
PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 26 April 1930 News from Nicaragua Homenaje que le hará Limón a la mujer costarricense, gloria.
representada por Miss. Costa Rica, Julia Salazar Loría, passenger recently arrived from The Pine Lnmber is to be cut and Nicaragua gives us the following infor delivered to The Bragmann Bluff Lum en Miami, Florida, Estados Unidos de Norte América mation of the expected activities of ber Co. The Banana Lands after the our Northern Sister Republic, pine has been cleared vvill be taken He says that a Mr. Charlie Scott has care of by The Standard Fruit Co. said Para el Album que se prepara a Miss. Costa Rica en esta Ciudad been given a Concession to build a to be a subsidiary of The Co.
Railvvay fifty tvvo miles in length, He says a batallion of Army Engin SEÑORES ABOGADOS: Lic. don Vic. titulo de REINA DE LA BELLEZA ETICA sólo se cosechan bananos y cacao, si running from Brovvn Camp 70 Kilo eers and men under Major Seltan con tor Manuel Cañas Fruto, Dr. Francisco con que la consagró el Jurado de ese no que también, se cosechan flores tro.
meters vvest of Puerto Cabezas towards tinuously at work surveying out the Fonseca Chamer, don Daniel Zeledón lugar, les ruego a todos, contribuir con picales para adornar las sienes de nuesthe Junapa Gold mines, passing through projected route of the Nicaraguan Ca. Br. don Manuel Martinez González, su óvalo literario y sus respectivas fo tras mujeres.
the Pine Forests.
nal from Greytown to Brito.
Rafael Eduarte Sandoval, Hernández tografías, trabajo con el cual formaré el Todo trabajo que Uds. tengan la This is to be completed in tvvo years Album con que Limón, como homenaje bondad de hacer al respecto, dignénse Velázquez C, Rubén Umaña Chavarría, tributará a la señorita Salazar Loría con enviarlo en sobre cerrado, con la siArnoldo Lachner Chacón. DENTISTAS: motivo de su regreso al país, llena de guiente dirección. Para el Album de Dr. Virgilio Chaverri; don Carlos MaMiss Costa Rica) Señor don Carlos HOTEL VICTORIA cardo MoraJuan Capella González, pues estos los mark er editor del album, Recursos pecuniarios no les pido, Orozco Amador. Ciudad. 75 yards to the North Botica Nacional Francisco Alvarado, Rafael Paris que será publicado aquí, en la Impren Reciban las protestas de mi consideEspinar, Enrique Arrazola Posada, OFFERS HIS CLIENTS Abel ta del señor Canalias.
ración y aprecio, con que tengo la Dobles Chacón, José Chaves Juan Como digo antes, hagamos todos los honra de subscribirme de ustedes, Clean and Comfortable Beds, airy Rooms and LS López, Manuel Herrera, de honores posibles a la mujer costarri muy Atto, y S, all accommodations at Moderate Prices.
Gutiérrez Ross, Walter Prestinary Pe cense, y así habremos probado a la Meals served in American style rez, Director de Escuelas, Julio Jurado faz de la República, que en Limón, no CARLOS OROZCO AMADOR under new management Acosta, Juan Félix González, Efraim Sáenz Cordero, Octavio Rodríguez Antonio Segura Albino Villalobos VISIT THE HOTEL VICTORIA SAN JOSE Procurador. Granados C, Víctor THE HOTEL IDEAL And Convince yourself. English Spoken. Telephone 3687 Delgado, Levi Wilson, Arturo Fernán Prop HILARIO BLASCO Manager CASTRILLO Ricardo Morales Bello, Ri En su nuevo y amplio local, construido de cemento armado y madera, cardo Alvarado Brenes, Morales An100 varas al Norte y 50 al Este del Mercado, Paso de la Vaca.
drade, Francisco Jiménez Rojas, José Ofrecemos a Udiy familia, servicio esmerado, buena alimentación, dorVivó Ductil, Eladio Calvo Fernández, mitorios higiénicos contra temblores, Jenaro Solano Montero, Nation K, Honradez y puntualidad ofrece esta casa. Visítenos y se convencerá. EsRogelio Gutiérrez Ross, Carlos Kirpapecialidad para pasajeros de provincias.
trick Inspector de Escuelas, Alfonso 2:0. 0:PRECIOS ECONOMICOS Mora Arias.
