
Saturday 11 May. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE LACK OF UNITY The Presidents Message as would be power for his Cine Moderno ALARIDOS. Conid. from Page Carlos Santa Clara, vve can countthere and a good Lumber trade could With regards to our purchases in foron the entire South Pacific region be fostered, by which this territory Dear Mr. Editor: Didn we heard of a New Negra eign markets of articles of first necescattle rearing farms. Thus the tvvo mi vvould soon be a fountain of prosperity talk? What has become of it.
It is very regrettable and heart rendBity, it is essential that we stimulate our llions of colones vvhich vve pay Nica that and richness.
The more intelligent man and wosee the Social State of our production of these in the country. It ragua for this item of food could be ing to THE TREASURY man look upon this Uplifting Creed would be all well to consider that while economized in the country vvith a little Negroes of Costa Rica. In some way effort pn our part, as a huge joke. And Why? Because or the other, they are always pulling he either thinks himself above it, or an we were getting high prices for our cofThe regular collections irrour Treaseach other. few years ago, against El General, Cañas Gordas and Gol ury has reached a total of fee abroad we would be able to look equal in every respect socially, to his with indiference on other crops, as we saw the birth of a racial creed, the fo Dulce are just waiting hoping that 35. 395, 988 26 the highest of any white brothea. He either think that he earnings from coffee would afford us to nationalists vvill take up the industry year, being tvvo millions higher than that astonished the whole world, and should be would have placed us on abetter footthe ruling buy articles of necessity from those to 1928, altho considered a very tryng there; it is only for our Capitalists to people, that it Waste of whom we sell, out now that our coffee launch out into this useful and prospe year, and about seven millions more than ing, in every respect, if we had the time trving be independent.
estimated for rous branch of agriculture and for the sense of prices are down, we must change our appreciating it Garveyism, taken in the right way, is an eye openWhat have our Costa Rica Negroes route. For instance we have been impor government to encourage the developINCOMES done for us to proud of? What ting corn in large quantities, not only ment of these rich sections of our terer, a sesame to a New Negro Glory, can we tell to our children! What for the above reasons, but from the ritory, at present abandoned, where but we find that Negroes have made Of all Avenues of revenue, the Cusmonument can we show then, that our it a haven to perpetrate every kind of fact that the prices of foreign corn could nevy colonies and enterprises could be toms has alvvays gone ahead, this year.
forefathers left for us? Retrospecting be had at lower prices than our producestablished, the lands being of first class rascally deeds. It has been the means the income from that source has passed upon the past, or even querrying of tion, consequently our farmers could not value, vvith an abundance of water the of uplifting many who drudged into 19, 000, 000, and the Liquor monothose who could give us some light, compete. The time has arrived now climate admitting good residential quar poly gave a little more than 500, 000.
dirt and degradation. It has been the we will have to shake our heads with when we shall have to assist our agriters for white men, communications by betyveen them both being. 24. 715, 000 means of many attaining their greedy ends. It has been the means of many shame, because we cannor find anything culturists, for this reason the government sea being, very easy, Large tracts of being about 70 per cen of all eatnings that they have done for us to be proud of. deems it inidspensable to put on an Coconut groves being there unexplored, exceeding the calculations by.
a pauper turning a Colon in his poc Nothing, No Lawyers; no Doctors; import duty on such, so as to protect vvhich could give birth to another in ket. 5. 325, 000 dustry. Bananas could also be grown our production, to induce them not Looking at Garveyism in its rightember to tell about is of some fool only to plant but to employ manures To be continued light, we have learnt many things. This money departing from cach selected seeds that will enhance greater We have been how quickly it has been accepted by many who hadn a chance That is all the Costa Rican crops por hectarea. By this means we of displaying their true type to the History can tell of.
obtain greater economy and a retention Let us not go so far back. vve have of our public. We have heard many men funds in the country. Following avoving themselves fidelity to the Cause something in this very moment to comthese ideas, the government has also LIMON We have heard them shouting how ment about. For instance, and that is considered the greater purchasing of they wished that they could be in one of the fevy that we can tell of.
sugar for distilling in the national liquor Endeavours to please ber patroos.
factories, to encourage the Cane indusAfrica, and so much nonsens; they Let us take our Weekly Newspaper, themselves would bow down their The Searchlight, the only English writtry and by preventing the importation The latest in the FILM WORLD heads in shame, if their correct words ten paper in the Republic of Costa of Alcohol and Sugar we shall stimulate could be recorded to them. We have Rica, worth while reading, a paper the sugar industry and conserve our in constant touch with the best production that all should be proud to have in gold reserves within the Country.
