
PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 26 April 1930 SECOND CAME WITH CRISTOBAL Views of our readers no Rejections Vice President United Fruit Co. 2 0 0 0 The Silkworm Industry 0 0 1 02 1 3 4 2 0 0 4 1 1 Incident with the Authorities of Limon Authorities of Limon Misleading Statement Petition Election With The Bethanites Cristobal, April 14th. 1930. on the part of his team mates cost him handled several hard hit balls this af ternoon that should have been hits.
Cuba Creek, April 14th. 1930.
the game. Both teams made four errors are uttering words of Praise to the good intentions of the United Fruit Co.
Limon Fruit went dow second but Cristobal benefited more than Limon Kelly is hard to beat as a fielder but Mr. Editor: who has been the cause of our being straight line, gold coast banana on on the miscues. Paul West Playing first he does not get rid of the ball fast Permit me space to express my grain this country; and we are willing to triumph to behind pitching of base for the local banana men has run enough, Cloward lead the visitors at titude to the United Fruit Co. for the be faithful and grateful to her so long Wills.
up a total of 63 putouts without an Cristobal won the second game of error. Although Eddie Lowando made a double. He failed to hit in the seventh splendid pickups she has been giving as she treats us like this. We are not the Interdivisional games this afternoon us for the last few weeks. It is a true two errors today he came through with with a man on third that at time would grumbling over prices, but rejections nosing out Limon to and so long as our fruit are not un Charlie Will a couple of hits when they were need have tied the score. His double in the Mother earth blesses her children with reasonably rejected we are quite con Spirit of Spring time, at this season Cristobal pitching ace was on the ed and also made a couple of stops Mound for the Zonites and held the that had the ball got away from him runs. Now that the series is over it fruits, flowers and greens, and we reano complaints opposition to seven hits and struck out would have meant extra base hits for in order to give the names of men that lized this more so since the 11th. April against our benefactor the Co.
when we have been having no rejections thanks to the Company for her support 14 men. Haase, Captain of the Limon for the Limonites.
helped Limon even though their names In this vicinity we all join in giving team took up the twirling burden for Eberanze shoestring catch of Heases do not appear in the box score. Stan formerly our platforms were full of dish, Riley, Clark, and Proger were on his team and pitched a nice game. He Texas leaguer in the fifth cut short a in the past and pray she will continue allowed but twelve hits and struck out Banana Trains which got us so dis taking care of us in the future.
rally Started by the visitors in that in the bench for Limon but their services heartened that the banana farmers had ten were not needed. Mr. McClure was the Wishing your paper continued sucof the Cristobal men. Errorsning. Kelly, playing short for Limon, official rooter from the Banana Division.
left the fields abandoned, and gone cess and long life in the country Mr.
into minor crop cultivations but since Editor with the support of every EnBOX SCORE a week or so ago everyone is attending glish Speaking person in the country which it deserves.
Cristobal the Banana fields, and hope the Co.
AB RH RO Will 4 will continue their good treatments to us. 1 0 Campbell RF Your Truly. JONES. 0 0 Every face is seen smiling and all Tomlinson 0 14 Mr. George Chittenden was a visitor to Limon by the English boat of Lowande SS 2 last week. His many friends were delighted to see him He left for England on the Paterson SB 0 Raymond CF 1 о same boat. He visited Pijivalle, and we hope to see him back somewhere in fune Eberans LF 1 1 West ІВ 0 White 2B 1 Totals 34 7 27 EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ Limon Very few people would be aware that The industry was further aided with Silkworm Industry has been taking a vote from the Council of 700 LAWYER AND NOTARY Condon 3B 1 such enormous considerations by the augmented by a grant in aid from th Kelly SS 11 government of Jamaica as is seen by British government of another 700 Office 50 yeards to the West of the Presidencial Residence Cloward 1B the reports in the Gleaner of the trans It was delightful to hear it explaine Avenue de Las Damas, San Jose Haase 5 0 actions of the Hon Legislative Council that the industry was finding employd Whitemore RF 0 of that Island ment for the girls of the country bot TELEPHONE 2750 Olson CF By questions from the Hon in rearing silk worms and in reelinh Gromblad 2B Cawley we find that from the year the silk in skeins, and also to hear tha Clommer LF 2 1927 to the 30th. of march there has the experiments so far exported wert Jones 12 life in Do you love your family. Insure yuor been spent 2517. on the Industry declared quite as good as Italian oe Totals 35 7 27 of which 940 was for Salaries, and French Silks, and that the hopes wer 1047. was travelling expenses, that the Jamaica Industry, might soo e THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK Three base hits, Lowando, two base and machinery, implements tools yeild what the Cyprus Industry is doinn hits Cloward, Struck out by will 14, by Haase 10. Base on balls off Will 000 Cacoons havo been produced.
cost 132. 11. during which time 165 that is, 30. 000 per annum Off Haase SIQUIRRES being the great centre of operations for future prospects in the country HOTEL MODERNO of Mrs. DEIDAMIA TOBY Is the place you can get all information on anything, as well as a clean, cooll, comfortable.
Mosquito Treo Room, and meals to suit any Purse and taste; 50 when in Siquirres, come direct to your friend. WILFRED TOBY.
HOTEL MODERNO de la Señora Deidamia Toby DETRAS DEL CORREO VIEJO. SIQUIRRES On Sunday last 20 th. inst a very other of these Officers of the govern Ofrece dormitorios higiénicos, frescos y cómodos. Buena alimentación, Honradez y Puntua serious incident occurred in Theatre Mo ment to other spheres, and in both lidad. PRECIOS ECONOMICOS derno betyven the Commandante Mr. instances public sentiment has been Rogelio Gutiérrez and the Governor against the actions of the Police DeMr. José Hernández Sanchez which partment has caused a feeling of resentment among all classes of the Community The Governor attended the Theatre in Company. vvih his daughter and another lady friend and was shown It is observed in a note of The Fashinto a seat which apparently vvas that This Lodge had their usual Palm light that it is said that Mr.
