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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (1. 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 28. JUNE. 1930 35 Current Items His Holiness the Pope ill Mr. Mrs. Stanley Lindo Mrs. Nunez of Limon has left us by the last English also been on a visit to the boat for Jamaica and Europe. Capital on a double mission, both for business and health, Coloured labourers from the from coloured people, there is the coloured population does Mr. Stanley life has been she vvill soon West Indies have been associ not a Costa Rican by It is an be taking a this, in a moet conspicuous way wound up for more than a short vacation to Panama and ated with Costa Rica for half vinfradig» even on the President at Siquirres. Count the homes quarter century with the sea century now, nor did they of the Municipal Board, vvho and buildings around Siquirres veral interests of his firm Lindo the Isle of springs; vve beg to Bros. in Costa Rica of vvhich vvish her a pleasant time in come here of their choice of is himself a coloured man, that and see who make up the rehe is the Manager; hence his the old home.
somewhere to got to, they were this sort of discrimination is sidential life of that tovvn but invited here at the instance of observed in guvernmental cir coloured homes; hence vve are yearly vacations are a real de.
Searchlight Mr. Stephen Daly was also the Costa Rican government cles against a people whose asking the Jefe Politico, the cessity. The benefi on a visit to the Capital on by the iostigation of Mr. Mi lives, habits, and industrious President of the Municipalidad vishes them both a nor Keith vvhen he found activities are wound up in the and the Interventor to be more cial and pleasant time in the business relating to his plantation The Flovvers.
he could not succeed in getting making of the Atlantic division considerate among a people old Country.
other human beings to get accli of the country. We at times vvhose industry and thrift has Mr. Douglas the Commis.
matized to the dreadful effuvia wonder of the Jefe Politico and brought them to be a dom from the surrounding svamps, President of the Board never inant factor in the Community The eyes of the nervs vvizard sion Agent of Cartago has alafter the death of the first tyvo get thinking that these people they have the privelege to rule. caught a glimpse of Mr. Sam so been on his usual monthly of Wesfalia visit on lots of American and other im are entitled to some considera. Had it not been for the thrift Webb, overseer business along the migrants he imported here, he tion in what goes on in the and colonizing propensities of farm in San Jose. Mass Sam lines.
resorted to the West Indian Fomento of this Canton. The these people there would be seldom travels out of his District, but his health demands Don Antonio Segura ex GoNegroes and it was by means other day when the Deputies jolly little at Siguirres for an it novy. He vvas here to have vernor of Limon and busy So.
of their hardy constitutions and from Congress were on their interventor to intervene in.
forebeariog dispositions that he visit, we watched how, the We vvere in the Congress his eyes treated by Dr. Cor licitor of that tovvn has been be on his usual vveekend visits veas able to realize the success Jefe Politico and his Secretary Hall during this vveek and savv vetti, hope he will soon that crowned his efforts in that ran around into the business that the Jefe Politico through feeling vvill again.
to see his family at Cartago, he vvas enabled to run his first sections of the coloured people the Deputies for the Province train from Limon to San Jose of the town and collected funds Messrs Virgilio Chaverri and Pa The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co.
in the year 1890.
for defraying the expenses of co Gutierrez is putting throagh Cuesta de Moras, San Jose Ever since then there has entertaining these gentlemen, the requisition for a Hospital been an unmistaken attention without even inviting a depu in Siquirres, and we do hope THE BANANA CONTRACT paid by the Keiths and later tation from them to say a word that he will not shut his eyes to the needs of the coloured by the United Fruit Co. until to the Commision, vvhich was The Boston office refuses to change ing that according to the terms of the this day. Had it not been for appointed to investigate the people around his District by the offers put forward by her in the Contract that the Company novv could this care and attention of the conditions not of Costa Ricaos vvay of employment; otherwise Contract.
not be obliged to start planting the 3, 000 a deputation from them vvill In spite of the fact that threc MinisCo to the coloured people of alone but of everything that Hectareas she is obligated to plant within this country they would have tended to make up the life of get an audience with the Preters of the Cabinet refuse to entertain five years, if she cared to so delay.
it. And in fact some have tendered their found themselves in an avvful the Community, and certainly Continued to page This would seem like tieing our hands resignation, yet the President has sent and fect and throwing us down to die.
plight; so for as their labour it into Congress with the lone signature However its evident if we get no prosis concerned; novv that employ.
of the Minister of Finance, that of Fo pects of a development under this proment has been so much reduced mento refusing to sigo.
posed Contract, all who can get out The Municipality of Turrialba and the country may as well do so.
in the operations of the United nearly all the merchants of Cartago Fruit Co. vve find that in every and Limon have sent up memorials to instance vvhere Governmental the President, standing solidly behind vvork is being carried on, these him for sending it on to Congress. The President of the Chamber of Commerce unfortunate people who actFlying in Jamaica, is get Banana Industry also approves of it.
ually form (vvhether by birth For some time now His Holiness The Tribuna however says this morn Pope Pio XI has been in failing health or length of years of residence) ting very popular since Capt.
