
EDITORIAL Financial Difficulties El Campo de Aterrizaje Coronel Sidar cánico el San José y los se y DATA Mientras en la Capital de Méxic se efectuaban los funencrales suntuosos y se corona en el lugar indicado, ejecuto el Himno Nacional Mexicano, y luego These have been keenly felt by every man woman child of thinking age le daba sepultura a las cenizas gloriosas del As Coronel Pablo Sidar, en el de Costa Rica. Ambos fueron aplauin Costa Rica for the past two or three years, but particularly so within the last al Cementerio de Dolores, en la Rotonda de los Hombres Ilustres, junto a didos por la concurrencia que dije anyear, since the passing of the memorable Banana Law, which gave no Security los mas notables Héroes, en esta cuidad de Limón, la Logia Fraternidad Nº tes era de unas quinientas personas.
that the Export Tax on Bananas would not be increased at any moment by the 10, le tributa a los gloriosos aviadores mexicanos, un homenaje de admira EL REGRESO LA CIUDAD.
government, which naturally brought the United Fruit Co. to a determination ción! El Campo de Aterrizaje, lugar cercano donde cayó el Avión Morelos, Terminada la ceremonia, la concuof expanding her operations in some other quarters, ceasing all her expenditures es bautizado con el nombre de Campo Sidar.
rrencia regresó a la ciudad. unos a here and curtailing to the minutest minimum, the maintenance of her invest este homenaje de simpatia, asistieron: el Señor Obispo Mon. Blessing, el Señor pic, otros en autos en camiones y biments which she was bound to carry on. This ofcourse had its reaction in the Comandante de Plaza y Gobernador, Coronel Arturo Robles La Logia cicletas. Eran las once de la mañana.
Commercial Industrial activities of the country, so that there has not been a FRAGMENTOS DEL AVION MORE.
Fraternidad 10 en cuerpo y de riguroso luto. La Sociedad, La Banda MiLOS QUE SERAN LLEVADOS AL man or woman that has not felt the result of this unwise measure of don Cleto litar y público.
MUSEO NACIONAL COMO OBgovernment. Ofcourse it was really no fault of his as he was against the meaCon motivo de la sencible desgracia Velázquez Castro, Cónsul de México en SEQUIO sure but it was so voted by the majority in Congress which put him in power; del domingo 11 de los corrientes, en el esta ciudad. Al terminar los oradores, Nuestro buen amigo don Carlos now we have the consequences staring us in the face, which these unwise law cual perecieron perdiendo así la vida, fueron muy felicitados. El Dr. Velázquez rozco Amador, ha tenido la gentileza makers could not sce until the calamities should fall on them. There were wise el As, asteca, Coronel Pablo Sidar se llenó de tanta emoción, que lloró de mostrarnos un pedazo de tela color men like don Felipe Alvarado, don Ricardo Jimenez others telling them y su compañero el mecánico Carlos como un niño.
orocon la cual venia forrado el avión Rovirosa, la Honorable Corporación Mu.
every day what might happen, but all that they were disposed to sce was, what nicipal de esta ciudad, por unanimidad LA OPORTUNIDAD DE LIMON PA.
caído en nuestra playa de Cieneguita el dia 11 de los corrientes, en que perdie gains the Company had benefitted from Concessions, but they could not see de votos, acordó en sesión plena dar RA SER CONOCIDO EN EL ron la vida el Coronel Sidar y su me MUNDO.
el nombre de Campo Sidar, al Camwhat the country had benefitted by the investments of foreign Capital nor the Capitán Rovirosa. Él amigo po de Aterrizaje que aquí había, ya que Con la caída del Coronel Sidar y Orozco Amador nos ha dicho que los inconveniences from lack and privations which must result by the sudden with fue a unas pocas varas dentro al mar, drawal of this Capital by the curtailment of the Concessions previously enjoyed donde cayeron los intrépidos aviadores: Atlántica el 11 de los corrientes, en el del Capitán Rovirosa en nuestra Costa fragmentos que tiene en su poder, los llevará oportunamente for so long a timeacordaron una loza en recuerMorelos, hemos tenido los limonenses obsequiará al Museo Nacional como un do a la de los muertos As a result of all this lack of foresight we now have demonstrations and la oportunidad de ser conocidos en el recuerdo del sensacional suceso. Muy Luego, la respetable Logia Fraternidad attempts of rioting by the unemployed, the discontents and oppositionists to the loable nos parece el acto cívico del amimundo entero, porque es el hecho más Nº 10, compuesta en su totalidad si grande y sensacional de nuestra histo go Orozco Amador, por cuya razón lo present government. We go so far as to have dissatisfactions and resignations quiere por el elemento obrero, quiso ria, que nos dará renombre, ya que es felicitamos.
among our Executives, and difficulties even to fill the seats vacant by such restos dos expertos del aire, eran el orguCronista Fisgón ignations. For it is only on Tuesday last that the office of Minister of Finance cal, acordo con la cooperación de la tual.
pliando el acuerdo del Gobierno lollo de la raza, y de la civilización acwas filled. This portfolio was offered to several of our best known Statisticians autoridad correpondiente el Ceremonial LA BANDA MILITAR TOCO LOS Birthdays and financial genii who refused the honour, principally of these was our greatest del domingo 25, que se llevó a cabo con toda solemnidad.
