p. 4


PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday May. 1930 Señores Comerciantes American Official attitude towards Coloured People is cause of Revolt in whites.
vero mission.
every treat thus while French, German, Enn glish and social were as follows: Haiti El Poder Ejecutivo, con un amplio espíritu de justicia y con without paying any rent, in violation of el talento de los gobernantes que saben hacer patria protegiendo Nevy York City. Inability of the (Signed) Lucian Lafontant the laws we, ourselves, have made for las industrias que lo merecen, ha publicado el decreto siguiente: American occupation to regard the Hai The nigger Jacques Roumain Haiti. It is said that there are many tians in any other way except as nigdoes not condescend to associate with such cases, and they are all known to No. gers is responsible for the recent outthe authorities.
breaks on the island which have novv Commissioners White and Vezina EL PRESIDENTE DE LA REPUBLICA been apparently satisfactorilly settled (Signed) Jacques Roumain have done more in the few days they vvith the aceptance by President HooCONSIDERANDO: have been here than could be expressed of the report of the Haitian comRacial Suppression in words. They have won the hearts Que es deber del Estado proteger las industrias establecidas Elena Hill Weed, vvhite, vyriting in In line with the policy of racial people. com side one hears it said.
Commissiothe March 19 issue of the Nation de suppression of the Haitian, Mrs. Weed y en especial las que como la tipografía han alcanzado un gran clares this to be the great issue vvhich declares: ner White could only be sent here to desarrollo en el país. The civil branches of the occupa replace General Russell and guide work, Que el decreto No. de 20 de mayo de 1905, que gravó pervades every phase of American intion have been practically filled by we would be patient and hopeful, for los impresos comerciales con un aforo de 50 por kilogramo Race prejudice, as it is knovvn in mericans, with Haitians tolerated only he has shown that he understands us no favorece el trabajo nacional en ramo tan importante, y así the United States, is the racial attitude in the lowest grades.
and that he has the true spirit of honest of every American official in every lo demuestran las fuertes sumas de dinero que salen del país con There seems to have been not the cooperation in our national interests.
motivo de esta clase de importaciones.
department of the Haitian occupation. slightest effort to use capable and train3. 000 Beaten ed Haitians in the middle or upper Musn Talk to Haitians DECRETA: grades. One is reminded forsibly of the Mrs. Weed also details how 000 She Says: warning of Senator Caraway.
made Haitians in a peaceful gathering at the Artículo 10 En lo sucesivo los impresos comerciales que se For an American to be seen speak years ago in Congress that if Americans capital the night before the commissoners ñala la partida 66 del Arancel, pagarán el aforo de 00 por ing on friendly terms to a Haitian, were authorized to serve here at dou arrived were set upon by the Haitian kilogramo, quedando en en esta forma modificado el decreto unless in a strictly business or official ble pay at the expense of the Haitian guard led by marine officers who capacity, is to invite ostracism and in government, the time would never come without even giving an order to disperse antes citado.
sults from the lovvest to the highest of when any Haitian, would be found or clear the streets and park, began to Artículo El presente decreto rige desde su publicación. those who, under the terms of the capable of serving!
beat the heads of men and women alike Dado en la ciudad de San José, a los veintitres días del are here to assist the Haitians.
with their cocomacaque sticks inStriplings Overpaid mes de abril de mil novecientos treinta.
flicting deep cuts and terrible bruises.
and Canadian residents maintain The country is teeming with merry About forty Haitians are known to have CLETO GONZALEZ VIQUEZ relations received medical treatment and no vvith Haitians of their young stripling technical experts ovvn degree of culture and education, who are receiving double pay and treble one knows how many more fled to Americans, from the highest oficial to the amount their qualifications would their homes for a treatment there.
El Secretario de Estado en el the toughest leatherneck, treat all Hai ever baing them at home, while the Despacho de Hacienda y Comercio, Commissioners Leave tians with the utmost contumely and real work is being done by underpaid JUAN RAFAEL ARIAS ridicule.
