
Saturday 31 May. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE ECONOMIZING THE ESTIMATES ASTHMATIC SUBJECTS SASTRERIA GRANT Ticket No. 23 nagement of the EduFRACAS IN SAN JOSE LOBELYNE CHARRON is the only remedy for the Mr Joaquin Sancho, De taining 15. 000, a Sub Secre 52. 600 From the Public Works puty to Congress has put be. tary 000, General Municipal Dept. 156. 620, one Sub Secure of ASTHMA and chronic BRONCHITIS.
fore the house a plan of econo. Inspection of Revenue. 23. 400, cretary 000, Public work Lobelyne Charron is a French preparation sold in all drug stores.
my by which he proves that from the National printery on shops (67. 000, Repairs to pubthe estimates of expenditure can employee 600, Radio tele lic buildings 50. 000, Implebe saved 000. 465.
graphic instalations 000, ments, travelligns etc, 30. 000, Sole distributors: Solera Brothers. San Jose. Telephone 3950 He puts it, at a cut from the from Election expenses 30. 000 Totalling. 156. 620.
Legislative. Chamber first he making 89. 000.
From Office of Foreign Afcan save 51. 600 by cutting From the public health Dept. fairs 155. 346 one Sub Secreoff 200 per month from the he saves (52. 600, thus; from the tary 69. 000, Entertaining ex43 Deputies during the six Dept. of Sanitary Engineering pense 9. 000, contingencies etc. months of recess; from the Mi 27. 600, Travelling expen 30. 000 Legacion at Washinnisterio of Internal affairs and ses 000; Drugs and Mater ton 108. 540, Legacion en MexJ. GRANT Police he can cut. 89. 000, as iales 10. 000, Incidental expen ico 403, Legacion in CoSuits made to order in the Shortest notice.
follows from Presidents enter ditures 10. 000, Totaling lombia 403. Total 155. 346. complete stock of Eng and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels Office of War Dept.
always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals. 355. 059, as follows SecreNorth West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts LAWYERS NOTARIES taries 10. 000 Comandancia de Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings Plaza 32. 000 to abolish Buethis week Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA na Vista Cuartel 178. 937.
In Serie Drawing No. 35; won by Roger Lopez Cruz Ticket No. 131.
Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before From the Military; Food, furIn Serie Drawing No. 12: won by Jorge Barquero the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial do niture, clothes, medicines etc.
cuments also prepared at Lowest prices. 27. 000 Dept. of Police, Ca In presence of: Manuel Sequiera Hugo Morales and Rafael Arias ENGLISH SPOKEN Valry, Commissions mobiliza. BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 tions, food, office furniture and repairs 20. 000 Musical instruThe Committee of Ma ments and mobilization e 12. 000. Monarch Lodge, Inc. Teacher Wanted THE MUSEUM OF THE INDIAN Prisons Dept. food for prisoand cation Dept. of Good Hope North 25 miles, stand in need of a TRACHER for the ners and garrisons, office furnelimentary day School at this place THE ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU CAN BUY GENUINE iture and repairs to boats.
Court Amense, Inc. Terms and all requirements can be had INDIAN AND NATIVE SOUVENIRS 000, reception to foreign of the Secretary Mr. Uriah Scarlett of this To Whom It May Concern: Locality. URIAH SCARLETT, Secretary.
navies 10000. Total 356. 069.
Inca, Maya, Aztec Pottery, Gold, Jade and Silver Ornaments and Antique jewelry. Jaguar, Bon Constrictor and other skins.
All members and adherents of the Office of Finance and Coabove named lodges are hereby requested THANKSGIVING Baskets, Orchids, Canes, old Coins, Stamps, Spanish Shawls, Postals, ete, merce 97. 240, as follows one also buy Tiger and Lion skins, Pottery and gold ornaments from the Sub Secretary. 9000, Office of to confer on matters of very great imtombs of indians, antiqne jewelry ete.
Control 48. 240. Rentals 40. 000 of portance.
The Mr. Purity order Direction. Calle 5, next door to The Again de Oro in Central Avenue total e 97. 240.
Parties on the lines who find it inof Good Samaritans and daughters of Look for the sign of The Indian.
