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young in Many remarks are made by Therefore it is quite reason The wets in emphasizing the everybody who speak of men ments, said. another phase of many a family of Costa Rica, able to follow a better system inconsistency of Prohibition, say suble enforcement were per much needed national adjustment as well as by strangers, about of vaccinating not on to avoid Prohibition would be more of mitted to do the measuring is disclosed the fact th there the system of vaccinating the useless labour but to avoid a success if every dry who in Then the damps say that are over 26. 000. 000 automobiles people in this country. This such inconvenience to the citi dersen ait would hely happly ng Listening to the wets and drys iroothis. country and less than ving a proper method. Vaccithe wets contend that modifica they ve come to the conclusion 0nating at random in public An Observer tion might be satisfactory if that most people would like to places such as, hotels etc. is see prohibition enforced but are On staggering out the Pub, without doubt a cause of adpersonally opposed to it. an old timer saw a lady in long ditional work, because it is not 0skirts passing, he thought, now possible to recognise who is that some of the women are vaccinated and who is not divorced welshman remarks wearing longer skirts, we shall But if the authorities choose Apropos to the unfortunate is in tune.
in the United States; the divor miss a great many of the old a method such as they do in wreck on our Coast, of the The writer is described as a ced women have formed a Club, joints.
other countries, one authorised Mexican airplane Morelos ranch girl who lives in Santee, altho one would think that The Census taker in asking man with one or two assistants which caused the death of Co California; who first saw death women without husbands would the necessary questions of each to go from house to house in ronal Pablo Sidar and Capt. when a plane fell by her ranch not need a Club.
head of the home, comes across one section of the town and Carlos Rivorosa the following and killed two men.
On speaking of Religion, Pat a New Yorker and on coming another in another and so on said to Mike, by jabers moike, down to which refers to they will find it the best and FALLEN SHIPS what most folks want is a re the fact as to whether he is easiest way to find out those ligion that will make them feel married or not, asks, and what who need vaccination because peaceful day blue skies white clouds, respectable, without requiring of your marital Status? The the names of all the inmates of meadow sweet with summer breath, them to be respectable.
New Yorker ponders awhile every house are properly enterand retorts very precarious.
The birds all glad, and full of song. 0ed in the lists of the above 0employees. This system more Yet that day. saw lenth.
The Motorcyclist thought if over helps to get in touch with our Naval Conference humani brand new Irishman walks a great many, who seldom or fallen plane lay on the ground, zed the Submarine maybe it out to a very busy junction in never go out of their houses broken toy, and by its side could, with a little more patience, New York, by jabers he says, and a greater part of such inTwo men so young stretched on the grasssucceed in humanizing a Truck there only wun moor impromates are in near danger of driver.
vement needed in the proposed And there, beneath the sky they died.
getting the sickness for want 0traffic lights for New York; a of fresh air and sufficient exerred, white and blue arrm to Dear God, it must be hard to die booze fighter being repri raeche oot, pick up the pedesWhen one is Out of the many disorders years manded by the judge on the trian and deposit him on the resulted by trying to vaccinate But every step that progress makes need of better national adjust other side of the strate.
in public places, one or two Is drenched by mother tears.
instances are worth while mentioning On steps of death is progress built, Controversary of The Simmons ConIt happened last Sunday that Or so would speak dead lips; struction Co. brought by the rescinding an ignorant policeman went so And man to fly. must leave behind far as to ask a young man for of their contract by the Secretary of his certificate of vaccination trail of fallen ships.
while he was in the Chuch of Fomento Mr. Arturo Volio Jimenez.
St. Nicholas in Cartago during From the Literary Digest the evening service. The young The Company has been con dent of the Republic who insman had good reason to be tending that the rescinding of tructed the Secretary of Fo.
much offended and to ask him their Contract signed in New mento to have his investigation to stop at the door outside the Orleans by the representatives into hte matter, but up to this Church in order not to disturb of the government and Mr. Sim nothing has been done. The the people in the Church.
mons is illegal, and asked matter is causing such heated Besides, very often the same Limon, Costa Rica.
or any strenous work that modern Stage for arbitration which was agreed discusions that don Arturo has person is questioned repeatedly calls for, all that she has said other on by the Minister of Fomento resigned his position as Minister as to his having a certificate of Mr. Editor of THE SEARCHLLIGHT.
Wise are only lies don Arturo Volio; but until of Public works and has promvaccination.
