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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (1. 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 10. MAY. 1930 28 The Presidents Message to Congress at its opening on 1st. May Disputes of Churches our a as exHonoured Deputies some five and three quarter millions, for sufficient to meet commercial two reasons, firstly because some arti necessities; so long as the prices for Most respectfully do salute you cles of export gave diminished Coffee does not improve, so long as Port Limon, Costa Rica.
lie platform when this subject is going on the inauguration of this period of the reopening of the legistative Assem mlerier prices.
production while others were sold at the Banana production does not increato be explained. That the way The exportation of and so long as we do not substitute se, Box 81, April 25 1930.
bly at which you shall have to treat slander and maliciously lie on Free coffee has reached 19. 676 metric Tons our purchases aboad of articles of first resolve matters of great moment for the (being 834 tons more than 1928) the Seventh Day Adventist and when they To the Editor of The Searchlight, pronecessity by an increased national Well being of the country, and am are called to prove the things they have price obtained was 48. 900. 000 as duction of such articles. We must enDear Sir: circulated, they always crawfish.
assured that you will attend to these and decide them with serious prudence against 49. 500. 000 for last year. deavour to improve the quality of our Dear readers; Dont you see the The loss in value was not in reality Coffee for the fine specimen is that Permit me space in your valuable Seventh Day Adventist conference and patriotic Zeal as becomes distinguished meritorious guardians of a Naso alarming this year, but it will be which attains greater Value hence the paper to place before the public tbis all church has become an incubator that so in the coming year. Sufficient to greater proportion of our first quality tion.
important matter wich will eventually hatch hypocrites! Every member in their Never, or very seldom before has say that the general average per kilo will correspondingly increase the value settle the minds of the general public denomination has to become a complete has been in 1929, 65 cents, or about of our crop. Fortunately we count among of Siquirres.
it been so necessary that the colegislahypocrite, and cover up all the mal thirty dollars for quintal, from which us with an Association of Coffee growers, tive Bodies should move together in In the month of January of this may be seen the enormity of the difpractices that are carried on by the who are taking on themselves the res: year started a series of evangelistic conference officials.
perfect harmony, both inspired by the the same desire of finding a remedy ference for 1930.
ponsibity of the improvement protec meetings at Siquirres; preaching the am quite sure the public of SiquiAs for the unhappy situation in which we customary England has always tion of the industry, by safeguarding the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Tres has found out Elder Sutton to be been our best customer; we have sent find ourselves.
better cultivation, preparation curing Saviour Jesus Christ, for the sole purThis situation is far a crooked man. They have discerned her 14134 tons with a value of 35. 856. of the Crops.
pose of lifting humanity from this per that all his crocodile tears were only from being comfortable, which altho 000; Germany as in 1928 took second ishable plane of life to a higher plane brought about by happenings which canWith these efforts coupled with to intimidate them. Yea, that his crafty not be attributable to us, yet they afplace with 2923 tons with a value slightly of Spiritual achievement. The meetings way of working. Everybody who is more reasonable freights, the falling less than 500. 000; The United prices will be made to balance, and continued in perfect peace and harmony fect the very foundation of our Nationaware of the work of the white conal economy.
States come next, taking 293 tons vatill the arrival of Elder Sutton, along with the coming into production, luing a little over 600. 000. Com the new plantations on the Atlantic as ference of knows fully well Superintendent of the American Union that Elder Sutton is not speaking the Therefore in such moments the paring the figures of this year and the Mission of the white conference of Sccountry demands from the directors of well as in Guanacaste the difference in venth day Adventists and his associates; the truth when he told the public that will be observed preceding one, its destinies that they study the condivalue will soon be minimized and by our there is not such thing as racial prethat England Germany are gaining tions with love and procure with an improved exportation vye shall be able who started a mammoth compaign against judice in their denomination.
ground as our best buyers wihle the Uus immediately after their meetings ample spirit of concord the means of to arrive at our former value in the To the contrary A, have ted States is falling off.
began alleviating the Crisis through which we money markets.
practiced more race prejudice than any In the regions of production it will be They went from house to house, other denomination. Can he refute the are passing noticed that the Atlantic side, Juan With regard to bananas, if we can and in a very deceptive and undermin following statements from their own Fot my part it is my pleasure to manonly improve our output, vvithout any Viñas, Turrialba) etc. has augmented ing way tried to poison the minds of ifest to you, that shall spare no be unfavourable fluctuation of the prices pen, and which they believe to its output, while San José, Alajuela hathe public against me. multitude of efforts to assist in the realization of precious rays of light shining from the ve remained about the same, Heredia the mathematical result will be that with deterioratory cach bunch exported, our public revenue utterances were made any proposition to bring about such throne of God? TAKE NOTICE: and a solution Cartago, have fallen off.
