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The Solution of the Anti Tuberculosis Problem SUCCESSFUL JAMAICANS New Vision of Happiness K225 LA JAPONESA DOMINGO REGO Continuation It can now be stated with per. culosis is receiving universal refect confidence, from the obser cognition, is self evident, as it has Two sons of whom Jamaicans ythe had been residing for some As a matter of history it must vations of eminent members of already proved itself beyond all may well be proud have recent time in the and went be admitted that the earliest stu the medical profession in many serious criticism. It is not dan ly brought laurels to their Is over to take his course in Ca.
dies of Prof. Friedmann on this parts of the world, from bacterio gerous to life and, consisting, nard Edward Arnold and Albert rectly from Jamaica to the col land home. They are Drs. Leo nada, but Mr. Arnold went disubject go back to about 20 years logic examinations, and from as it does, of the bacillus of a Ernest Forsythe who have won lege to take the course; he will ago, when apparently the first radiographs taken before and cold blooded animal, can not at McGill University Montreal. be returning to take up practice treatments did not give the result after treatment, all of which tes create tuberculosis in the warm then expected and wished for, but tify to clinical improvements, that human body. It can be used Canada with honours, the de in Jamaica, but Mr. Forsythe sufficiently encouraging results the Vacuna or Anti Tuberculosis therefore without any fear what grees of Doctor of Medicine will be returning to the States were obtained to induce the dis Emulsion of Prof. Friedmann is ever and its results are wholly and Master of Surgery. Mr. Fors to practice.
coverer of the new method to re the IDEAL REMEDY for humanity beneficial.
double his efforts and to continue suffering from Tuberculosis. The Friedman remedy has with his studies and researches, It is obviously a simple matter been adopted officially by the perfecting them little by little until to verify the above statements as Government of Germany and we now have today the Fried it is only necessary to try it out Hungary, and now, in more remann Vacuna for which it can practically in order to be convincent times, by the Government be claimed that it does effect a ced of the value of this remark of Brazill who, after having redefinite cure of Tuberculosis when able discovery in the treatment ceived the report of the comiused according to Prof. Fried of tuberculosis.
mission of Doctors and ScienThe Woman Institute TEACHES mann instructions.
Its very simplicity is perhaps tists appointed by them to in the domestic arts and sciences Such is the progress made another reason why the remedy vestigate the respective merits since the earlier studies that today has not been given the universal of all the known methods of. DRESSMAKING, DESIGNING, one hears only praises from the consideration it deserves, as the treatment for tuberculosis, have MILLINERY and COOKERY patients who have been fortunate mentality of the human race is passed a law, dated 17th Fe.
enough to have been innoculated such that it supposes a difficult bruary 1930, officially adopting by the HOME. STUDY PLAN.
with the Friedmann Anti Tuber problem must require a difficult the Friedmann Anti Tuberculoculosis Vacuna, and to whom and complicated method of so sis Vacuna as the Vaccine to It is the largest woman school hope has now been brought where lution.
be used for the cure and preformerly no hope existed what. That the Friedmann method of vention of Tuberculosis in Brasil in the world.
treatment for the cure of Tuber This should be sufficient to convince the most biased, or those obsessed by their own The first student was enrolled February 29, 1916.
theories, which theories howDuring the first ten years the number of studever, never materialize.
ents had grown to more than 250, 000.
It can only be added that No other educational institution has grown to whoever now continues to doubt, by his own action exposuch usefulness in so brief a time; no other renders 125 Yards south of El Cometa ses himself to the possibilities to womankind so practical and unique a service. It.
Behind La Iglesia Merced of the disease and its final conis uoiversal to every circumstance, age and need.
Each one should know what It is preparing school girls of 12 for useful lives to do.
and teachiog grandmothers of 70 the things they The Friedmann remedy for have longed to know but never learned.
Apartado 771 Telephone 3289 Tuberculosis is both curative Its lessons and letters bring at once secrets of and preventive.
Gran novelty in Umbrellas It is available and within the charm to the girl in gay society and messages of hope silk cotton parasols of all colours reach of everybody concerned to the lonely prairie wife.
and there is no legitimate exIt makes one dollar serve for three, and reveals Fixed prices to defy Competition cuse whatever for failing to anew the virtues of thrift.
take advantage of such a discovery either individualy or proIt teaches helpless hands the useful arts, puts fessionally.
the color tints of joy into dull, drab lives, and gives Attwell the humblest home a new vision of happiness It has ushered in a new dawn for the homes TUBERCULOSIS of the nation, a new day in the lives of its DEFINITELY CURED No more Smallpox in womanhood.
New method, consisting of Illegal Lottery in Talamanca Apply for Information to Sub cutaneous injection of living (To be continued. WARREN MORY bacilli of the turtle discovered by VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO POST OFFICE BOX 1211 Prof Dr. Friedmann. Chief Efficacious Remedy SAN JOSE COSTA RICA to expel worms REPRESENTATIVE OF Physician and Surgeon of the Lucas Morua Anti tuberculosis Institute of WOMAN INSTITUTE SOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUG STORE Berlin, Cartago, Telp. 77 AND INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Cures possible for first and second SCRANTON, PENN.
Beat depression by advertising degree of the disease, by means of more in one or two Sub cutaneous injections of the As a consequence of conti the Colorado bar, has arranged Board and Lodgings fruction of the Moin Tortuguero ney necessary for making the to furnish one half of the moThis remedy has been officially Canal. The American Fruit Co. Canal so that they will be able Very convenient Board and of Nicaragua, which is now to get their fruit more readily adopted by the German Government Lodgings can be had at the buying in all the fruit being pro along that route.
in May 1929 and now also by the PINK HOTEL OF LIMON duced in that area around the Brazilian Government by law passed situated on 7th street adjoining Teh best furniture to be had from Valle Co.
the property of the Costa Rica 17th. February 1930 Soda Water Factory on 3rd Cuesta de Moras, San Jose avenue, and seventh street (Decrees Nos. 32, 37 and 38)
Every comfort of her clients are attended to personally by, ASTHMATIC SUBJECTS Wonderful cures are being MRS. RITCHE LOBELYNE CHARRON is the only remedy for the obtained in Costa Rica cure of ASTHMA and chronic BRONCHITIS.
For full information apply to the To whom it may Concern This adu Lobelyne Charron is a French preparation sold in all drug stores.
lie that my wife Mary Jane Richards, nee MeDonald, to whom was Married sole concessionaires in the year 1918. Left my home and protection on the 11th March for Cris Sole distributors: Solera Brothers. San Jose. Telephone 3950 ATWELL Co. do not therefore hold myself responsSan José, Costa Rica Sgd. LORENZO RICHARDS Port Limon, May 8th, 1980.
LOANS! LOANS! LOANS Apartado 861 Telephone 3654 PERSON WITH 10. 000 CAPITAL Doubling your advertising in Is willing to aid public with loans, provided tangible guaran Office: Opposite the Imprenta Alsina tee is given. For further information and arrangement, apply to THE SEARCHLIGHT THE LIMON SERVICE BUREAU between and p. daily, except Saturdays, and from Nacional Mis: to doublete your sales Biblioteca in PHARMACEUTICO THE SEARCHLIGHT Offer of help to construct the Moin Torguero Canal Friedmann Anti tuberculosis Vacuna Proprietress tobal Consent without my ible for any actions of hers or any accounts she may contract.
12 to pm, on Sundays Janne


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