
PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 19 April. 1930 CURRENT ITEMS оп Dispute over lands of The Co Hospital LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND Rotatory Crops Our Polities Railway Mishap Science goes forward of the Robbery the Manager blew his brains out hishis act of carelessness. Six We are accustomed to see a Rotation Our Political line up is being lookd On Saturday evening last vvhile the The wireless Telephone is fast com American employees who were emplo.
of crops, such as Canes planted in ba forward to, and so far as we can see. Passenger train from Limon vvas ma ing to take its place among the Scien yed as Clerks around the office have nana Zones and vice versa and such Don Oscar Rorhmoser will be Presi king the start from Cartago tovvard tific inventions of the world. Last week been arrested under suspicion while in like yearly crops but its a novelty dent of Congress when it meets San Jose an unfortunate young man President Hoover entered into a friendvestigation is proceeding, vvhen one sees that Cacao can be cut the 1st. May of 25 years named Juan Jose Vega ly drawing room talk with the Pres.
down and bananas planted instead.
from San Isidro de Coronado, vvho ident of Colombia Cost of War This is the new plan of the Queens Funeral vvas a passenger on the train but had Train collides with The Naval Conference has ended Co. we are informed. considerable alighted for some reason, while atarea of the Banana River Cacao fields Great pomp has been displayed at Camion without achieving the aims of the Potempting to board the train in motion, are to be again planted out in Bananas the funeral of the Queen of Sweden wers as it was hoped so as to put an missed his grip and got under the and the Cacao cut down. With the price who died a fortnight ago in Italy, it week ago at Alberquerque, New end to the enormiiy of expenditure for step. His right arm was completely will be remembered she went as a of Cacao now at twenty four cents Mexico a train collided at a highway severed from the body and he got War and its implements when it is per pound there is no reason why ba guest to the Wedding of Prince Hum several bounces in his head, from the crossing with an autobus. when 24 out Considered that the world War and nanas should not be planted in the bert crown Prince of Italy to the crown effects of vvhich he died in the Cartaof the 26 who were travelling in the its subsequent reparations and clearings small holdings in the alternate rows, Princess of Belgium, and taking ill there autobus werc Killed.
go Hospital sooe after he was admitof war pensions etc. cost the United especially it a litle Nitrophoska or she was unable to be removed until ted.
half American States fifty one and a Great Robbery other manure be added to the soil. We she was sent home a Corpse.
Billion of dollars no wonder that the Fortress Burnt Nations are anxious to could be assured of good crops of baeverything to News have been received that the prevent a recurrence of such a war.
nanas for five years in which time the The oldest fort in Canada; Fort Cacao could be planted in between so The American Minister to Costa Rica, United Fruit Co. hat sustained a prethy it has however resulted in bringing a Santa Elena, built in 1760 in the Franco as to be able to cut down the older held his first reception on Friday evenheary loss in Honduras. It is said that the British War, was entirely destroyed by Manager seem to have mislaid his good understanding for mutual protection betwen the three most powerful rows of cacao plant bananas again ing the 11th iust at which were present fire.
with Manuring. This would give a The Diplomatic representatives of Cencombination to the safe, ſhe having Nations of earth, England, United continual rotation of both Crops, and tral and South American in Costa Rica had the duplicate to that kept by the States of America and Japan, leaving France and Italy to fight out their own good results must accrue. We undertand Cashier) some unknown person seem and the Executive Staff of the Republic this is to be the plan of the United it was a most brilliant function, seldom to have come across the Managers one, destinies, and so soon as either one Fruit Co. only on a larger scale.
and in an opportune moment got into find themselves hampered by the other, seen here.
the safe and cleared out all that was they too will seek cover under the in it over 90. 000. On the discoverywings of the Triple Alliance.
THE HOTEL IDEAL For some time nove the private En su nuevo y amplio local, construido de cemento armado y madera, owner ship of the lands on vvhich the 100 varas al Norte y 50 al Este del Mercado, Paso de la Vaca. Co Hospital stands, has been Ofrecemos a Ud. y familia, servicio esmcrado, buena alimentación, dordisputed by the Municipality of Limon; mitorios higiénicos contra temblores.
about two years ago this matter vvas the Honradez y puntualidad ofrece esta casa. Visitenos y se convencera. Essubject of very heated discussions betBUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY vveen these tvvo bodies, The Municipecialidad para pasajeros de provincias.
pality claiming that the United Fruit ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED. 0:0:0:PRECIOS ECONOMICOS. 0:0:Co. had no right to prevent pedestrains or bycicles from promenading around Bureau established for the greater convenience, In its new and commodious building constructed of reinforced concrete the grounds of the Hospital and private understanding, satisfaction and protection of the Englishand wood, Situated 100 yards North and 50 yards East of the Tarket, quarters of The Zone, as it vvas Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection towards Paso de la Vaca government lands and a Concession Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen en SAN JOSE DE COSTA RICA granted for the Construction of the against unscrupulous debtors.
