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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 21 JUNE 1930 34 DESTRUCTION OF FRUIT CROPS So far as our Banana Contract gets on Serious Menace to Banana Industry There are some of our cabi purpose to some persons but to To The Editor of who, as before stated, are taught pass through private property others it may not. The writer THE SEARCHLIGHT is not stealing, just because they gaps, or shut gates when they the way of the passageof the intimate terms with the Co. at by their parents, that Taking, not even stopping to close the net officials who are trying to put all sort of obstacles in although never having been on want some thing without paying pass through them, and subject Banana Contract soon to be any time, rather been ruined Dear Sir: for it. and thereby making theives owners to constant fines, when of their offspring through their negligence cattle put by the Executive Council by her intrigues, but can really before Congress.
not condemn her for injudicious Apropos of the reorganization If any of these theives are stray form their boundaries.
of Junta Agricola Industrial de caught in the act, with witnesses One, or two Rural Police along There are three points that rejections, and consequently is Limon, on April 30th. 1930, it to prove their guilt, the Courts this road would soon show these have met the opposition of the of the opinion that when severe might be in order to question usually dismiss charges, with people that laws were made to Ministers, tvvo may be easy rejections are encountered it is whether owners of Fincas in the remark, Unas frutas, no vale be respected, especially as they of remedy butone is a tightone. from improper grading and han the vicinity of Limon, would be la pena, without realizing that themselves are of the class who lst. of the 3000 hectareas dling by the farmers, and from a change of Boats and Ports justified in fomenting their pro Unas frutas stolen by the large do not hesitate to invoke the which the Co. arranged to ductions, especially as refers to parties who constantly do this. courts when they think they plant. 1500 was to be done in vvhich ought really to be advised by the Exportation Dept.
fruits. There are few producers means the entire production of are being imposed on, with, the Province of Limon and within a few miles of the city many manzanas of land. or without reason.
the other 1500 vvherever to the Farming Dept. hence who now reap the benefit of their Some thirty years ago, the they cared, presumably of vvith a little closer understanyears of labor, and expense, es Government constructed a road ONE WHO KNOWS course it is conjectured that diog betyveen the tvvo departpecially as refers to such fruits, West of Limon, from Camp one, she would like to develop her ments, which can easily be aras Mangoes, Orange, Limes, for the benefit of persons own Ed. note. This is indeed a Golfo Dulce Lands the rranged, vve are sure that such Grape fruit, Tangerines, and even ing smail cultivations within a serious problem in and around Pacific, as to be in proximity detrimental rejections would be Cocoanuts.
radius of two miles of Limon, the city of Limon, In Jamaica with her Puerto Armuelles a thing of the past; and avoid Groups of boys, and even men, and owners of land on either this is included in The Praedial plantations, so her nevy ships the need of an expensive Arbiladen with bags, make it a daily side of the road were compelled Larceny Law. and carries flog of the San Francisco Port tration Board, for after all, of practice between the hours of to fence in their properties, to ging by the authorities on con Armuelles route vvould alvvays vvhat useful porpose is such a five M, and dark, in groups protect them from the horses con viction; but the Agents of Police be sure of a supply in Costa Board going to serve; it must of from ten to twenty persons, stantly turned loose along this here do not look on this theft Rica, in case anything happend be formed by men vvho have of invading these Fincas, during road. Through constant use by as seriously as they should, and on the Paca ma plantations, now no price, and how many vvill vve find vvho vould be vvilling the season, and not only stealing horses, this road has become a because it tends to demoralize the it transpires that she is not to accept a job of a hundred the few ripe fruit on the trees, quagmire, and as it is practically impetus in Agricultural pursuits. permitted to choose; the entire but through shaking the trees, and impassible for none of those who so very necessary in this country, cultivatiocs must be done in the fifty dollars per month, they stoning the fruit, destroy an in benefit by it would even put in we hope the Judges will set such Atlantic Division. Very good are fevv and very far apart; numerable quantity of green a minutes time to repair it, for examples to these petty thieves for the Atlantic.
then prejudice vvill come in; fruit, which if not interfered with, take a fevy small farmers of no their own convenience, they just as will act as a deterrent to these The Second is the hitch, in might be of some benefit to the cut the wire on either side, and robberies.
making these cultivations and social Raok or influence; vvhat confidence shall vve have that owners, when they would ultimeans of transport they are mamately ripen, and produce a revin a case of an appeal, they king it obligatory that the Co.
enue for them.
must find the means of trans vill come out on top alongside These «asaltadores are strong portation for all farms of Private of an influenital Superintendent enough in numbers to defy the Grovvers. This ofcourse vill deof Fruit Rejectors, so for the few persons who have charge much that it is going to serve, of the protection of the different The Chemical Dept. of the that when a field is once infested Railroads Bridges into lands cessitate a great mileage of vve feel it better to get on fincas, and even well armed parAgricultural Society of Jamaica by this germ, it takes 18 years to that may not give results, but good terms vvith the Rejectors ties have been known to threaten is viewing the ravages of Pana be completely clear of it, so it and their bosses. The first and because someone who has no any one interfering with their ma Desease on the Banana In can well be conjectured what a experience in laods adaptable to second seem to us unfair to depredations, and owners being dustry with a very Serious vision. blessing Professor Barnes dis Bananas, is foolhardy enough the Company, and the 3rd.
barred by either fear of the law, Stringent Laws and drastic recovery would mean to the Agri to plant them, the Coy. vvould useless by being unvvorkable.
