
Saturday 31 May. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE CURRENT ITEMS SASTRERIA GRANT at Home GRANT Sufferings in Cuba had to be repatriated by the Storm Damage Suits made to order in the Shortest notice.
protector of Immigration. complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels The privations caused by nonThis country is as usual very always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
Had it not been for the pro. fortunate in never experiencing employment especially among North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts the havocs of a Cyclone. It was the coloured people is not felt visions made by the United in Costa Rica alone. In Cuba Fruit Co. in this country for expected that serious damages Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings this week there is avvful suffering. What these men it would have been would have been the result in ever work there is to be got the same thing here for vvhat the Banana areas tovvard the In Serie Drawing No. 36; won by Juan Vicente Alpizar Ticket No. 16.
ever works are being carried South of Limon from vvhence in Serie Drawing No. 13: won by Mauricio Rivera Ticket No. 32 in that island is given to the natives preferably; pretty much tions are given to employ none investigation it is learnt that on by the government, instruc the recent breeze came, but on In presence of: Jose Ml Chaves, Rodolfo Arguedas, Mario Fonseca.
as is the custom here hence but natives.
BOX 252 The thoughtfulnes Penshurst is the only farm that San José TELEPHONE 3320 the lack and stringency among of the Officials of the Co. in the Jamaicans there, is very sehas been touched; this farm rious. couple of weeks ago giving equal distribution of vvork lost about 25, 000; among the 34 of these vyhovvere found a to be suffering from Starvation alike here is much appreciated. loss of about 000 thus making the losses to Costa Rica this means about 30. 000 Stems. An attempt by vvay of a reception was enjoy themselves, and it is right to say The best furoiture to be had from VALLE Co.
accorded Madame de Mena on her re that Mrs de Mena vvill alvvays have pleaOfficers Return cent tour of Costa Rica at The Hall of sant memories of the evening of WedCuesta de Moras, San Jose The A. on Saturday 24th, by nesday 28th May and associate therevvith The President of the Repub the officers and members of the Limon reccollections of the good old days when lic has effected a friendly make Division, but as some members did not the associates of the Organization were up of the differences of the feel pleased over the nonattention by men vvomen of the classes not the tyvo principal Officers of the the Principal Officers to her, vvho kept masses of the Negro race.
government of Limon, Governor busily dancing with minor individuals Rumour has it to say that the Coffers Don Jose Hernandez Sanchez instead of entertaining the guest of ho of the Division are so fagged out, that in front of the Side Chapel of The Cathedral and the Commandante de Plaza nour, they thought they would get to the lady had to borrovy her passage avvay San Jose TELEPHONE 3439 Don Rogelio Gutierrez Ross, gether and demonstrate what a reception from the country. Great God! can this both these geutleman vvere sup means, so they clubed together and gave be true? Will there ever be a redempThe most exquisite finishing touches.
posed to have taken up their her an Evening at Home at Mrs tion? mean vvell, so dont blame me duries since the 1st June. Don McKenzie home, and they were cer for being.
SBS KEZAO Arturo Robles Peralta the very tainly at home; the guest of the Home popular acting Commandante, and all who were present, did certainly much interested Critic.
novy returns to his duties in AIDA RESTAURANT San Jose. Don Jose is ill and still in Cartago with his family. The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co we hope he will soon be well Cuesta de Moras, San Jose AIDA RESTAURANT and again with us.
If you want something delicious for dinner or lunch lelk go and try Aidn PICNIC PARTIES, AND BANQUETS ATTENDED PACHECO PHOTO STUDIO The roof of the Pudding is in the earing. To prove the superiority of Cookery, is to come to Pulau To have a Ten at pm. fron Aids is always to return there: where At the DNIA.
buildit: Menls at any hour Abuse of Authority by Police Agent at Matina PRESIDENTS MEET AT PACUARITO or Man Shoots Monarch Lodge, Inc. and very strange and arbitrary Jenkins has been Agent of Police fael Arias in his capacity as MiHimself for Love act has been perpetrated by the at Matina for years, and has nister of Interior and GobernaCourt Amense, Inc. Agent of Police at Matina, which dealt with the inhabitants there cion vvill investigate, because the On Wednesday morning a To Whom It May Concern: calls for severe reprimand by the as a correct gentleman and auth A. is a Registered Sov vorkman on the Farm of Ministerio de Gobernacion on ority and would never have acted ciety under the Lavvs of Costa All members and adherents of the those who are at fault. We know so contrary to the lavy. It is a Rica and Mr. Murray is a proThe truly ta at 24 miles, seem to have to meet at Limon on Sunday June 15th was in Office such a breach of die young.
the Vicinity and should not be been very desperately in love to confer on matters of very great imauthority could not take place These are the sorts of intrigues incarcerated because some one vvith a lady in that vicinity. portance.
vvho did not see him yvith Parties on the lines who find it in without its penalty, and we hope that bring international questions else Wants the use of this piece convenient to be present please conthe same eye as he save her, Don Julio Jurado will act firmly betyven governments; thus it is of land.
sult the following persons: Mas anon.
and to prove to her his sin Bro. Arthur Williams. cultivation)
in the matter as his name has expected that Lic. Don Juan Racerity of purpose he sat on a Monte Verde Branch been associated with the irregulog vwhich crossed a drain, Bro. Ashley, Matina.
larity, because it was said that placed the mouth of the barrel Bro. Ayre, Estrada.
a telegram vvas sent by him to arrest the man.
of his shotgun in his mouth, communicate direct with the Dharanian and vvith his toes pulled the Director, Box 582, Port Limon. It appears that the Matina Di On Sunday last the governing body propaganda among the more ignorant vision of the bought of the Universal Negro Improve members that the Editor of The trigger blovving his very WILLIAMS, small brain out. Very sensible a house and a plot of land at ment Association in Costa Rica met Searchlight is an enemy of the moveSecy.