There has never been any scandal now in spite of all efforts made ised the public a great expose Dear Sir: One man had to show his at any time at this Lady home; as by them through their legal following on his retirement certificate so many times that Please permit me space in your val she would not have permitted such. representative don Luis Ander from office the entire Cabinet be lost his temper and abused wable weekly, to say a few words to We have selected some of the well son, the Fomento has not nam of don Cleto Gonzales Viquez, each and every one of the those that may be interested in amusebehaved Girls and Young Men from ed his arbiter; consequently followed suit.
health department ments. company called the Central this Town and from the Country. Now the Co. appealed to the PresiAmerican Stars Combination Company Mrs. Clak has returned and we are with its Orchestra with Mc. Dixon practising there at her home again, if Doctors treatment of govorrhoea, as Bandmaster; was organized here in what this woman said to her people Monarch Lodge, Inc. To entrap Crooks metritis, floodings, inflamations of the Port Limon January, 2nd. this year, was true, we would not be allowed to and According to Popular Science it is abdomen.
by Prof. Thomas Wellington, return at Mrs. Clark residence. hate Dr. Zeledon Office and dwelling 25 Court Amense, Inc. seen that the Bertillon finger print sysyards North of Carmen church. and John Samuel. This. Company a liar for when you can lock from a tem of detection of crime is being keeps its practises at, a very respectable thief you cant from a liar. Very likely To Whom It May Concern: superseded by what is known in Eulady home no less a person than this woman has some antipathy for All members and adherents of the rope as The Death Mask invented by Mrs. Eliza Clark.
some one in the Company, why she Dr. Alphonse Poller, a viennese anaabove named lodges are hereby requested Unfortunatly this Lady was called publication is to save the good name did not want us to get their Hall. This to meet at Limon on Sunday June 15th tomist.
by her Husband at Estrada for a few to confer on matters of very great im The method is based on the use of Weeks, and owing to certain Circumsof the Company and its leaders. hope portance. negacollo an extremely plastic modelThe Digest straw votes on Parties have not given you too much trouon the lines who find it innot possible for us to ling material, by means of which amazthe approval or disapproval of ble Mr. Editor.
convenient to be present please conkeep our practise there during her the Prohibition Law in the ingly accurate masks of both the living sul the following persons: absence. The Burial Scheme was writThanking you for space.
Bro. Arthur Williams. cultivation) and the dead may be made quickly and United States have gone so far ten asking them if they will rent their JOHN SAMUEL Monte Verde Branch easily up to now a total of 150. 017 hall to us so that we can carry on our Manager of the Co.
Bro. Ashley, Matina.
The Viennese rogue gallery now votes of which 248. 589 ap practises there; whether they did not Bro. Ayre, Estrada.
resembles an old time dime museum, proves, and disapproval votes are count us or they had not enough manfilled with reproductions of the faces, 901. 428 that is, for repealing communicate direct with the Dharanian the Law 1669. 579 and for moners as to make us a reply we do not Director, Box 582, Port Limon. noses, ears, and particularly the hands dification of the Law 231. 849. understand that one of the Officers, know, but they did not.
We get to of all manner of lawbreakers. WILLIAMS, Secy.
Already several smart captures have There are very heated discus Light Skin Woman. Living just been made with the assistance of these sions going on relative to this below Mrs. Clark. Told her fellow Casts.
Straw vote among educational Officers and Members that we were There are no less than 290 Ameri THANKSGIVING Like a Barber giving a massage, the cans whose incomes touch the million men, Doctors and lawyers. The only making scandals, and all the folks dollar mark yer annum in the operator Kneads with his fingers the The Mr. Purity Lodge of the order next move is being argued, and Were young people, and they may break but will anyone guess the newly of Good Samaritans and daughters of negacoll into shape after it has been that is whether another Straw up their benches, and that the Lady arrived coloured gentleman whose comSamaria will hold their Annual Harvest boilt for half an hour. In fifteen minutes vote should be carried to the Mrs. Clark was fed up of the noise mercial transactions left behind in the Thanksgiving in their Lodge rooms at it hardens and can be lifted off as desired.
country to show the willingness that why she locked her home from the Shepherds Holi, on Sunday 8th of United States realize him fifty dollars of the Nation whether Senate June starting at 30 sharp. All us and went away. Well; the only per day, but yet is content to Sister and Kindred Societies are cordiShould or should not consider truth that she has spoken is that the to lovely Costa Rica. and live in swamps Advertise in ally invited, as well as the public in the sentiments of the people folks were young people, as she could on just that much per month from general to spend a pleasant Sunday aftoward prohibition as exhibited not expect that we would have old rents, all because his eyes gave out the ternoon in Limon by indications of these votes, people like her to do Stage Dancing aci Dostora ocellofzawinSistema Nacional de Biblioteca bi trainedvolesy withtible rendered. special service of Song and Praise For Clarification Prohibition so far tances it was or MILLIONAIRES return THE SEARLIGHT


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