p. 4


Saturday 24 May 1950 Health Education Continued Hotel Frances oid fever.
epidemic cheifly.
Cine Moderno LIMON SERVICE BUREAU used, lose; a Arc Army Chaplains Unchristian?
Following on our health advices as breaks. In these cases its spread may be published on November 8th: started in our last issue we will speak due to flies; also, milk borne and The epidemic seems to be followCartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas this week on water borne outbreaks have been traced.
ing a very curious course through the district. Starting at Mt. Industry it would Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention DYSENTERY Recently there has been a severe outbreak of dysentery in Upper St.
care taken of them by the Administration of be expected to follow the natural watershed down to Harker Hall, and so Dysentery is a severe from of bowel Catherine, starting in the district above on, since it is generally thought to be Mt. Industry and spreading to the disdisease characterized by painful strainTHE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO a water borne Walk, ing and purging and frequent passages tricts of Glengoffe, Cocoa the epidemic has gone exactly in the opposite direcof blood and mucus (cold. It is a Williamsfield, and spreading to tion and would seen to have followed Nice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding kerm disease and its method of spread dale and Boy Walk The Central the is practically the same as that of typh Board of Health and the lines of highway traffic rather than Local Board country.
of Health of St.
germs are passed from Catherine The of water courses a fact which lends actively support to the theory that the infection, the bodies of sick persons in the dis engaged in treating the sick and in Convenient Trains to visit the country East or West. To spend a charges from their bowels and are where it occurswas carried by flies preventing the spread of the Vacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return.
spread by flies which carry them to in these districts. Dr. Strathairn, the PREVENTION Charges and accomodations to suit Il Purses.
food or some other object from which, Senior Sanitary Medical Officer, who by way of the hands, we get them into was then in charge of the control work, The germs of dysentery are our mouths. The disease often occurs established headquarters at Bog Walk.
spread in the bowel di charges Every in epidemic from and in local out The following is from his report, as one should use a sanitary latrine and never case himself in the bush. BUBU BABU 88 Flies spread the disease. They should never be allowed to alight upon the food. Dysentery may be water borne.
LIMON In rural districts, especially during the AND rainy seasons, all drinking water should BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY be boiled Endeavours to please her patrons.
before being ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Cleanliness. Wash your hands The latest in the FILM WORLD carefully always before eating, and after each bowel movement. Bureau established for the greater convenience, in constant touch with the best production Learn the facts about dysentery understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishSpeaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection so as to be able to protect yourself Be a Modernite Always Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen and your family against the disease.
against unscrupulous debtors.
TO KEEP THE DISEASE FROM Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to SPREADING a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both In case some member of your LAWYERS NOTARIES novv operated under the direction of a Barrister with family has dysenteryor other bowel over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on complaint, you should do the following Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as to keep the disease from spreading Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before notify your Medical Officer of Health, the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial doSupreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials Sanitary Inspector or the Police; pour cuments also prepared at Lowest prices.
arc the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge Jeyes over the discharges from the sick and Counsel.
person and then pour the discharges in ENGLISH SPOKEN EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ a sanitary (fly proof) latrine or bury Barruter Investigator them deeply so that the flies cannot Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager reach them. Also, all clothing which comes in contact with a sick person should be boiled and well sunned.
BRANCH OFFICE MAIN OFFICE Short Treatises on Tropical diseases San Jose, so yatds West of the Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre Presidencia are invited from our Druggists and Docters in these columns.
The Rev. Dr. Peter Ainslie of Bal tory, when on January 15th 1929, it Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of timore preached a Sermon at Washing. passed a act that made war an outlaw.
Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, ton in the Church which ex President believe Mr. Coolidge, Mr, Kolloge New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, To whom it may Concern esthe pub Coolidge attendg, in which he said that and the Senate meant what they said.
lie that my wife Mary Jane Richards. War is unchristian and should not The governments of the world have nee McDonald, to whom was Married in the year 1918. Left quy home and have the blessing of the Church in any concurred in it; and we must henceprotection on the 11th March for Cris form. The office of Army Chaplain forth look for gradual disarmament.
tobal without my knowledge and Consent, to associate with another man with therefore is a wicked anachronism, and Now the next move is for Churches whom she has beeu discovered carrying should be abolished. There is no more od illicit amorous relationships to withdraw their Chaplains from an do not therefore hold myself responsjustification for being a Chaplain in the institution that is outlawed. Is this a ible for any actions of hers or any Army or Navy than there is for being literal application of the teachings of acconti Rhe may Contract.
