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EDITOR MANAGER SC. NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO SHOHH12 MONTHLY se SUBSCRIPTION 009 pm SINGLE COPY 25 dia DIDC pilul PUBLISHED SATURDAYS, 20 bp sbul, stan19iA so eiM 516991 92 eup mudrale s19 Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon iDrone 2005 olda OITS AB ANNO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Costa Rica generally OTTO SUTIM 101 110 YEAR 26 LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 26. APRIL 1930 sbb brod samod omozom supnico mu oh SATI a Cricket News The Co. in Panama Accident Law From what can be gathered there is which of these Boys is the better, It was in connection with the Great lines were 70 miles from París, a shell ed on its Concrete platform etc.
will be a good time at the Between is the more aggressive one. But think reception rencently at the home of the impossible. and still they continued near Crepy ready for firing its first alarm two Local Boys: George Grenald George can take punishment and he American Legation by Mr. Eberhardt coming at intervals; then it is definitely striking terror into the hearts of ParisiSamuel Mac. Neil. These two Boys can hit hard, so when the night comes that we thought of the fright given to understood that the Germans had launch ans chasing away from Paris all who París the morning of 23 March 1918 ed a gun against París that is capa could get away toward Bordeaux.
have always given the Sporting public let us see what will happen. Someby the first Shell from the great Berthable a good show without a slight knowl thing has happened that is very strange of firing Shell 75 miles and now The cannon of this gun as is well which edge of the game.
what every body wants to know is was concealed in clump of we come back to Mr. Eberhardt, the own is 120 feet long, with a caliber Now we learn that George Grenald what has become of our local Sport tree sat at Sapiniere near Crepy. Now inventor of this gun was a Dr. Eber of inches and lets off a shell wighthat the horrors of is managed and Trained by Drum Boy? the Sport Girl Irardt (possibly a relative of our Minister) ing 264 pounds of inetal to burst on war are past and the world seems to have forgotten mond and Samuel McNeil is handled seems to have gone driven him out of town please give in 1915, at first this invention was only its target 75 miles away.
us some news about him. At the the thrill such a Startling discovery of vvithin a reach of 60 miles but as It takes charges of Powder, the by Big Boy Our local Light Heavy Science when we found out París vvas 70 miles avvay it vvas imN. Dance Miss Went to jail, first is made up in a silk bag with 112 weight. They are endeavouring to have that German ingenuity had invented a proved upon and in September 1916 pounds of powder which is pushed in them fit so as to see which is the best. because she loves Mr. and made These two Boys have signed to Box Cannon that would send a proyectile an order vvas given by the Kaiser to until it reaches the shell, the second a fuss to put her in jail.
six 75 miles, weighing 264 pounds. Up the Krupp works for the construction powder charge weighing 165 pounds rest.
minutes Rounds and minute The newly formed Orchestra with rest. This looks to be a very good their New instruments made their first to that time it will be remembered that of seven of these guns, and in Tuly also put up in a silk bag is pushed in, Exhibition on the th of May at 30 the farthest we knew of any Cannon 1917 the first Bertha was turned out then two small dance on saturday Night. Hom ii Boy. pressure guages are for test, but the shells were not proproyecting a missile was 25 miles, slipped into recesses in the side wall Mornings and evenings at o clock on, You can see them working on Hot Six. Look Out think they have fancy then the surprise in Paris when you lick a Mile they are called the nounced a success until 16 th January of the powder Magazine and brass you can see it was known that the nearest German 1918, and on 23rd March it was mount Cartridge containing the third section them training hard for Merry Makers.
their engagement. What want to know of the powder charge of 154 pounds is hoisted and slipped into the Magazine until the rim strikes the breech of the gun, then the breech crank is placed in position and the Lock is grinded in by two men to lock in the charge, the officer now attaches the firing wires and sees the gun muzzle elevated to The Tour of the Team has there was the surprise in the discover the correct height 50 degrees elevation, There has been such a persistent ru When asked of the possibility of the been very happily brought to a close ies of the young bloods Gladstone and then the carriage of the gun is turned mour that the plantations of the Uni rivalry of the tourists trade in those by a Banquet at South Camp Road Passalaigue.
to suit the bearings of the direction of ted Fruit Co. in Puerto Armuelles regions, vvhich we are informed the Hotel and a dance at Bournemouth We vvere full of Records Headley the target after the angular corrections Chiriquí have been a complete failure Company intends to foster by buildafter the Banquet on Saturday night the young Jamaican hero made his for the direction and velocity of the as the lands are not suitable for Bana ing great Hotel accommodations there.