Haitians Th United States commissioners ha In vievy of this racial condescen There is the established fact that an ving finished their work sailed for sion, an incident which occured in American official had an apartment home aboard the steamship Rochester, Con tal motivo se les hace ver a los señores comerciantes y connection with the arrival of the made for storage quarters in the Hai march 16. They arrive in Miami.
a todos los que afecte la partida 66 del Arancel de Aduanas. comissioners recently is especially tian government building, at the expen que como este decreto rige desde ahora, pueden cancelar sus pe amusing and significant.
se of Haiti, and is today occupying it From the Panamta Tribune 6th April.
didos de impresos que hayan hecho, pues de lo contrario se ve Haitians Refuse Russell rán obligados a pagar el doble o más de lo que les pueden Invitation costar éstos hechos en el país.
General Russell, in an effort to save THE CHANCE MAY NEVER WALK YOUR Hoy día nuestras imprentas pueden hacer trabajos como los his face, invited the elite of Haiti to his extranjeros, con prontitud y al gusto de los clientes.
WAY AGAIN residence to meet the members of the Por la Sociedad Tipográfica, commission The local press carried the With the prospects of The Nicaragua Canal; The Carretera (Main Roads)
replies to his invitation of several dis.
through Alajuel. San Carlos, to Lake Nicaragua the Canalization of Tortuguero PEDRO UJUETA tinguished Haitians. Three of them Do you realize what a home in San Jose will mean to you. Presidente am a part of that national community vvhich has the mentality of DE FOR SALE LAWYERS NOTARIES a child of seven years, and my country undergoes oppression for which beautiful home in Barrio (Village) Mexico, overlooking the Torres bridge to the North and the Savannahs to the South West, idealistic Views.
Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA you and yours are the responsible agents.
As a Haitian, my place is not in your Sell out in Limon and enquire of THE SRARCHLIGHT. Prices etc.
Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before salon, and the invitation which have Weber Pianola, also for Sale. The maker is the guarantee the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial do received a mystification. refuse it.
cuments also prepared at Lowest prices.
Dia ENGLISH SPOKEN (Signed Francois Mathon should like to believe that it is by error that your invitation was addressed to Mme. Lucien Th. Lafontant and myself. ask you not to at DOCTOR IN THE HOME tribute to a similar cause my refusal to The National Life Assurance take part. These Remedies have stoed the Test for 48 years Sgd. Lucian Lafontant SOLOMON Liver Tonic for Bad Nerves, Indigestion and Biliousness.
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Use SOLOMON Highgrade Cocoanut Oil Pomade Grows and strengthens the Hair.
BE SURE to ask for SOLOMON In consequence of incorrect retAND SEE THAT YOU GET IT PREPARED ONLY BY urns sent in by some of the SOLOMON, ARMSTRONG CO LTD. PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON JA, voting stations, principally TalaAgent for Costa Rica, Botica Grillo Port Limon TEN CENTS DAY manca. Madre de Dios, La Perla and Pocora in which more votes will bring a thousand colones to your Family were sent up that Total amount at your death.
of voters registered in those districts and by which Messrs Paco GUILLERMO CARRANZA SOLIS How many dimes do you throw away Gntierrez and Filadelfo GranaLawyer and Notary Office near National Theatre; each day thoughtlessly? Only one of dos were assigned the majority of votes; Following on the pro(Arcadas. San José.
these dimes invested in a hfe insurance tests entered by Mr. Luis Cruz policy will save your family the anguish Meza, the losing Candidate, it is BOX NUMBER (2349 Office 1234. TELEP.
decided to repeat this election of a penniless bereavement. life po(3625 House at an early date.
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Scientifical Eye Examination Standing on a fine lot of land at Life policies without medical examination, for Cieneguita, lots of Fruit Trees and a Glasess of all Classes and Prices one and two thousand colones.
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