
THE Saturday 14 May. 1930 SEARCH TAGE CURRENT NEWS OUR BANANA QUESTION annum or are Carlos Viquez Co.
Apartado 18. San José. Telephone 4114 Probity of our Judges in the Supreme Courts SASTRERIA GRANT Accident Claims decided Counterfeit Bills Channel ports of a speed of This, the most vital question that is by the financial manipulations of the Among the latest claims Nearly a million dollars of 20 Koots, being 705 ft in length hanging over us, is still being held in the resources of the government today has awarded by the Superior Court false Bills have been captured by 86 ft. beam and vvill be balances, and is again postponed for cial paralysis of the country and en fitted to carry 600 ordinary Cleto looks like falling on account of been brought about by the curtailment in on Arbitrations of accident ca. in the United States of Amer first class passengers, 400 To this matter, up to now there are three the operations of the Co. and if this is ses were those of Antonio Ri ica three arrest have been made urist passengers and 200 stechardson against the Northern in connection with the false erage or 3rd class making a posed to the Contract tooth nail. The shall soon be getting into cannibalism Ry. Co. by which the Co. has issue of these Bills.
Capacity for 1240 passengers. having always been an Apran man Minister and Edenism of Education Mr. Fournier to pay him for temporal incaThere are one or two points that pacity 506days a always staunchly opposed everything the Management of the Co. has been 00 per King George being indispo. They are being rushed to com sounding Co. sccepted his port asked to modify, and although they day and for permanent parcial sed from rheumatism on his pletion in tvvo years.
folio with the understanding that he could very well afford to stick out, incapacity. 1600 as a month 65 birthday on Monday 3rd. Income Tax in Costa Rica would not be called to argue anything because she has what we are cavelling ly allovvance of 28 colones for He remained quietly at home that concerned this business, The Min for, must have at all costs; yet it and the Prince of Wales ansThere is beiog proposed in years.
ister of Gobernacion Mr. Arias is is expected they will show their nonCongress by Deputy Julio Pa also avaricious attitude and concede to such Io the case of Daniel Camopposed to certain clauses of the vvered the various calls.
dilla an Income Tax on earn Contract and now the Min. of Public modification. Don Cleto sees the situapbell against the Northern Ry.
but this is placed at Works Mr. Cortes says if the Contract tion clearly, and is trying to do Co. he is avvarded 1987 New fruit boats for the ings, from 50, 000 per as it stands is accepted by the Cabinet thing possible to alliveate the serye and a monthly rental of 25. 00 Co.
say 4, 000 per month and to be presented before Congress he situation by getting this Contract through, for five years; to be paid in will resign, Now it is the Ministers of so as to find Work for the thousands The Co. has put uo upwards; this is only aiming Fomento and Finance Messrs Arragon advance into the Nacional Ban.
upon thousands of men women, who co de Seguros.
der construction eight of the at large Capitalists, but in and Cortes whose business it is to today are suffering the pangs of lack eighteen boats she has esti times like these, there is no present this project to Congress for stringency in every part of the of the Country, because it is not in LiEmpire Commerce mated for. There are to be six reason why every individual discussion and if one is refusing his mon so much that is suffering, because of 4000 tons, being three for earning sav from four hundred cooperation, what will be done?
strange thing about this vexed thanks to the advice of such leaders as The Prince of Wales opened the San Francisco Port Ar colones per month up, should question is, that none of the oposition Mr. Sam. Cress of the Co.
the Congress of the Federated muelles run, and three for the not contribute say two per cent ists, can propose a solution for the who has been advising the peasantry Chamber of Commerce of the Port Limon Nevy York run, to plant food stuffs for their own tovvards maintenance of the financial problem that is strangling us, consumption, hence we have in the British Empire, at which there these vill be 450 ft in length government. Every employee of and really up to now they have not been able to cite, a reasonable cause Province lots of minor products, which vvere over 300 delegates from by 60 ft. beam and rvill draw the Co. pays tvvo per for their opposition help considerably to minimize the different parts of the Empire. 24 ft of vvater vvith a speed cent for the maintenance of To state that the Co, has made for suffering, but Commercial men Mr. Levvis Ashepheim, vvas of 16 Knots per hour.
the Hospital, and most of them tunes and left none in the country is those who are faced with bankruptcy the representative for the Ja. Tuvo are under construction and privations more so; and it is hoped never get a Pill because they preposterous, it does not take many minutes to look around to find the many that Don Cleto government will put maica Chamber of Commerce. of 20, 000 tons for transatlantic are never sick, why is it in times of financial shortages, improvements brought into being by the away petty prejudice o the Co. and operations of the Co. In fact work together with him for the good such a Tax ghould not be imevery progress towards Civilization in of the inhabitants of the Country.
posed to help. In Jamaica such the Country has been made possible is imposed on all earnings from 200 per appum upwards, yvby not here?
The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co. Councillor suspended Cuesta de Moras, San Jose Furnishes first class aparatus in Hiperde mic Syrin. After a very patient hearing, stretching over several vveeks.
ges, and Injections of all kinds, as well as Electroplated Councillor Fernandez of Needles and Thermometers.
the Kingston St. Andrevvs Corporation Council bas been While there are times vvhen vve are Antonio Escalante vvhile it vvas embar suspended for thirty days for led to conjecture a lack of rectitude in goed. The Civil Court of Limon decided misconduct by receiving a bribe some of our lovver court decisions; ve against the Lodge, our novy Governor of to vote against an have alvvays had occasion to eulogize Mr. Jose Hernandez Sanchez vvas then application to the Council for the exhibition of probity in the deci lavvyer for the Lodge, since his going construction of a building in sions in appeal and other Cases handed into the government service, solicitor GRANT the district of Kencot; vwhich dovun from the higher Courts.
