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PAGE Saturday 21 June. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT THE SILVER LINING From Madre de Dios DEFINITELY CURED LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND Some people when the world goes wrong Sit down and sigh the whole day long On Sunday June 8th, pupils Programme the Promoter. Mr. Pupils for the manner in which And spoil for others life sweet song of the Waldeck Day School. Harrison, expressed they recited their pieces and By grumbling and repining under the directorship of Mr. his gratitude to the assembly for their general conduct. The They cannot pass a trouble by Harrison, arrived at for their kind patronage and offering having been taken up And twice as dark they make the sky Madre De Dios by the mid day asked the community to support the meeting was brought to a Because they never seem to try train from Limon and at 20 the School. Mr Barker, the Pre close by the singing of the clock staged a lovely func sident of the Madre De Dios Ethiopian Anthem followed by To see the silver lining.
ction in the Baptist Church. Mas Division, Mr Farquharson, the Benediction. The party reThe days cannot be sunny all ter Ferdinand Moss was the the ex President, and Mr Syd. turned to Waldeck the same Some clouds must come, some rain must fall, Chairman for the first part of ney Montague, the Executive evening on the o clock train.
the Programme and Miss Vivi Secretary made brief speeches The sun would surely on us fag DORITH QUARRY, ne Reid, in ministerial robe in which they congratulated the Reporter If it were always shining.
representiang the Rev. Ethel WilBut some folks of a grumbling mind liams of Baltimore, presided No consolation ever find over the second part.
As on the 1st of June the They quite forget, there is behind children again rendered a very TUBERCULOSIS The clouds, a silver lining.
excellent Programme, but Masters Leopold Morris and Oscar INA Its best a cheerful face to don Porter captivated the audience And look the brighter side upon, when they rendered Brutus and The rain will soon be past and gone Cassius. Miss Kelsada Doyley, New method, consisting of who represented Madam Amy Sub cutaneous injection of living And what the gosd of whining.
Jaques Garvey rendered a beauSo when a trouble cloud comes by, bacilli of the turtle tiful solo entitled Hark the Don sit with folded hands and sigh voice of Garvey. Miss Miriam discovered by Look up! with hopeful heart and try Allen represented Madam LT. De Mena and could only Prof Dr. Friedmann. Chief To find the silver lining.
be eclipsed by Madam De Mena herself, At the end of the Physician and Surgeon of the INI Anti tuberculosis Institute of Philanthropist Berlin, In our last issue we welcomed the arrival of Mr. Cecil Lindo BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY Cures possible for first and second ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED just at this moment when his broad views on financial quesdegree of the disease, by means of Bureau established for the greater convenience, tions would help considerably; one or two Sub cutaneous understanding, satisfaction and protection of the Englishand the first paper we took up Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection we found him, advising the fiinjections of the Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen nanciers and men in authority against unscrupulous debtors. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to to band themselves together to Friedmann Anti tuberculosis Vacuna lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conhelp unemployment, by each one fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both guaranteeing to find work for novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with three or four artisans, in their This remedy has been officially over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as e homes, in their farms, or in their adopted by the German Government Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and business. He told them they could Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials bind repairs or make them, if in May 1929 and now also by the are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge no repairs they could make im Brazilian Government by law passed and Counsel.
provements, so as to help to EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ bring food to some unfortunate 17th. February 1930 Barrister Instigator homes, even tho it be by a saAttorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager crifice to themselves he has suc(Decrees Nos. 32, 37 and 38)
BRANCH OFFICE ceeding by getting promises of MAIN OFFICE San Jose, 50 yards West of the such help from several wealthy Wonderful cures are being Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre Presidencia gentlemen.
Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of These are the sort of philanobtained in Costa Rica Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, thropic capitalists that the world New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, needs.
For full information apply to the Doubling your advertising in sole concessionaires THE SEARCHLIGHT ATWELL Co.
is to double your sales San José, Costa Rica LIMON Bitten by a Viper Endeavours to please her patrons.
Apartado 861 Telephone 3654 The latest in the FILM WORLD Some tvvo vveeks ago Mr. Bayliss vvhile workiog in Office: Opposite the Imprenta Alsina in constant touch with the best production his Farm at 17 Miles vvas bitten by a soake; his brother Be a Modernite Always Mr. Bayliss vvho had one of these snake stones, in mediately applied it as a remedy, This notifies the Music loving public that VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO and took him to Limon under the Central American Black Stars Orchestra, the care of some one experienIs a nucleus of an Amusement Co.
Tuvo nevy Industries are Efficacious Remedy ced in such matters, he is now by the name of being opened up in Jamaica to expel worms completely cured it is undersvvhich vvill help to give employThe Central American Stars Combination Co.
Lucas Morua ment to many people.
which will shortly make their debut in the Arrasty Theatre Mr. Henry Holgate of St.
Be it also understood that this Orchestra accepts jobs for Dances Excursions.
Thomas has been making sucSOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUE STORE Board and Lodgings When you want to dance and hear the very latest in Blues, Foxtrots, Waltzes, cessful experiments in making Cartago, Telp. 77 Tangos, Danzons, Rumbos etc. just write to boards by hydraulic compres.
Very convenient Board and The Central American Black Stars. Box 123. Port Limon sion from the cane Trash from Our Vacationers Lodgings can be had at the the Sugar mills, and expects making a large factory for this PINK HOTEL OF LIMON Amoog the passengers by purpose.
Then an English Syndicate for Bluefields this vveek, vvill the Dora leaving Limon situated on 7th street adjoining the property of the Costa Rica is making arrangements for the purchasing of Holland be Mrs. George Brovva Soda Water Factory on 3rd and Mrs, James Estate from Mr, Willie Far. Nana. These tuvo ladies have Harrison avenue, and seventh street.
Every comfort of her clients quharson for manufacturing Paper from the søvamp grass been spending two months are attended to personally by, in front of the Side Chapel of The Cathedral.
vvhich abounds there, and vvas vacation betyven Cartago and MRS. RITCHE DI San Jose. TELEPHONE 3439 San Jose under treatment of up to novy useless for any Dr, Herdocia of San Jose, aod The most exquisite finishing touches.
other purposes. Experiments novy leave to join their hus Courtmarshalled Shot from this grass has brought bands in Bluefields and Prinzaout first class paper, and. 400. 000 vvill be spent for the polka looking the picture of Replying to questions in the health; as vvas eported in house of Commons, The Secrepurchase of the properties and erection of the machinery nethese columns, Mrs. Broven tary for War of Great Britain, AIDA RESTAURANT cessary for such operations.
under vvent a delicate operation, gave out the information that in the Hands of Drs. Herdocia during the World War 282 sol Moreno Cañas but is novy diers were shot by Court MarAIDA RESTAURANT Beat depression by advertising completely recovered from same. tial and three officers We hope they vvill arrive 264 men where shot for deserPICNIC PARTIES, AND BANQUETS ATTENDED the other side feeling fit tion and officers, whereas 18 THE SEARCHLIGHT and nice, soldiers were shot for Cowardice, documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacio Cine Moderno New Industries An Orchestra PHARMACEUTICO PACHECO PHOTO STUDIO Proprietres The proof of the Pudding is in the cating. To prove the saperiority of Cookery, is to come to 1f you want something delicious for a dinner or Lunch lets and try Alda more on On To have a Tea at pm from Alda is always to return there where at the A.
building Weals at any tour Santose

    World War

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