
PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday May. 1930 Better Generation pertinent edly calls for over the prospects ignorance, remainHOTEL VICTORIA 75 yards to the North Botica Nacional The community of Port Limon has realized that the circumstances which standard that places us above reproach.
OFFERS HIS CLIENTS been so taxed with the various econo have made us part of these communiThere are certain evils among our Clean and Comfortable Beds, airy Rooms and mic problems, created as a result of ties, does not permit such provisions youngsters which we should unite and the financial crisis to which we have and since all accommodations at Moderate Prices the education been subjected, during the past nine stamp out; As one moves around our public places, you can youths is imparative to their future sucMeals served in American style months, that there seem little time for it behoves us to get doven to not avoid noticing the pronounced el under new management thought in other directions. It must not, business seriously and do something ement of holliganism. dozens of our however, be overlooked that there are tangible. The race of mankind moves boys vvho ought to be in school or VISIT THE HOTEL VICTORIA SAN JOSE other some other place learning something equally serious attention, ceeding generation; the rising negro is that will fit them to be useful men, And Convince yourself. English Spoken. Telephone 3687 as those of the economic nature. Let forging his vvay to his proper place in you find them running about like vvild Prop HILARIO BLASCO Manager CASTRILLO us take but unless he is goats; some of them are even perfect of the youths of West Indian origin, intellectually equipped, it will be im strangers to a bath or a change of residing in the Province of Limon: one possible to keep pace with his more garment. Could not some kind of a certainly finds no food for elation fortunate rivals. Some of us are inclin check be put on this custom vyhich of what might be regarded ed to think, that nothing better can invariably leads to petty crimes?
as the future generation. To the con be done; but why decide in this man For instance, not many vveeks ago THE HOTEL IDEAL trary the observant individual is inclined ner, nothing has ever been tried. No a passenger on arriving at the station to be speculative as to the kind of one has ever represented our cause to vwith a small bundle of su urchins community we will have, when the En su nuevo y amplio local, construido de cemento armado y madera, vvas approached by one of these the government, requesting their aid in 100 varas al Norte y 50 al Este del Mercado, Paso de la Vaca.
youths of our race step into the shoes this direction; we have by mutual in the usual manner. soliciting the earof their elders. The first great barrier adoption, become citizens of this counOfrecemos a Ud. y familia, servicio esmerado, buena alimentación, dorriage of same; the unsuspecting paswith which they will be confronted is try; and the people among whom ve senger turned her cane over to him; mitorios higiénicos contra temblores.
and who is is to blamie for dyvell have given us more franchise Honradez y puntualidad ofrece esta casa. Visitenos y se convencerá. Es but, never say anything more of it this? Parents and Guardians. With than yve enjoy in any other country, nor the boy. The writer not long ago pecialidad para pasajeros de provincias.
criminal negligence, they have as aliens; it therefore becomes our du brought a bunch of oranges from. 0:50: 50. PRECIOS ECONOMICOS. 0:ed indifferent to the necessity of edu ty to make ourselves vvorthy of the station on the lines; on reaching Licating their vvards. It is true that ele tolerance vwhich is shown us, and this mon, In its new and commodious building constructed of reinforced concrete simply stooped to take my bag mentary education for children is the can only be done vvhen yve are able from under the seat: upon recovering my and wood, Situated 100 yards North and 50 yards East of the Market, duty of governments. but it must be to maintain a moral and intellectual former towards Paso de la Vaca position, reached for the oranges, which were on a rack, but they SAN JOSE DE COSTA RICA. kal vvere no vvhere to be seen. It would require pages to recount the numerous Offers its patrons and clients, the most attentive service, Higienic episodes of this nature.
Rooms, First class meals at all hours. Special care to our clients from Could nut the the government be the Lines, at very Moderate Prices to augment the police force, vvith a fery West Indians, who, by virtue Mr. Mrs. LUIS ARLEY of speaking the same language, would nore efficiently Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of Americas, vvith these detestable conditions? Anoth Smart Graduate The Prince Return Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention er reason why we ought to have care taken of them by the Administration of West Indian Police, is to check the practice among our youngmen and boys Among the arrivals by the The Prince of Wales has rethe most vile and dirty lan last English boat was Mr. Ed. turned home by his Airplane, THE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO guage, no matter where and among ward Rogers, a son of our much after being away on his African vyhom they may be. This latter habit respected citizen Mr. John RoNice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding is becoming a menace to the public. gers, proprietor of the Vogue hunting expedition for three country.
women folk. Why not the establishment Tailoring establishment of Limon months.
Young Mr. Rogers is being Convenient Trains to visit the country East or West. To spend a He has had two miraculous could be taken care of and brought educated at the Seventh Day escapes, one when he was charVacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return. onder control In the city of Colon, Adventists West Carribean TrainCharges and accomodations to suit all Purses.
