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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 EDITOR MANAGER NATION THE SEARCHLIGHT APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 14. JUNE 1930 33 DEAD HOGS AND LIVE ONES HARVEST THANKSGIVING rary of The Werid The members of The Mt. master Bro. Chas. Scott, in We are in receipt of a very CREDENTIAL Sunday Night, just as the Purity Lodge of the Samaritans company with strains of music lengthy, rude letter from Mr.
President Genl. does in Ja brought off a most enjoyable by a young rising Organist Miss Port Limon, Costa Rica Johnathan Mitchell, which we maica.
festival by way of a Harvest Lucille Johnson daugther of Mr.
would publish so that our readLimon Div. No. 887 am instructing for the Thanksgiving to Almighty Johnson of Trinidad Farm.
ers could guage the cultural May 31st, 1930. safety of the Division that you God for the many blessings opportunities of the Special To vvhom it may concern: desist absolutely from placing enjoyed during their eighteen of two Solos rendered by Mrs.
Special note must be taken Representative, but it is such a before the membership of the years of existence which was Mabel Williams, specially the This is to certify that have Limon Division, to address emphasized by the chairman Mr. second as the bird flies home garbaje of grammatical errors that am afraid those of my readers appointed Jonathan Mitchell who do not know me, might Special Parent Body Repre: Messrs Cornwall and Mitchel, Thanks due for the overcome she did feel cradled in a meljudge me, accordingly. However sentative for the district of odious home, Miss. Yulie Galoway of their several necessities Miss Ham and Miss Archer also or any other person or perCosta Rica and Bocas del Toamong other things he wishes sons that yould occasion open obligations even tho the Crisis rendered fine Solos, a duet by ro. It shall be his duty to speak me to make certain corrections re, an article in my issue of 7th in Divisions in the interest of rebellion in such meetings and be so distressing and more so Misses Lacy and Mitchell was causc disrespect to other of is Thanks due from the fact of the. 600. 000. 000. Six Hun ficers sitting on the platform her political victory ever since most melodious, also one by inst entiled Presidents meet at Pacuarito. In the first place he dred Million Dollar Drive, to Miss Ham and Miss Galoway, of the organization.
her advent she had been afiliaThe Bass of Mr. Johnson and states that he was never dem resuscitate the Morale of the That the Garvey Liter ted to the No. District of Pa.
manded to resign by Mrs. De Me. Divisions whereever necesarv.
the tenor of Mr. Robinson was Club function distinct nama, Costa Rica and Nicara. heard to particular advantage; na, but that rather he voluntar. He shall receive 50 of all from the Division, and as such gua, now that a district has and we are entertaining the beily offered his resignation; what Parent Body Collection out were the reasons prompting such of which he shall pay his ex for any functions that an agree. by the Gran Executive Council. organized in Limon that Mr.
a generous step down may we pense including ailroad fare, ment be made betyven the The No. District of Panama Johnson would take the Trophy.
ask? leave the audience to say and when in active service in Division and the Club on a whether it is true or not, that the divisions he shall receive fifty fifty basis or a of which the Purity is an interecitations by the Juvenile rental gral part now takes the Catego: class brought a great deal of ovawhen Madame de Mena asked. 5, 00) five Dolars for said (Specified amount. him to put his resignation in service out of the Parent Bo4. That the units of the all other Districts in the Juris tion from the audience, especially writing the next morning, when dy fund an the balance Shal he acquieseed She retorted it Forwarded immediatelly to Public functions for any pur is a great triumph for which having any diction must report, hence this one from two litle dots of four five years, one, little Ruby Letman in The Rose, she was you dont will give it ¿What Headquarter Jamaica.
The bearer shall not receive Treasury of the Division for pose, shall tura over is the meaning of that? To exto the they must be thankful.
Brother Davidson Local fearless, distinctly well puncplain this can only refer Mr.
any money for the.
tuative, if she is cared she will overhead expenses fifty per Deputy to the State Grand LodMitchell and our readers to, par 600. 000. 000 Drive, only pledg cent of all funds collected, and ge of Costa, opened the func. Berrieck of four years, as The be star in Oratory, little Ira agraph of her letter of 6th tion in a few well chosen re: Temperance Girl boasting of her June to Mr. Smith, published in cutive Council ve ask that fifty per cent shall be left in this issue; and ask him what is every courtesy and respect be their individual Treasury to be marks, as to the necessity of blue ribbon knot, and inviting expended as they shall see fit. light in all our transactions, con the underlying intention of this shown to the Parent Body At all functions carried on in necting thereto the useful pur: the Chairman to wear one too Officer.
the Liberty Hall, the Chairman pose being served by the Search was significantly attractive and should be appointed Special de Mena of the Trustee Board shall be light in the community, and took amusing Parent Body Representative; as Internacional Organizer of August 1929. present at the windovy vvhere the opportunity of introducing Master Lloyd Goulbourne was per the Credential? Of which Mr.
tickets are sold to represent ts Editor as Chairman Mr. unfortunately the only boy who Mitchell is naturally so proud that he has sent up for pubJune 6th, 1930 the interest of the Organization, Nation a foundation officer took part, he acted his part well if the Chairman of the Trus of the Mt Purity; who in an in the piece The Noble boy.
lication; perhaps the Special is Mr. Smith tee Board cannot attend then elaborate Speech on Harvest, and the chairman had to call the attenmeant in coarseness rudeness.
