
place, HOTEL SANTA FE San Jose a NOTICE All share holders of the Agricultural and Building Corporation of 28 Miles are hereby requested to attend an important general meeting of the BY CYRILLO above named Corporation which will take place in the Liberty Hall at Madre de Dios on the 15th June 1930, for the purpose of selecting officers whose Siquirres, Mayo 19. The Government people of This blessed to criminality as were the other races.
names shall appear on the Registration of the Society.
long looked for and desirable visit of country for the treatment it had Mrs. de Mena made a hard plea for The shareholders are impressed that this order was issued at the last meetMadame T de Mena, Inter given to West Indian peoples. for justice. She was an eyewitness of the ing, but am now under the instructions of the Lawyer of the Society to senational Organizer of the the support it was giving the Negro Garvey trial in Kingston, Jamaica; lect officers at this general meeting of shareholders to protect the interests of was paid to this Division last. Tues movement, indeed, it was the first if there ever was a time when she felt the Corporation day when she delivered at night, in Central American State that had lifted like being a Jamaican, it was then. full attendance of all shareholders is therefore solicited at this meeting the Peña Theatre, a very stirring lee the bar that was placed against Marcus In Jamaica every man who had ability, Shaw President, Farquharson, Ch. Taylor, Treasurer ture; proceedings commenced about Garvey GIBBS, Secretary who was worthy of She decried the spirit of those negiven his due be The chair was taken by Mr. groes who had an aversion to the apStewart. President of the local Division, pellation Negro. and more so those she seen such a brilliant array of talent The best furniture to be had from whatever his colour. Never before had and besides the lecturer there were light complexioned members of the race, VALL Co court of Justice, as she did at also present on the platform: Mr. who were so by mere accident. She that trial; there was, besides, that Smith, President of the Limon Di had heard a white anthropologist lectur admixture of racial elements that added Cuesta de Moras, San Jose visión; Mr. Brown, President of the ing ing the students of Howards Univer to the beauty of the scene: both on PecuaritoDivision; Mrs. Kellerman, Sity, Washing you should be proud to in words to the Bench and at the Bar was there OAZABASS3 Lady President of Division No. 36 of this effect: a co mingling of the blue eyed Anglo Siquirres; Mesdames Hall and Fowles; know that you belong to the Negro Saxon with the woolly headed Negro!
ON Messrs. Josephs, Corniffe, Charles race; your race is the most enduring That was the outcome of British JustiJames, Secretary.
race in the world; you have more ce; British justice accounted for the After a brief opening by Hon physical streugth. and you are less freedom of Garvey of the charge of Smith, Madame de Mena rose to antelope than we are.
seditions libel that had been so strongspeak amidst cheers. She began by Mrs de Mena also observed that the ly pressed against him on the state Box 1530 TELEHONE 4008 paying a very high compliment to the Negro race was not so much addicted his associates. And if individual justice had claim on the State, much more (Half a black to the North of the Post Office)
so had racial justice for which the The most refined, clean and excellent meals served.
MUSICAL Universal Negro Improvement AsAGENCY sociation was fighting. Why not give new building. Hot and cold baths American and Central Avenue adjoining Costa Rica Mercantile Co.
it a fair trial? Mistakes were made in Spanish cooking LD the past; ventures had been entered XR BEECHE MONTES DE OCA SI Proprietress upon that proved a failure, but to err PROP.
was human; and what if they as PETOT Everything known in Music, Records of all Makes, Musical Instruments race hn organization had found out and accessories of all kinds. We have a popular Club for TALKING those mistakes had benefitted by OBSZABBESEAthem?
MACHINES paying 3. 00 per week only.
We sell Magazines of all kinds. Write us for any kind of information Negroes there were who charged the desired.
white man with race hatred race prejudice. She was there to deny such Board and Lodgings Box 1475. The Cigar Store Telephone 4100 a charge. The white man would be glad to see their organization prosper OBITUARY Very convenient Board and in its efforts but the white man observed that negroes were bitter It is sad to announce that Lodgings can be had at the MORAZANDRY CLEANING against one another, he was only the shadow of death has fallen PINK HOTEL OF LIMON sufeguarding himself when he adopted over the home of our esteemed OF CALVO Telephone 3330 certain measures. As soon as negroes fellovy citizen Mr. Egbert situated on 7th street adjoining Your clathes cleaned pressed by steam pressure at 150 per suit, giving respect themselves. they would earn the Brovvn taking avvay from us the property of the Costa Rica them to you as good as new. Ladies Garments also attended to esteem of the white man. Within machines do not burn the edges or make them appear shine as the hand without the Ironing does: enemy was the Negro himself.
organization, their only consequence his mother has got Soda Water Factory on 3rd 150 YADRS WEST OF DR. FIGUERES CLINIC Their programme for the next ten extremely ill by the Shock of avenue, and seventh street.
years would be land development schethe death of her elder daughter.