Holland from Canada has The Jamaica Banana Profrom bladder troubles, the doctors gave joint citizenship here, are uncome out and opened up an ducers Association seem to be AVIATION him a drainage which permitted his justly discriminated against: In progressing by leaps and appearance at the recent Canonization, the strect improvements of Li Aviation School there; Miss a reaction has set in and an operaCharles Kingsford Smifh flew from bounds she has on her books Newman, has been the first San Franctsco across the Pacifc to Aus tion is considered necessary. The docmon, it was only in such depthere to graduate 9200 Contractors, and had tralia and now we find him flying from tors fear an intoxication of the Blod.
artments of the vvorld that the Aviation Pilot suspended taking on Ireland to New York, landing at Newnatives yvere incapable of hand contracts but has started again, foundland proceeding to New York ling that they vvere admitted; ral young men have gone in Pugilistic fights in the Carreteras Pavimen for Aviation. As announced in expecting soon to run into the later, he will proceed from thence to San Francisco, thus completing his flight tation of the interior the same these columns a large tract of 10. 000 mark.
around the World Garnera won from the Negro George thing occurs; right here in Siland at Bumper Hall is being The President of Mexico has taken Godfrey on a foul to him in the 10th.
Great Evangelist dead alotted as a great Aerodrome.
steps to have aviators discontinue all round at Philadelfia the gate realized quirres, the same preference is being shovva; the Municipality The Revd. Raglan Philthese unnecessary long distance flights 160, 000 there being 36, 000 persons as he claims the best men of a country in building her vvorks of pub New Railway Branch.
lips the great Evangelist and generally meet their death in these Compolo knocked out Ruggirello at lic utility, studiously avoids emClarendon is a most lucky the age of 76. Mr. Phillips ideas will be adopted by all Countries.
healing preacher is dead at fruitless journeys, it is expected his Boston in the 3rd round. 5, 000 persons witnessed this bout.
ploying coloured artisans and parish, coming in of late for labourers.
consideration for Railvvry exmade many marvellous cures of pronounced uncurable maThe best furniture to be had from VALLE Co In Siquirres of all places is tensions; she has had her Railthis prejudicial treatment un way extension tovvards the ladies all over the Island by Cuesta de Moras, San Jose Faith Healing. The detective fair, we can excuse the heads North going on to Frankfield department follorved him close.
of departments in the interior and nov on occount of proNotice Excursion Train because they do not sufficiently positions by the Co to ly to see if they could make a case under the medical lavy koovy the merits of these people the Government a branch line The Cooperative As.
but failed.
but such an indiference to them is on foot to run tovvards the sociation Waldeck 28 Miles.
The Salvation Army Excursion Train vvill run to by the Officers of the Siquirres South from Four Paths to Vere; Radio Operations Shaw, President.
Municipality is an almost Cri She; is the only Parish to be Farquharson Ch.
Guapiles on Tuesday 1st of minal Act.
July. Leaving Limon at 45 a.
so favoured.
We note that the govern Taylor, Treasurer.
ment of Jamaica is consideriog Gibbs, Secretary, These people have built up round trip fare 63. 00; children To the shareholders of the Rate, Refreshments for Sale of other denominations the tovo of Siquirres. If the The Chamber of Commerce the advisability of a povverful Siquirres Treasury can boast above named Corporation, The Jamaica chamber of the Island. This Scientific deRadio Broadcasting Station in This notifies you that you along the way.
of her 90, 000 available with Commerce has been invited to velopment is encircling the are warred to attend a general TheBlack Stars (merry makvvhich to build her Carcel, and other works from whence did nada in October by the Can communications vvill soon be take place in the Madre de Dios rily to the ground.
a Conference to be held in a world so that Cablegraphic Shareholders meeting, which will ers) Band will Pilot us merthis amount come? from the adian Chamber; it is remem.
thrift and industry principally bered that Mr. Levvis Ashena thiog of the remotest ages.
Liberty Hall on the 13th July1930 days outing will disperse of the coloured people. Take a Syndicate of Theatral and at 30 a. for the purpose of the gloominess of the hard census of the holdings, shops, Imperial Conference of the in Nerv York and are proposheim represented her in the Radio kings have got together Election of Officers and Trus times.
butcheries and in fact every Chamber of Commerce of the ing to erect the largest cen Corporation for the ensuing tees for the management of the Adjt Mrs. Wright. Prop.
thing pertaining to the business Empire in England early this tre of Radiographic operations year, and for deciding on the life from vvhich Revenue is derived and see where these een taking up the echo.
month, and novy Canada is in the world vxhich vvill carry instructions of the Lawyer who tradas) are derived and with it a special department you Theo on Sunday july 6th.
yvill see that pinety per cent The Forresters for television. This building is is representing us.
If you cannot attend, please Then and Novy service of Soog entitled come from the pockets of the to cost five hundred millions vvill be ask another shareholder to recoloured people and Chinese. The Forresters of Jamaica of dollars.
rendered by our young PeoTake the market, vvho are the had a historic gathering at present you giving him authople at The Salvation Army people vvho support the revenue Port Maria, vvhen Court Clerity by a letter to vote for you Hall Limon at p. Come with which to repay the cost metson celebrated her 6th. Beat depression by advertising in the transactions to be disand spend a delightful evening cussed at this meeting.
of building the market ninety Anniversary in that tovvo at admission free, but a Silver more in per cent is derived birth of which was represented all prominence doing business in it Courts of the Island, THE SEARCHLICHotecas MinBio Gtes, usecretary: FARQUHARSON, Chairman, Collection.
Gertrude Wright. Supt but vyoman as ao seve nevy present. Des propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional


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