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CURRENT ITEMS LA JAPONESA DOMINGO REGO Hotel Frances mento; but one contract signed Commercial Warfare.
country by the inauguration more of a in From Other Other Lands Great Clairvoyant ges, that Tardieu will not be Our Bananas. Madame Fraya in Paris is conthe cause, he alone will be able It seem as if the question of 125 Yards south of El Cometa to harmonize the political facsidered the greatest clairvoyant tions.
our Banana Industry is being Behind La Iglesia Merced of modern times. She it was who predicted the fall almost There are signs of a war but it because in an interview with amicably settled in Camera Sudden death of Primo Rivera, will not have a very sanguina Don Cleto he is quoted as saythe inundations of Southern Fran ry effect.
ing, The Banana Contract leaWall street will continue its ves a few minor details to be Apartado 771 ce, the death of field martial Foch Telephone 3289 ex Premier Clemenceau. normal activities but there is a closed. It is almost certain that Gran novelty in Umbrellas She says now that French pol great wave of prosperity ahead as soon as the new Cabinet is ilitics will pass through bad sta of the United States.
formed in their first executive silk cotton parasols of all colours reunion this new contract will be placed for their opinions.
Fixed prices to defy Competition There will not be two contracts as formerly, one by the Minister. by both Ministers. In any Case Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas in the coming week the Banana Contd from Page Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention Contract will be the item for necessaries of life to her labouring peo here is this body asking Congress to care taken of them by the Administration of discussion.
ple as low as is convenient to her rates discriminate against a component of itself, why, simply because it is seen The Co. has arranged of profits; hence she insists that so THE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO that this partner is disposed to spend a to place their investments half much only shall be chargeable to her few millions in the and half on Pacific and Atlan duties and overhead charges leaving a of works of improvement, Nice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding tic, so as to benefit the entire very small profit for contingencies, so from which by her trade in merchandcountry.
that merchandise shall not in case of country, ise, she may profit by a two per cent unforeseens, fall a burden to Fruit ope of this investment, she must be ousted Prohibition Convenient Trains to visit the country East or West. To spend a from the trade by the passing of a law rations, hence her labourers are taken care of from extortionists, she being to this effect. What injustice; and we Vacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return.
In the recent straw vote totals merchant. It is well therefore that Cona supplier, caterer than a are pleading for the introduction of forCharges and accomodations to suit all Purses.
of the 17th inst we find there gress in considering this petit eign Capital.
have been 562. 761 votes poll gaze at the Company activities Com If our Merchants want business, let them build business, by assisting in ed plus 85. 674 spoilt votes in merce from this standpoint for by fetworks of Improvements. Let them get favour of Prohibiton there have tering her activities, it must be considered together and guarantee the cost of the been 386. 216 votes, and against, life of the labourer, which might mean she is endangering the economic Tortuguero Canalization and so open 176. 545; being 340. 441 for higher rates of wages to cope with lands, and they will find that the United up all that Astu a Pirie reservation of modification, and 836. 104 for higher cost of living, because the prices Fruit Co trading will not interfere Syrian Republic employment has been a long Repeal of the Law. This week is of goods will soar by merchant with their trade and the inhabitants France has granted the Status burning one before the house, to be last week of this voting so nopoly (were the Company to be put would be happy and they would be more out of trade) as sure as night follows contented with their trade.
of a Republican government to hence Sir Oswald Mosley think it will be interesting to see day. On the other hand the thing is all her mandated territory in Asing he would have brought how the tables are turning.
impossible of thought; where would The Manager of the United Fruit syria; ofcourse Libania was alre about the fall of the Cabinet be the equality af treatment according Co. has signified the Coy disinterest to the Constitution laws of the ady a Republic. France however by this item, brought a resolustill retains her sovereignty over tion before the house for a vote VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO Country where is the equanimity of trade but why shouid the trade she has feelings by the Chamber of Commerce, built on the Atlantic coast be curtailed.
these Republics as Protectorates. Labour government in so far as Efficacious Remedy British Politics it concerns its activities with to expel worms PILES SHOE STORE Siquirres Lucas Morua Premier Macdonald has gain regard to labour and nonemPHARMACEUTICO ed a very decisive victory in ployment, but he was badly deParliament. The question of nonfeated by a vote of 210 against 29.