against me and my work, and they tried The colored people should not urge vvill increase In following Constitutional precepts, Our banana exportation has reached The Banana situation hovvever canto persuade the public not to attend that they be placed on an equality the low stage of 112. 170 stems my meetings, with the inference that with white people. Testimonies for the my first desire is to bring tº your at(being 211. 311 Stems less than 1928, not be improved to any appreciable ex salvation is only obtainable in the contention that, by the manipulation of the Church, Vol. 9, page 214.
tend, if arrangements are not made which was also 545. 964 less than 1927 ference church of and whoAdministration of affairs during the Oportunities are continually presenting wilich means a deficit in our revenue betyveen novy and October, by vvhich past year, that, following the paths of of 633. 933 as compared to last year.
soever become united with Free themselves in the Southern States, the fruit Company that actually mono will be eternally lost. It is univerour traditional life, our public order polizes nearly all of this trade, may be It is unnecessary for me to say that this and many wise, Christian colored men sally taught by the conference Advenhas been preserved in its entirety; and But for will be called to the work.
falling off was to a great measure enabled to make new plantations and enduc that our foreign relations with other tists that no one can be saved unless several reasons white men must be friendly nations have been maintained to the inundations of November 1928, courage other planters to augment their he is connected with them. And to chosen as leaders. Ibid. 202. The fields, for which purpose which interrupted for several months is necesseparate from their church is with all cordiality. The citizens have to lose the banana traffic. The Banana indussary to change the regions novy occupied, your connection from heaven. When ticed ay the world over.
foregoing is being taught and pracenjoyed a full effective freedom; all try of the Pacific side increased from vvhich needs nevy heavy expenses Elder Sutton saw that his theories could who have wished to treat on public 58, 000 to 72000 Stems, and the for Railroads etc. for extra transporCompare same with Acts 10: 34, 35; not convince the people, he shed some matters, whether by words or thro the Jas. 2: 8, 9, and note the difference.
tation portation from Colorado has been crocodile tears in order to intimidate Press, have been given freedom of Isn that race prejudice in Its highest 8000 stems.
The Pacific regions which does not them and hence prey upon their consspeech to do so; all who wished to form? Why then is he trying to fool 5906 tons of Cocoa beans have been offer such great inconveniences as the ciences.
the public censure, whether right or wrong, in exported, giving a value of 04. 098. 176 Atlantic would certainly be the most pro After starting his vicious propaganda, measured tones or violent phrases the When they are confronted with the The excess of production of this arti picious for encouraging the industry but an upheaval resulted; and the general above statements they argue that same acts of the government, have been alcle did not make up for the difficiency it needs great Capital, to provide not public began to deem it strange that was written for the Southern States to that they should not suffer the slight of the price in the foreign markets. only the cultivation of the fruit, but he should belittle and slander me and meet the requirement of the State Lumber also Showed a deficit in est inconvenience; on the other hand, special organization, very complicated the work of Free Seventh Day Adven Laws. But have toured the United the government has taken with production and prices, yielding in 1928, tist to such an extent. They also notkeen and expensive, for transporting and disStates both north and south, and Elder 6445 tons, with a value of 518. 568, tribution in the markets of consumption.
satisfaction such freedom of criticism ed that he boasted on the riches of Sutton can only fool those who have and 1929, 5016 tons with a value of With regard to the banana industry his organization and the work perforknowing that in whatever way public of 465972. am to inform you that those interes med by them with a burning desire never been to the States No governopinions might be expressed it has always ment has anything to do with whatsoThe exportation of such articles as ted in it on the Atlantic side designated tended to help the arduous labours bethat they only should succeed. Thereever race or nationality the various vegetables, minor fruits, chocolate, skins several gentlemen to study the problem fore it with regard to our Internatiofore the public asked me to explain the denominations desire to admit in their nal affairs, the goverment has at all and sole leather, grindstones and live on their behalf, and to present in their reasons why the separation came about, churches. That only a law of the turtles, has also diminished; while toasted times maintained them in a name a plan of an arrangement; and attributable to the fact they only heard denominations. They have preached most friendly; and particularly with coffee and turtle shell have remained recently this Commission has submitted one side of the question.
so hard against the Catholic church, our other Central American sisters and about equal. Orange exportation has to the government a plan, which will This willingly agreed to do. But but white and colored members of the our neighbour to the South have our increased, as also Honey which pro Shortly be presented to your conside before doing so sent him a letter re Catholic faith are worshipping together relationships been carried out with the mises to be a very renumerative indus ration; in vvhich it is advised that the questing his presence at the meeting in the same church, in the southern sincerest affectation. In the matter re, try in near future, having risen from lavy of last year should be substituted as follows: States where jimcrowism is rampant.
