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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION. 00 SINGLE Copy 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER SC. NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 31. MAY. 1930 31 24th MAY Commercial Warfare againt the Co.
is going consumers.
in pany; prices.
WEST INDIAN TEST CRICKET There has been considerable noise in the Province? Whilst the crisis existed the daily papers and much comment not one of these could be got to adThis day, formerly Queen Vic. is no Unity? For the most part unnoticed? Is it any wonder that in public reasonings as to the fairness vance a loan of a quarter millon to toria day but now known as nowadays in these parts English, the Indians, the Egyptians, and or unfairness in the competition of the start the work of the Canalization of the world where there are Brit in obscurity, and would rather British dominance and see their large merchants, has been petitioning going to spend a few millons in the Empire day is celebrated all over Irish and Scotchmen today live Negroes would like to shake off United Fruit Co. in the commercial Moin, Tortuguero, but so soon as it ish Communities in one form dodge under the stars and Stri own destinies? For after all what Congress through the Chamber of Comor another, but as there are ap pes; as for the coloured man, he is it worth to be a British submerce to veto the Company activities ed to reap the seweets of her millions parently in Costa Rica so few is indeed, as was said by one gest in foreign parts especially inthe Merchandise traffic of the country spent by a participation in the supplies persons who seem really inter of our most popular coloured to the Negro, the Chinese, or The Chamber of Commerce took the to her men, they must do it; and who suffer? the ested in the unification and fra men in this country some twenty Hindu? Nothing but indignities matter up and invited opinions on the There is no doubt about it that the ternalization of the Empire, it years ago a British objects, an by depreciation discrimination a businesslike manner, what was dis Company it is who has been keeping passes unnoticed. Is the pride object of derision in the eyes of against in trade in labour, in covered that the petitioners were not down prices in this country. Who kept of the British Empire waning even less cultured peoples; he is Social equality.
even manly enough to affix their sig down prices during the war? the Comlegislated against by nearly every natures to the document.
in Britishers?
Who Kept down prices during It is far more advantageous the great washout of November 1928?
Formerly it was the greatest country, and yet such legislation the Company. The labouring people pride of any British subject to is not protested against by the for him to be a Costa Rican on this matter, we are doing so in the interests of the public in general, who British Consular Offices. For than to be a Britisher, because know at what prices they shall buy their would be those on whom this warfare he has free intercourse in all commodities week by week, by the der the British flag. Boastingly merly a British Passport deman: Latin America, and the world; engaged in the Commercial section of must react. The Company has been forethought of the Company in placardyou could hear on every side ded from the inhabitants of every but as a Britisher, he is only this Country for over thirty years from ing the prices of goods on a blackboard; she knows that her very employees am a British subject on equal Country that the proud holder Mr. Keith had the Tropical Fruit and raise the prices continually on the lamagnanimity that the Romans be allowed to travel free with allowed to go to Jamaica, BarTrading Co. before the merging in of bourers against the will of the Managers used the proud phrase «Romanus out let or hindrance and be badoes or Trinidad, he cant go to Australia or Canada or South the Boston Fruit Co. at a time when hence her reasons for advertising prices there were no Costa Rican, Spanish, of foodstuffs.
her glory; but today a Britisher has travels, under Security of Africa and hardly to England. Italian German or other merchants to If her employees do this, much more seem only to claim such nation the dominant British Flag, but Thus it is evident with this be seen in the swamps of the Atlantic would independent merchants who are only to quick to grasp any opportunity ality when he resides in Terri now he dare not go to certain inattention, that discontent will vide the necessary food and wearing to get rich at the expense of the latory belonging to the Empire, countries, even though he was be rampant and the indifference apparel for his men who helped him bouring man; even the middle retailer and at that only when he is instrumental in making that coun to the dignity of such obser to construct the Costa Rica Railroad, would only be too glad to extort fluctuating prices from the general pnblic, engaged in Commercial pursuit try with his Brawn, his Brain, and vances will continue to grow and later to drain and cultivate the and has some produce to sell his Blood, as he did Panama; and until. Albion changes her tact Rica. In those days, no man of true for we would have no one to control which enjoys a preferential tarrif. in others he is only tolerated for ies of indifferences to these Latin blood and very few of Anglo The Company is not aggressive in in the markets of the Empire his personal well acknowledged what she calls inferior races Saxon blood would risk his life for the her manner of conducting business, she In foreign parts the sight of industrial habits.
which in reality are only inferior sake of selling the neccessaries of life does not hamper or prevent anyone the Union Jack is scarce even Is it any wonder then that in opportunities or finds herself to those who were engaged in making from coming in, in the open market on festive days, is it that there Empire day goes by undignified, stript of her belongings.
the then only gate and Roadway into to share in the supply of the consumers.
the country; no, his life was too pre If the Company was an aggressive comcious; Yellow and other malignant fi petitor in the mercantile line what vers were to be reckoned with, but merchant in Costa Rica could stand now that the United Fruit Co has her pressure? The Company has a sysspent her millions in sanitary and other tem of business that is not understood works of improvement, and made it even by the Kings of Commerce in habitable, is it fair for Congress now this country; her aim is to peep prito tell them that they cannot continue ces of labour as low as possible and to in their mercantile pursuits, because five effect this end she must supply the Mr. Editor: abusive, sarcastic articles that a allowed to play Holt, or six of the leading merchants of San Continued to page representative team be sent to Hylton, Beckford or Rae instead Jose, find now that they can live in Permit me space in your va. Jamaica to contest the Superior of Griffiths, Roach DeCaires, lued journal to say a few words ity of all round Cricket? until it would have been a far better The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co.