Hospital and Official residences of the Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to Offers its patrons and clients, the most attentive service, Higienic Co. The discussions ceased for a while, lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conRooms, First class meals at all hours. Special care to our clients from but the Officials of the Co. have been fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both the Lines, at very Moderate Prices making the restrictions more rigid as novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with Mr. Mrs. LUIS ARLEY to the trafficking of persons around over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on the institution, its baths and buildings, the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as and have been sticking handbills around Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and declaring the Paseos private property Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials and inaccesible to the public, even are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge An Exemplary Country Relief from Senate cutting down the hours of visiting and Counsel.
patients in the Hospital to one hour The United States Senate has shown EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ In Denmark there has not been a Crime which necessitated recourse to itself most humanitarian to Porto Rico.
novy instead of tvvo as formerly. The Barrister Inoustigator Capital punishment for the last thirty It will be remembered that Island was Commandante of Police has sent his men and taken down these posters Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager years, hence the Parliament has passed very hardly hit by the Hurricane that a law abolishing the death penalty in stuck up for preventing the use of the passed to the North of the West InBRANCH OFFICE MAIN OFFICE that promenades, acting he says under didies last year. Temporary relief was country.
San José, so yards West of the Sometimes the necessity arises, berect orders from his chiefs.
rushed to the aid of the sufferers but Limon; Oposite. Arrasty Theatre Presidencia The Company in the meantime claim cause there is no law governing the si now we find by a recent Wireless that it was no Concession under vvhich Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of tuation.
The American Senate has voted three Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, LCalifornia, It is to be hoped that this state of they ovvned these lands, but by purmillion dollars in aid of those who chase, having exchanged the property New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, affairs will be an example to the inha had been the victims of this catastro in vvhich the Presidenciais novy albitants of other countries to do likewise, phe.
located in San Jose for these lands, and lele secured an inscribed document for them, hence liable vvithin her rights to control such property as she deems fit. The matter has been set before the Executives, through the Company representative don Manuel Montejo and LIMON the outcome is eagerly vvatched.
If you need a modern PHOTO come to Endeavours to please her patroos.
PHOTO STUDIO JIMENEZ The latest in the FILM WORLD Central Avenue West in constant touch with the best production Apartado 609 San José, Telephone 3521 Another Attack OBSZAAASSSRO Madre de Dios, 4 1930.
Editor of THE SEARCHLIGHT Dear Sir: MUSICAL AGENCY large group of us (pacifists) were Central Avenue adjoining Costa Rica Mercantile Co.
feeling glad for the last two weeks. DOCTOR IN THE HOME when we saw the peaceful tones of BEECHE MONTES DE OCAS These Remedies have stoed the Test for 48 years your correspondents.
PROP We thought that the instructions or SOLOMON Liver Tonic for Bad Nerves, Indigestion and Biliousness.
Everything known in Music, Records of all Makes, Musical Instruments invitations of those peaceful persons, such as Mr. Molinet of Moin had been and accessories of all kinds.
SOLOMON Lung Balsam for Coughs and Colds.
We have a popular Club for TALKING SOLOMON Healing Oil for Cuts, Wounds and Sprains.
accepted (not to publish articles of an MACHINES paying 3. 00 per week only.
ofensive nature) but much to our regret We sell Magazines of all kinds Write us for any kind of information Use SOLOMON Highgrade Cocoanut Oil Pomade Grows and desired.
strengthens the Hair.
we saw in your last issue April 5th. BE SURE to ask for SOLOMON another attack in which a poor lady Box 1475 The Cigar Store Telephone 4100 is also abused in the words of SoloAND SEE THAT YOU GET IT mon; but we would be glad Mr. Editor PREPARED ONLY BY if such things could be stopped, and SOLOMON, ARMSTRONG CO LTD. PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON JA.
these intelligent gentlemen use their Agent for Costa Rica, Botica Grillo Port Limón De influence for good and not for evil.
My reference is to the letter of Mr. Delevante. It is almost unbelievable that a man with the slightest intelligence would stoop to abuse a woman, no other race has done it. Negromen nowhere else are doing it, and it is strange that Mr. Delevante, a gentleman in the The first idea of a traveller on going into a Town is to find himNegro intelligencia group should be self a clean, comfortable room in which there is a good bed in a doing it.
healthy quarter, and this meets your requirements in no other Hotel as it does in 125 Yards south of El Cometa Again am asking the Editor and his correspondents to make it possible to Behind La Iglesia Merced be more pacific in the future.
Respectfully yours Sydney Montague in the new upstair, fireproof and earthquake proof building, 50 ED. NOTE yards North of the North western gate of the San Jose Market, Apartado 771 Telephone 3289 adjoining the Botica Nacional.
Mr. Montague is taking care of one The HOTEL RAILTO is a bran net Hotel in a bran new side of the story but does not feel that building, with bran new Beds and other furnishings. The only old Gran novelty in Umbrellas the causes, have come from the side thing in it is the management; It is run by may don Luis Vanni he is protecting.
sick cotton parasols of all colours who is an old Limonense and knows how to cater for a traveller.
If these are what he calls abuses, First class meals, at very moderate Prices or as per your orders; then the world would certainly be a Fixed prices to defy Competition with a fine Cafeteria and Soft drinks of all kinds Paradise, what of the abuses he heard Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteccion Melsefretánichael Estrada ciwnige does erreo Cine Moderno PHOTO STUDIO Peoples Forum Be a Modernite Always SOLOMON JAMAICA REMEDIES HOTEL RIALTO LA JAPONESA HOTEL RIALTO DOMINGO REGO

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