Mons. Señor Blessing, Obispo de LiIn its new and commodious building constructed of reinforced concrete Again on Sunday 20th the prizes fell to prizes is being introduced for the first món, and wood, Situated 100 yards North and 50 yards East of the Market, the lot of the investors in San José; time.
towards Paso de la Vaca vvihch ofcourse caused great dissatisfac We notice that in Panama City nine Muy Estimados Señores: SAN JOSE DE COSTA RICA ZE)
tion among those of Limon. There vvas persons who have been speculating in Con el fin de consagrar un recuerdo, a very considerable amount of unsold the famous Chance Tickets were y un acto de admiración a la mujer Offers its patrons and clients, the most attentive service, Higienic Tickets returned to Mr. Mendez and the rounded up on Sunday a vveek and costarricense por las prendas personales Rooms. First class meals at all hours. Special care to our clients from other vvholesale dealers in Ticket. fined six hundred dollars each, thus que le adornan, actos estos, consumados the Lines, at very Moderate Prices mistake in the Telegraphic office of bringing in a fi exhaul of 400 to en Miami, por la señorita Julia Salazar San José added much to the discontent the Alcalde office. The selling of these Loría, titulada Miss COSTA RICA. que Mr. Mrs. LUIS ARLEY of the purchasers when it was noticed chance tickets on the Lottery has been llevó tal representación al Concurso Inthat no second prize of 4. 000 vvas feature in lhe Panamá Scheme, and sent dovvn, but insted tvvo prizes of ternacional de Bellezas Latinas, por cusome dealers have been making quite ya actitud de alta moral, fue objeto del a fortune out of it, but it seem to have vvas easily understood by all vvho vvan been seriously affecting the sale of Lotted to understand it, but of course tery there, hence the drive by the Polit caused much comment among the ice Department against it It vvas introlosers. It is a pity that it should have duced here some time ago but did not occurred especially just at this moment succeed; hence it died out as quietly LIMON vvhen the change in the value of the as it came in.
This vvill serve to advise the many friends of Mr. Thomas Wellington Endeavours to please her patrons.
that he has gone on a visit to Nicara. The latest in the FILM WORLD gua on important business in his line. He left on the Motor boat Pasagero in constant touch with the best production NELSON away for about a month, hoping to Be a Modernite Always arrive here on the return voyage of TAILOR. PO BOX 466. PT. LIMON, The Pasagero.
Remember when you need, a snappy suit. Call see me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied Customer, my price is within the reach of all. Call be convinced.
OUR LOTTERY. 0:0:0:Those who Travel Cine Moderno LA JAPONESA Views of our readers appreciated DOMINGO REGO Great happenings Port Limon Division 125 Yards south of El Cometa Behind La Iglesia Merced Indiana II April 9th.
To the Editor of the Searchlight The Road to Moin by way of the Cemetery is a fact, The Canalization of loin Dear Sir: Tortuguero is also beyond dispute Permit me space in your much apTherefore to be ready for the Work live Dear by.