Every comfort of her clients mes inal and educational Brown family in their sad exparts of the world, We beg to condole with the are attended to personally by, movements, and more periences.
MRS. RITCHE negroes were needed in the various divisions to help to carry through this Proprietres appeal for new members, buspecial Would have prospective members, enter their names only after she had left, as The Woman Institute TEACHES otherwise they might prove inconsistent.
lecture Mrs. de Mena distributed some the domestic arts and sciences pledge cards to those who were wilDRESSMAKING, DESIGNING, ling to give an undertaking as to their COFFEE plans for self betterment during the next ten years. few donations were MILLINERY and COOKERY. also received by the lady towards the In one pound tins Garvey Health Fund.
at any progressive grocer collection was taken and the meeting was fittingly closed with the It is the largest woman school Doxology Better quality better price Sorry Cyrillo notes did not reach in the world.
us until 29 th inst Ed succeed Our steam New Vision of Happiness Carta Blanca To whom it may Concerns the pub adviA Moratorium on Rents lie that my wife Mary Jane Richards, nee McDonald, to whom was Married in the year 1918. Left my home and protection on the 11th March for Cris tobal Consent without my. do not therefore hold myself respons ible for any actions of hers or any accounts she may contract.
Sgd LORENZO RICHARDS Port Limon, May 8th. 1930.
The first student was enrolled February 29, 1916.
During the first ten years the number of studeots had growo to more than 250, 000.
No other educational institution has grown to such usefulness in so brief a time; no other renders to womankind so practical and unique a service. It is universal to every circumstance, age and need.
It is preparing school girls of 12 for useful lives and teaching grandmothers of 70 the things they have longed to know but never learned.
Its lessons and letters bring at once secrets of charm to the girl in gay society and messages of hope to the lonely prairie wife.
It makes one dollar serve for three, and reveals agew the virtues of thrift.
It teaches helpless hands the useful arts, puts the color tints of joy into dull, drab lives, and gives the humblest home a new vision of happiness It has ushered in, a new dawo for the homes of the nation, a new day in the lives of its womanhood.
Teacher Wanted The Committee of Ma cation Dept. of Good Hope North 25 miles, stand in need of a TRACHER for the elimentary day School at this place Terms and all requirements can be had of the Secretary Mr. Uriah Scarlett of this Locality URIAH SCARLETT, Secretary.
The Executive has placed before will less be able to pay it in six months Congress a project for granting a Mo time without providing works of relief ratorium on Rental of Houses in the Consequently the President is taking interior. To alleviate the distress caused steps to organize several needed buildby intense nonemployment, it is pro ings such as a a bodega for the Cusall rents not exceeding thirty colones Railway, a record toms of Puntarenas, bodegas for the office, a Museum for the space of six months; the law and several others works.
also provides that all tenants accepting It may well be noted that it is only the priveleges shall not remove any the unemployed of the Capital that of their belongings from the apartments, is being considered, not a word said such being kept as a guarantee of of improvement works for Limon, good faith to the Landlords.
where the greatest amount of sufThe Landlords shall also have a fering exists among all classes.
stay of execution in the payments of Those however who are applying for dues and Taxes.
the Moratorium must certify that they Ofcrouse it is well seen that anyone are not working, or that their salaries not being able to pay rent today have been so reduced that they cannot meet their Rentals.
Scandal in Turrialba FOR SALE piano and other articles of household furniture, also a ladies(Raleigh bicycle)
Apply for Information to WARREN MORY POST OFFICE BOX 1211 For information apply at PITTS PHOTO STUDIO Port Limon My wife Martha Morgan de Grant a woman of 55 years of age, has been separated from me for over eight years on account of her continual misconduc. have tried to get a legal separation from her but she refused to sign the redhanded in her illicit document Now she has been cought amorous association with man named Gamboa by his paramour; In consequence of which this woman has indicted them both before the Agent of Police, young woman of 24 she says Martha has been carrying on her adulterous traffic with her sweetheart for a long time but she had been trying to avoid scandal knowing that Martha is a shameless, scandalous woman, but she can no longer soffocate her feelings; she has had to quit her home, which is the property of Martha and ventilate the case before the Courts.
The public will thus see the class of woman vvith vvhom have been suffering 24 years, SAN JOSE COSTA RICA Carlos Viquez Co.
Furnishes first class aparatus in Hiperder mic Syrin.
ges, and Injections of all kinds, as well as Electroplated Needles and Thermometers.
Sgd. ALEXANDER GRANT Nacional Tubeidbagón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca


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