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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY MAY. 1930 27 COURT PROCEEDINGS AND DECISIONS Criminal Court upholds charges of misappropriation against Frederick Henry Gordon formerly British Consulin Limon Views of our Readers asleep nesses, entrusted and The West Indian Sugar Industry Dear Mr. Editor: For your money too you ll have to spend April, 22 of 1930. at El Carmen in the District of Si then could it be maintained that a shot Or be Cornwalled in the Concrete Den.
quirres on the 23rd, of October last, was fired under such pre existing conditions beg to thank you for enlightening Archibald Campbell Douglas, until held on the 11th of March. The Gov was discharged with the deliberate Mr. Sydney Montague of Madre de All Credits due to the Searchlight recently His Britannic Majesty Vice ernment was represented by the Pros intention of killing? After taking into Dios, for meddling in a matter he evi in which every man has equal rights. Consul for Limon, acting in virtue of ecuting Attorney and the defendant by account the material barriers just mention dently does not comprehend; where is instructions from the British Minister the abuse to tell a woman that my For your deeds done in the darkest night Will surely soon be given light.
for Costa Rica, has filed charges against the The Limon Secode Buendez, of ed, could there have been an expectancy to reach the object with certainty? The letter of so vital an importance to the Frederick Henry Gordon, his Prede The information recites that on or response is negative. We have numerous Limon Division was not intended for Thanking you for the priveleges af cessor, for supposed fraud and crimi about 10 o clock on the night of Oct cases, wherein shots were fired in the the opinions of negroes of the class forded us in your valued Weekly Sir.
nal misappropriation of money belong ober 23 while Walter Rogers was day time not one but severalin Uncle Tom Cabin. and suppose beg to remain, your Sincerely.
ing to the British Government, while on a bed in his bedroom, some against a particular person; and these a woman is brave enough to take he was entrusted with the British Con one wilfully, maliciously and with the in cases were defined as assaults with deadly soldiers armour she must take blows in sgd DELAVANTE sulate here.
tention of killing, discharged a gun from weapons disregarding the presumption return for hers given.
These charges were filed prior to belovy the flooring of the said room of an attempt to commit murder. feel If Mr. Montague feels that have Mr. Douglas departure from the and that some of the buckshots penetra that the foregoing allegations are suf abused that lady, can only ask him, country, in rather extensive written ted his left ribs.
ficient, therefore, shall omit arguing as Jesús did. Tragic Death complaint which was accompanied by An investigation was conducted into upon other exculpating circumtances Understandeth thou what thou readvarious documents from the British the matter by the Alcalde of Siquitres for the time being, reserving them for est? And as this gentleman has sided Minister, attesting. Mr. Douglas autIt is vvith, profound regret that (who presided. the Prosecuting Attor later, if necessary. Further am satis himself along with the blind mice Nevvs of the sudden death by accident hority from the British Government to ney and the Police Magistrate of El fied that the Court has an abundance we now have four, and as such, is only of Mr. Nebuchadnezzar Mason of Four prefer those charges. The charges are Carmen, as a result of which Brown of jurisprudence on the subject in mind judging matters from a one sided glimpRoads St. Andrevvs has been received based on sections and of Article which will be taken into consideration by se, will warn him that he does not here. Mr. Mason (who is a brother of was arrested and detained on an infor382 of the Penal Code. The complain mal charge of attempting to commit Your Honor as a basis for a declaration utilize his inteligence like unto the dog Mrs. Josephine Levvis of this town and ant relates that Frederick Henry murder. This action was taken in of not guilty, in the behalf of my client. at the Brook that let go the bone in his uncle of Mr. Chas Mason of Siquirres)
Gordon, while acting as British Con In view of the testimonies of six wit The Court, Judge Juan Felix Gon mouth to catch at the Shadow of the sul in the Province of Limon, and vvas a much respected citizen of the all of whom gave statements to zales, in pronouncing its findings in the bone in the water before him.
from which position he resigned on the effect that the defendant Brown case, took into consideration, among Community in which he operated, and Let Mr. Montague use his intelligence belonged to several Associations in June 30 of 1928, misappropriated had on numerous occasions threatened other facts, that the circumstance of by advising the other blind mice to Kingston. Himself and his wife who 406. 10. 8, appertaining to bills of to take Roger life, who he claimed the quarrel which took place betwen the cease slandering on their public plat 160, United States Currency, from Was indebted to him for moneys which vvas a Miss Ellen Little of Corby complainant and the defendant sometime form a man the lachet of whose Shoe Castle Santa Cruz Mountains, had premoncys that were to him he had loaned him and which Rogers prior to the date of the occurrence over they are not worthy to nnloose and otherwise; further, it is alleged, in the had subsequently refused to return; said complaint, that 12. 4, were money matters, according to a statement 50 stop endangering the life of the pared to celebrate their golden vvedsome of the witnesses stated also, that made by the complainant, himself, Limon Division of the A.
