
NOTES ON SCOUTING LAWYERS NOTARIES Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA Limon June 1930 people know what Scouting is Why cant some interested young but can assure you if they Lady like Miss. Sylvia Weeks have Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before Mr. Editor: knew, they would let their child an interview with the Archdeacon the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial do cuments also prepared at Lowest prices.
Please allow me space in your dren enlist right away, for ins. Father Oakley and Mrs. Oakley paper to say a few words in be tance when one is drowning sincerely hope this hint may ENGLISH SPOKEN half of young people in Limon. scouts know how to save them. catch the eyes of Miss Weeks we have had now a new troop Should a house be on fire also Father Oakley and wife, The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co.
of boyscouts formed by some they could let the insensible because the girls are just Crazy interested young man belonging persons through windows by about forming a guide troop Cuesta de Moras, San Jose to the NL. sincerely aid of bow lines be of use as was done by Mrs Dorothy hope they remember the 3rd to the brigade etc. it learns you Jackson about five years ago. Scout law Scout is a friend to be active in out door cam On the 3rd May being di to all, and a brother to every ping and not to be a Sissy or King George Birth day the si other Scout no matter to what one accustomed to sweet lives. Marks boy Scouts paraded on social class the other belongs. also understand that the the lawn of the Church for a Box 1530 was having a talk with the Catholic boys are forming ahead short demonstration being true San Jose TELEHONE 4008 of St. Marks troops and he with their troop therefore Badenpowell boys Under the (Half a black to the North of the Post Office)
says he is willing to help the we will be having three troops, leader ship of Father Ryecart UNI. troop as far as So that in case the govern District Commisioner for boy The most refined, clean and excellent meals served.
lies in his power therefore be ment needs them for some spe scouts of Cost They new building. Hot and cold baths American and fore we go ahead criticising cial parade, religious or politic started at 30 And were Spanish cooking the troop or the al they would he too glad to dismissed after a Short March Proprietress St. Marks troop we should stop render their services. What about around the town the sight was PETOT at once, because we like to see the girl guides the comunity is very refreshing.
various troops in the town to asking that question daily, in near Scouť OBSZABADSDSZO enliven the township of Limonly every Gleaner we see them as there are so few scenes of taking big spaces in Jamaica undHOTEL SANTA FE piedberetein bere Varghest le plus penderskip o Gay Shibli What William Jenning Bryan thought of the Haitians Niggers PACHECO PHOTO STUDIO LIMON SERVICE BUREAU The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co In a recent article writen by qualifications, and insultingly en outlines the case of the NaCuesta de Moras, San Jose John Allen in The Current force their spurious customs, car tional Railroad of Haiti, which History of May, former Manager rying with them the fetid germs the Haitiaas were forced to of the Banque Nationale of the of discrimination against every take over at an exhorbitant sum Republique de Haiti, in a very un thing that is not American. from an American Syndicate biased manner; he makes a state Mr. Allen as a writer does through the instigation of the ment among other references, justice to his conscience, for he Department of State.
that he makes in regard to the exposes statements which are and to substantiate our indicain front of the Side Chapel of The Cathedral. Republic of Haití, of an invita influenced by race hatred or tions we have the recent occurtion whch he received from the iuperialistic superiority, and gives rences in Haiti, with the San Jose. TELEPHONE 3439 late Bryan, on one of his facts proving that foreigners insisting in enforcing on them trips to Washington during the especially Americans, have contri a President which the people The most exquisite finishing touches. time that he was manager of buted prominently in fomenting do not want, and not until the the Bank.
revolutions among the natives women were bold enough to Mr. Bryan then Secretary of of Haiti and are the chief fac threaten to place their bosoms State requested of him a des tors in bringing about the con before the Machine guns of the cription of Haiti and its people; dition of chaos which existed in that their demands were when arrived at the office Mr. the country and which these acceded to.
AIDA RESTAURANT Bryan said, Mr. Allen, want foreigners exploit to their ad In the face of all this Mr.
The proof of the Pudding is in the cating. To prove the superiority of Cookery, is to come to you to tell me everything there vantage and to the detriment Hoover Cabinet advertise themAIDA RESTAUR NT is about Haiti. We are very of the natives.
selves as Intercessors of World 11 you want something delicious for a dinner or lunch lets go and try Aida much interested in Haití. Tell Among the many exposals Peace.
PICNIC PARTIES, AND BANQUETS ATTENDED me about the country and who that he makes he prominently FRENCH NEGROID To move a Ten at 3p. from Aide is wlways to return there where! At the NIA the people are, anyway Where building. Meals at any hour.
is Haiti?
