
SASTRERIA GRANT JoCarta Blanca COFFEE LIMON SERVICE BUREAU Leelleeeeeeeee aturday May 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHN PAGE Homenaje que le hará Limón a la mujer costarricence, MUSICAL GENCY representada por Miss. Costa Rica, Julia Salazar Loría, Central Avenue adjoining Costa Rica Mercantile Co.
en Miami, BEECHE MONTES DE OCA Florida, Estados Unidos de Norte América PROP.
Everything known in Music, Records of all Makes, Musical Instruments Para el Album que se prepara a Miss. Costa Rica en esta Ciudad and accessories of all kinds. We have a popular Club for TALKING MACHINES paying 00 per week only.
PROCURADORES: Casco, Horacio Tasies Ricardo Mora We sell Magazines of all kinds. Write us for any kind of information desired.
Don Filadelfo Granados C, José Prestinary, Andrés Durand Allen, HerHernández Sánchez, Victor Rojas San nán Esquivel, Rafael Iglesias Bonilla, Antonio Escalante Quesada, RodriP. Box 1475. The Cigar Store chó, Egbet Browse Dick, Telephone 4100 MEDICOS: guez Fernández, Rodolfo Bonilla Hernández Mr. Milary, Cónsul Americano; Velázquez C, Manuel Rojas Frank Maduro Lindo, Eduardo Plate Delgado, Arnoldo Lachner Chacón, Badilla, Rubén Umaña, Seliburne. Alfredo Goyenaga. Seemane, Pedro Jalet Jara, Beckly, Méndez DENTISTAS Mister Finley, Eduardo Baldioceda, Dr. Virgilio Chaverri, don Carlos sé Luis Vargas, Arturo Fernández Ríos, GRANT Manuel Fernández Dr. Levi Wilson. Ricardo Morales Bello, Ricardo Alva Suits made to order in the Shortest notice.
FARMACEUTICOS: rado Brenes, Rafael París Espinar, AuLic. Luis Rojas Corrales, don Juan Rojas, José Vivó Ductil, Eladio Calvo complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels relio Castro Carazo, Franco Jiménez always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
Vte. Trejos, Mr. Jas Mc. Rae, Lic.
Fernández, Jenaro Solano Félix Reyes don Carlos KirpaNorth West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts trick, Lic. Eugenio Garrón.
Nation, Rogelio Gutiérrez Ross, Agustín Gutiérrez Ross, Julio Jurado Acosta, Suits also made on the Reffle System come in and get a number, winnings Señorita Julia Salazar Loria CABALLEROS: Solano, Rivaflecha Sabala, this Week Dr. Ricardo Mora Juan Capella Nicolás Buitrago Baena, Isidoro Heile In Serie Drawing No. 49; won by Cerminal Monge Tikect No. 71 SENORES ABOGADOS 71.
González, Alvarado, Alvarado brown, Carlos Calvo Fernández, Eloy In Serie Drawing No. 31; won by Soto Mendoza Ticket No Gustavo Stefens In Serie Drawing No. 8; won by Francisco Sánchez Ticket No 50.
Lic. don Víctor MI. Cañas Fruto, Brenes, Carlos Quirós Aguilar, Enrique Gotay Fernández, Rodrigo Soto Guardia, Etelverto Arroyo, Efraín Sáenz Cordero, Octavio Rodrí: Arrazola Posada, Abel Dobles Chacón.
In presence of: Octavio Vargas, Manuel Alpizar and Rodolfo Marín José Chaves Juan guez Méndez, Rufino Solís Juárez, DaVictor MI. Salazar, Rodríguez Segura, Manuel López, José Ana Hernández, Juan León Yee, BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 Herrera, de Gutiérrez Ross, niel Zeledón, Juan Fétix González, Albino Villalobos Francisco Fonseca Gutiérrez Ross, Walter Prestinary Juan Prado Sacasa, Víctor López Baltodano, Edgardo Vglesias Bonilla, Harold Ch, Dr. Prado Salinas, Carlos Silva.
nes Carlos Jiménez Rucavado, Al Smith, Alejandro López, Mister BACHILLERES berto Ress, Roberto Carazo Aguilar, Cónsul Inglés; Antonio Canalías, Don Antonio Segura Cascante, Rafael José María Sandobal, León Bonilla de Roubep Juan Loaiza Salas, Rafael Eduarte Sandobal, Manuel Martínez G, Vars, Peón Cantillo, Aniceto Sandi Carlos Evans Roberson, Rogelio Ama.
