p. 4


Saturday 26 April 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT EMERGENCY TARIFF Panama Desease ISTUTTO DUET Hotel Frances The Australian government has placed Jewelry, artificial perfumes in Concen This desease is working havock in a 50 percent Super Tax on what trated forms, silk umbrellas, refrigerators, the banana fields in Jamaica as it has is considered Luxury imports, such inks, paints, printers inks, glassware, etc. done here, the government of that Is.
things as Automobile Motorcycles, Gra This is intented to touch the rich;tu land is fighting it with a determined mophones records, rubber boots there is no reason the same step should wariare through the Officers of the ACameras, cordage and luxurious articles. not be taken in this country due to gricultural Society, yet il spreads. The of attire, Picture frames, essential oils. the present Crisis.
Legislative Council has just passed a articles of sports, toys, precious Stones, vote of 000 for continning the warfare. It would be a good thing if the Ministerio de Fomento would do something here in that direction is to take care of our iudustries.
Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas, Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention care taken of them by the Administration of THE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO ludo LIMON SERVICE BUREAU PERSONAL Nice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding to to be country, oude braaid we of monica tomos los Convenient Trains to visit the country East or West. To spend a me Vacation at The HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return.
Charges and accomodations to suit all Purses.
Depius debtors.
Jose, ANDY BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Bureau established for the greater convenience, understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishSpeaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection annexed for the protection of Businessmen not encourage litigation to enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ Barrister Inertigator Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE San José, 50 yards West of the Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre Presidencia Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, We met Mr. Charles McKenzie the propietor of The Sastrería Moderno in Cartago on vacation for the benefit of his health. Mr. McKenzie has been suffering for some time with a nervous but fortunately is recruiting Colually. He yvas acompanied by his mother Mrs. Daniel McKenzie, Miss Campbell and Mr. Jhonson vvho after spending a few days in the interior returned to Limon. This young gentleman vve are glad to say is vvell on the road to recovery.
PRIVATE BOARDING HOME To get the best homelike accommodation and food while in San Jose come to the private BOARDING AND BODGING HOUSE OF DHEPITA SIBAJA NEAR THE CENTRAL AVENUE Situated 175 yards North of Iglesia de la Dolorosa American and English visitors invited.
11 We met in San Jose Mr. Alexander Gayle who has been working in the Exportation Department of the Co. as Foreman of the Fitting up gang for over 23 years. Mr. Gayle met an accident on board ship by vvhich he lost fingers of his right hand. He vvas recently discharged for a trivial matter vvhich occurred to one of the men vvorking under his orders, no fault of his.
It is lamentable that such employees should be so summarily dismissed from service for a trivial matter after the best of their manhood should have been spent in the employ of the Company in a very faithful, efficient and interested manner. We hope the Officials vvould reconsider such cases.
TO RACE HORSE KEEPERS The only place in the country where you find Specially imported horse, chicken or pig feed is at.
THE ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ He Specializes in hay, oats and a specially cracked and mixed food for horses, of Corn, oats, Rye and bran.
Send your order vvith remittance to ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ, San Jose and vvhatever you need in San Jose vvill be put at your door.
Fresh Crisco and groceries of all kinds. Special attention to orders from the lines.
re PANADERIA REAL Carlos Viquez Co.
Apartado 18 San José. Telephone 4114 Passing Events Furnishes first class aparatus in Hiperdermic Syringes, and Iojections of all kinds, as well as Electroplated Needles and Thermometers.
Telephone 4090 San José Box 1360 The National Life Assurance British Guiana Resentful Think Over the future of Your Family thus suspended the pully Cout 25 Yards South of THEATRE MODERNO This is undoubtedly the best bread in the country The most hygienic, electrically baked, best flour Fleischman Yeast.
Clients wanted on the lines as well as in the City German Circus Actress in Limón Quite a sensation vvas caused in Limon on Monday evening vvhen it vvas known that this little German actress Miss Lu Thay Pe vvas to run herself dovun on of vvire strung from the the roof a the Solomon temple built by Don Quinto Vaglio but novy ovvned by Messrs Niehaus Co. to first street. great crowd gathered to see this nevy stunt to Limón.
