
PAGE COSTA RICAN POLITICS Hurricane in limon OUR LOTTERY Ladies Garments also attended to. Our steam At about one oclock on FriWe refer to the fairness and straightforwardness in the What is happening in Costa, at nearly every corner on the day morning the town of Li.
mon was visited by the most playing of our National Lottery, there are some of our (less instreets of San Jose one sees little groups of influential gentlemen discussing the absorbing question of the day the Ministerial crisis severe hurricane yet experienc formed) readers who are always trying to spread alarm among was their class that the Lottery is not being played fairly and hon of the Republic. What is it? Don Arturo Volio has resigned his confined to the town and its estly.
Now if this class of persons would only stop to reason cussion between himself and Don Luis Anderson the Lawyer est damage done. was to the they would cease this unreasonable propaganda we are most of us in reality dissatisfied in the scheme as set forth but not in cinded, and due to some political insinuation of his as to Don Stadium enclosure, it would seem that Jupiter Pluvius was the honesty of the mode of drawing.
Luis non patriotic attitude towards the Zelaya Government since annoyed that the public of If the silly people to whom we refer will think they will find 1906 07, The Amory case, and the Royal Bank of Canada case, Limon should have been de that 95 per cent of the winners are in small pieces divided up Don Cleto intervenes and takes the responsibility from the should among various individuals and chiefly poor persons. The Charity er of Don Luis, Don Arturo resigns and starts an exposé of prived of the privelege of endocuments proving his assertions, and on account of this the joying free the games «Olym Board, which controls the Lottery, takes the precaution of pubentire Cabinet walks out of office. What a sad aspect for Costa pia) played on public proper lishing at all times the names of the individuals who win and how ty, as alco that this property much they win, how would it be possible, probable or convenient Rica, what a spectacle before the gaze of the Civilized world.
Is this patriotism? At a time when the financial situation faces of the citizens is used to de that a number could be brought out which would be in the the country in a straitened condition never before known, is this secrate the Sabath continualpossession of any Officer who controls the playing of this game.
Do they not think of the scandal such a proceeding would a time when Ministers who have taken an Oath of office to of our boys and girls hence cause? Do they not think that there are thousands of wiser protect the interests of the country should act in a manner Pur he blew it away. We hope heads than they who also invest and would like to win? Do ely personal? Is this an introduction of Political Strategy at the this will be a lesson to the they not know that the generality of human beings are suspisad spectacle before the gaze of advanced civilization. The go Municipality not to allow such cious of every wind that biows? Do they not know that nothing an abuse of public property. that is known by two or three can be a secret?
vernment needs today the help of the best brain the country pos.
The electric lights were all Supposing then that there was even the remotest possibility sesses to solve the many serious problems which confronts it, rather than the evidence of disinterest which is exhibited by this put out by the cutting of the of getting out a ball out of the barrels for a Ticket which was in about by oppressions or mal Administration which can be under fencing the Roofs of many it be probable that that Ticket would be given in pieces to be strange attitude. In other countries we see revolutions brought terrein by the of frem this the possession of any Officer connected with the drawing would houses were also damaged. Cashed by someone else; no Sir, Murder will out, hence not stood and perhaps sympathized with, but with this abstainance of intelligent cooperation to aid the country to emanate from had he done it in daytime.
What might have occurred only the improbability but we say the imposibility of such a collusion; we will therefore ask those people who have been the Chaos into which it has fallen through really no fault of Fortunately do personal or fostering such a thought to cut it out, and begin to think for the Executive Administration cannot be eulogized but rather deplored; and it is to be hoped that the new Cabinet and the serious property damage has themselves.
been reported.
We have been asked by the officers to study the process Chief of State will be assisted by every true patriot to carry on and assist at the drawings to prove the entire correctness of the the onerous duties which devolve on them, by inventing solutions that will solve our many problems. We have the brain for doing NEW CABINET manner of drawings. We have studied it and are convinced of its fairness. We have been shown the mode of operation. The this but they are all abstaining from giving the much needed Don Cleto Gonzalez Viquez, governBalls on Sunday after playing are all put back in the urns cooperation in which the country stands so much in need of ment has suffered a fall and conse or barrels in the presence of the President of the Lottery and just now.
It is regretable that the incident has arisen, and perhaps a enly cool has baid he candle into being the Interventor of the Lottery drawing and locked up by them a nevy Cabinet which stands as follows, both. Each barrel has two yale locks, the Keys for these are kept Don Arturo has good reasons for doing what he has done but as Minister of Fomento Lic. don Leon by the President of the Lottery Scheme, formerly Mr. John we would like to see him forget the sad incident and exhibit Cortes Minister of Education, Lic. don Keith, but today Don Alberto Echandi, a gentleman of equal the intense patriotism we know he is filled with.
Fournier. Minister of Inteaior, Licenciador don Juan Rafael Arlasemia social integrity to Mr. Keith and the other by the Inspector of nister of Public Secretary, Señor don Republic.