73. 535 kilos to 122. 244 kilos, with a the frontier of the latter altho it has for a nevy one, reducing the export We are aware of the faet that racia a value of 72094. Our honey in foreign not yet been attended to in a formal Elder Sutton, tax to tyvo cents gold per stem and prejudice is practiced in the southern markets are quoted as being quite as manner, yet in both countries there that the State guarantees that this tax Siquirres States, but nothing like that is tolerated exists the intention to bring this matter good as that of Guatemala.
vvould not be altered for tyventy versa. Dear Bro. Sutton: in the north. What about the colored From the foregoing it will be shown churches in the northern soon to an arrangement convenient and agreeable to both, with all this both that our present production will be inContinued to page I have been informed by several perStates that are separated from the whites.
sons whom you have visited, that you Communities have exhibited both in And the white ministers can go to the their commercial and social life that have made many slanderous and dero colored churches and preach as they high Spirit of reciprocal goodwill gatory remarks about me and the work desire; the colored ministers dare not toward each other, that serves to deof Free Seventh Day Aventists and enter upon the threshold of the white because of the propaganda you are cirmonstrate that bot governments sball churches. The same is also practised soon arrive at a satisfactory solution of culating, they and the general public on the Isthmus of Panama and all over have requested me to give the reasons the problem.
the globe where jimcrowism does not Our Commercial interchange reached why we are separated.
exist. Just recently minister and nine in 1929 the sum of 153. 500. 000, Therefore, a meeting is scheduled hundred colored people were compelled to be held at Pena Theatre Sunday being excess on the preceeding year of to withdraw from the deno.
three and one third millions, thus It was to our credit when on (3. Persimman and the firemman March 9th, 1930, at p. for the mination because of the same racial the 29 of April some of the maintaining the same per Capita came to the front.
purpose of explaining the reasons for prejudice; and there are thousands more best horses cuota of 00 were gathered 4th. Cricket Satinwood and Lit our stand. Hence, respectfully quit. challenge any white This result should call for no alarm, on the Zent Race trace for a tle, Cricket came to the front inviting you to be present and prove or colored) to refute any of the forewere it not for the fact that in 1928 day of sport, though there was 5th. Frenchboy and Return.
the things you are circulating, and ex going facts.
plain your side of the question. Trithe value of our exports, reached about no excursion train on acount They are always predicting our downBoth horses came to close bunal of the most intelligent men of fall. But our work is progressing more 000. 000 above our imports, whereas for of the dreaded desease, by which contact which was not satisfac Siquirres will decide whether we are 1929 the phoenomena shows an inverse and more cach day. We are at present condition since importations represent many of our visitors were diso tory to the public so it was de right or wrong.
getting more calls than heretofore. And almost eighty and tyvo third millions pointed in having a day outing clared a drawn Race; many other Trusting you will be manly enough despite the marly propagandas we have while exportations yield hardly seventy but those who were there have match Races were Run by the to appear, am, Yours in Christian secured a lot of land at Siquirres, and kindness, two and three quarter millions, thus surely spent a good day Races district Pack horses which gave laid the Corner Stone of a Church Builleaving a trade deficit against the counas follows.
try of almost eight millions. It a good day enjoyment to the MOSLEY ding on Sunday the 20th. April, 1930, at p. Plans are made to raise that the figures in the importation, ist. of Trumps visitors many other diversions the building in the very future.
Maid of honour Elder shovy a considerable amount of mateSutton Crawfished Does this show downfall.
were on the ground. Sports and rials de machinery for road construc Lomburgh friends who could not be here by Be it understood that the many Sation such as Bridges etc. and for Sea weed of Trumps came failure of the excursion train, On the evening in question when nitariums, publishing houses, Schools Waterworks, school construction, street to the front Brush came Se can please watch the Searchlight for Elder Sutton; he never appeared. boasting on, the colored membership we gathered at Pena Theatre looking and Colleges that are now reconstruction and other public works; but the fact remains that this enormous cond.
for tge coming Races which He has crawfished. Nevertheless was have raised the most of those monies to introduction has effected the economic 2nd. Lady Ceyrene and Little wont be long. Sometime in July quite cognizant of the fact that he nor build those institutions, and today they equilibrium Bay Ladyen Ceyrene came toxacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteche Seventh Day Advadsauld or are barred from them, with a comparaX 1929 diminished theranda ZADAU will ever meet a Free Seven Day Ad.
manner EASTER RACES IN ZENT am to is thrue near


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