
PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday May. 1930 PERSONAL CURRENT ITEMS News of the World Much Needed Visit to our picturesque little town.
Cricket in San Jose nacion, in the place of Mr. Ma not put a stop to these uncivilized Madame L Demena, roto who occupies a similar practises. The attention of the Internacional Organizer of The Miss Edith Sheppard from We are asked by Mr. Mur place in the Gobernacion of San Police on duty has been called A. arrived in Limon on Bluefields is also a Visitor here, ray of Matina to announce that Jose. Don Julio as he is fami but they have taken no notice a Cricket Match is being ar liarly known will act as Gover of it, being of the same class in inspection in the interests of the spending a part of her vacation in San Jose among her relatives ranged by Mr. Scharsch. nor until the dispute is decided instinctive culture, hence the Organization which she repre, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown midt and his colleagnes in the THE SEARCHLIGHT begs to Secretary of Public Safety is new San Jose branch of the congratulate both these true heart being complained to, with the needed to unravel many Knotty of Bluefields who came over a problems in connection wity couple of weeks ago to consult NL between his newly ed Limonenses who have been view of sending a squad of poe Dr. Herdocia; Mr. Brown unthus considered by the chief of lice there to watch the procethis Society in this country.
combined Club from the lines, State and wish them further sucedings put a stop to it, before First and foremost is the tion in the Clinic of Dr. Herderwent a very technical operato open the eyes of Cricket en cesses in public confidence. some one gets hurt; and a riot question of the entry of Mr. docia in association with Dr. thusiasts in the Capital on Kings musical welcome is being ensues.
Garvey here, the authorities ha Moreno Cañas and fortunately birthday June 3rd.
arranged for them.
ve consented that he can come It is expected that an ExcurUnited Fruit Coy for 60 days but he must sign she is well on the way to reMovements an undertaking that he will not covery. Mrs. Harrison of the sión train will be run from Li Barbarism in San Jose?
have any meetings where dis same place is also under the mon for the purpose. All infori he attention of The SecreAll differences between the Farquharson Madre de Dios, tary of Public Safety is called to cussions are entered into with treatment of Dr. Herdocia and mation can be had from Messrs regard to Racial separation, seis progressing very nicely. Miss Ishmael Murray at Matina and complaints which are to hand Co. and the government gregation of Race hatred, becau Hooker family who are well Scharschmidt, Costa Rica re the stoning at nights hy some seem to be vanishing and soon cording to the government have The Club Progresista.
have ever been.
equal rights before the Laws mon, being a neice of Mr. Tom will give details from time to Barrio Eujan in which is le sewing, possibly better than they hence any such arguments are and cousin of Mr. Alfred Hook time. Ball after the Match is Social gatherings of the col.
The only misfortune is the dangerous.
er a Deputy in the Nicara. also on the programme.
oured people in San Jose, are squeal of the merchants with We beg sincerely to welcome guan Congress. She is Secretary Advice To our also held there, and it is at these regards to the merchandise Dept Madame de Mena and would to the American Consulate in Correspondents meetings that thd stonings takes of the Co. which has been the wish her a profitable and plea Bluefields and will be here for a few days. We wish her a very plasce. These meetings are for means of keeping down prices and sant time among us.
pleasant stay among us.
To an interested party in Lathe purpose of the formation of giving an assurance of getting what may be later on a Branch first class groceries up to now.
huita and other correspondents of the Universal Improvement If the mmissaries of the Co.
Mrs. Moore of San Jose of his Kind. No attention will Association and surely it is a dis are ordered to be closed then has been on visit among her who has been much associated without any signature, if you Community that the Police can ign supplies will soar.
Don Carlos Orozco Amador be taken of such correspondences grace to the inteligence of the we shall see how prices on forefriends of Limon, and is gone with this journal and took much to Cairo to spend a few days inerest in Limon acknowled necessary for publication) out are afraid of your identity. not with her sisier Mr. Wilson gement of Miss Costa Rica is before her return to San Jose, on a visit to the Capital in confor my safeguard dont attempt THE MUSEUM OF THE INDIAN where her presence is anxioulsy sequence of the illness of a to waste your time mine.
THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU CAN BUY GENUINE awaited to assist in making pre member of his family. We wish parations for entertaining the him a pleasant time and a speFor the good of Limon INDIAN AND NATIVE SOUVENIRS visitors of the Club to San Jose edy recovery to the sick. The Limon Agricultural So.
Inca, Maya, Aztec Pottery, Gold, Jade and Silver Ornaments and Antique on King Birthday jewelry. Jaguar, Bos Constrictor and other skins.
ciety was formally inaugurated Baskets, Orchids, Canes, old Coins, Stampe, Spanish Shawls, Postals, ete.
To whom it may Concernenthe pub lowing were elected as the of on Saturday 3rd inst. The fol also buy Tiger and Lion skins, Pottery and gold ornaments from the tombs of indians, antique jewelry ete.
Mr. Llewellyn Brock was also lie that my wife Mary Jane Richards, Direction. Calle 5, next door to The Aguila de Oro in Central Avenue ficers to direct the affairs of this Look for the sign of The Indian on a visit to Limon on business, bas left my home and protection with body. Mr. Federico Golcher from his Plantations in Old out my knowledge and Consent.