Office of Education, one Subconvenient to be present please con Samaria will hold their Annual Harvest sult the following persons: Doña EMMA de BROAD Proprietress. BROAD Manager Secretary 000 Making a toBro. Arthur Williams. cultivation)
Thanksgiving in their Lodge rooms at APARTADO 531. San Jose Costa Rica. TELEFONO 3138 tal saving of one million four Monte Verde Branch the Shepherds Hali, on Sunday 8th of hundred and sixty five colones; Bro. Ashley, Matina June starting at 30 sharp. All besides reccommending that all Bro. Ayre, Estrada.
Sister and Kindred Societies are cordiofficial automobiles be done or ally invited, as well as the public in away with, except the two kept Director, Box 582, Port Limon.
communicate direct with the Dharanian general to spend a pleasant Sunday affor use at the Presidential Paternoon in Limon.
lace, thus saving thousands upon WILLIAMS, special service of Song and Praise thonsands of gallons of gasoline Secy. by trained voices will be rendered.
Ong the evening of 27th, San the riot, wounding some. One plus reparis etc.
Jose was quite cxcited by a or two Delegates in Congress Very sweeping changes, but The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co.
crovvd of unemployed men of the opposition party took up most of them very reasonable.
trying to make a demonstration the matter and tried to make Cuesta de Moras, San Jose We agree that economy is in protest of the existing strait much mettle out of it for poli the order of the day, but judiened crisis.
tical propaganda but the leaders cious economy; to dismiss labourThey attempted to go towards of the labour organizations have ing men without finding them the President Palace, but were discountenanced this action, say employment in other spheres TUBERCULOSIS prevented by the Police, on ing this manner of using them of labour (especially in producaccount of which they threw for political strategy is not ap tive works) is not judicious stones and other Missiles at the preciated and unauthorized. Se economy and tends to create a Police wounding some, conse veral of the rioters are under Spirit of unrest among the poquently the Police in return had arrest.
pulation, what we thoroughly to fire on the crowd to quell approve, of is to diminish the New method, discovered by sal mm Military and improve the status ზ.
of the Police, by raising the Prof Dr. Friedmann. Chief opportunities Police; you have a more intelligent, and reliable force; but of Physician and Surgeon of the what use is the Army in a Anti tuberculosis Institute of Berlin, BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Burcau established for the greater convenience, to fight? Especially when we of living bacilli of the turtle.
understanding, satisfaction and protection of the Englishhave Uncle Sammy as uor Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Chief of Police as per the Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen Monroe Doctrine and Pan AmeCures possible for first and second against unscrupulous debtors. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to rican understanding.
degree of the disease, by means of lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conone or two Sub cutaneous fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with injections of the over tyventy five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge My wife Martha Morgan de Grant and Counsel.
a woman of 55 years of age, has been EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ separated from me for over eight years AURELIO BERMUDEZ on account of her continual misconduct.
Barrister Investigator have tried to get a legal separation adopted by the German Government Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager from her but she refused to sign the document Now she has been caught in May 1929 and now also by the MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE redhanded in her illicit amorous as Brazilian Governmentb y law passed San José, 50 yards West of the sociation with a man named Gamboa Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre Presidencia by his paramour; In consequence of 17th. February 1930 Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of which this woman has indicted them Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, both before the Agent of Police, a New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, young woman of 24 years, she says (Decrees Nos. 32, 37 and 38)
Martha has been carrying on her adulteeeerre erous traffic with her sweetheart for a long time but she had been trying to avoid Wonderful cures are being a scandal knowing that Martha is a The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co. shameless, scandalous woman, but she can no longer soffocate her feelings; obtained in Costa Rica Cuesta de Moras, San Jose she has hadto quit her home, which is the property of Martha and ventilate For full information apply to the the case before the Courts.
The public will thus see the class of with whom have been sole concessionaires suffering.
Endeavours to please her patrons.
The latest in the FILM WORLD San José, Costa Rica in constant touch with the best production Doctors treatment of gonorrhoes, Apartado 861 Telephone 3654 Be a Modernite Always es propiedad de la Biblioteca ometrition loodingsdelamations of ethereale linisterio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Dr Zeledon Office and dwelling DEFINITELY CURED AND peaceful Country like this may consisting of Sub cutaneous injection Scandal in Turrialba Friedmann Anti tuberculosis Vacuna This remedy has been officially woman Cine Moderno


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