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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGE. NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY JUNE. 1930 32 News about St. Marks Boy Scouts News from other lands Doctors mistake patients die Through Life Journey An airplane school in Stanley will now go on his an.
On Saturday the 24th of May to St. Mary church premises Laveneir. Then got dressed Jamaica nual vacation The St. marks Boy Scouts left where we camp out for the night, and were ready for physical Two Canadian Aviators come Giant Liner Limon for a weekend camp out and was warmly received by Mr. excercises at oclock Sharp, out to Jamaica and got a group at Siquirres, by the passenger Deslandes who is in charge under the Command of The Cunard Steamship Coy train to which an extra coach of said Church. At 30 we again Saunders and Brews of gentlemen interested in Aviafell in under the Command of ter, After said was finislued, We tion and now a Company is has awarded a contract to the We arrived at Siquirres at 12 Mr. George Hooker then went for a bathing parade airplane service and school of of Glasgow, for a giant liner in oclock sharp, and immediately for a rout march to Cairo, rewere marchedto the Agencia of turned back to Siquirres at M. Laveneir and Saunders. Aviation. The grounds will be Competition with the Bremen Police by the Father oclock and were dismissed. The We then were dismiseed until near Bumper Hall where 100 Europa for 000, 000 she is to Ryecart of which we exchanged Bugle was then blown at oC 10. 30 we fell in for Divine acres of land have been secured. be of 75, 000 tons register attain a speed of 28 knots. She honours, After said we marched lock Sunday morning by services Father Ryecart Of Those who travel will be much larger and faster ficiating We then had an hour for lunch after service was dis toured Costa Rica in the interest and will be in advance shipbuildMrs. de Mena, has than her German Competitors missed and fell in again at 10 of the Universal Negro Impro ing for twenty years.
oclock. by Laveneir and marched to the Station unvement Association.
der a heavy shower of rain af Limon and went to Estrella, then She lectured in Siquirres, and The United Fruit Co. is also SUIT SAYS SURGEON LEFT health must be due to other ter giving Mr Deslandes, and the PLIERS IN BODY to Cahuita and Old Harbour, engaged in a heavy building causes.
Sheriff the general salute. We she was expected at Madre de programme, to carry out her The appellate Division opi arrived in Limon at 20 by the Dios but did not turn up in fruit Mail Contract with the nion, written by Justice Mertin, passenger train.
Miss Julia Conklin Right to said Miss Conclin father, con Sorry to say we have seen on consequence of stress of work. government 18 new ships She left for Jamaica on Satur are in contemplation of these Seek Damages for Alleged cerned about her condition, took some programe at the stores Contract Breach Upheld. her on a number of trips and window, that we were going to day last carrying her tramp card have been ordered in the Uniin her hands.
ted States and in English ship finally went with her on a world take part at a memorial cereyards; those of the will tour, arriving in Italy in the spring mony for the two mexican aviaWe are very pleased to welcome but those to be built in England be large ships of 10, 000 tons TIME LIMIT DISREGARDED of 1927. Mr. Conkling fell ill tors who lost their lives given there and returned home, while by the Fraternidad No. 10. But back to our shores Mr. Cecil will be smaller but swifter boats.
his daughter went to London we would like especialy the Spa Lindo, his presence at this moMalpractice Charge. However, to spend the Summer.
nish public to know that we ment means much, by way of Is Barred Under Statute in were not officialy noticed or advices on financial questions Thirty nations have protested Divided Appellate Ruling. London Surgeon Made Ray else the C, Father Ryecart of the country so much needed against the new Tarifl Bill inwould have put off the Cam by the heads of Departments troduced by the United States She became so ill that in ping. We would also like to just now. We learn that Mr. Senate. novel decision on the right June, 1927, she consulted Sir advise the public, that the of a patient to sue a surgeon Kenneth Goodby, a noted Lon doesn go begging boys to for alleged malpractice. when it don surgeon. After unsuccessful join our troop, Every boy who was not discovered until after efforts to diagnose her condi is in it came and joined of their the statute of limitations would tion, he had ray photographs own free will. And if a boy feels bar the case, was handed down made, which revealed a pair of like quitting the troop he dont Laugh a little, love a little as you go your way; by the Appellate Division on artery forceps. Her father was stop him, only he must return Friday in an action by Miss notified that an immediate ope uniform received acording to Work a little play a little. Do this every day; Julia Conklin, daughter of Ro ration was necessary to save pledge taken. This is pertaining Give a little, take a little, never mind a frown, land Conklin, retired capita her life and cabled permission to remarks passed at a public Make your smile a welcome thing all around the town.
list and promoter, against Dr. whereupon the operation was meeting at the held John Draper, prominent performed and the forceps re on Sunday nigh the 25th of Laugh a little, love a little, skies are always blue.
surgeon, for 125. 000 damages. moved. month later, when May.