Carlos Mora Aguilar.
Godines, Ramón Mora, Víctor dor Escalante, Windorff, Wimmer, Jorge Montandón, Víctor Vega, Aguilar, Virgilio Contreras M, Victor López, Sr. Cónsul de Venezuela, AlIn one pound tins fonso Mora Arias, José María Maldonado, Manuel Fernández, Monseñor Blesat any progressive grocer sing, Obispo de Limón.
Better quality better price AND Muy estimados señores míos: BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY Con el fin de consagrar un recuerdo, CARLOS LUIS ODIO ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED así, como un acto de admiración a la MUJER COSTARRICENSE, por las prendas Bureau established for the greater convenience, personales y morales que le adornan, understanding, satisfaction and protection of the Englishcomo lo probó en Miami la Señorita Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection JULIA SALAZAR LORIA, titulada Miss SPORT Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen Similar threats Costa Rica, que llevó tal representaagainst unscrupulous debtors.
ción al Concurso de Bellezas Latinas; 24 Miles April 29th 1930. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to y que por su actitud de alta moral, We have several Complaints coming fue objeto de recibir como recibió, el The Editor lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute con for down El Carmen that threats are Both fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency, Sir título de Reina de la Belleza Etica, que being issued against the witnesses who would you be pleased to report in declared in the case of The State vs.
novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with le confirió el Jurado de ese lugar, les over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on ruego a todos Uds. contribuir con su your valuable little paper the under. James Brown who was acquitted, these óvolo literario y sus respectivas foto, played on the Oval at Margarita on the mentioned details of a Cricket Match the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as are matters that should be brought before the authorities at Siquirres, and Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and grafías, trabajo con el cual. formaré Played inst. betwen the Estrada nºt to this paper. If witnesses who Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials el ALBUM con que Limón como homeare the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge naje, tributará la Señorita Salazar Loand the Fearless C.
On winning the toss the Fearless Crimes to light are threatened for such and Counsel.
ría, al regresar al país llena de gloria. sent Estada to the bat and had them services, certainly, the authorities ought Debo recordar a Uds. que recursos EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ pecuniarios no les exijo, pues éstos los all out in one and a half hours for to act very severely against such threats Barrister Investigator hará el Editor del Albuin, que será 55 Runs through excelent bowling and or they will get no one in future to Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager publicado aquí, en la Imprenta del good flelding. Claudie Wilson bagged help to denounce criminals.
señor Canalías wickets for 29 runs, thus being the BRANCH OFFICE MAIN OFFICE Y, siendo como es mi deseo, hagadestroying angel of the day. Top Score San José, 50 yards West of the mos todos los honores a la mujer cosbeing 15 Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre Presidencia tarricense, porque son ellas las que dan Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of hijos a la patria, y así, habremos profell to that veteran wicket keep Lester bado a la faz de la República, que en Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, of Limón New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Limón, no sólo se cosechan bananos Fearless had no trouble in knocOn taking their turn at the wicket y cacao, frutas de pan y tiquisques, si On Saturday night last the Agricultuking up 87 runs for wickets. Much no que también se cosechan flores tro.
erre picales, para adornar las sienes de nuescredit is due to Grant who made ral Society of Limon was reorganized.
tras mujeres 34 runs by sound forceful cricket, it weli be remembered that some twelve years ago this Society did much Do you love your family. Insure yuor life in Todo trabajo que Uds. tengan la scoring quite freely on the leg. Lewis (cut puss) and Lester War good by its operations among the small bondad de hacer al respecto, dígnense eham undefeated for an 19 runs resTHE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK settlers around, by distributing seeds enviarlo en sobre cerrado, con la siguiente pectively, when Estrada decided to stop etc. finding purchasers for their produce, dirección: Señor don Carlos Orozco Amador.
play, both batsman were quite consettling many difficulties between them and the land owners and and give Para el Album de Miss Costa Rica just picking choosing which all to fortable seeming fit for the Century advices on all matters affecting agriLimón. culture.