Mr. Allen included in his description the fact that the Unrest in Carta Blanca French to which Mr. Bryan reA correspondent writes from Started in that town, in conse plied.
COFFEE Dear me, think of it, Niggers the Pacific that that port was quence of which several people thrown into quite an excitement have been arrested, Cases of speaking French.
during the past week in conIn one pound tins Colins Machetes were found Now our idea for repeating at any progressive grocer sequence of a rumour that there in their lodgings and hand this remark of Mr. Bryan is to was to be an insurrection bombs.
prove the sentiment of discard nursed by some prominent AmeBetter quality better price ricans against other unfortunate people.
The idea of Mr. Bryan exhibiting surprise at negroes speak MORAZANDRY CLEANING ing French, is preposterous OF CALVO BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY although true. Can it be possible Telephone 3330 Your clathes cleaned pressed by steam pressure at 150 per suit, giving ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED that a Secretary of States does them to you as good as new. Ladies Garments also attended to. Our steam not know the geography even machines do not burn the edges or make them appear shine as the band Bureau established for the greater convenience, of the Western Hemisphere? Ironing does understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishIt seems then that the then 150 YADRS WEST OF DR. FIGUERES CLINIC Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen Secretary of State of the United against unscrupulous debtors. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to fact that French was spoken in lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conHaití for over One hundred fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both nowy operated under the direction of may say, there goes an ambitious Barrister with years, and that it was the len Dear Mr. Editor: They think of nothing but over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on guage of the Island country.
Have you ever stopped to think one amusements. They believe only in the the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Or was it that Mr. Bryan oc moment upon the political state of our creed of Eat, Drink, and he Merry, Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and cupied so much of his life tim Negro Community. Or have you ever For Tomorrow Moy Die.
Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge in studying the Bible that At his birth he is registered, and and Counsel.
had no time to acquaint hime struck anyone before mean the chil is of self of the lands bathed by the West Indian parentage. There are thousaccidentally ave him birth. He has not EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ Caribean Sea, which lands at and of them here, who have never patriotic feeling within his veins. He Barrister Investigater the geographical position of this very instance are being given the least thought to their nationSoliciting Manager Attorney at Law Notary Public the nor does he know anything threatened by dominance of his ality, and for that very reason they of her History. He cannot tell you are children of no flag. Who are they, countrymen, or was it that Mr. but weaklings, who are BRANCH OFFICE MAIN OFFICE who is her President, nor where her not able to San José, 50 yards West of the Bryan begrudged the Negroes fight Capital lies. He never worries himself Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre their own way Presidencia into with her politics, nor ever care to study of possesing a language with minence. They have not made any her language.
He follows his foolish Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of whích he was unacquainted. name for themselves, nor even do parents, who criticize her and disobey Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, There is it. How unlogical is they glory in the achievements of great the laws.
it to think that people of the Now is the time to start, and remeWhat is their destiny? writer not dy the past. Why should we not aim 000 type of Mr. Bryan, should be too long ago commented upon their entrusted with the wellfare of future generation. How will the future for progress, and stop being the buffoons that we were wont to be in the the very people who, with antigeneration acquit itself when the time comes? The thought alone shocks me.
cipation they belittle and be. No Country could be proud of a race The colored, youths of Limon have not aimed at any anything. We grudged. May we ask then, Is who has not the back bone to do anyare backward. We may have talents, it a strange thing that the Ame thing for itself. people as those are but we are wasting them in the strain of the Jazz Songs. We could have docLIMON rican intervention? in Haiti liabilities. These people are contented tors, anywhere else serves only to to ramain a dark race all the days of lawyers, professional men of every discription, if we would just put Endeavours to please her patrons.
sow hatred for themselves and their lives. They do not embrace any The latest in the FILM WORLD their country, when they lack import urcity that rmhanud sarily bathry member that time is too precious to simply remain dormant, sukily basking diplomacy and tact in the handWaste it in idleness.
in constant touch with the best production ling of people and the affairs this soil have not interested themselves Dolores Joseph Be a Modernite Always of people of other customs, when in anything of consequence. They have ED NOTE. Will the correspondent beforehand they emphasize their land, they have not tried to do anything weaknesses, give us your example as suggest a remedy He has shown the Este documento es propiedad de larBiblioteca Nacional Migual Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas outstanding, chereofschos other man AND Seitet hat reath cogmi apogéntic Our Political, Social, and Financial Deficiencies race.
eeeeee that not knows land, promen.
Cine Moderno a cure,


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