In consequence of the McDonald gov cently discovered.
The half inch cable vvas made tort ernments refusal to extend Preference The Local Press says altho there is no from roof to earth provided yvith a Tariff or make reasonable concessions responsible advocation of annexation to small to save West Indian Sugar Industry, Bripully to which she fastened hertish Guiana is bitter in her resentfulness beginning to examine benefits of British self securely by her beautiful center plait over this action, Pointing out that this of hair, thus connection, and ask whether or not sed dovvn the incline Colony grants 50 per cent customs pre.
the Street. This Loyalty may be being bought at too to ference on nearly everything imported high a Price and says in telegram to vvas the prelude of her perfomance at for Englands yet Home Office willful McDonald. Colonial opinion exasperaTheatre Arrasty at 30 vvhich in spite of the dearth of money yvas ly prevents Coiony from helping her ted beyond endurance, being driven to self. even by exploiting oil reserves refairly attended to see her many Japanese seek justice and salvation elsewhere.
acrobatic stunts; needless to say the Chinese element vvas vvell represented.
MUSICAL AGENCY Deputation waits on Central Avenue adjoining Costa Rica Mercantile Co.
Governor BEECHE MONTES DE OCA Deputation arrived at in a public PROP.
meeting in front of the Ward Theatre, Everything known in Music, Records of all Makes, Musical Instruments Kingston was instructed to wait on His and accessories of all kinds. We have a popular Club for TALKING Excellency the Governor of Jamaica with MACHINES paying 3. 00 per week only.
regard to better Conditions for labourWe sell Magazines of all kinds. Write us for any kind of information ers in the Island desired.
The appointed deputation consisted Box 1475 of Nine persons, but his Excellency The Cigar Store Telephone 4100 agreed to hear five; these being councillor Marcus Garvey as Chairman, The Revd. Jones, Messrs Aikman Denniston, Deleon as Secre tary on Monday the 14 th. inst. The Deputation wili present Grievances of the labourers and Workers of Jamaica, and to draw his attention to the gener al state of unemployment and the low scale of wages paid to workers, and the need of an eight hour working The first idea of a traveller on going into a Town is to find him.
day in the Colony. Report of their self a clean, comfortable room in which there is a good bed in a endeavours was to have been given on healthy quarter, and this meets your requirements in no other Tuesday 15 th inst to the Workers Hotel as it does in Labourers Association; in front of the Ward Theatre.
Installation Limon The Guiding Star Lodge I. of and of in the new upstair, fireproof and earthquake proof building, 50 Will have its Installation of Officers yards North of the North western gate of the San Jose Market, for the ensueing term, in open form, adjoining the Botica Nacional.
The HOTEL RAILTO is a bran new Hotel in a bran new in the Odd Fellovus, Lodge Room, Corner of th. street and 4th. Avebuilding, with bran new Beds and other furnishings. The only old thing in it is the management; It is run by may don Luis Vanni nue, on Sunday the 4th of May. At who is an old Limonense and knows how to cater for a traveller performed by the District Grand Chief. First class meals, at very moderate Prices or as per your orders; Bro: Edvvards, and staff, all Friends with a fine Cafeteria and Soft drinks of all kinds.
and Wellvvishers are cordially invited, a collection vvill be taken.
DPD Nacional Miguel ObreedVVARD DALEY TEN CENTS DAY will bring a thousand colones to your Family at your death, How many dimes do you throw away each day thoughtlessly? Only one of these dimes invested in a life insurance policy will save your family the anguish of a penniless bereavement. life policy will supply ready money to cover the expenses which the death of the father or husband may bring.
Life policies without medical examination, for one and two thousand colones.
Fill in the attached coupon, send it to us, and without any obligation on your part we will send you an application form and rate of premium.
Our policies carry the full guarantee and responsibility of the State HOTEL RIALTO HOTEL RIALTO (DETACH THIS COUPON)
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