Arising out of the recent elections Messrs Cargill Cargill Dunn are Sousually occupied by the Commandante Sunday Celebration. They started from Smith and others were called in the whenever he visited that Theatre, avvhile the Rooms of the Rose of Ardath, head Police Court in defence of the for representatives for the Legislative licitors for Mr. Westmoreland.
after the Commandante arrived and finded by the cheering strains of music this is misleading, they vvere Council of Jamaica, an election petition The grounds of disqualification are ing his seat occupied, he demanded from the Band of Professor Gibbs, summoned to defend themselves in a has been taken out against the sitting based on the presumption that Mr.
of Mr. Westmoreland who won personal accusation for slandering the that the Governor should vacate the proceeding to the Rooms of Lodge No.
3, from thence to the Wesleyan church Editor of this papel. the only vvay it the election contest for the parish of qualification as provided by Law. The seat on the threat that he would have vvhere they were met by the Revd. concerns the is if they as.
case is being watched with great interest.
quished Candidate Mr. Vernon, The Law provides that any member to the Cuartel; The Governor refused Siley with a befitting address, after sume the responsibility of authorizing vvhich they paraded the town to the such damaging remarks, as one vvitness to move; he then turned upon Mr.
ordinarily the case should be tried by sitting in the Council against whom Ernest the proprietor of the Theatre and tune of the National Anthem and other Mr. Lindley did on Friday by saying The Chief Justice but Messrs Milholland, an Election Petition succeeds shall pay demanded that the Shovv be Stopped, suitable Marches finishing up at the he was there to defend his money Ashenheim Stone for the petitioner has a fine of one Hundred pounds per day vvho stoutly refused that such imposiLodge Rooms of the No. vvhere ad invested in the taken out a Summons asking for an for every day he Sits. but up to now tion should be attempted on him by dresses vvere delivered on the teachings order for a special case to be Stated Mr. Westmoreland has not yet taken Some issues ago the flashlight said of the order by Bros Brooks, charlthe authority of the Tovvn vvhile he his seat.
for the opinion of of the Full Court.
that this accusation vvas turned down, he vvas quite vvithin his rights.
lie Walker others, after which the Benediction vvas pronounced thus clos judiced, he could have found out that vvhereas if the Editor vvas not preIt is a very regrettable circumstance that our authorities should set such an ing a very pleasant afternoon.
it was only by the incompetence of the example in an enlightened age this is Secretary in not calling on the Agent HOTEL EXCELSIOR the second time vvithin this year that a clash has occurred whereby the Congress Meets of Police to sign his acceptance of the Mrs. VIRA WILLIAMS accusatiou before takin proofs, vvhich dignity of our chief authority has been depreciated, and it is time that the PreThe great day is at our heels, on has delayed the proceedings, and preTo my many friends and Patrons sident ought to remove one of the Thursday next the guns will peal judiced the plaintiff to go over the annouucing to us that the Ist. May has same grounds, and give the defendants This serven to advise you that have not removed ny HOTEL EXCELSIOR at last arrived, and the Congress of a chance to present proofs, vvhich they from in front of Alsina Printery as had intended to do. am still at the old spot thoroughly renovated and from 1st April, will be at your dis1930 vvill go dovyn in History as had lost by not placing their defence posal with new clean, Airy and comfortable Rooms and a Boarding House vvithin the 24 hours proscribed by having met. Much is expected from where you can have your meals attended to in the real Jamaica style.
this Assembly of the Ruling men of Lavv. The public should not be deCosta Rica. There are rumours of all cieved to conjecture that there is a case MRS. ELVIRA WILLIAMS at Estrada sorts of propositions to be presented against the there is none, for discussions that will have bearings the gauntlett by protecting these men the members of the Society take up on the future prosperity of the country, thus upholding the lies that have been The Priesthood Conclave of the Mohence the anxiety over the arrival of saic Templars vvas opened at Estrada this date so sve may see vvhat vvill tainly vvill be an issue against them, uttered and published then there eerunder its Ritualistic Rights, under the happen.
Scientifical Eye Examination Energy and direction of Bro Lock of that Jurisdiction. When it vvas Glasess of all Classes and Prices resolved that, certain members of the order vvho had lived up to the religious requisites of the order should be raised to the Rank of Priests of the GRANT There were present for this purpose Suits made to order in the shortest notice.
Bro. Priests, Lock; Wiliams; complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels Walters; Hill; Cord; Wil always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
liams; Watson and others. These brothers vvere directed to take on the Spirit North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza. Viquez Tramway starts Just in front of of solemnity befiting to their Rank by Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings fasting prayers, so as to set an exthis week HOTEL COSTA RICA ample of true brotherhood among all men in the community in which they In Serie Drawing No. 48; won by Mario Jones Tikect No. 79.
live so as never to be a reproach to In Serie Drawing No. 30; Won by Tranquilino Granados Ticket No. 67.
In Serie Drawing No. 7; won by Juan Leitón Ticket No. 87 the order nor their Associates. After the ceremony we all repaired to the In presence of: Ofelio Feoli, Mario Fonseca and Jose Castro Repast where suitable addresses vere BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 given compliments exchanged by by the officers SAML, Osborne LAWYERS NOTARIES in front of the Side Chapel of The Cathedral.
Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA San Jose. TELEPHONE 3439 IN Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial doThe most exquisite finishing touches.
cuments also prepared at Lowest prices.


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