12th. inst and left on Sunday.
record of over a Century in each in wind and the rotation of the earth and nas, that vve decided to intervievv Don He said he did not not think Costa Rining of a Test match a distinction only curvature of the carth are made, the The team played eight Colony matchAlcides Ramírez Panamanian Consul ca had anything to fear by such rivales and four Test matches; of these held by others in the history of crick gun is declared ready to fire, the order in Port Limón on the matter, who in. Ty, as our climate here affords such is given and a wheel is turned a click formed us that these rumours are entiet in the vvorld. He came back vvith they yvon three of the Colony matches a setoff coupled vvith the fact that the lost one and drevv four. Of the Tests, his 223 in the Test again in Jamaica. is given from a 000. 000 horse power rely untrue.
difficulty of travelling from Colon Sandham made his record of 325 in internal Combustion engine, when a He they vion that in Trinidad, lost that that the information he has says Panama to get into those regions would pressure of 000. 000 pounds is pla received cannot be more favourable, that be a great setback to Tourists being so in Demarara, drevv that in Barbadoes, Test cricket, then the made their record score of 849 in a Single ced on the base of the shell and it is the company appears to be quite satis much easier to get to San Jose.
and had to abandon that in Jamaica on Innings; hence we have learnt and off for Paris with a velocity Of 500 fied vvith the results, and their prosaccount of Rain. In Trinidad they lost He also does not think that, consiseen great things in this tour, inasmuch one Colony match and yvon one; In feet per second, revolving at 107 revo pects seem to be good, already their dering the millions of colones spent Barbadoes they drevv both Colony as it was not the satisfaction hoped lutions per second meeting an air pre production has reached 20. 000 stems in the construction of the Hotel Costa matches; In Demarara they won both for neither by one side or the other. sure resistance of 2000 pounds per weekly and the class of fruit camnot Rica that the Company would comis novy left to be seen vvhat dis squere inch, but in 25 seconds its has be better.
mit themselves to any act of RivalColony matches and in Jamaica both mounted in its travel 12 miles high The railroad which runs from the Colony matches as well as the Colts play our West Indies players are going ry in the Tourist trade that would 15 ended in a dravv.
to make in Australia vvhither they have were the resistance has greatly lessened Port Pedegal passing the City of David effect the success of that enterprise.
The Test in Jamaica resulted with this year, so far as is seen the certain but it too has lost velocity from 5500 and running up to Boquete, is at prebeen invited in the autumn months of to 3300 feet per second; in 90 seconds sent joined vvith a line vvhich runs as the making 849 and 272 in ties of selections from Jamaica on that the shell is at its utmost height 24 miles far as Concepcion yvere it unites vvith first and 2nd. innings, The West Indies tour vvill George Headley, Tommy where the air resistance nil, its velo the Railvvay from Port Armuelles, Under the combined made 286 in the first inning Scott Barrovy and Martin, and if a city now is only 200 ft. per second, this net of Railvvays encircles a great and 408 for five vvickets in the second fifth place there would be possibly it is travelling douvuvvard novy, in 65 extension of lands vvell adapted to the vvhen Rain fell so heavily as to compel Passalaigue; Griffiths and Roach from seconds more it is 12 miles from earth cultivation of Bananas and other prothe abandonment of the game ending Trinidad and Barbadoes are also cer and Strange to say its velocity has ducts In Port Armuelles there is alit in a dravv.
tainties, Mr.
Mallett vvho managed the again increased to 300 feet per second, ready a large vvell populated town, This tour has been filled with sur team, vvill also be manager then as the density of the air increases vvith a good Hospital and a wharf Complaints have reached us that prises and records, the first surprise of our Team and Mr. Grant of it loses its velocity, and in another 25 that accommodates large steamers. several sufferess from accidents have been vvas the discovery of the stirling vvorth Trinidad vvill Captain the Team. seconds it strikes its object at a vel The United Fruit has spent in this apparently unjustly dealt with, Under of young Headley at Barbadoes vvhen The expenses of this team is calcu ocity, of 2460 ft. per second 75 miles region many Millions of dollars, vvhich the sentences passed by the Tribunals by his great game of 176 he saved the lated at 11000 of vvhich Australia avvay making altogether 186 seconds goes to prove that the Directors must of the Accidents Lavy, it is generally Barbadian game. The next surprise vvas has guaranteed 3000 in case the from it leaves the Cannon to its object. be satisfied vvith their investments. The decided that all expenses incurred for the uncouth behaviour of the Trinidad gates and other contributions result in The life of these guns is only 50 Panamanian government also vvhich he Medical assistance and Maintenance al team in excluding Tommy Scott the a failure. Each Amateur vvill be allovy rounds; and when the shells strike, so efficiently represents here seems per lovvances during treatments shall be best West Indian bowler on the Tour, ed per vveek and professionals earth they are nearly spent; but the fectly satisfied with the conduct of the deducted from the amounts avvarded after inviting him over, vvhich undoubt according to their contracts. We shall falling of a 264 pound weight on any business, from the fact that this region for partial or permanent incapacity, reedly contributed to their defeat, then novy vvatch the selection Committee.
object from such a height, and the ex has acquired great Commercial impor cently there have been some avvards ploding of them caused considerable tance, and gives prospects of a great of this nature against the Co.
damage in Paris.
and the deductions have been very conThese guns vvere fired at intervals siderable for Medical Care and Hospifrom 23 rd. March and ceased on 9th.
