
Saturday 24 May. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE The executive Officers of Limon AN APPRECIATION regime.
met, as SPORTS Another view of the question of dispute over the dead people Scout News by the Patrol Leader to the Scandal in Turrialba The leave of our much esteemed eyes of refined people. Limon ought to compliment herself in having the Limon, Costa Rica, April 28. 1930. Prestinary is a man of wealth, and of Governor of the province don Jose the opportunity to express my gratitude Hernandez Sanchez is Officially an present staff of officers guiding her The Editor THE SEARCHLIGHT, social and political influence in the publicly for such services; and in jusnounced for a month; in his absence destinies; it is to be hoped that they country, who did not hesitate to use tice to the Limon Service Bureau, the will all be kept in office until the next Mr. Nation from Office the Comandante de Plaza such influence to have the matter public and myself, am recommending will act in his Stead. Limonenses are Crtago. settled to his advantage. wish to the said Limon Service Bureau to any much delighted thaf don Jose is still The only department giving a little Dear Sir: make known also that in token of sa irritation, is that which is responsible person, rich or poor, who is seeking with them; it was rumoured that he for the vaccination, but it is chiefly tisfaction and gratitude, offered the was to be removed from Office in genuine and efficient service in le zal consequence of the recent incident, in due to the lack of understanding the ested to learn of the outcome of the Manager of the Limon Service Bureau affairs. am anticipating to you. Mr.
consequence of which a numerously languages by the less informed.
suit filed against me by Mr. Walter 25 00 as a gratification for the Editor, my gratitude for the publicasigned petition was sent up to the The department refuses to issue the Prestinary and in which, amoug other service rendered me in this case, and tion of this letter for the good that it President don Cleto Gonzalez Viquez provisional (tarjetas) cards as formerly, he refused same stating that he was until they are assured that the vaccinapraying his retention, and now it is things, he prayed for a writ of injuncmay do most of all to the public.
Very truly yours, seen that his sick leave of absence is tion is a success, which is very bur tion and that should be ordered to paid and was not willing to accept any confirmed and our much admired Com. densome to the poorer people, who pay all the cost of action, must say CHARLES MOFFATT additional compensation. wish to make mandante in his stead, with another are prevented from going into the that due to the honesty and efficiency known also, that this is the second We the undersigned subscribe the above wholehearted Limonense as Secretary market without a card or boarding the of the Limon Service Bureau am the time that have engaged the services statement as witnesses that it was made don Julio Jurado. With such a combi trains, but if they were able to express of the Limon Service Bureau to defend nation of officers the interests of Li themselves on this graievance, we are victor in the suit, from the fact that in good faith and while Mr Moffatt quite sure the Doctor of Higiene would mon is sure to be safeguarded Mr. Prestinary, who started the action, me in law suits and that on both oc was in the best normal condition. Rucertificate that There is one thing to be admired provide them with a was forced, in view of the severe precasions have received the best servi dolph Cephas. Ben Connell. John with Mr. Hernandez Sanchez, that is, they could pass freely until the success is assured, it only needs a little patience ced, to seek a compromise of the case, dicament in which he was legally plahe is the same man anywhere he is ces available; am, therefore, taking Campbell Governor be has no pretenon both sides. There are some people sions: his affability has not been chanand instead of paying him cost as like the writer who have been vaccinaTHE MUSEUM OF THE INDIAN ged towards rich and poor alike, he ted four times without results, which he requested the Court to do, he paid meets every man on his own platform, is proof that either the lymph is no me cost amounting to 250 00. must THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU CAN BUY GENUINE He could very well have put the good or that they are immune in such express right here my gratitude to the proverbial forty foot rod between him cases we feel that the doctor ought to INDIAN AND NATIVE SOUVENIRS Limon Service Bureau and specially to self and us, as others with less intelli extend an immunity Card and save all Inca, Maya, Aztec Pottery, Gold, Jade and Silver Ornaments and Antique gence and culture have done among this misunderstanding.
the Manager of the said Bureau for jewelry. Jagaar. Boa Constrictor and other skins us abready with much discredit in the the succes have obtained in this suit, Baskets, Orchids, Canes, old Coins, Stamps, Spanish Shawls Postals, etc.
and which must confess is due abso1 also buy Tiger and Lion skins Pottery and gold ornaments from the lutely to the interest displayed in my tolube of indians, Antique jewelry ete.