HIMNOS DE MEXICO DE financial expert don Thomas Soley Guell, who rightly felt that it was late to COSTA RICA.
Today is birthday of His Holiness LA INVITACION QUE HIZO LA call him now, when distrees and hardships stared the government in the face.
Nuestra Banda Militar en el acto, en the Pope of Rome, and Tuesday 3rd At last don Carlos Aragon was persuaded to accept the position, and we can LOGIA FRATERNIDAD 10 que los señores Martínez y Campos, se of June will be that of His Majesty only hope that he realizes the seriousness of the responsabilities he accepts and Muy temprano de la mañana del 24, intrudujeron al mar, y depositaron la King George of England.
will consult with experienced, well read and travelled men in the line, to help circuló la siguiente invitación: La Logia Fraternidad 10, invita por este medio to make his regime a success, and crown his name with glory and place hima todos sus miembros, a las Coporacio MUSICAL AGENCY self in the hall of fame where such of his predecessors as Soley Guell are to nes Hermanas; a las autoridades Civiles be found. It is up to him now to devise means and ways, not so much to cur y militares, a los Maestros y alumnos Central Avenue adjoining Costa Rica Mercantile Co.
de las Escuelas de esta ciudad al pútail expenditures, but to make revenuc, to open the avenues of the inflow of blico en general a participar en BEECHE MONTES DE OCA SO revenue, to discountenance every attempt that would tend block the advent desfile y actos religiosos en honor de PROP.
of industries that must introduce foreign capital in the country. To plan ways Everything known in Music, Records of all Makes, Musical Instruments for giving employment to his countrymen. Then and only then, will don Cleto y Carlos Rovirosa, en el Campo de Ate.
and accessories of all kinds We have a popular Club for TALKING rrizaje de esta ciudad, mañana dominfeel that he has the help which he is seeking. We hope he will look to such MACHINES paying 00 per week only.
go 25 de Mayo, saliendo del cruce de advanced Latin Countries as Columbia as examples. Eighteen months ago Co Cieneguita, a las y media de la maWe sell Magazines of all kinds. Write us for any kind of information desired lumbia was confronted as We are, she had 80, 000 unemployed, makin demonsnana. Box 1475. The Cigar Store. Telephone 4100 trations as we are doing, fighting the Police, looting, defying the law in every ORDEN DEL DESFILE way, what happened; a census was taken of all the unemployed, they were Banda Militar y Boy Escuts.
drafted out to the unsettled parts, and lands given them by free titles, Colonies Autoridades Civiles y Militares. La Corona were instituted, Roads made by the same people, fifty cents per day per head MORAZAN DRY CLEANING Logia Fraternidad 10.
allowed those new settlers until their Crops started to come in, and in a few Corporaciones.
OF CALVO Telephone 3330 months they had new prosperous townships, Carpenters and Masons were much Escuelas Públicas.
Your clathes cleaned pressed by steam pressure at 150 per suit, giving in demand and are still now so, no more unemployment heard of in the Coun7 Público.
them to you as good as new. Ladies Garments also attended to try, and now do we not find the new president Dr. Olaya Herrera, Making Entusiasmo inucitado despertó en tomachines do not burn the edges or make them appear shine as the hand a loan of 60. 000, 000 for the development of the Country these are the sort dos los corazones, la citada invitación, Ironing does: y gentes de todas las clases sociales 150 YADRS WEST OF DR. FIGUERES CLINIC of examples we want to follow.
There are lots of money in the world today unemployed, hence we find vadían el lugar de cita señalado.
desde muy temprano del domingo, inthe rates of interest dropping in France England, within the past few months Santa Marta Bana. MARKES vs. THE LA HORA DEL DESFILE they have dropped twice coming down to and 24 per cent why, because they la hora señalada estaban en el crucannot get their moneys placed, this is the time for don Carlos to push a loan nas blown down The appeal case of Markes (now ce, las escuelas públicas, es decir: los Mae Craig) The by of Ten millions, take in all his petty responsabilities, make new Colonies encoalumnos de ellas, la Banda militar, el Uriah Alexander Grant, Wilfred Emurage his unemployed to settle; build roads, build Canals and open up the señor Gobernanor y Comandante de Dr. Ujueta and Mr. Jose Vives Country, the Bananas Law will be changed early in June, the United Fruit Plaza Coronel Robles, la Logia Fraternipassed through Jamaica, on their way manuel Wilson as Trustees for the to Boston as delegates from the Agrice Order by the Chief Justice for the sale Kingston Division Appealing from an will invest, because Santa Marta ia ruined by huricane, and in Costa Rica we dad No. 10 en cuerpo de riguroso luto cultural Society of Santa Marta, to make are immune from Cyclones, not being in the pathway of such calamities thus by dad, jóvenes y caballeros de la misma, of the Kingston Liberty Hall was called arrangements with high Officials of the a judicious administration, who will invite foreign capital rather than drive it up on Thursday 22nd, continued to Fria el público en en general, Monseñor Co to help the Banana industry away by foolish laws and ridiculous restrictions we shall again be prosperous posday 23 rd. and after lengthy discusof Columbia, which is in a very presing, en auto seguía adelante y atrás, sions on both side, the case was adjomiembros de la Logia Fraternidad No. 10 carious state due to recent hurricanes sibly more so than ever, and the name of the present Administration will be urned for Tuesdays 27th.