on the egoistic expressions of this is done Jamaicans can only game, and Sandham would never the Trinidadians. It is certainly look at Trinidadians as Cowards have made 325, and our men Cuesta de Moras, San Jose disgusting and wanting in cul and not to be looked upon serio named would have given a betture the tone of criticisms on usly. Roach is a good bat, but ter showing at run getting than the one hand and the self prais not consistent, therefore not to the visitors, the eternal bats of es on the other as expressed be relied on, why gas so much Trinidad. Will the Sporting Chroby the Trinidad Sporting Chro about him; Grant as a. Captain, nicle say what have their evernicle, re Cricket and Cricketers may be a good man, but how lasting bats done? Well will arising from the recent Cricket far out of Trinidad is he known? answer for them, they have pro Just how far can a woman arrived from Paris. that dots Tour of the team. Can they honestly compare ven failures; and the selection go with a Secret? Until she are to be very popular on Now that the West Indies have him in any phase of the game should not have placed them on meets another woman.
Bathing costumes this summer, reached the stage of test Cric whether as Captain or player theAustralian team, for we can find one dot however to a costume, ket let us see what Trinidad has with our old reliable Captain far better men than they; Roach 0that is if we see the picture done. In the second test Trinidad «Nunes Can the world give a may bat, but only God knows faint heart never won a in the right light played eight of her best men better Captain than K. Nu when his lucky hour may come fairlady nor did it ever get who showed such a lamentable nes? Who at all times lays a 0lack of the Knowledge of the sound foundation for any examThe sporting public of Jamaica away from one.
are too diplomatic, generous Modern women wear their game that in my opinion she ple to follow; talking about a 0should only be allowed place bat you ve lost a most reliable thats why Trinidad is writing gentile, taking things too easy, flowers on their shoulders but Alcohol is quite as bad for the Toledo Blade says they neon Test Cricket hereafter.
Had it not been for the other going to Australia and yet noth of some uncultured egoist.
bat when Nunes is not all this stupidity from the pen the arteries of Traffic, as it is ver know from one moment to for the arteries of human beings. the next where their waist lines three West Indian players, the ing is said of him, can any of Trinidian side would not need your great bats be more relied Team going to Australia, and Trinidad has men on the are. 0a Score book; hence it surprises on than Nunes? who knows to Reciprocal! McDonald had to me how on earth can these same make runs and defend a game while in my opinion away from go across to Uncle Sammy to boy, but the modern boy knows Spare not the Rod to spoil the men be sent to Australia, what at any stage of it?
are they going there to do? The Chronicle publishes that Score of 849 of the English side not another consistent Cricketer so the legidora conference was but the fishing rod.
Browne or Achong should be in the last Test match in Ja on the pick.
take their delegation had to 0sent to Australia, pleading that maica as disgraceful, but what However we will be satisfied Treaty home to get it explained.
the team needs a Left hand bow of our men putting on 485 for and hope she too will be when What product has the greatest ler, of course Browne is men five wickets; what might the Trinidad will one day select her 0turnover in the world? The tioned but the real aim is to get other not have done? And best and send them to Jamaica chewing gum.
The Forresters say the older Achong to go. Why not insist does he forget that the English and win.
a tree is, the less it exudes 0on the Board to send the 16 team declared in Trinidad with 428 sap; this is not true however of One great educational writer men from Trinidad?
for and with so many wickets in the family tree.
declares that a Home garden They say Gladstone was bap. hand, beat them by an Inning and keeps a man out of mischief.
tized in Fire, but say nothing of so many runs to spare? Will he tell It is a pity that this spirit of 0Adam garden however got him Achong Baptism, do these peo us, which was the better game? gambling rivalry exists among During the last three years into mischief.
ple think that Cricketers are our bowlers were far superior than West Indians with so much in there are said to have been 0only to be found in Trinidad? those of Trinidad especially consulting criticisms, and prejudicial more than two thousand new Do they think that the World sidering the class of wicket play comparisons made of individual laws passed in the United States.
An English clergyman, unsucis ignorant of the fact that they ed on. Had our bowler been cricketers, that tend only to the allowances for their break paign with a lady Candidate, cessful in a recent political Comare not the holders of the Inter played in Trinidad and showed breed bad blood among in ages must be very generous. rushes into print with a prediction colonial Cup; for it is known that similar form as shown in Ja dividuals who should compete Demarara has a superior team. maica it is certain the Trinidad in clean healthy, friendly sport.
and warning that there will 0Trinidad boasty of her young Test would have ended in favour We do not see this unfriendly soon be a war between the The Boston Herald is autho sexes; but we weren aware that Cricketers; would she not pick of the West Indies Team, as the rivalry among the Australian, rity for saying that word has the present one is over.
maica to play the Colts there? for less than 400 runs and. Icers and the public press should locThentebestuurpuroiture Rito be had from VALLE Co.
Could some gentleman not sug. will go on and say with every not indulge in these ungentleHITS WITS


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