MUSICAL AGENCY behalf by the Limon Service Bureau, Direction. Calle 5, Dext door to The Aguila de Oro in Central Avenue nothwithstanding the fact that Mr.
Look for the sign of The Indian Central Avenue adjoining Costa Rica Mercantile Co.
Doña EMMA de BROAD Proprietress. W. BROAD Manager BEECHE MUNTES DE OCA APARTADO 531. San Jose Costa Rica. TELEFONO 3138 PROP.
Everything known in Music, Records of all Makes, Musical Instruments and accessories of all kinds We have a popular Club for TALKING MACHINES paying 3. 00 per week only.
We sell Magazines of all kinds Write us for any kind of information desired. most interesting game of cricket Dear Editor: because he vvas zealous and vvould die Was, played at for the cause he espoused. Box 1475 The Cigar Store Telephone 4100 Germania on Monday May 12th Permit me space in your valuable We had our church prepared and between the Starlight of this place columns to make a fevv remarks regardvvaited for the funeral but because of ing an event that occured the other day.
and the Reliance of Pacuarito. have been connected with the some misunderstanding some better The visitors came on the Sunday evethinking vvith oaths, vvith cursD Adventist Denomination for over ing and abuse took charge and carried ning train and stayed off here until 30 years, and in all my experience in it off to the grounds vvithout a church Monday. The game started at 30 a.
Barbadoes, Jamaica Costa Rica. Service, and without the rituals of the m: Stewart (Capt) of the home team have never witnessed a regailed procession in any Church. That lodge. Such is the result of an incon won the toss and decided to bat first, sistent course.
The Almirante Boys Scouts arrived in heir and Brewsters. After all had received denomination does not hold fellowship Limon on Monday the 12 of May un their Warrants, the various patrol Leadand although the side batted steadily JOHN ROGERS vvith Fraternal Societies, and any memder the Supervision of Mr. Harrison ers and Scouts, all took their obliga yet they uere all out for 64 runs at ber doing so goes contrary Limon, May 22, 1930. and Mr. Goldsen doctor for the tions, received their badges, and march exastly 12 o clock. The Reliance then teachings of the denomination; although troop. The St. Marks troop went down ed back to their posts. At the end of started their innings at 12. 10 but they it is not made a matter of discipline.
to meet them, and they were heartily the Ceremony Mr. Bowder gave a Therefore because did not vvant to failed to beat their opponents score, received by orders the Rev. warm address to the Entire Scuot troop be precedental in so important a matter Ryecart. On Sunday 18 of May and wished that they would make the for they were all out for 44 runs, due requested that in the event of the The St. Marks boy Scouts, had a big troop so successful that any lad will to the accuracy of the bowling and the funeral of one of our members, who day, they went to mass at oclock hasten to join. At 30 the troop brilliant fielding displayed by the Stars had fraternised vvith one such society, sharp, and after same was dismissd, along with the Almirante went for a The bowling on either side was excepthat they would bring the funeral to My wife Martha Morgan de Grant they fell in formation for having their Rout march around the town, with the church without regalia This has tionally fine.
a woman of 55 years of age, has been picture taken, by the kindness of the the Almirante Bugler sharing in his been the cause of much malicious com separated from me for over eight years Which was taken by Mr. Wim help, with new Colour Bearers Arms. Stewart the Reliance ment and abuse especially amonga on account of her continual misconduct.
mer, accompaning same, were the trong and Forbes, and New Drum bowled 13 overs maidens 25 runs certain element vvho cannot reason from have tried to get a legal separation Almirante Boys, the ven Archdeacon mer Cameron. They paid Mr. Bowden crickets, while Francis of the Startheir brains to their mouths, but are from her but she refused to sign the Oakley Chaplain of the troop and Mr. a visit who was introduced to the Al. light bouled 13 overs maready to abuse. persecute, and slaught document New she has been caught Bowden British Vice Consul. Then next mirante troop by the March ener others with impunity.
idens 21 runs crickets.