portando una hermosa corona de flores which wrecked the industry. Over.
crowned with glory, but we need wise heads, serious deliberations and true pa tropicales en forma de aeroplano. Los of fruit were lost by Mr. Braithwaite instructed by tiotic intentions to help don Cleto to get out of the Chaos into which we have autos, los camiones, las motocicletas, las winds; and it will take seven months Me Nevile, Ashenheim appeared for ciudad hacían un conthe Appellant Trustees while Mr.
fallen; but now is the time.
junto hermosísimo.
are no more winds.
Manley instructed by Mr. Cargill De Cieneguita se devolvieron los The shipments from Columbia have appeared for the repondent Miss Mae alumnos de las escuelas. Los Boy Scouts ranged Craig the legatee of Markes.
between twelve and fifteen milNOTICE no asistieron al acto por estar ausentes lions per annum, but now there is hardAll share holders of the Agricultural and Building Corporation of 28 de la ciudad. Al lugar de la ceremonia ly a quarter of that amt to be got, Miles are hereby requested to attend an important general meeting of the llegaron por ahí de unas quinientas perabove named Corporation which will take place in the Liberty Hall at Madre sonas, ya que el trayecto es de más de On Wednesday 21st a breeze passed financial condition hence the delegation Doubling your advertising in de Dios on the 15th June 1930, for the purpose of selecting officers whose tres millas, y a pie, no son todos los through the Co. Vere ations THE SEARCHLICHT names shall appear on the Registration of the Society.
que se exponen a hacer el viaje.
The shareholders are impressed that this order was issued at the last meetof Jamaica and destroyed 70. 000 stems YA EN EL CAMPO DE ATERRIZAJE of Bananas.
ing, but am now under the instructions of the Lawyer of the Society to seis to double your sales lect officers at this general meeting of shareholders to protect the interests of the Corporation.
Llegados al lugar donde debían cele full attendance of all shareholders is therefore solicited at this meeting brarse los actos religiosos, los señores Manuel Martínez y Rafael Angel Shaw President, Farquharson, Ch. Taylor, Treasurer LOANS! LOANS! LOANS Campos, miembros de la Logia FraterA. GIBBS, Secretary nidad No. 10 tomaron la corona, y así PERSON WITH 10. 000 CAPITAL vestidos de riguroso luto como iban, Is willing to aid publio with loans, provided tangible guaran se introdujeron al mar a unas cincuenta tee is given. For further information and arrangement, apply The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co. varas más o menos hacia dentro de la LIMON SERVICE BUREAU playa, lugar donde cayó el Morelo ao Joe between and p dally, except Saturdays, and from 12 to p. on Sundays.
Cuesta de Moras, San Jose junto con Sidar y corona, como homenaje al heroísmo. En ese momento, el marante recido los envolvió en sus garras como omo The best furniture to be had from Valle Co.
queriendo hacer de ellos una segunda hazaña, estos pero volvieron ilesos a la Cuesta de Moras, San Jose playa. Una ovación de aplausos salió de la concurrencia. Box 1530 San Jose TELEHONE 4008 El señor Obispo Blessing, una vez que el acto estaba consumado, bendijo (Half a black to the North of the Post Office)
el lugar desde la playa, lo mismo que el campo de aterrizaje.
The most refined, clean and excellent meals served.
San José new building. Hot and cold baths American and LOS DISCURSOS 4114 Spanish cooking Después de la ceremonia religiosa, hicieron uso de la palabra en frases Furnishes first class aparatus in Hiperdermic Syria.
Proprietress bien sentidas y emocionantes, los señoJ. PETOT res Eliseo Brenes, Director de Escuelas, ges, and Injections of all kinds, as well as Electroplated don Arturo Fernández Ríos en su cali Needles and Thermometers.
dad de miembro de la Logia Fraternidad. Novido, oregel Dr. doniste Miguehal Arigelece del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Our steam Bles.
6000. 000 stems Rovirosa, allí lo HOTEL SANTA FE Carlos Viquez Co.
Apartado 18 Telephone


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