also embezzled by Gordon from the ding Anniversary on the following occurred about a year ago, Brown envied Rogers for his position Sunday the 20th being 50 years of mar Board of Trade Funds. and Since you are so intelligent why notried life, when he met his death by because and that hehad revealed to them having of this remoteness, that circumstantial 468. 11. 1, drawn by him to cancel made a trip to Limon expressly for the attack the Gleaner for publishing that the collision of a Truck and a Dray on evidence has but little force. Two your men women are being sent to Tucoday 15th. in his 7211d. year, yet Hospital debts with the United Fruit pose of prearranging his defence with witnesses testified (page 18 and over) prison for months for taking one quite robust and strong.
Company, for the first quarter in 1928, was never paid; that 960. 00 United him after he had killed Rogers.
an Attorney at Law, who would defend that, on a certain occasion, Brown told hand of green bananas to eat.
We beg to extend our sincere conRogers that he would give his sign and Its good my boy to defend your friends dolence to the sorrovving members of States Currency for suppose Hospital In closing his allegations in the key if he did not kill him before he service rendered to British sailors and Be they loyal, truc worthy men his family defendant behalf, Barrister Odio con left, for robbing his money; and that for which Gordon drew 580. 00 cluded his writ of March 7th. by expres this incident took place sometime for the quarter ending June 30, 1928, sing himself as follws: Notwith during the month of August 1927, were also misappropriated; and finally, standing the activity displayed by the according to both witnesses, but tha that the accused attempted to draw investigating authorities; with the aim the case under examination had acurred Fund 876. 9, through the Royal the defendant. che evidence on record and chatchis evidence is about of the As is well know the West Indian South Africa, Mauritius, British Guiana, Bank of Canada, but as the Bank is vague and, it is so vague. that an same weight as the foregoing; that the Sugar Industry is passing through a British West Indies, Fiji, British Sugar refused making that payment unless indictments could not be pronounced circumstance to which one witness testi Crisis which vvould speak utter destruc Refiners. Sugar Machinery Manufacturthe cheque was duly approved by Mr. with accuracy, much less a charge of fiel, on page 17, to the effect that when tion if the Imperial Government vvere ers British Beet Sugar Manufacturers, Frank Cox, British Consul Gene attempt to commit murder. The attention he notified Brown that Rogers was shot, to Pabolish the Preference, Tariff which who pointed on the benefits to be defal in San Jose, Gordon failed in this of the Court is invited to article of Brown answered is that true? they has been granted them by the Conser rived not only from the Sugar produattempt.
the Penal Code witch requires that the shot him in his bed, this is very weak vative Administration as is being con cing Colones but to the British consAs the defendant, Frederick Henry act of an attempted crime must be circumstantial evidence, because it is templated. In stead of this preference, the Gordon, was absent at the time the umer as well, by the Continuity of the complete towadrs the object. This the assurance of but one witness, and labour government has offered to stand Preference Stabilization pledge given by charges were filed, his wife appointed means, that the charge of an attempted it is therefore clear that such testimoMr. Albino Villalobos, a local Attorfifteen per cent of the advances made by the former government, in consequence nies are rather weak to sustain the guilt the Banks for growing, harvesting and of which stabilized preference granted Since Walalobe presento him, and shown, beyond the shadow of a doubt, of an individual for so grave an offence manufacturing the crops in case there for a number of years, the Sugar prothat the defendant made every effort as atempt to commit murder, and which should be a loss in the production. ducing areas of the Empire had incu Counsel for the defence, the activities hümanly posisble to bring about his necessitates a major amount of proof.
But the West Indies have sent through rred heavy disbursements in connection have been limited to secure a change criminal design, in such a manner that, The only facts proven are that a shot the Chamber of Commerce on reccomwith the development of the industry: of jurisdiction of the charges, sustain if the crime was not committed, on was discharged from below Rogers room mendation of The Jamaica Imperial Assoc proving also that British beet Sugar ing the theory that no crime was account of any laxity whatever, such a and that Rogers was injured thereby; iation a Cable to the Secretary of States also benefitted by the Preference; and committed and that the Court should laxity cannot be attributed to any indisbut it has not been established with showing the only feasible way help will that the consumers had nothing to pronounce itself in this manner and cretior or omission on the part of the judicial certainty that the defendant be appreciated as of any use.
instruct the complainant Government gain by a cessation of preference because person charged with the offence, In the Brown perpetrated the act We acknowledge gratefully your evi before the war Sugar was the cheapto seek recovery through the Civil Ju case under consideration, the act was The Court, therefore, must, as a dent desire to assist the West Indian est foodsuff and since the war it has risdiction. This motion was overruled effected during the night time; and the matter of prudence nolle prosequi Sugar ludustry as shown in your as only been increased underfifty per cent, however, by the Court when deciding shot was fired from the outside of this charge. The defendant Brown was surance to Bank contained in your whereas other principal foodstuffs had the incident, recently.
the building, while the complainant, on the very day released from custody. Cable of the 14th. March addressed to increased over eighty per cent.