or their own personal desires to medies have been put in force to cultural pursuits of any banana have no discretion to use, but The matter has hovvever been avoid conflicting with the law, curtail the spread of the desease, producing country.
are compelled to stand by, and but with all that, it spreads more The Jamaica government bas into such nonproductive lands must construct a Railvvay line referred to Boston for their last vvord and vve are hopiog that see their property despoiled, and rapidly year by year spent much money altho it is The third is for an Arbitration some modifications vvill be put themselves subjected to the consThe Director of Agriculture not generally known in experi Board in case of unnecessary in both objections and all rough tant menace of bodily injury, shoMr. Cousins gives it out that for menting by grafting in a class of edges made smooth for the uld they use ordinary means of the last year the infection has Banana that will suit the market rejections. This may serve some good of the Nation use.
protecting themselves.
spread fifty per cent faster that and be immune from this dreaded In Jamaica, the laws of trans the previous year. Over 8, 000 scourge to Agriculture, and it is the best furniture to be had from VALLE Co.
gression are strictly enforesd, and have been spent to combat the said they have discovered one Cuesta de Moras, San Jose the parents of these theives, know desease but still to no purpose. that will stand the Test, but much what would happen to them if Last year with all his care and cannot be said yet about it, until they attempted as much as restrictions in quarantining each a sufficient quantity of seeds have to pick, even a fallen fruit on deseased root, destroying nine been propagated to make a trial anothers land, without permis roots square around the deseased planting in infested areas, that sion. These boys are leaned by one, yet 8, 8000 trees have been can be taken into consideration.
their parents, that taking is attacked and died from the mal The United Fruit Co. has spent most interesting and enjoy at their best. Misses Vivine not stealing, and this creed will. ady, and he has had to give out hundreds of thousands of dollars able function was staged in the Reid, Doris Moss, Dorith Quarno doubt, be argue in the near a statement to the effect that if investigating this desease here Waldeck Liberty Hall, 28 ry, Ena Brown, Eve MacDonfuture, when applied to business it continues as it is now going. within the last 25 years; all clas on Sunday June Ist at p. ald and Matilda Barnes were the in Limon, but woo betide the in ten years hence, the Industry ses of Giologists and Agricultu by the children of the Waldeck live wires on Part of the Proboy, or man, who takes, any will be completely ruined. ral Chemists from the United Day School. The building was gramme. At the conclusion of thing, when the Police are around Prof. Barnes gave out that he States have been imported and practically filled when the func the Drama Mr. Shippey and strange to say, they are arrested, had found a cure for the desease, several areas have been planted tion started and others came Miss Bennett rendered a beauand punished. Higglers, purchas and he was invited by the Agri out, contra inocularep but to no in during the rendition of the tiful Duet They were followed ing Mangoes at two colones pe cultural Society to have a thor purpose.
splendid programme.
by Lady Elfreda Reid and Miss hundred, are very well aware ough demonstration of his disco An immune banana has been The Programme which wasbe Carr who each rendered a fine that the fruit must be stolen, very, but of course this will take introduced and hundreds of Hec autifully got up was divided into solo. Mr. Arnold Cunnings saying that if they do not buy on an infected area. So many under cultivation with this Im addresses, solos, recitations, dia mon Division, was present and it, some one else will. The writer people have given out at diferent mune, which took the soil well, logues, and duets; and Paat. was seated as a Distinguished has evidence of many instances times that they have found cures, but did not result as a good ship consisting of a Drama entitled Visitor. He made a brief address during last year, whell Grape that one feels sceptical of every per, from the fact that the stem The Great Convention. This in which he congratulated the fruit, was sold from house to new comer, but we do hope that rotted before the fingers were item was very delightfully ren master and pupils of the School house for two colones per hun. Prof Barues remedy will be suce npe, hence it had to be abandoned dered. The actors, under the for the well prepared and very dred, and both oranges, and essful, in the first place it would from a Commercial point of directorship of Mr. interesting Programme which limes, almost given away, be the success of a Jamaican, in view, so that if Prof. Barnes dis. Harrison, teacher of the school, they gave to the public that day.
In stricking instance of what the second place it would be the covery is a success, it will be a who also attended the Sixth After the lifting of the offering these worthless theives are cap: means of reclaiming thousands real Saviour to the Industry and Annual International Convention. the meeting terminated with able of, is the near by farm of and thousands of Acres of infest will be a means of making him Each child, in robe, represented the singing of the ETHIOPIAN Mrs. Arnold, this poor lady, de ed lands; because it is claimed a millonaire in a Short While. adelegate, and one, Master Oscar ANTHEM followed by the Bepending for her very existence, in Porter Represented the Hon. nediction, but the impression her old age, on the fruits, it has Marcus Garvey as Speaker in which it made on the minds of taken years of care, and expense, Convention.
those who were fortunate to to bring into bearing, has been PILES SHOE STORE. Siquirres Masters Leopold Morris and witness it, will long be rememcompelled, owing to the large Ferdinand Moss, the rising orabered.
Keep apushing ant ashoving till you push them dark clouds a Way; and the area of her farm, and the limited torial stars of the race, where DORITH QUARRY number of men she can afford PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies shoes are matchless to employ, to see the entire proin beauty and style.
duction of her farm dissapear The best furoiture to be had from VALLE Co.
Siquirres through these «Mormeadores, Cuesta de Moras, San Jose Hapenings at Waldeck 28 Miles only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be shod With: PILE e documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juveyted,

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