President Limon the Secretary or the Treasurer preparation for Harvest, stressed tion of the youngmen, to the Another thing he says in his shall attend.
letter, that it is absurd to conDiy A.
the urge for loyalty to duty of lack of literary habits of our That the Secretary and operators, and the joys of thanks lads youngmen, thus leaving sider the Presidents Conclave as Limon, Costa Rica.
President of the Division shall giving. The gifts of harvest were the field entirely to the girls.
purporting to be the governing be responsible for all publica numerous, apropriate and ap Among the bigger girls Miss Iris body of the in Cos My dear Mr. Smith: tions made in the name of preciative.
Bruce and Miss Lillian Mc. Farta Rica; because he does not so After thinking seriously of this Division and no private The function was interspersed lane ranked first; Lillian executconsider it. not does the Inter the conditions existing in the individual. That the monthly by beautiful renditions from a ion of we have them on the national Organizer so consider Limon Division of the report of the Division must be Choir of well trained voices, list was especially appropriate it for he goes on (verbatim) She am writiog with a sent up to the Parent Body under our famous Local Deputy to the occasion and deserved the dont tell me so, and have her view of assisting to eliminate each month with the receipts Choirmaster Bro. David encore forced upon her. We instructions. So you think that some of those besetting con of death grants attached. son assisted by his Asst Choir give the 1st and 2nd. verses the Conference should have the ditions, which in my humble opi shovving amount paid in the Authority, that now hold? nion vvill help to bring about of the Parent Body, There are men in every Lodge, and it really is a pity but that is only your opinion a better feeling among the less the total ameunt called We have them in the country, as well as in the city we dont want it.
membership under your admi. for on the report.
They Seldom come to meetings, and they hate to pay their dues Now just immagine a man nistration.
Trusting that you will see And at every call of charity, they would grumble and refuse whom is considered, as per par1. Have no public speakers to it that the above instrucYes! we have them on the list, but they never would be missed.
agraph 2, of the letter «published on Sunday nights program tions be carried out to the by Mrs. De Mena wish, a exept the President, the First letter, have the honour, to menace to the respect of the Vice President and the Chap remain.
They cannot give the password. its never on their lips other officers of the organization lain, tvvo peakers outside of They can give no sign or signal, they do not know the grip on their platforms to be a Spe the devotional excercises is suf Yours fraternally, In the Lodgeroom they re so seldom to be found.
cial Representative we leave the ficient. It is the duty of the de Meno That we Scarcely know they re brothers, tell we plant them in the ground public to judge, and so refuse President of the Division to to countenance the insults offer address the members every International Organizer A.
And so get them off the list, and they never more be missed.
Aug. 1929 for The World On the whole the function hearty cooperation which made ed by this individual, as we have was a fine one, and all who this meeting such a success.
some who declare themselves.
Dead hogs whose hides attended left satisfied that they It is a pity that such gatherare impenetrable to boilping had spent a very pleasant even ings are not more frequent so water, while there are other ing, and would wish that the as to bring out such fine talent, hogs whose snouts are being Purity wild give a repetition at exhibited on Sunday evening.
pieced by the judge. tusk of Spoke from the rostrum of lack of understanding of its aims and an early date.
The patience skill of Mr. Da a hundred and twenty colones Liberty Hall of the Li obligations.
Bro. as he is affection vidson, and his assistants in for impertinence, thus rendering The proof of this confirmation is that ately called) and his staff of training those voices in the choir them unable to wallow in the one of the men who Madame de Mena Officers, coupled with his band as well as the children in their mire as deeply as they were We have confirmed our opinion that advised to resign from office, climbed up of loyal workers ought to be pieces, is worthy of great comlots of negroes have connected them on the Rostrum on Sunday night June highly complimented, for their mendation.
born to do.
selves with this great organization for st, and openly stated that he considerSee the great Credential, of the sole object of becoming conspicuous ed himself a DEAD HOG and conMay 31st and see the letter of ly repugnant, others for to get an op tinued with acridity in his remarks to The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co.
reflection by Madame de Mena portunity of exploiting the Division to threaten to await the opportunity when which they belong, while some the Hall was better attended to make of June 6th; and judge if the Cuesta de Moras, San Jose statements (aggresive we supevery opportunity to bring to ridicule latter does not cancel the former. the Organization on account of their pose. But we think that as long as characters of this kind will be summoned to Lost Mule 100 00 Reward Dark, red, medium size, go on the rostrum to insult the public American she mule, with and to bring disgrace on the Organizashort peculiar head, branded on left fore quarter, has tion, the longer members and visitors PIEDRA BRO.
disappeared from El Encanto Farm.
will remain away. If this is what the present administration expects to feed AMERICAN TAILORS Any person giving the undersigned definite information the public with under the name of leading up to the recovery of this animal will be rewarded We have had great experience in the United States. We can make it would be more respect the best suit in Costa Rica. We import English Woollen Goods.
vvith one hundred colones.
able for them to walk out of office Give us a trial and convince yourself our suits are guaranteed the themselves, and not wait till they be best finished workmanship. VENEGAS, Overseer. driven out by force.
The Avenue from the Atlantic Station near Photo Imperial Hernandez Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del SLADY FRIEND name DEAD HOG mon Div.


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