Reciban todos Uds. las protestas de punish Claudie Wilson did not bat mi consideración y aprecio, con que Estrada Most successful bowler was It behoves every man in the ProvinAllen who took wickets for 27 Luns. Society, as it will serve the Former as ce to subscribe his cooperation to this tengo la honra de suscribirme muy atto, The Secretary Fearless well as the Merchant and tradesman.
25 Yards South of THEATRE MODERNO CARLOS OROZCO AMADOR This is undoubtedly the best bread in the country The most hygienic, electrically baked, best flour Fleischman Yeast.
FOR SALE cific side near Puriscal Mr. Oscar Rhormoser almost unanimou and no distance from the Pacific Rail Great enthusiasm prevailed in the sly elected to the seat as President Dr.
Clients wanted on the lines as well as in the City way one cultivated in Potrero, Corn, Beans and Fruite The other in QuebraCapital on Thursday last due to the Rafael Calderon Muñoz, was next in a dillas, abounding in Lumber and good opening of Congress The Session was Strenuons fight declared by casting lots banana lands opened by the twenty old Deputies with Vice Presidente Mssrs. Asdrúbal VillaApply to doña Austolia de Rojas, Mr. Francisco Mayorga Rivas in the Chair. lobos, Aristides Baltodano, Rogelio San Jose; adjoining the Templo Biblico The newrly elected Deputies then Chacon Julio Padilla were elected Ist.
in front of El Laberinto. or to don Jose Zuniga 2nd, 3sd, and th Secretaries respectApartado 584, Limon.
filed in and took teh oath of Office. The Election of president Vice President and ttvely Secretaries was them gone thro when The Contest for Vice Presidency. over the Congress was indeed most interesting. The first ballot brought us One of our Banking InstituDr. Calderón 17 votes Solicitor Francisco Ross 17 Mr. Francisco Mayorga tions has gone on the rest due Rivas and don Manuel Coto Fernánto the finnacial distress with which we are surrounded, that is The prices of our coffee has dez votes, being a tie between Messrs not fallen so Short after all, in Calderon Ross, the second vote again Banco Adrian Collado.
To secure for yourself a good property in San José. Mr.
brought a tie of 20 votes each; the DANIEL UJUETA sells a fine Commercial corner lot in a Central To save him from the grips Spite of the rumour at the early third again brought a tie of 21 votes respectable locality with.
of the Trustee in Bankrupcy part of the crop that our prices each. It was then decided as by Law Mr. Oscar Sittenfeld had to were going to be so low as to Beatiful Residence to cast lots to see who should be the owner of the gown, and very Singucome to his rescue with a loan make it a regular slump on the For permission to visit inspect write or see him at the market. The people who have larly Bishop Volio was selected to ma 100. 000 under the guarantee suffered mostly from these ruIMPRENTA UJUETA. Apartado 15. Telephone 2837 ke the draw and and he drew CaldeDon Felipe Alvarado.
mours have been the run, thus Dr. Calderon won.
mall He sells to the best offer coming, go inspect it make an offer The enthusiasm among the Spectators Medical Conference cultivator who has had to sell in the gallery may better be conjectured his little to the large Benefithan described. The usual courtesies exThe Costa Rican Medical Con cios; some feel that these ruchanged formalities gone thro the ference will meet at Turrialba mours were circulated for the Presidents. Message read the session de hacerse de una buena PROPIEDAD en San José, DANIEL closed and the deputies filed up to on Saturday 31st May.
purpose of doing them harm, UJUETA le vende, esquina comercial punto acreditado y céntrico, the Presidents Palace to present him Many eminent foreign and to the benefit of the big men.
buena construcción.
their respects adhesion. Congress Native Medicos will meet there The prices in recent quotations Véala para que haga su oferta, que se venderá being formed of 43 Deputies as follows exchange opinions on Tro have been from to 10 a la mejor proposición The Province of San José 13, Alajuela al deseases, which cannot for first class coffee as compaInformes en la IMPRENTA UJUETA APARTADO 15 10, Cartago 7, Heredia 5, Guanacaste 4, Puntarenas 2, and Limón Ho be for the benefit of hu red with 15 to for same In our next edition we challe by Brown an Scareful bat, but who Agricultural Society Wareham.
PANADERIA REAL Opening of Congress Telephone 4090 San José Box 1360 This Is The Opportune Moment Este Es El Momento Oportuno


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