Antonio Segura vvas then engaged by Suits made to order in the shortest notice.
vvould apparently have been We cite a case in point. The St. Step Mr. Isaac Richards vvho had the auA complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels detrimental to a Chinaman hens Lodge of the order of Good thority of the Lodge to continue the always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals. interests.
Samaritans, laid an embargo on a house conduct of the case, with the result North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Councillor Marcus Garvey belonging to their then Treasurer a that the Supreme Court has novv de Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings moved the suspension and car Mr. Green deceased, for defalcation of cided that if Mr. Escalante vvants the this week rried his motion by six votes the Society money: Green in turn house he must pay up the amt for In Serie Drawing No. 37; won by Feruando Rivera Ticket No. 70.
to four.
fraudulently sold out this house to Mr which the house vvas embargoed with In Serie Drawing No. 14; won by Juan Fernandez Ticket No. 80.
In presence of Mario Fonseca, Rodolfo Arguedas, Rodolfo Marin, Jose Chaves This proves the Probity of action SERIE IN FORMATION TAKE NUMBER of our Supreme Court Judges. vvho BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 alvvays uphold the doctrine of equality to all litigants, whether a foreigner or Banana trade in Jamaica vvould be more of a financial a native. We are sorry for Don AntoFor the five months up to success judging the facilities tonio Escalante, because vve believe he the 25th May, Jamaica has shipnovv afforded in ocean travel bought the property from Green not ped 775, 397 stems of Banthe Hotels, knowing the trouble that was hanging lings. Ofcourse Merchants; Railvvays Shipping over it. We hovvever congratulate Bro anas, as against 507, 721 for the corresponding season of lines Garages, each vvould Isaac Richards on the success brought last year. For the vveek ending have to subscribe very heavily him by Don Antonio Segura, for ve 25th May they shipped 684, 799 to help to bring this about. We know the amount of the Lodges money Our well known Mr. Luis Mena our. Mrs George Brown whose acqua stems of which the Co.
believe that every Jamaican in that has been spent by his lavvyers on Solórzano has established a Gent intance we also had the pleasure of lifted 334, 038, The Atlantic foreign parts who can creep this suit, bringing great dissatisfaction Fancy Dress store in his home making during his furlough in this Fruit Co. took 109, 220 and aboard the boats vvould be mistrust among some members of Bluefields, Nicaragua; and has been country, has been elected President of the Jamaica Producers Asso present.
the Society lately elected as candidate for Deputy the Bluefields Athletic Club, also our ciation took 241, 541 stems.
to the Nicaraguan Congress to repre well know Nicaraguan Base ball star Mr. The Producers Association sent the interests of the Atlantic Coast. Timothy Mena who is a member of the PILES SHOE STORE paid their suppliers tvvo shiSiquirres We see by the Bluefields Weekly board of Directors of the same Athletic llingsand eight pence per count; that our young lady friend Miss Edith Club.
of vvhich tvvo pence per count Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds Way; and the Shepherd took part in a debate held only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be shod with: We are also pleased to meet in Car vvas paid to the government recently at the Literary and Historical tago Mrs. Susie Williams wife of our PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies shoes are matchless oo account of Interest sinking in beauty and style.
Club of Bluefields. We met Miss Shep esteemed friend Mr. Geo. Williams Fuod op 200, 000 debeatures Siquirres PILE herd in Costa Rica during her vacation of Greytovyn but now occupying a last month and we are highly impressed position of Trust with the Northern supplied.
tovvards the costs of ships of her acomplishments, especially find Ry Co. in Limon. Mrs. Williams is Pimento has again risen in ing her so affable and void of affec spending a fortnight in Cartago with price going up to seventy shi tations.
her friends Mrs. George Brown and iliogs per covt.
We have also noted in the columns Mrs. Jim. Harrison (Nana) who are of the same paper that another friend of here for the benefit of their health. Exhibition in Jamaica The fight for the worlds Heavy weight Championship Another Exhibition is being between Sharkey and Schmeling resulted in a win for the The best furniture to be had from Valle Co. considered in Jamaica, Sir Re latter, the former being disqualified in the 4th round on Cuesta de Moras, San Jose maica is much in favour of the account of a foul blow six inches below the belt given his proposition, and has gone so opponent the fight brought each one 177, 000.
far as to name a Committee NOTICE to investigate the possibilities.
All share holders of the Agricultural and Building Corporation of 28 That of 1891 vvas a great This notifies the Music loving public that Miles are hereby requested to attend success so far as advertising the Central American Black Stars Orchestra.
important general meeting of the above named Corporation which will take place in the Liberty Hall at Madre the Island vvas concerned and Is a nucleus of an Amusement Co.
de Dios on the 15th June 1930, for the purpose of selecting officers whose out of that has sprung most by the name of names shall appear on the Registration of the Society.
The shareholders are impressed that this order was issued at the last meetof our present Commerce; but The Central American Stars Combination Co.
ing, but am now under the instructions of the Lawyer of the Society to sevvas not a fiancial success, which will shortly make their debut in the Arrasty Theatre lect officers at this general meeting of shareholders to protect the interests of because governor Blake had Be it also understood that this Orchestra accepts jobs for Dances Excursions.
the Corporation.
to call on those people who full attendance of all shareholders is therefore solicited at this meeting When you want to dance and hear the very latest in Blues, Foxtrots, Waltzes, Shaw President, Farquharson, Ch. Taylor, Treasurer stood surety for the success Tangos, Danzons, Rumbos etc. just write to of the undertaking to stump GIBBS, Secretary up the deficit; but we are feelThe Central American Black Stars. Box 123. Port Limon ing that on this occasion it Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas From Other Lands News of our Friends in other lands town TheChampionship An Orchestra Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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