Republic of Panamá, there is what is know as the Bad Boy Insing College at. Las Cascadas ged by a death stricken wild supported by the Panamanian Panama. Åt the recent ex. mina elephant after being mortally ent and the merchants; can tions, which was a most brilliant shot by the Prince attendants, be done in this direction affair, there were Nine pupils so that he may take the picture here? Nothing worthy can be accom who passed very plished without sacrifice; this is Easter young Mr. Rogers ranking first, an airplane crash at Cairo, when PRIVATE BOARDING HOME creditably, of the charge the other was in To get the best homelike accommodation and food while in San Jose fice of all the times was made. Great he is here for a vacation among er love hath no man than this, that his parents. We beg to welcome both his flying companions lost come to the private a man lay dovyn his life for his friends, and congratulate the young their lives in the accident. His BOARDING AND LODGING HOUSE OF CHEPITA SIBAJA let us cast selfishness aside and do gentleman.
life seem to be a charmed one NEAR THE CENTRAL AVENUE something to help this cause, vvhich evidently needs assistance for our ovvn Situated 175 yards North of Iglesia de La Soledad dear future in the distance, and the good that might be done.
American and English visitors invited. BRITTON Hotel Frances asked to of using LA JAPONESA New Forrester Court 125 Yards south of El Cometa Behind La Iglesia Merced DOMINGO REGO Apartado 771 Telephone 3289 Gran novelty in Umbrellas sick cotton parasols of all colours Fixed prices to defy Competition Spirit of the hew Court, ser Siquirres April 19th. Fred Knight, Onyx Lodge, Nº. 10514 (Odd Fellows. and Sister Ricketts, After months of strenous labour. Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds.
members of the Mt. Hermon Lodge, No. 2885, Ashton Unity. 9965, Ancient Order of Forresters, Brother Frank Abel of the Mt.
have succeeded in establishing here a Hermon Lodge, who was the guiding court of Forrestry for women. The new movement to establish the Court consisting of 19 members as Court Louise, Nº. 9981, known as spoke of the pleasure satisfaction that it gave him to see a was formally inaugurated on Saturday new link added to the circle of Franight last. The service was really a ternalism He would wish that the two fold one as the installation of of members of the new House would so House formed part of the proceedings learn to appreciate their Order seek to cast in their lot with them. On Invited guests from kindred societies, behalf of the Me. Hermon and Louise who were present to welcome the ad Courts, he had to thank the Galeed vent of the new court to wish for Court of Limon, which was the prea long and successful career, Were: mier House of Forrestry in Costa Rica, Bros Brown, representing the and to Court Mispah of the same place, Bethel Lodge (Mechanics.
Morrison, Eureka Lodge (Mechanics. or the support they had both given in the course of the new court, which, Oo wars TO RACE HORSE KEEPERS The only place in the corntry where you find Specially imported horse, el ricken or pig feed is at THE ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ He Specializes in may, oats and specially cracked and mixed food for horses, of Corn, oats, Rye and bran.
Send your order with remittance to ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ, San Jose and whatever you need in San Jose vvill be put at your door.
Fresh isco and grocieries of all kinds. Special attention to orders from the lines.
by the way, was named after Sister Muir, one of the pioneer workers in its formation The dedication and instalation services were conducted with due ceremonial by Bro Sankey, Snr. Past chief Ranger of Court Galced, No. 8590, of Limon, assisted by Bros. Jos. Fraand Ishmael Wade, Past Chief Ranger, and retired Chief pectivelly, of the Galeed Cour res.
officers of the ney new Court are: Sist Sarah Thompson, Chief Ranger; Rose Mais, Mabel Gordon, Minnie Sinclair; Jun Woodward Louise Isabel Allomas, Sen. Beadle; and Jun. Beadle.
Special music was discoursed during these ceremonies, which were fittingly closed with a Banquet.
BY CYRILLO Then it The Road to Moin by way of the Cemetery is a fact, The Canalization of loin Tortuguero is also beyond dispute Therefore to be ready for the Work live near by.
BE FOR SALE The best House on the Camp one Road where the Cars will pass for Moint all accommodations for a comfortable home fine flower garden and lots of frui, trees, Registered, Title.
For prices and all information Write THE SEARCHLIGHT AN EXPERT RESIGNED Venta We are very sorry to see that SIQUIRRES being the great centre of operations for future prospects in the country Mr. Waring the Assessor in ac HOTEL MODERNO of Mrs. DEIDAMIA TOBY cidents to the labouring popu Is the place you can get all information on anything as well as a clean, cooll, comfortable.
lation has seen fit to resign his Mosquito Tree Room, and meals to suit any Purse and taste; so when in Siquirres, came direct to your friend. WILFRED TOBY.
position, with the Banco Nacional de Seguros HOTEL MODERNO de la Señora Deidamia Toby Mr. Waring was a most efDETRAS DEL CORREO VIEJO SIQUIRRES ficient and affable officer in his Ofrece dormitorios higienicas, frescos y cómodos. Buena alimentación, Honradez y PuntuaIldad. PREDIOS ECONOMICOS.
capacity it was his duty to meet with mostly that class of citizens who are not so favourably conditioned intellectually, but he was most patient and painstaking with all whose troubles brought them in contact with him.
LIMON He will be greatly missed, esEndeavours to please her patrons.
pecially by the English Speaking public.
The latest in the FILM WORLD Himself the Minister of Fiin constant touch with the best production nance had a difference of oppinion which caused him to de Be a Modernite Always toreidesetoperesign: del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica Carlos Viquez Co.
Apartado 18 San José. Telephone 4114 Cine Moderno Furnishes first class aparatus in Hiperdermic Syrio.
ges, and Injections of all kinds, as well as Electroplated Needles and Thermometers.
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