seen men and women abusing their their midst, yet it is a sore eye to quite On the other hand the Panela or trust, and living on the sweat of the Be a Modernite Always poorer men, who think that these men a lot. For the very reason that a Ja dulce being one of the principal articles spoke with Straight Tongess. We have maican is the Editor, it should of food, if we can encourage a greater heard them comparing the Man with not find oppositions; for that very production we shall be able to reduce the Most High God. We smiled at reason why it should not lack support.
the cost of same and in conjunction their readiness at the quick acceptance, Each and every Jamaican should not vvith other cheaper articles of consumpMUSICAL AGENCY and shook our heads at what we forethink it hard to find something merition vve shall be able to reduce the cost of salaries. This protectionist policCentral Avenue adjoining Costa Rica Mercantile Co.
saw. How quickly they have chantorious to fill its pages, but instead of ged that, it becomes a center where every Ne of the government takes on a very jusy IN BEECHE MONTES DE OCAS How many of us have forgotten the gro is fighting and biting at each other. tifiable application, so long as it is noPROP Tragedy of the Steamship Lines? How How pitiful it is that outsiders should exagerated, and it is studying the applit many have forgotten the grand displays Everything known in Music, Records of all Makes, Musical Instruments see the weakness of their brothers in cation of this plan in all regions 1929 Our Importations in Yvere and accessories of all kinds.
of Negroe Pomp and Powers, en Costa Rica?
We have a popular Club for TALKING in the streets of Limon?
MACHINES paying 00 per week only.
It is indeed regrettable that we ha149, 564 metric tons, being an excess over 1928 by 21, 618 vvhich incluing We sell Magazines of all kinds. Write us for any kind of information How many of us have forgotten the ven a better collection of Negroes in 23, 053 heads of cattle, represent desired.
many startings of Negroe enterprises; this, the best and freest country in all total value of 20. 163, 936.
the commisaries, the schools, the the Americas, so that life may be a Box 1475 We buy most from the United States The Cigar Store Telephone 4100 scouts, the soldiers etc. But the, Ne delight living.
who sold us 681, 771; Germany grose, especially West Indian Negroes, have only One Way going. Just follow Hoping that you may not find me next with 351, 852 England third along the lines of their forefathers.
burdenson Mr. Editor, or even too vvith 553, 708 and Nicaragua next Believe not in the doctrine of progress, personal, thanking you far space, vvith 709, 848 Therefore these four nations sell us but still remain the children of a Dependent Race. Believe in Ancient SuYours truly 16. 477, 179 dollars in Merchandise, perstitions, Think that Charms and representing 80 per cent of our total and Obeah can lift them out of their JOSEPH imports.
Cuando los tipógrafos solicita ninguna gestión ante, hombres Social Mire In so far as the volume of our international trade is concerned, which agmos del Ejecutivo la emisión de que, ante todo interés, sean pagregates 38. 853, 654, the United Sta un decreto que elevara el gra triotas y comprensivos del vertes takes first place with 14. 731, 598 vamen a la introducción de im dadero bien. 37. 91 per cent) England comes next presos que se hace en grande El señor Presidente de Revvith 12. 845, 379 (33. 06 per cent)
and Germany third with 511, 232 escala, sospechábamos de ante. pública y el señor Secretario de (14. 18 per cent. thus these three comano que unos cuantos perju Hacienda, verdaderos exponenuntries absorb 81, 15 of our entire trade. dicados con este decreto iban a tes de una República democra125 Yards south of El Cometa Nicaragua by reason of her cattle exclamar a todo pulmón que este tica, han dado un paso muy trade viih us comes fourth, for 1929 Behind La Iglesia Merced vve bought 22, 960 Heads yvith a value era sumamente perjudicial para acertado con la emison del nue 683, 494 besides her cattle vve buy el comercio y para el pais en vo decreto, han hecho algo muy from her 26, 354 in other goods and tero.