Sgd LOREN20 RICHARDS a Chaplain in a speakeasy.
the Sermon on the Mount?
Port Limon, May 8th. 1930.
Naturally these statements aroused serious critisisms, and one very Revd. VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO clergyman. himself a chaplain? Wrote him a long letter calling his attention Efficacious Remedy Then here your opportu have ferto the fact that he had insulted his country to expel worms tile, virgin forest lands for lease. lands suitabl for the growth of bananas, cacao, and insulted en masse the chaplains of Lucas Morua coffee, and any other kind of grain and the Army Navy. Your statement PHARMACEUTICO food plants. Situated in the Province of Limon, in the fertile Banana River Sector, maligns the United States and our ChurSOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUB STORE and tapped by the Estrella Valley Ril.
road. Easy haul for shippers. Fruit sapi You have no right to ignore the unCartago, CR. Telp. 77 ping contracts available. Satisfactory leaseing conditions obtained by applying to derlying moral issues, and to fail to E. GRANDISON Prop.
distinguish between the will for peace, Dr. VARGAS Agricultural Contractor which characterizes America, and the Apartado 211. Linn.
will for war, which has animated other OSTEOPATH parts of the world. To which the Revd. Spinal Treatments, for any desease.
The risk of Special Dr. Ainslie replied. My covernment If your back aches, some thing worse fol made one of the greatest days in hislows. Take my treatment before its too Coins late.
125 yards North of Botica Oriental Possibly no country on carth boasts FOR SALE. Farine on the Par San Jose of a greater variety of Coins than the United States. Every commemoration and no distance from the Pacific RailFOR SALE way; one cultivated in Potrero, Corn of any act or incident was celebrated Beans and Fruits. The other in QuebraStanding on a fine lot of land at by a request to Congress to issue a dillas, abounding in Lumber and good Cieneguita, lots of Fruit Trees and a banana lands beautiful flovver garden.
special Coin signalizing some national Apply to doña Austolia de Rojas, House of four rooms and necesSan Jose: adjoining the Templo Biblico occurrence; during the past ten years in front of El Laberinto. or to don sary out buildings at a Song fancy 15 such special Coinings have be issued Jose uniga Apartado 194, Limon 000. apply The Searchlight making 13. 000. 000 such Coins author. D ized. and before Congress five other bills are novy presented and before u the Treasury Dept several requests for support to such proposals, but President Hoover has put his foot on it He says the monetary system of a in front of the Side Chapel of The Cathedral.
country is created and exists for certain well defined and essential purposes.
Sao Jose. TELEPHONE 3439 Sound practise demands that it should The most exquisite finishing touches.
not be diverted to other uses, if we are best to serve the need of trade Commerce, satisfy the convenience of the people, and protect the integrity of our Coins. Experience has demonstrated that the integrity of our coins can only be protected from counterfeiting ATWELL Co.
by limiting the number of designs with which in the course of time the public can become thoroughly familiar.
The danger of counterfeit Coins San José, Costa Rica being passed successfully is unquestIn one pound tins ionably increased by a multiplicity of Apartado 861 Telephone 3654 at any progressive grocer designs with which the public cannot become thoroughly familiar.
Better quality better price Therefore he vetoed any such further applications for commemorative Coins.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
No you want to be independent?
TUBERCULOSIS DEFINITELY CURED New method, discovered by Prof Dr. Friedmann.
Chief Physician and Surgeon of the Anti tuberculosis Institute of Berlin, consisting of Sub cutaneous injection of living bacilli of the turtle.
Cures possible for first and second degree of the disease, by means of one or two Sub cutaneous injections of the Friedmann Anti tuberculosis Vacuna This remedy has been officially adopted by the German Government in May 1929 and now also by the Brazilian Government by law passed 17th. February 1930 (Articles Nos. 32, 37 and 38)
Wonderful cures are being obtained in Costa Rica For full information apply to the sole concessionaires PACHECO PHOTO STUDIO Carta Blanca COFFEE


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