The office of British Consul is an Rogers, was asleep on his bed. How BAR REPORTER the Governor, but the proposals made British Sugar Machinery Manufacturimportant one and the incumbent as will not help the industry in any way ers also Stood to lose over two million such is entrusted with his Govern What we require if the Sugar indus pounds of Sugar Machinery manufacment funds; since the charges were try is to be kept alive is immediate tured in Great Britain.
filed and investigation commenced the relief by sanctioning the payment to British trade was also shown as liable defendant left the country and is still Manufacturers by Home and colonial to suffer, for such trade that was a diabsent; no one has accounted for his Governments in equal shares to guarwhereabouts nor guaranteed his return; rect consequence of the industry would antee selling price of 14 per ton lose over seven million pounds in buthe Lawyer for the accused has preO. B, during this and the next season. siness, with its consequent unemploysented many briefs in the behalf of It is interesting to note that the To admirable resort for Tourists if the Go If this be done, arrangements for carry ment if the industry had to be aban.
his client, but these briefs have been urist trade of Jamaica had increased verument would only take similar steps ing on the industry can be made with doned.
restricted exclusively to the argument rapidly due to the exertions of the Tour as other advanced countries are doing financial institutions independently of Mr. Snowden recognized the seriousthat the Court has no jurisdiction over ist Development Board with a Vote of Government advances, othervvise early ness of the sitaation, but could not do the charges as they have been pre 1250; with which the Board with a abandonment of the industry and serious anything until the Budget was on for ferred: in the opinion of Counsel for subscription in the Commercial Com unemployment problems are certain. discusion. So the fate of the West Inthe defendant, no criminal offence has munity of a further 250; made their Accident at Estrada been committed and the redress should advertisements of Jamaica in Europe British Guiana, Barbadoes Antigua dian Sugar Industry is left in the Babe sought by a Civil Action; neverthe America and other propaganda for inviting have Cabled on similar terms. Would lances. The Budget is novv before Parless, Counsel for the defendant has Tourists to the Island, and it is gratifying The old man Hezekiah Reid who appreciate your views re this morning liament for discussion and as no change produced no evidence to refute the to know that the influx of Tourists to vvas Knocked down by a Motor Car has been placed against the Preference pronouncement of Imperial Governments policy Tariff on Sugar, Coffee and Cocoa imcharges under consideration nor has that Island has risen from 1873 in the on the Nothern Railvvay at Estrada deputation waited on Mr. Phillipported from the Colonies, it is evident he shown the form prescribed by law year 1922 to 18613 in 1929. And that some tvvo vveeks ago died in the LiSnowden the chancellor of the Exche that these articles vvill continue enjoying in the lack of jurisdiction of the Court for the months of January February mon Hospital. It appears that three of quer, headed by Lieut. Col. Athe favoured treatment for at least this in this matter; the Court therefore, of this year there has already passed in year as formerly.
sustains its conception that the facts al and out the Island 10829 Tourists. vving each other, tvvo passed by the mery, chairman of the Sugar Federaleged in the complaint against the def of this amount 1212 were long term old chap and not hearing the third he tion with representatives from Australia, endant are defined as crimes in our visitors who had come to stay a few stepped into the track vvith the result Penal Code duly prescribed and sanc months, and 9617 Cruise Tourist or that he vvas knocked down by the tioned. This was the Court dictum those who only passed through for a third Car EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ preliminary hearing of the charges day or two. 300. 000 per annum is There are some operators of these will be held some time during the the amount supposed to be spent by vehicles vvho are very careful and kind, coming week the result of which, we these visitors in the Island and in con vvhile others believing themselves Gods LAWYER AND NOTARY shall inform our readers through these sequence another 500 is being of Creation stick their feet out on the colums Voted by the Council to place the dash irons and lay down vvith their Office 50 yeards to the West of the Presidencial Residence The preliminary hearing in the case Board in a fit condition of propaganda eyes looking into the heavens as it for Avenue de Las Damas, San Jose of the Government versus James Brown, to encourage more visitors for next year. their second partner Gott irrespective charged wiht attempt to commit Costa Rica with her beautiful Semeracion pedestrians or small stockonon dhe of Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Toota TELEPHONE 9750 THE TOURIST TRADE


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