Keep apushing and ashoving till you push the dark clouds away; and the SOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUG STORE only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be shod with: Cartago, Telp. 77 PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
Siquirres PILE Scientifical Eye Examination Dr. VARGAS Glasess of all Classes and Prices Spinal Treatments, for any desease. AIDA RESTAURANT If your back aches, some thing worse fol lows. Take my treatment before its too The proof of the Pudding is in the cating. To prove the superiority of Cookery, is to come to late. AIDA RESTAURANT 125 yards North of Botica Oriental If you want something delicious for a dinner or Lunch iets and try Aida San Jose PICNIC PARTIES, AND BANQUETS ATTENDED To have a Tea at 3p. from Alda is always to return there where At the NIA FOR SALE Just in front of Standing on a fine lot of land at HOTEL COSTA RICA Cieneguita, lots of Fruit Trees and a beautiful flovver garden. House of four rooms and necessary out buildings at a Song fancy Make it snappy. 000. apply The Searchlight If you have a thing to say, Cut it down!
To whom it may Concern seithe pubThis advi Something you must write today, Cut it down!
lie that my wife Mary Jane Richards, Let your words be short and few, Don Victor Fabian, an old has given first class results. The nee MeDonald, to whom was Married Aim to make them clear and true, time wholesale merchant of Li fruit arrived in first class con in the year 1918. Left my home and protection on the 11th March for Cris mon, is Agent for the Ham dition, the distribution was imMonsyllables will do, Cut it down!
tobal Consent without my burg American boats and her mediate and the prices were do not therefore hold myself responsible for any actions of bers or any associates, the Kosmos and the good, hence the trade will be accounts she may contract.
Are you writing to the Press? Cut it down!
Lloyd North German continued.
Sgd. LORENZO RICHARDS Port Limon, May 8th. 1930.
Make it half or even less, Cut it down!
He conceived the idea that few more enterprising men Germany ought tobe a good mar of the class of Don Victor FaEditors like pithy prose, Lengthy letters are their foes, ket for Costa Rica Fruit and left bian is what Costa Rica needs, The Metropole Club Dance Take a hint from One who knows. Cut it down!
us some months ago and made men who will think and act.
at the Selected all arrangements with his ship not only to quarrel and expose As in other Big Cities ping firm and a distributing the country weakness, but work Agent, the firm of Stien Lach to overcome all obstacles, not We notice that there is being arrangmann of Hamburg, and on his gaze at the obstacles and looked a regular Club that will have their return he has made a trial ship around to see at whose door dances on or about every first SaturLet us ment of about 500 stems from he can lay the blame, but men day night in each month.
Puntarenas for Hamburg in the who will help to get them out hope, that it will se kept up as the House does it. Memin front of the Side Chapel of The Cathedral. Margaret Johnson which the way of success.
bers are asked to give their suggestions for improvement through this medium.
San Jose. TELEPHONE 3439 QUOD DODUO DODOUX DEDICIODOODIQD The first Dance will be on the 21st.
of June. All invited members are asked The most exquisite finishing touches.
to turn out so as to make our Big Start Success.
Situado en Calle 3a. 25 varas al Norte de la Imprenta Alsina Boxing Exhibition San José. Propietario: JULIAN PASTOR Kid Grenald vs. Kid Tasis better Ofrece a su clientela, habitaciones especiales para familias en un editicio construido expresamente para HOTEL y contra temblores.
known as Treno (Spaniard) June 2nd.
at p. Rounds Cuartos con baño de agua fria y caliente. Se atiende también órdenes Two other Bouts Rounds cach. At para Bailes, Bautizos y Banquetes. Servicio esmerado con el confort the Come Early.
más exigible.
Offers also to her English Speaking clients, an exquisite RES.
Base Ball Talk COFFEE TAURANT AND BAR ROOM service and Specially built Earthquake proof Rooms for family use vvith hot or cold water Some of our Base Ball fans are enBaths, modern sevver system, at very moderate prices.
deavouring to start the Atlantic League In one pound tins 25 Yards North of Imprenta Alsina in 3rd Street, Pays special attention The old and Reliable Managers are to Weddings, Baptisms Balls and Banquels being asked to give it a hearing, there at any progressive grocer Soecial rates for families Established in 1914 will be a meeting called to arrange mat Better quality BOX 990 TELEPHONE 117. JULIAN PASTOR ters as soon as the mgrs. are settled better price Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nahal ianul Olacée Lizhet sehaiglema thaprit deilotes del OSTEOPATH CONSULTORIO OPTICO RIVERA building. Meals at any hour.
TO OUR CONTRIBUTORS Great Benefactor PACHECO PHOTO STUDIO Gran Hotel Continental Carta Blanca DOCCCOCCO soon.
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