Apartado 771 Telephone 3289 preciated paper to express an opinion of amy appreciation of your remarks FOR SALE on Economy in Gran novelty in Umbrellas your Editorial of March 29th. It is indeed a most apThe best House on the Camp one Road where the Cars will pass for Moint all accommodations for a comfortable home fine flower garden and lots of frui, sick cotton parasols of all colours preciable article and deserves the atten trees, Registered. Title tion of every negro in Costa Rica; am For prices and all information write THE SEARCHLIGHT Fixed prices to defy Competition sure all who read that article cannot feel otherwise than great eulogy for your thoughts and will ask you to further comment on the subject, as it Dr. VARGAS a worthy advice to our people, especialy at this time. must confess Sir your Journal is OSTEOPATH a long felt want in our Community, Spinal Treatments, for any desease. and every English speaking citizen If your back aches, some thing worse fol Should support your efforts by being lows. Take my treatment before its too a subscriber to it. Wishing you all sucDue to the recent developments re the the Divisision from a heavy lavvsuit. President Smith if Mr. Garvey cess in your endeavours please do not accusation placed against the President, vvith plotting against Officers. Novv does not commission a very Strong 125 yards North of Botica Oriental fail to continue sending me the issues the 2nd. Vice President and Official the first charge has been put by mem field Organizer to come here and reor.
Reporter and Secretary of Trustees of bers in a members meeting, and yet the ganize it, it is is doomed.
San Jose.
Thanking you for Space afforded me Your Sincerely, THOMAS SMITH the Division by the Editor of this Jour. Officers charged refuse to countenance is murder hanging around it nal for Slander, certain proand the authorities vvill soon have to minent members have put charges against of the Diving against these protectors step in, a charge in the Board of these men for using the public Rostrum meeting to be tried by the impeached being threatened and representations GUILLERMO CARRANZA SOLIS to Slander individuals, thereby endan Board members vvithout bringing same are being made to the Governor to Lawrer and Notary to the Knowledge of the memberhip. intervene ere blood is shed. Office near National Tehatre; fevy days the 3rd. Vice President for resorting to What a mix up who vvill be judge ago Mr. Sam Brown was told by the (Arcadas. San José.
indecent language on the Rostrum; and Jury iu these trials? The first Vice Official Reporter, man if you come here vvith a view of relieving them of their finds himself incapacitated to try his to make any trouble you will be Officers and thus stop further proceed2349 Office President his second third Vice pre Killed and others are being threatened BOX NUMBER 1234. TELEP.
ings at lavy, but these high officers sidents.
in a secret manner.
3625 House have refused to entertain such a charge Who vvill come forward to unravel this Knot? this Division has got to such late.
There malicious a trial, the lives same men are of the Division; and o members who are trying to safeguard a stage now by mismanagements O, VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO SOLOMON JAMAICA REMEDIES THE CHANCE MAY NEVER WALK YOUR WAY AGAIN With the prospects of The Nicaragua Canal; The Carretera (Main Roads)
through Alajuel, San Carlos, to Lake aragua Canalization of Tortuguero.
Do you realize what a home in San Jose will mean to you?
Efficacious Remedy to expel worms AS FOR SALES LUCAS MORUA beautiful home in Barrio (Village) Desico, overlooking the Torres bridge to the North and the Savannahs to the South West, idealistic Views.
PHARMACEUTIC Sell out iu Limon and enquire of THE SEARCHLIGHT. Prices etc.
SOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUG Weber Pianola, also for Sale. The maker is the guarantee.
STORE. la documentas propiedad de la Biblioteca acional Miguel Obregón Cartaon TEID 77 DOCTOR IN THE HOME These Remedies have stoed the Test for 48 years SOLOMON Liver Tonic for Bad Nery Indigestion and Biliousness.
SOLOMON Lung Balsam for Coughs and Colds.
SOLOMON Healing Oil for Cuts, Wounds and Sprains.
Use SOLOMON Highgrade Cocoanut Oil Pomade Grows and strengthens the Hair.
BE SURE to ask for SOLOMON AND SEE THAT YOU GET IT PREPARED ONLY BY SOLOMON, ARMSTRONG CO LTD. PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON JA. Ministerio de Cultura y Juvent rent:tfeticosta Rica, Botica Grille Part Linda


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