
PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 19 April. 1930 EDITORIAL Vaccination Smallpox scare WHAT OF THESE VISITS Carlos Viquez Co.
Apartado 18. San José. Telephone 4114 a OSTEOPATH Due to the prevalence of Smallpox mune from plague of any kind. It is there will be no necessary of making among us, the Minister for public safe advisable therefore that each and every it compulsory. Our Community is to be found intelligent enough to give the ty has issued circulars to the ecclesiastic one keep their premises clean and their al bodies informing them of the un bodies also by vaccination, the govern government every facility for carrying advisability of holding public proces ment is doing all the vaccination free out its functions rather than to attempt The day for the opening of Congress is drawing nigh, and bration, to which the heads of the of cost to all who apply for it, be to put any obstacles in the way of an efficient Sanitation.
it is to be noticed that the Executive Council is doing everything Church have acquiesced and informed pleased to apply for it at once, so that to meet that day, Fully alive to the responsibilities devolving on all the faithful that there will be no their Shoulders. We are at a crossing now where the safety of good the Nation depends on the Judicious manipulations of the men Vaccination is being rushed in every ministration has passed through the most difficult and trying half taking every step possible for cleaning placed in power to guide the destinies of State. The present Addistrict, and the Sanitary Department is of their term, due to no fault of theirs, but rather, to the conup as a preventative against this dread.
ditions of world affairs, and domestic happenings which have been cropping up, as a sequence of accomplishments, brought ple of Limon and the lines will do all Furnishes first class aparatus in Hiperdermic Syrin about by the acts of prior transactions, and now we are facing in their power to help the government a stage where something must be done to counteract the clog plague. There are some foolish ges, and Injections of all kinds, as well as Electroplated in the wheels of State, the opposition party has done much by heard to say they wont get vaccinated, people Needles and Thermometers.
way of criticism to force the best inteligence of the Administra because it makes them sick, if those tion to achieve something that will redouud to its credit in the people had ever seen how loathesome historians journal. Ofcourse some people are bitter against the a case of Smallpox looks, they would little head of the oppositionist party for his criticisms but such things fever caused by vaccination and a case of TO RACE HORSE KEEPERS are necessary, ofcourse it all depends on the amount of personal Smalpox. In those districts were Pigs bitterness that is brought to hear in such criticism, and on this are kept, they ought to be got away much could be said but it is not our intention just now to from around the The only place in the country where you find Specially imported horse, houses as quick as chicken or pig feed is at argue; suffice it to say that Criticism is necessary in every Or possible, and chicken Coops and Calf THE ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ ganization of men, to remedy the evils and to be the means of Carboline, Fhy tox, and such like disinthought on the part of those criticized, to devise means and fectant daily; it is our business as intelHe Specializes in hay, oats and a specially cracked and mixed food for horses, of Corn, oats, Rye and bran.
ways of conquering our critics so as to merit the applause ligent citizens to help the government Send your order vvith remittance to ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ, San rather than the condemnation of those who have entrusted us Officials to carry out their duties on Jose and vvhatever you need in San Jose will be put at your door.
with the guidance of their affairs; and to this part of our journey occasions like these rather than waiting Fresh Crisco and groceries of all kinds. Special attention to orders from to be compelled to do anything that the lines.
we seem to have come.
is necessary to make your district imDOBO We are seeing a series of investigations into certain projects, to bring about a change in the affairs of our existence, and to more faithfully investigate a thing closer, contact is necessary, and Dr. VARGAS this seem to be the reason for the significant visits to remote EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ places we are observing.
First we see the visit of the Minister of Fomento (improveSpinal Treatments, for any desease.
LAWYER AND NOTARY ments, fomentation of development of ones resources) to the If your back aches, some thing worse fol lows. Take my treatment before its too borders of Nicaragua; and while here we would like to express Office 50 yeards to the West of the Presidencial Residence late.
our appreciation of this Officer, in our experiences here of 30 Avenue de Las Damas, San Jose 125 yards North of Botica Oriental years, there is no man who has come out amid all the obstacles TELEPHONE 2756 San Jose.
put in his way, amid all the sarcasms in adverse criticisms thrown in his pathuvay, in such unmistakable expressions by his actions as a patriot in every sense of the vvord as don Arturo Volio has Negroes independent in his capacity as Minister of public advancements improvemets.
Truth is that when we saw the appointments by don Cleto, we HOTEL EXCELSIOR Day School wondered why don Cleto had made such a mistake, as to put this man with no Knowledge of Engineering, a lawyer who had Mrs. VIRA WILLIAMS Situated at 374 Miles on the premises of Mr. Morgan. This gennever even shone out as some others have done, at the head of To my many friends and Patrons tleman as a loyal Negro has presented the most important Department of Internal affairs, but the misa building as a School to ali parents take we will frankly and readily admit was ours, for don Arturo This serves to advise you that have not removed my HOTEL EXCELSIOR and Guardians who are desirous of from in front of Alsina Printery as had intended to do. am still at the has exhibited himself as a man ranking among the best for such old spot thoroughly renovated; and from 1st April. will be at your dis improving their children in the seve a position, if there are two discoveries Costa Rica has made posal with new clean, Airy and comfortable Rooms and a Boarding House elementary subjects. Instrumental and where you can liave your meals attended to in the real Jamaica style.
that she should be proud of they are don Tomas Soley Güell in vocal music being taught extra see the finance, and don Arturo Volio in fomento.
MRS. ELVIRA WILLIAMS vvell known teachre and instructor.