bueno en favor de los trabajave send her 32, 420 of merchandize Toda innovación tiene siempre dores y de la industria nacional, in exchange. Of her cattle trade vvith sus opositores; todo beneficio algo que nos enorgullece de ser Apartado 771 Telephone 3289 us we bought 22, 496 steers, 528 milch trae consigo algunos perjuicios; sus gobernados. En estos mocovs, young bull, yoke of oxen, 33 horses and mules; it may be well pero debemos ver que estos ven mentos en que chillan unos cuaGran novelty in Umbrellas to say that 40 per cent of the total gan en contra de los menos y tro perjudicados, importadores amount (54. 969) of cattle slaughtered en favor de los más. Con el de seguro de papeleria impresa, sick cotton parasols of all colours in the country comes from Nicaragua. nuevo decreto se favorece a una deben mostrarse sordos a sus Fixed prices to defy Competition This is another article of consump gran cantidad de obreros que quejidos, con la seguridad de que tion, that ought easily to be produced in the country, besides the cattle rearing ganan o ganaban su sustento el país en general está contento areas of Guanacaste Turrialba, San cuando habia trabajo en los ta de sus acertadas disposiciones.
lleres tipográficos; el país dejará Por la Sociedad Tipografica, de exportar una buena cantidad PEDRO UJUETA R, MUÑOZ de oro que pagaba a talleres o mercados extranjeros y las Artes Contd. from Page Gráficas serán estimuladas. GRANT tively few exceptions. Nevertheless, Si nos ponemos a analizar quie SAINT THERESA Suits made to order in the Shortest notice.
our people eyes are now opened; nes se han perjudicado con esta complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels for we are now living in an age of reforma arancelaria, vemos que always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
done for the conferences, Ab Ye ninguno o muy pocos; pues los May 4th.
North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts the past, we can do trabajos hechos en el pais son Was the celebration day in selves as Free.
Seventh Day Adventist. muy buenos y los precios bas Jamaica of the Alpha Academy Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings Trusting the intelligent public will this week tante reducidos. Que hay algu at Winchester Park Theatre in clearly see the falsities of Elder Sutton nas etiquetas de litografia muy witich were shown elaborately In Serie Drawing No. 50; won by Romillo Picado Tikect No. 64 propaganda and know that the A.
Iu Serie Drawing No. 32: Won by Roberto Vargas Ticket No. 122 tina o en relieve que creen no conference teaches the inequality of the Pictures of The little Flower In Serie Drawing No. 9: won by Juan Mora Ticket No. 81. mad and practice racial prejudice which se puedan hacer en el pais? Ya Santa Theresa whose name In presence of: Rodolfo Marin, Victor Ml. Azofeifa and Ofelio Feoll contrary to the will of God. While se podrán hacer, con el apoyo is known the world over asFree teaches the equality of de esta nueva disposición y a sociated with Spiritual childike BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 man, and always wear the insignia impulso de la necesidad. Toda Love in The practise of Broth Justice and Equality To All.
Thanking you Mr. Editor. am very via más, esto que dicen no se erty Love umung mankinu.
puede hacer en el pais, se puede If there never was a time such MOSLEY pedir: por lo general son anillos a doctrine is of dire necessity President Gral. Assembly Free para puros o cigarros, etiquetas among mankind it is now, Pope para brillantinas, perfumes, locio Benedict XV, said of the world 75 yards to the North Botica Nacional war You can save money by ordering your nes o productos superfluos o de the only remedy for OFFERS HIS CLIENTS shoes from lujo que bien pueden pagar la the disastrous state of huJ. AZEVEDO BOOT STORE introducción.
man society is our return to a Clean and Comfortable Beds, airy Rooms and Special attention is given to all orders in Nos mueve a hacer esta de childlike humble Love to each all accommodations at Moderate Prices.
the selection of materials, so as to ensure Meals served in American style Strength durability whether for gents, fensa de nuestros intereses al other, as all children of the one Indies or children shoes under new management gunos articulos que el periódico Parent and thus service to God; Deformed feet fitted, all at reasonable prices. All my shoes in stock selling at de la tarde ha venido which Saint Theresa taught ana VISIT THE HOTEL VICTORIA SAN JOSE cost price, consult my prices before buying publicando, en los cuales dice lived for from she was years And Convince yourself. English Spoken. Telephone 3687 still specialize in mg well Kuown Men que algunos comerciantes harán old, entering Convent life at 15 working Boots; still unbreakable, gestiones ante la Cámara de Co and that little Flower of true Prop HILARIO BLASCO Manager CASTRILLO AZRVRDO mercio referentes a este asunto. Christion love plety dying at Thuhe Storzano del Sistem imom PuebBoxes Nosicreemos que encuentre eco 24 years of age.
Presidente Secretario SASTRERIA GRANT the same same for our 15 HOTEL VICTORIA


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