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Saturday 19 April 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE El mejor anuncio para nuestro Café TUBERCULOSIS DEFINITELY CURED SASTRERIA GRANT New method, discovered by Prof. Dr. Friedmann.
Chief Physician and Surgeon of the IN Anti tuberculosis Institute of Berlin, consisting of Sub cutaneous injection of living bacilli of the turtle.
Cures possible for first and second degree of the disease, by means of one or two Sub cutaneous injections of the Friedmann Anti tuberculosis Vacuna mo exposición de La Cimara PZS y pobre; Hotel Frances This remedy has been officially adopted by the German Government in May 1929 and now also by the Brazilian Government by law passed 17th February 1930 (Articles Nos. 32, 37 and 38)
Wonderful cures are being obtained in Costa Rica For full information apply to the sole concessionaires el manipu.
Disarmament HOTEL VICTORIA 75 yards to the North Botica Nacional OFFERS HIS CLIENTS Se presenta una magnífica oportuniClean and Comfortable Beds, airy Rooms and dad de poder anunciar de una manera all accommodations at Moderate Prices amplia nuestro primer producto de exMeals served in American style portación, nuestro café.
under new management Ya todos sabemos por los periódicos que la Empresa del Teatro Variedades VISIT THE HOTEL VICTORIA SAN JOSE ha firmado un contrato con una de las casas productoras de películas para filAnd Convince yourself. English Spoken. Telephone 3687 mar la primera producción nacional; Prop HILARIO BLASCO Manager CASTRILLO se propone el señor Urbini sacar una o drama de la vida costarricense, con argumento y artistas del país, para tal objeto ha traído o traerá en a uno de los más famosos directores de la acción muda, el que se encargará de poner en ejecución esta obra y ha contratado los servicios de nuestro peJ. GRANT rito nacional en fotografía y desarrollo de películas don Walter Bolandi.
Suits made to order in the Shortest notice.
Con este motivo se nos ocurre que complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels como esta película ha de ser exhibida always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
en los Estados Unidos Europa, se North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts puede aprovechar al mismo tiempo coarte como anuncio Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings de Cafetaleros que es la this week más interesada en proteger In Serie Drawing No. 47; won by Amado Jimenez, Tikect No. 101. el buen nombre de nuestro café, In Serie Drawing No. 29; Won by Jorge Beeche. Ticket No. 43 abrir un concurso ofreciendo un In Serie Drawing No. 6: won by Manuel Marin, Ticket No. 87 regular a la persona que presente el at In presence of: Ofelio Feoli, Mario Fonseca and Jose Castro gumento más importante, donde se mezcle a la vez con los amores que nunca BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 faltan en toda novela o cuento, la parte que exponga el asunto industrial del café.
Pongamos por ejemplo lo siguiente: un joven hijo de un rico hacendado se enamora de una joven humilde y la muchacha logra captarse las simpatías de la y en sus visitas a la familia del joven prometido tiene oportunidad de recorrer las fincas y ver las cogidas, beneficio y todo Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas, leo del grano hasta la exportación.
Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises the attention En estas escenas se haría pasar por care taken of them by the Administration of la lente, los cafetales cuajados de fruto, los patios cementados de asoleo, los enfardados etc. es decir todo lo relacioTHE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO nado con la industria, lo cual sería de inmenso provecho para el país, acreNice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding centando la fama de Costa Rica como país cafetalero de primer orden.
Convenient Trains to visit the country East or West. To spend a Vacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return.
Arising out of the recent agreement Charges and accomodations to suit all Purses.
between Great Britain, The United States and Japan, The Committee on disarmament has arrived at an understanding to dismantle certain warships of the three nations, among them being the Battleships Utak and Florida of the As the Marleborough, The Emperor of India, the Benbow and the Tiger of Great Britain; these battleships will be partially dismantled so them unfit for service, and later on to render 25 Yards South of THEATRE MODERNO totally destroyed as ships of war.
By the agreement the United States This is undoubtedly the best bread in the country.
reserves the Battlemen Arkansas and Wyominh to be fitted up as training The most hygienic, electrically baked, best flour ships: Great Britain for the same purposes fit up the Iron Duke and Japan Fleischman Yeast.
will use to now no Up Clients wanted on the lines as well as in the City.
understanding can be arrived at between Italy and France, hence each are eyeing the other with President Hoover and Premier Mc aare however quite satisfied so far with the amicable settlement that has been arrived at, as a means of lessening the immense expenditures of Naval Expansion to meet the intrigues BEAUTY PARLOUR at THE CHIC de PARIS of diplomats, and as a defensive alliance has been the aim of the three nations Manicuring done with the famous products of The Institute of Beauty of Paris to this triangular deal, they feel contentDying with our superior Inecto which we receive continually. We massage ed to rest and watch what will hapwith Ash of Volcan Kemolite.
pen to the other two who should have The permanency of the work by our special machine Gallia is guaranteed been parties to the deal.
for six monilis. PRICE PER HEAD. 20. 00 29 The work done at CHIC DE PARIS is in charge of a young lady whose diploma was obtained in Paris you will also find at CHIC DE PARIS all In the recent annual college rowing sorts of supplies of the best quality for children races on The Thames, Cambridge beat And the lowest prices in the City.
Oxford University by two lengths. The time occupied was 19 minutes.
Aviator Bremley has proposed to COASTWISE VESSEL make the trip from Tacoma in Washington to Tokio 4700 miles in May LieutThe Motor vessel Pasagero will make regular Calls at enant Fahy will make the flight with Port Limon every month on her way from Bluefields record of the Graf. Zepelín; sixteen stops Brelmey and hopes to beat the time to Bocas del Toro and Colon.
are contemplated in the Journey Bremley is one of those flyers who was an On the return voyage she will accept Passengers and outstanding figure in American Aviation Cargo from Port Limon to Bluefields, Pto. Cabezas, in the world war.
Pto Castillo, Belize and Pto Barrios.
For further particulars enquire of her ADVERTISE IN AGENT Señor Don LEON BONILLA PORT LIMON THE SEARCHLIGHT ΚΡΙΣΗΣ ΣΟΣΤΟΣΟ ΟΣΟ ΖΣΞΣREMEMBER YOUR OLD FRIEND MALICK With a complete stock of wearing apparel and adornments for the Home, At his Store La Samaritana adjoining La Botica Oriental at the Eastern side of the Market.
He has served you well in the past and is waiting to do so again.
Ap. NO. 824 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Telephone No. 3345 ATWELL Co.
San Jose, Costa Rica Apatado 861 Telephone 3654 PANADERIA REAL The National Life Assurance the Hiyea.
Think Over the Future of Your family Telephone 4090 San José Box 1360 suspición.
Donald Regatta TEN CENTS DAY will bring a thousand colones to your Family at your death.
How many dimes do you throw away each day thoughtlessly? Only one of these dimes invested in a life insurance policy will save your family the anguish of a penniless bereavement. life policy will supply ready money to cover the expenses which the death of the father or husband may bring.
Life policies without medical examination, for one and two thousand colones.
Fill in the attached coupon, send it to us, and without any obligation on your part we will send you an application form and rate of premium.
Our policies carry the full guarantee and responsibility of the State ΤΣΣΣΣΣΣΗΣ. DETACH THIS COUPON)
Banco Nacional de Seguros Dpto. de Vida.
San José de Costa Rica My name in full is.
My address is.
My occupation is.
Sex. was born at.
on the day of. would like an Insurance for. in the year.
CES Miguel Ohren Lizano del Sistema Nacional de la XT:

    FranceItalyWorld War

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