However to go back to our visits we find our Minister of WALTERS for prices.
Fomento is gone to see and investigate the possibilities of our country to the North, and our President don Cleto Gonzalez Viquez is gone to do the same on the Southern side of the country along the Golfo Dulce Panama border, and these tvvo prospectors are not gone for fun or pleasure one is gone to investigate Contests the possibility of opening the Tortuguero Colorado Canal for the purposes of developing the San Carlos Sarapiqui and Tortugero lands, and the other to see the possibility of developing the Onr sportsmen have returned from in front of the Side Chapel of The Cathedral.
their contests in the Olympic games Banana Industry on the Pacific side, and to see personality into in Cuba, they have brought back the San Jose. TELEPHONE 3439 the many complaints by small settlers there of the disadvantages silver medal for second place in footthey suffer at the hands of the Golfo Dulce Lands Co. a trib ball. and Rodriguez. Sanjuaneno) the The most exquisite foishing touches.
utary of the Co. the third place in the long distance race; but the conduct of the Cuban As we have already said we are at a stage novy vvhere Sportsmen they say has been the most 是会一会导合影一回 some thing must be done to bring back prosperity into the vulgar they have ever met in Sports.
Country and vve foresee something in these tvvo visits to this This team it is claimed is the Strongend. We have heard rumours of lots of propositions for exploit est in foot ball that has ever left here, ations in the Banana Industry, and we are feeling that the present but the Cuban crowd as well as the session of Congress will have its hands full to make possibilities players, resorted to every mean trick Much anxiety vvas evinced on Satur The matter has hovvever happily in this direction, Roads must be made, Bridges and vartervvays possible to win the games, even open figths on the grounds. In the games day last in San Jose due to the note must be constructed to carry out the exploitations and develop Championship match when they were which revias addressed or the betinister diplomatic and friendly reply of our the ment of these lands, to do these, foreign Capital must be introfor. other Sports men around Smythe by Mr. Antonio Mediz Bolio, the Mexican Minister to Costa Rica Mr. Bolio that Mr. Aguilar Machado and all sorts attended that meeting as a private citizen, satisfying his ovvn curiosity, pay.
must introduce a partner vvho has the facilities for developing it of Missiles at them in the field, the asking whether this government counall that he has to do is to see he gets his share in the developing them in their blazers bearing the ing his entrance as any other visitor great Mexican orator señor Vasconceto the meeting, with no ofticial con ment, and his partner gets his money value of such development; coat of Arms of Cuba and their clubs los, as could be surmised by the preof and as adversity has so opened our eyes nove, there is no fear and had open fights with them on the sence of the Sub Secretary Relations ceptions vvhatever, and that the fact of and the Chief Clerk of that Depatment Mr. Vasconcelos having been that we shall find a fevv patriots like don Arturo don Tomas grounds.
don Justo Facio in his meetings access to make addresses in educationto see that our share comes to us, so the Community may be They praised the Mexicans immenseMr. Vasconcelos has been holding establishments vvas not done with able to live decently as other Communities are doing.
ly who were the first to come to their vwhich he severely a vievy of hearing any disrespectful rescue in these combats, then the other conferences here declarations of Central Americans chimed in in the of the Mexican Republic using criticized the present and past Adminisso friendly a Nation as Mexico has alvvays been, but only trations SIQUIRRES being the great centre of operations for future prospects in the country fights.
from a standpoint of the tradicional language against both presidents that HOTEL MODERNO of Mrs. DEIDAMIA TOBY The trip was most unpleasant in vvas anything but complimentary; and liberty of Costa Rica, and he coming as one of the highest educonsequence of the bound to win attiIs the place you can get all information on anything as well as a clean, cool, comfortable. tude taken up by the Cuban crowds beneficial relations between both States, cators of the Mexican Republic, the Mosquito Tree Room, and meals to suit any Purse and taste; so when in Siquirres, come and contestants. If this isthe way Cu the Minister took exception to thepreshospitality was granted him, expecting ban olympics are to be contended, no HOTEL MODERNO de la Señora Deidamia Toby ence of tvvo important Officers of the sportsmen they feel will be willing to foreign Office at such depreciating conftional lines for the benefit of students DETRAS DEL CORREO VIEJO. SIQUIRRES return there.
and professors alike, but to the utter Ofrece dormitorios higiénicos, frescos y cómodos. Buena alimentación, Honradez y Puntuadismay and surprise of all, his utteranlidad. PRECIOS ECONOMICOS ces ended in depreciation of the Mexican government which has been most Scientifical Eye Examination Do you love your family. Insure yuor to every well thinking Cos life in ta Rican, because Costa Rica has had THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK Glasess of all Classes and Prices reasons to be grateful at all times for the sincere acts of friendship for vvhich the Mexican government has been characterized among us, hence this government as vvell as the Costa REMEMBER Rican Society vvould like it to be distinctly understood that these discoursMrs. Jack DE PASS for the latest wear in any Shade, shape, es tending to throvy indignity on the or design.
government of The United States of Mexico are not appreciated by the Easter fashions bring new aspirations. There nothing she cant supply from Just in front of Costa Rica government nor her people, THE Mr. Bolio vyrole expressing his goLITTLE PARIS HOTEL COSTA RICA vernment satisfaction in the explanation a Nadonal liguel Obregón Lizano del sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y given, and that the incident therefore The Olympic SAS PACHECO PHOTO STUDIO The Mexican Note pressing victory, the Crowd direct to your friend. WILFRED TOBY.


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