Every cloud has a silver lining but it up to you.
The suit disclosed that on she was convalescing at a nurs On Monday night we had six May 27, 1925. Dr. Drape oper ing home, she wrote her attor new recruits making our amoSELECTED ated on Miss Conklin for ap neys in New York to take action. unt about 82 boys.
pendicitis at the Lexington Hos They brought suit against her Thanking you Mr. Editor for pital. She recovered, but suf consulting physician and Dr. space in your paper. remain fered from occasional intestinal Draper.
a true member of The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co.
attacks. She went abroad to re Two causes of action were The St. Marks Boy Scout Cuesta de Moras, San Jose cuperate, and on returning in alleged, one for 100. 000 dathe Fall consulted her physician, mages for malpractice resulting because her health was not in illness which prevented her normal, but was told that noth from resuming editorial work ging was wrong. During the next with the the MacFadden publitwo years she consulted him cations and for the Metropoliagain and was advised that her tan Museum of Art and one On Saturday the 10th inst shot Simon and that he must months ago he entered the operation had been successful for 25, 000 for breach of a Panamanian shot a Hondu go and look for him. The man house of the Agent of Po and that any symptoms of ill contract.
ranian named Simon, Foreman left for old Harbour where he lice Ramon Saborio and ill of Francisco Ramirez at Home stayed for about 15 minutes and treated him in a most horrible Creek continued his journey along the manner, and after tied him and The facts are as follows Si coast, Ramirez sent three men took him to Home Creck at Ramon and the Panamanian were after him and brought him back mirez farm for a day and then drawing cocoa in the Farm at night to Home Creek (to the brought him back in the evewhen a quarrel ensued Simon big cuartel) during this period ning and later on, released by Cahuita Illegal Lottery in Talamanca then drew his matchette and no Police or Agent of Police two Police men coming from Cecil Bryan an old liver in old public lottery (Known as chopped the Panamanian in his interfered in the matter. The Limon to go to Talamanca.
Harbour was apparently out his the drop pan) is being carried the man ran away and threw a sent for during the night and back inflicting a terrible wound, Agent of Police of Cahuita was This man Simon defied Law mind, he was placed on the on at Rana Town Chase in Ta sack over his body and went to the man was buried on Sunday carried a long and short gun and order in old Harbour, he Launch Marta for Limon the lamanca by a Chinea shop Ramirez house and borrowed a Launch stayed over in Cahuita keeper this from of gumbling is the 11th. on Friday) that night, and he a ruin to the people of the disat night and scared the whole gun to shoot a large snake where Much sympathy is felt for the community not even the Agent was removed by his attendantstrict, for a he was working, he then ret. wounded man, who shot Simon, of Police should speak to him.
one Mature another to Mr. even on Sundays on Pay Days 36 buck shot in his left side, offences from time to time, in pandrops daily urned to Simon and gave him for Simon has committed grave Smith house where he was twice, Does the Governor of after doing his job he came out his country and Panama and in left alone; during the night he Limon Know this?
dis appeared. Nothing has been to some people who were living Home Creck last year he chop. No more Smallpox in heard of him since, he apparently Is there a law which prohibits Francisco Ramirez that he had and nothing said about it, two near by and told them to tell ped a young man in the farm threw himself in the sea was the use carriage of firearms in This desease has been entirely stamp eaten by fishes, for the flannel the streets and public places? If ed out in Costa Rica; there have been that he had on, was found on so, it does not exist in Puerto no cases for a month now and all the Sunday all torn up, he leaves a Viejo and the neighbouring disafflicted have been entirely cured and American she mule, with discharged from the infectious Hospitals, wife several children behind. tricts; several complaints have short peculiar head, branded on left fore quarter, has cxcept the one which was discovered at THE SEARCHLIGHT condoles reached this office and trust the disappeared from El Encanto Farm.
Estrada by Dr. Hylton and isolatwith the family.
Government will put a stop to it ed by him and later transfered to the Any person giving the undersigoed definite information leadiog up to the recovery of this animal will be rewarded Quay. Had it not be for Dr. Hylton skill, that patient would have inoThe best furniture to be had from VALLE Co.
with one hundred colones.
culated the entire Districts of Estrada, VENEGAS, Overseer.
Zent and Matina. These are the sort Cuesta de Moras, San Jose of Medical officers the government needs.
SHOOTING AT OLD HARBOUR News from the Coast Lost Mule 100 00 Reward Dark, red, medium size, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel


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