redhanded in her illicit amourous asto him the Rev. Ryecart. After ded at 15 and after dismissal am not casting reflection or making sociation with a man named Gamboa this was done the asked the the Scouts were all refreshed at our old Thus after a well spent day the game any criticism on any church vvho favors by his paramour; In consequence of Vice Consul, to invest the Boys with Scouts Veteran Mr. Malachi Cox. by The came to a close with the Starlight as Fraternal organization which are in which this woman has indicted them their different badges gained, and the with Hooker in care. The the Victor. The game thwoughout was them selves a help in material things, both before the Agent of Police, a Scout Mastrs their Warrants. Investiture also gave there hearty Cheers played in a sportsmanlike manner and but question the inteligence and comyoung woman of 24 years, being complete the general salute was for Mr. Bovvden and the Almirante mon reasoning of any that will abuse Martha has been carrying on her adultthen blown whilst each Sub Officer Scouts, when Hooker gave same the Reliance must be compli one vvho stands up for his conscienerous traffic with her sweetheart for a presented poles; with the other Officers, for the and Archdeacon Oakley mented for the spirit in which they tious convictions until he can be made long time butshe had been trying to avoid and general body of Scouts giving full and thanked them for patience with took their defeat.
to see othervvise. admire the man that a scandal knowing that Martha is a salute, marched Mr. Bowden across the the Boys. DIXON is consistent in his belief, and zealous shameless, scandalous woman, but she lawn to his Chair facing the Union for the cause he espouses. Such charJack. Scout Masters, Hooker and Saun Sgd. Dobson can no longer soffocate her feelings; acteristics in themselves are priceless she has hadto quit her home, which ders followed by Asst Lave. Limon, May 20 1930.
in vvhatever line they are throvvn. Jesus is the property of Martha and ventilate Dispute over the dead body himself shovved His appreciation of the case before the Courts.
of a man in Jamaica Town those in apprehending Paul of Tarsus The public vvill thus see the class of a relentless persecutor of the Christian vvoman with vvhom have been Scientifical Eye Examination In our last issue we reported a dis Church, and made him a promulgator suffering.
of that vvhich he before destroyed. Jepute over a dead body in Jamaica where three graves were dug. Now we have sus called Paul to vvork on His side Sgd. ALEXANDER GRANT Glasess of all Classes and Prices not so much for his ability but because a similar proceeding reported in our he was consistent in his belief and Turrialba midst.
Alexander Austin of Jamaica Town belonging to two Societies, the seventh Day Adventist and the Loyal Hope Lodge of the order of Shepherds; took in ill on the 14 th and died on the 20 th inst: the Adventists Claiming tbe Just in front of rights of the funeral objecting to the 125 Yards south of El Cometa HOTEL COSTA RICA rights of the shepherds; dictating that Behind La Iglesia Merced if the shepherds cared, they could bear the Corpse to their Church not regaled and assist them but without any ensignia of their order; naturally these Odcc00CCIOODICOO doo refused such conditions, and claiming Apartado 771 Telephone 3289 the body, did the necessary preparations and bid the Adventists defiance; Gran novelty in Umbrellas Situado en Calle 3a. 25 varas al Norte de la Imprenta Alsina The Cropse was conveyed by Pall bearsick cotton parasols of all colours San Josó Propietarlo: JULIAN PASTOR ers Messrs Hull, Gordon, RobinOfrece a su clientela, habitaciones especiales para familias en un son and Miller, headed by the underFixed prices to defy Competition editicio construído expresamente para HOTEL y contra femblores.
taker Charles Leon to 5th street to Cuartos con baño de agua fría y caliente. Se atiende también órdenes await the Funeral Train; the Cemetery para Bailes, Bautizos y Banquetes. Servicio esmerado con el confort reached, the ceremony was performed más exigible.
by Bro. Hall of Jamaica Town the Offers also to her English Speaking clients, an exquisite RESTAURANT AND BAR ROOM service and Specially built only member of the Church GUILLERMO CARRANZA SOLIS Earthquake proof Rooms for family use vvith hot or cold vvater who attended being Mr. Moffatt while Baths, modern sevver system, at very moderate prices.
the others were kept awaiting in the Lawyer and Notary Office near National Theatre; 25 Yards North of Imprenta Alsina In 3rd Street, Pays special attention Church for the body to come to be (Arcadas. San José.
to Weddings, Baptisms Balls and Banquets Churched; meanwhile those who atSoeolal rates for families Established in 1914 tended the funeral, passed to the Home (2349 Office BOX 990. TELEPHONE 117. JULIAN PASTOR of the bereaved wife to tender their chandelencragon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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