tal attendance vvhich leave very little August firing 367 shells, Killing 250 to take care of the rest of the lives. If people and wounding 640, and destroy this is so, it is evident that Mr. Waring ed property valued 10. 000000, and OBITUARY the Officer in charge of the manipulaby August more than a million of Pations of these assessments is not quite ris inhabitants had abandoned it. Is it We are sad to relate the death of familiar with the mode of procedure any vvonder then that all Nations and Mr. James Stiebel an old and prominent of these Hospital attentions; It does not peoples must dread vvar and do all in member of the Community of Limon seem Just that any deductions should be report vvas given out by Presi tory of the Organization it needs his theirpovver to avoid it?
after a long and painful illness. The made in these cases of the Companys dent Smith of the Port Limon presence and guidance it is noyy.
deceased vvas much identified with accidents, because all employees of the Division a vveek ago of his successes Ofcourse it must take some months the life of Limon, having lived here Co. are compelled to provide for in freeing the Ban which had been yet before he can come, because he for over 30 years, belonging to several any emergencies of illness or accidents of the most prominent fraternal Socie by a deduction of tvvo per cent of their Marcus Garvey in this country. the given months before he can apply ties, and vvas very much respected by Salaries vvhether they are sick or not.
This endeavour vvas Started by Mr. for and obtain leave of absence. Hovu. There has been a proposition on foot rich and poor alike.
hence Vve feel that if the damage As. Nation in Company with Mr. ever if the road is open as Mr. Smith for some time now for the Amalgation As an architect he was responsible Sam Brovvn. and Mr. Nelson of San announces, it is something to be pleased sessor vvas made avvare of such conof this Society with the Jamaica Pro for the Construction of several of the ditions he would not permit that such Jose before don Ricardo Jiménez as over, it is only Justice meted out in ducers Association, Commission was most imposing structures of this Tovvn.
deductions be made from F. Co President vvith our Ex Governor don the right direction; don Emiliano Odio put to investigate the benefits, which He leaves a sorrovving vvidovy, cases.
Antonio Segura aslavvyer, pointing and Mr. Bermudez must be congratu reported in Majority Minority findings daughter and Son in lavy to mourn out to don Ricardo the injustice of lated for their vvork.
We may be wrong, but if we are, both these have been sent up to the their loss, to vyhom THE SEARCHLIGHT such a decision brought about by a govve hope Mr. Waring eye vvill catch vernor for his opinion, which was pla begs to tender its sincere condolence.
technical conviction in the ced before the Board of Management at this information and further acquaint under a Lavy not knovvn on the Staits sitting of a fortnight ago, in which the public on the point so that these complaints vvill cease.
tute books of Costa Rica, especially Mysteries of Black His Excellency gave as his opinion that vvhen this man had been a peaceful he agreed with the minority report that resident in this country for years, preMagic it would not be in the best interests of viously and had founded a prosperous the Society to have any Amalgation, as Association for the better education, culit would putting the Instructors of the ture and good citizenship of the coloured race in this country.
We are very reliably informed that Society in the limelight of controversy there is a Split in a prominent family Don Ricardo vacated the seat soon on the Camp one Road over the supposed sers of agriculture, he however advises after to don Cleto Gonzalez Viquez; fortune left by the head of the family the continuance of the Entente Cord For the first time in the history of ted American horses with their two AMr. Nation again proposed to his peo in consequence of vyhich the son is iale which exists but not an alliarice. the Knutsford Park Race Course will ple to continue to urge the application trying to kill his mother. He threatened merican Jockeys will be taking part, as At that meeting the Society was hon tile public be admitted free. As is well well as the recent importation of Capt.
made, but they vvere reluctant in pro to Shoot her, but latterly he has chan oured by the presence of the Minister known the admittance has always been viding the necessary funds. Novy Mr. ged his mind and is seeking advices McGrath from England.
of Agriculture for Canada, the Hon a shilling, but probably due to the Smith reports that with the aid of Lic.
Costa Rica also will be having her from the professors of Black art hovy Dr. Motherwell and his Secreta unpleasantness between this Syndicate races in Zent it will be well that don Emiliano Odio Mendez and his best to kill his mother, Representations Ty Miss Cummings and Mr. and the Marlie racing corporation this assistant in Limon he has succeeded in of such foul actions should be brought Fraser the Canadian Trade Commission affability is extended to the public for our race Fans remember the 29th inst getting him free entry at a cost of a when our best horses on the Atlantic to the notice of the Governor by the er, who are out for the purpose of the EASTER RACES on the 21 St. and side will assemble in Zent where clean thousand colones. We are indeed pleased parties concerned, so as to cease the Cementing closer trade relationship bet 23 rd. This ought to be a most inter Sport will be offered.
to hear this, for if never in the his further propagation of Crime, Biblioteca Nacionalween Gagadwaandi Thea West de Indieseas destingerente use the office rebellifly imporMr. Marcus Garvey comes to Costa Rica placed poroning the recenty of its own before in here compone de comunei Jamaica Agricultural Society The Easter Races


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