plane We Wonder how he does it all alone.
vvhich tend only to glorify the capacitishow an increase of income over last ties of man. The Tomb is empty, His Station has a power of little over seven watts year of 236:000 but in spite of the Christ is risen, but vue lose sight of The nevy German Giant Airoplane fact of an Expected increase of ReveAnd yet we get it clearly through the air, Him if yve descend into the grave of the 28 is 150 ft. long and 75 ft nue, the apropriations of expenditure If he should discontinue we would miss his program lots, the dead things of the vvord interests vvide 15 feet high, vvith a capacity exceeded his Estimated revenue by and enjoyments. Those vyhovvould of 23 tons, and 150 passengers going The thought of this is more than we can bear. 42. 264. 000. Revenue being.
find Christ must first seek Him, vvith at 125 miles an hour. 1739, 645. 000 vvhile Expenditures We thank you Mr. Cespedes, here in the faith, hope, and love in their hearts.
French Politics vvould be 781. 909. 000. The discuMay you enjoy prosperity and make Be it our Easter prayer, then, dear sions follovy, but it is expected that lot of others happy as you re making us to day, friends, that Christ vvill raise us from The Socialists are much enraged over this vvill cause the dovvnfall of the lathe death of sin, the grave of world Tardieu failure in the Naval Conference bour Government.
This poetry is from your old friend Drake.
liness, the empty tomb of dead formaFrom Mr. Drake, lity, the false pretexts of a negligent, indifferent, disobedient, religion. Be it 15 Wheeler Avenue, CRAFTON Ingram, our Easter supplication that God vvill Pittsburgh, Pensylvania raise us in this vvorld to a true knovyledge of the Lord, through prayer, Ardent listener to the wonderful across the Atlantic Ocean from Costa By the fourth report of the Digest days mothers had little fear in regard NEW OCEAN Rica.
prohibition vote, there have been turned to the Saloon as for as their children NRH Station, just reported from Starsin 000. 340 votes, of vvhich 553, 337 vvere concerned, Please print in your newspaper! Saloon Keeper bourg in France, ten thousand meters are in favour of the continuance of the license vvas revoked is he was found RECORD Cespedes prohibition Lavy, 598. 252 are for a selling liquor to minors. Today, in any modification of the lavv; and 848, 751 speak easy, one may find young boys With the new North German Lloyd are for repeal of the lavy altogether. girls drinking liquor poisonous or liner Europa of 49746 tous, the speed 11 Up to novy Kansas stands out firmly nonpoisonous; they are rapidly acquiring record across the Atlantic has been re for the enforcement, as well as Texas a taste for hard liquor, the situation has duced by eighteen minutes she came Arkansas, Iowa, Indiana, Oklahama and become so serious that yvomen feel across on the 25th March in days, Oregon, Whereas New York, Pensyl. that something must be done to protect 17 hours and minutes from CherD. NELSON vania Massachusets strike boldly for their Children bourg to Ambrose lightship, she is Repeal as well as Wisconsin Rhode TAILOR. O. BOX 466. PT. LIMON, 936 feet long and has accomodation The drys say that Prohibition is the for 2200 passengers.
Island, New Jersey Missouri Con lave of the land, and all good citizens necticut should observe it. Restore the legal sale Her sister ship the Bremen did the Remember when you need, a snappy suit. Call run a couple months ago in days that those votes for modification should The dry supporters are contending of Liquor, evven under State control with moderate restrictions, and every see me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied 17 hours and 24 minutes this new be counted as on the side of enforce restriction will be violated.
Customer, my price is within the reach of all. Call motor ship is considered the sspeed ment, but the Wets also claim that Mo The vvels, on the contrary say, a be convinced.
dification votes are against the prohibition lavy that permits one group to tell Lavy and therefore on the side of Re another how it shall live, eat, drink, Books in English peas because they arewe, if the voting dress and pray will disappler in one as the its natural to expect that they would cbb flouv. For Sale have voted against. It may well be im Insurance statistic for 19. 000. 000 polThe Road to Moin by way of the Cemetery is a fact, The Canalization of aroin magined that the arguments for and icy holders show an increase of 600 Tortuguero is also beyond dispute.
Novels, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, against are raging very fiercely, for in per cent in deaths for alcoholism in Therefore to be ready for the Work live Bear by.
The Book of Knowledge, Quincey stance Samuel Crovvther says in the He in the last ten years, for the Kitchen Works, Dickens, Shakespeare, Prescott, rald Tribuue that the workingman is has novv become the Saloon. American FOR SALE Macauley, Bancroft, Irvin, ect. Messages now saving or constructively spending youths are drinking more today than and Papers of the Presidents of the between tvvo and six thousands millions ever before, American yvomen are con The best House on the Camp one Road where the Cars will pass for Moin, United States, etc. Room 12 pasaje annually which formerly vvent over vinced that prohibition is a failure and all accommodations for a comfortable home fine flower garden and lots of fruit Jimenez Saenz or La Parra, Central to Saloon bars but the effect of Prohi a menace to the family life of the trees, Registered, Title Park North West corner. Write or visit. bition on youth is another point on Nation, for in place of the old time For prices and all information write THE SEARCHLIGHT Open a. to p. Very Mo vyhich wets drys are opposing for Saloon we novy have the uncontrolled derate prices.
ces; Mrs. Charles. Sabin of the Wo Speak easy.
Drop in and see what you may man organization for National Prohi The 18th. Amendment is contrary to fonal Weed, Olesond Poften you get this deifepletas debitleri Reforma Skyertyhopite RProhibition the Spirit of the Constitution The Prohibition Votes THE STANDARD ta


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