MORAZAN DRY CLEANING Arturo Quiros. Minister Foreign Affairs, Lic. don Octavio Beeche. MiThese barrels cannot be opened until these two gentlemen OF CALVO Telephone 3330 nister of Public Health, Dr. Selon Nu arrive with the Keys on Sunday at 12 oclock, hence no balls Your clathes cleaned pressed by steam pressure al 150 per suit, giving ñez. Sub Secretary of Finance, Lic. can be extracted nor put in but in their presence, they opening them to you as good as new.
don Luis Demetrio Tinoco Minis personally and locking the barrels; how then can it be conjectured machines do not burn the edges or make them appear sbine as the hand ter of Finance is not yet selected.
that any falsification can go on. Impossible except with the colIroning does: lusion of these two gentlemen and the two who are extracting 150 YADRS WEST OF DR. FIGUERES CLINIC Depraved wretch the balls and some one else to Cash the Ticket, thus immagine what gentleman would collude with others at least to gain 5 SPORTS brutal assault upon a child of an accursed 50. 000 would it be worth the candle? Assuredly of about years of age was no. We therefore advise to cease these dirty thoughts and turn perpetrated by a savage on the to reasoning.
21st inst, who was employed in Formerly Limon used to sell one half of the Tickets issued the Limon market and had a today she is not selling one seventh part of the issue, can you little room underneath the clcok expect to have the same chances? How can we.
tower where he carried out this We are glad to say that on Tuesday last the majority of Allan Alvarez, again shows that he dastardly onslaught on the poor the plan put forth by THE SEARCHLIHGT has been adopted as is undoubtedly the Best Catcher on the Atlantic Side.
little girl who was under the from June.
BOXING BOXING care of a fruit vendor at the South On Sunday the 18th. inst. The We Shall be having a fifty thousand a Ten thousand a two Bia EXHIBITION BOXINO AT THE Tigers of San Jose a picked team, clasheastern gate of the market. thousand a one thousand prize, five of five hundred, 78 of two ed with the Reds the Champions of The tiger is under arrest. It hundred, with the usual approximations and ending numbers, the the League on the Limon DiaON JUNE 2nd: is hoped the authorities will drawing will be every two weeks, the issue will be of ten thoumond; when again the REDS showed set a good example to those of sand lickets. We bespeak for our Lottery now greater successes their Superior form in Base Ball. The Where there is no hope the people his vicious character, and full confidences.
Manager made a a sensation when he perish so there is a day set aside at RELWOF put Ken Marshall their Second Sacker the «Y.
on the mould as Pitcher, the idea to the Where the Sport Loving people can lived up to his Mngr. and team mates was a poor one, but Ken go and have some fun by the members of the Club. expectations, truly that team is the most put together team this end, what Again you will see Kid Grenald ever they go at they go with full defending his Champion. ship Title heart one with the the other to win no against Kid Tasies. Two Boys who are More trouble in Nicaragua new officers are volunteering in matter whatever be the result.
members of the Club but will fight at Ship on Fire Much must be said of Hooker Catch and Catch Weight for the ChamRebels are again on the move every district. Serious riots ocwho looked like a big Leager on Sun pion ship of Limon.
From Port Sudan comes the The Old Ist. Sacker undoubtedly. There will be several other Bouts to the North. The town of and Wadela. great demon news that 100 persons died as in our unhappy sister Republic cur in Simla, Madras, Calcuta is the best in Rose if really he Dont miss this Opportunity to see a fire that broke out would just tap the ball once in a vvhile. Good Bout, Siuna has been taken and the stration of 200, 000 persons took result of on the French liner Asia. The The hame Lo oked good up to the Commercial section and the place in Bombay, vvehn blocked 4th ining, when the Score was 2.
KID GRENALD mines Bonanza have been sacked by the Police, they all sat down Ship had to be abandoned in But the Reds as usual made their Rally by the rebels under command allovved to pass.
in the Street till they were the Bay of Jeddah. The Captain gin the 5th ining with Runs. The of Pedro Altamirano (alias Peand 86 lives were saved.
Tibers made more in the 5th, hut KID TASIES failed to Score to the 9th the result is dron) a close ally of Sandino.
The Chinese merchants at Siuna REDS (5 Rounds)
have fled and say that the rebASTHMATIC SUBJECTS TIGERS Old sport.
els are 350 strong and well armLOBELYNE CHARRON is the only remedy for the ed with modern guns. Nacion cure of ASTHMA and chronic BRONCHITIS.
al guards have been rushed to Lobelyne Charron is a French preparation sold in all drug stores.
Prinzapolka and Puerto Cabezas. squad of 300 American Sole distributors: Solera Brothers. San Jose. Telephone 3950 Marines were just detailed to Apartado 18 San José. Telephone 4114 Panama to proceed to Nicaragua to watch over the elections Furnishes first class aparatus in Hiperder mic Syrin to take place in Nicaragua during November, but they have ges, and Injections of all kinds, as well as Electroplated to be rushed there earlier than was decided. GRANT Needles and Thermometers.
From India Suits made to order in the Shortest notice. complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels The troubles in India con always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
tinue to increase. It appears that North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza riquez Tramway starts LOANS!
the more stringent the tactics LOANS. LOANS of the British administration are Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings PERSON WITH 10. 000 CAPITAL enforced the more exasperated this week.
willing to aid public with loans, provided tangible guaran become the determination of the In Serie Drawing No. 34; won by Humberto Alfaro tee is given. For further information and arrangement, apply Nacionalists and the more intensiLIMON SERVICE BUREAU Drawing No. 11; won by Jorge Barrantee Ticket No. 70.
between and p. daily, except Saturdays, and from fied the Compaign of disobedience In presence of: Rodolfo Marin, Mario Fonseca and Jorge Jimenez 12 to p. on Sundays.
Ghandi and his nearest adhe BOX 252 San José narents are stillo undera Narrest butecas al Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
TELEPHONE 3320 Base Ball Game Atlantic public NEWS OF WORLD VS.
10 Carlos Viquez Co.
SASTRERIA GRANT IS Ticket No. 44 In Serie


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