Dona EMMA de BROAD Proprietress. BROAD Manager Harbour do not therefore hold myself responsPresident, Dr. Velasquez ViAPARTADO 531. San Jose Costa Rica C ible for any actions of her or any cepresident, Lic. Albino VillaTELEFONO 3138 Mr. Wilson and Mr. PlumSgd. LORENZO RICHARDS lobos 2nd. Vicepresident; Mr.
mer were also on business trip Port Limon, May 8th. 1980.
Ramon Mora Secretarv; Mr.
Jose Angel Chaves Asst. SecreHOTEL EXCELSIOR tary; Mr. Ricardo Mora Treasurer; Mr. Filadelfo Granados Mrs. VIRA WILLIAMS Fiscal (Legal adviser) Messrs Harold Smith, Carlos Manuel The Conference depreciation of her sovreignty.
To my many friends and Patrons Fernandez, Victo Casco, ElaThe Mahomedad chiefs are op.
This serves to advise you that have not removed my HOTEL EXCELSIOR dio Calvo, Isidoro Asch, VocaItaly is now disposed to reoposed to Ghandi tactics of from in front of Alsina Printery as had les (or members of the Board pen negotiations of Naval cur Civil disobedience, Boycotting, old spot thoroughly renovated; and from 1st. April, will be at your distailments.
posal with new clean, Airy and comfortable Rooms and a Boarding House of Management. and piqueting of Liquor estawhere you can have your meals attended to in the real Jamaica style.
It is much to the interest of Inundations blishment MRS. ELVIRA WILLIAMS every member of the Community of the province of Limon to Ten thousand persons are ho The League of Nations become members of this Society, meless as a result of recent inGenova, The Committee so as assist in forcing the hands undations in Ceylon.
of Arbitration Seccurity of LAWYERS NOTARIES of the government to adopt Earthquakes in Asia The League of Nations, adopted measures to improve de financial Messi DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA the text of a Treaty by which condition of Limon.
In Persia ten thousands per financial help to any member Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before As is well known the prayer rished consequent on the earth or attacked by any non member sons are supposed to have pe country who may be menaced the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
but the clamour of a multitude quake on the 8th. inst. Indian country is Assurance.
Towns also have suffered conENGLISH SPOKEN must be considered.
If you profess to be interested St Joseph Mobile. five siderably.
tory sausage factory belonging join the Society so we all can New Haitian President to the Armour Co. Packing Election Petition approach the President ConCo. was destroyed by an explogress a Resolution has been posMons. Luis Eugene Roy suc. sion. Killing 7, injuring twelve The Election Petition brought and dismissed, hence Mr. West. sed asking the Municipal Boards ceeds President Bruno in Haiti and leaving fifteen missing.
by Mr. Vernon. of St. moreland can now take his seat of Limon; Siquirres Guapiles for six years. Bruno term has On Reparations Marys against Mr. Westmore. on the Council Mr. Vernon is or Poccoci to meet and adopt been for eight years. The popuParís Briand, the amland as a consequence of his asking to be allowed to take plans to be placed before con lace now seem satisfied and Adefeat in the recent Elections the Petition before the Privy gress.
merican intervention is suspen bassadors of Great Britain, Belded.
was brought before the full Court Council of the Judicial Comgíun Italy signed the docuof the Supreme Court of Jamaica mite of The House of Lords.
Representative for Limon Troubles in India ment requesting the deposit in Quai Orsay of the ratification It has been definitely decided Mahatma Chandi has been by their respective nations of the TO RACE HORSE KEEPERS by Congress that Messrs Paco arrested and several of his most Young Plah on Reparation by Gutiérrez and Filadelfo Grana prominent men. The Civil diso Germany and other beligerant The only place in the country where you find Specially imported horse, chicken or pig feed is at.
dos will remain as representa bedience of Ghandi has culmi Nations tives in Congress for Limon in Scores of people have been THE ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ spite of all the protests that Killed, including several police, Sports He Specializes in hay, oats and a specially cracked and mixed food for have been placed against the whose bodies have been burned horses, of Corn, oats, Rye and bran.
Send your order vvith remittance to ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ, San The Tigers of San Jose will irregularities alleged to have been Committed in the recent elecpy the rebels. The European meet the Reds of Limon in a Jose and whatever you need in San Jose vvill be put at your door.
Fresh Crisco and groceries of all kinds. Special attention to orders from tions in February quarters have been attacked and Baseball game in Limon on the lines.
general boycotting of British Sunday the 11th inst.
Governorship of Limon goods declared.
ooo England has 226000 men on The Guadalupe Football team Due to the recent unpleasant surrection and forty five airpla. Limon on Sunday 18th inst, in will engage the Gimnastico in the job for quelling the Indian innesses between the Governor and the Commandante of Lines to show the Hindues that Honour of our new Commanmon the President has been she will tolerate no longer any dante Don Arturo Robles.
Apartado 18. San José pleased to name two old friends Telephone 4114 SZR BEADS SM of Limon as Commandante and Secretary of Gobernacion of Li LOANS! LOANS! LOANS Furnishes first class aparatus in Hiperdermic Syrinmon acting as Governor in the PERSON WITH 10. 000 CAPITAL interin, Messrs Arturo Robles as ges, and Injections of all kinds, as well as Electroplated Is willing to aid public with loans, provided tangible guara Commandante who is dear to tee is given. For further information and arrangement, app!
Needles and Thermometers.
all residents of that place, and LIMON SERVICE BUREAU Julio Jurado our former Agent of between and p. daily, except Saturdays, and a Palio Abrea Londolklora Nacionadabile nded to do. am still at the Carlos Viquez Co.
12 to pm on Sundays


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