Matina for 3, 000 from a former at Pacuarito, and had a very businesslike ment. hence the paper should not ovvner vvho had been in pos meeting. The transactions of the past be bought by the members of the Society.
Doubling your advertising in thirty years.
session of that plot for over year were presented and approved, and But we are realizing that the intela new set of officers chosen for the ligent, honest, plodding members who Doctors treatment of gonorrhoe.
USE DIATERMIA for the have to pool up the money to be misapmetritis, floodings, infirmations of the THE SEARCHLIGHT along only in office a week and verpool was elected as President. Mr. propriated by these job seekers. are apA nevv Agent of Police, comes ensuing one. Mr. Brown of Li.
Dr. Zeledon Office and dwelling 25 vvithout any survey of the pro Hall of Pacuarito as Secretary Mr. preciating our efforts to safeguard the yards North of Carmen church.
is to double your sales perty, he decides that this house Farquharson the retiring president, interests of the Association; hence our is in the Street and orders Mr. elected as Treasurer.
Ishmael Murray vvho is in charge LAWYERS NOTARIES very Strange incident was brought This is great indiscretion on the part of the property to demolish the to light at this meeting, proving the of Mrs. de Mena for which from a Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA building. He naturally refuses. inconsistency of the International Orga point of friendship towards her we are Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before He tells him that he has got nizer, to which a correspondent referred sorry, but as a public adviser. We cannot the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial do a telegram from the acting Go some time ago.
shut our eyes to such maladministration cuments also prepared at Lowest prices.
vernor Don Julio Jurado deman Madame de Mena in her capacity and will ask her to recall such a nominaENGLISH SPOKEN ding that he signs a document as International Organizer came heretion. It is the same class of highflown to remove the building in ten some two weeks agn, and in conse nomination that caused the Marke days and demands payment of quence of certain complaints made by case after years had slipt by. It is the five colones for the notification. the members of the Limon Division same claim of five dollars gold per day that caused the Bryant trouble, and vvhereupon he arrests him and Vice President of the Division, she any day hereafter in five years hence John Stirling of Fortuna was released he was sentenced by this inexperienced.
this gentleman can claim five dollars from his imprisonment ordered by the places him in the prison cell from asked this gentleman to hand in impresumptuous judge to fifty days impriAgent of Police at that place for a petty sonment when bis authority does not Saturday evening nntil Sunday mediately his resignation as an officer per day on that Credential; therefore offence, by a suit under the Habeas give him such scope; but because it morning when he is released, for being denounced as a agitator of Officials ought to be more Corpus Act, take out on his behalf was a Negro he could anything. in the meantime the correspon trouble this was done, and he, deprived their business associations. This is not by Mr. Aurelio Bermudez of the The Supreme Court met, with all pondences of this gentleman are Limon Service Bureau.
eleven Magistrates in attendance and confiscated as there are nine let this gentleman presents a certificate of his seat on the Board; on Sunday intented for criticism but advice.
It was alleged that this man shot ordered the immediate release of thº a straying pig in his property and be man, two of the members dissenting.
ters written to him by different from the same lady creating him a (field cause he refused to pay 100 00 for it, These are cases for Consular intervention parties at that same time and worker and Organizer for Co. ta Rica) Acting Governor of Limon none delivered him, as vuell as 25 a much higher job than the one she The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co posted him in San Jose on Sa would not accept him as anything but copies of THE SEARCHLIGHT made him vacate. ofcourse the meeting Appealed from Cuesta de Moras, San Jose turday. The Agente is Post a Visitor, because as such official In the Slander case against Theodore master.
he would be higher than the Presidents Smith, Charles Cornwall and Johnathan Mitchell brought by Mr.
The strange thing is that Mr. Conclaw which dominion is exactly ASTHMATIC SUBJECTS Nation before the Police Magistrate of Salgado has an oven construc what the conclave is intended to fill; Port Limon Mr. Jose Vivó.
ted immediately behind this build and besides, he would be supposed to This Magistrate found them guilty of LOBELYNE CHARRON is the only remedy for the ing (not three yards avvay) and the charge and fined them each 120 to visit branches at any time he cares he has not been arrested or vvith Cost and damages. They appealed to, and each branch would have to stand cure of ASTHMA and chronic BRONCHITIS.
threatened. Why is this?
to the acting governor Mr. Julio Jurado his travelling expenses; now what an vvho modified the fine without Stating Lobelyne Charron is a French preparation sold in all drug stores.
This is a matter to be placed idea. How inconsistent. What does to 61. 00 vvithout any before the British Consul for his she mean? does she feel that the NeCosts to the complainant yet gives him investigation and demand to the groes of Costa Rica are foolish damages. From this Mr. Nation has Sole distributors: Solera Brothers. San Jose. Telephone 3950 government. if the allegations appealed to the Minister of GobernaOfcourse when we vrite in this cion Police, for the unjust, unreasonare correct: strain to purge the organization of foolable and illogical findings of the acting ional Qur old friends. Don. Rodolfocas ash grato cheupartissalleeted put up a Governor.
COURT DECISIONS Murray Orightly again fefuises seime Me Johnathan Mitchelll 2nd.
astute in his reasons, SO


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