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PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday June 28. 1930 THE INFLUENCES OF THE BANANA INDUSTRY IN COSTA RICA All eyes have been directed in anxious expectancy towards Treasury of the Limon Municipality boasts of her hundreds of Congress, to see what shall be done with regard to the absorbing thousands of dollars today as she does, from whence have those question of our Banana Industry, ofcourse this question cannot be dollars come, but by the Commerce and impuestos made possible Street Pavings in presented to Congress by the President, it must be by his Mi by what?
nisters whose portfolios come within the range of operations to If Limon boasts today of the best Customs structure along San Jose be effected by such negotiations; these being the Minister of Fi the entire Atlantic Coast of Central America to what source can nance and Commerce (Hacienda. and that of Public Improve that structure be traced but the United Fruit Coy development Our Committee on Street rements and Agriculture (Fomento. The conditions of this Contract of the Banana Industry especially when we review the past and construction must be congrahave been placed into the hands of these advisers of the Chief of find that great edifice has been paid for by a special Tax of State, and a Council of Ministers have been sitting on this pro 00 per capita for 1st class travellers and 00 per capita the progress of the work under tulated on their achievements in blem now for several days, and as our readers have been informed for deck passengers on the travelling public, from what source their command; at every corna difference of opinion has arisen on three principal points, which can you trace the possibilities of such travellings?
have been referred to Boston for their last word; these are, the er you can find Don Jose And now outside of Limon, from this Town to Talamanca matter of confining themselves to the Atlantic Zone; that of ma can it be conceived the immense wealth that has accrued to the Joaquin Quiros the Secretary of king railroads for transportation into all the farms; and that of government by Impuestos of all kinds? we find that from far with, the experts of the Wayss Arbitration in case of rejections.
away Talamanca there comes a Cry from the inhabitants of that y Freitag Construction Co. The We are firmly of the opinion that this difficulty will be sol region, that there is closeted away in the chest of the Limon ved; that the Company will come to an understanding as to the Municipality the healthy sum of 70, 000 accumulated from Taxes principal Streets vvill be finishtransportation of fruit, which she has always done. In times past of all kinds in that vicinity on account of which the residents only drawback is the most necceswherever there has been sufficient bananas to warrant the cons there, are claiming Roadways now, that the Company has withsary street for Commerce; that truction of a switch or branch line to facilitate getting out the drawn her Railways there, from what has such amounts been is Central Avenue; in vvhich products, the Co, has always done it; See the Parismina branch, made possible?
there is a deadlock.
The Cairo Branch, The Indiana Carmen Branches, The Monte If we turn towards Zent we find the same, thriving, villages The Wayss Freitag Co. are Verde Branch etc. but it cannot be expected that the Company from which revenues are derived, turn your attention along the would put branches in every mile or two simply to avoid the main lines to Siquirres and see the innumerable villages adorned under a guarantee of their work; private farmers placing Tramways in their farms to help them with beautiful residences which give signs of a thriving thrifty they complain that in conseselves God helps those who help themselves and so it cant be peasant population of which Costa Rica has a right to be proud. quence of the unprotected tunexpected with any degree of reasonableness that the Company is Look at Siquirres can anyone remember thirty five years ago, nel made by the Electric Comgoing to take all the responsabilities of those who want only to when the only residence in Siquirres was a little old low house panies for underground pasplant the bananas, and fold their hands waiting for God to send of Mr. Ubers where Mr. Keith used to stay while up and down sage of their wires, the Streets an aeroplane and pick their fruit up; this is unreasonable; again in his construction of the Railway; today she boasts of a fair after Construction may sink the Co. is not a Road Construction Concern to build expensive market place other public buildings, having grown into a thriv. on the slightest commotion, hence Railway branches with costly Bridges into any sort of Territory ing township with a Municipality and Educational Board of her they will no put on the finwithout a guarantee that she is going to find enough Traffic to own, where the sons of Costa Rica can feel that pride of govern ishing coats of Concrete Asoccupy that road, no, we expect that if any four or five men who ing themselves as best they care, are not these incalculable be phalt except they are exoneown a thousand or fifteen hundred Hectareas of available lands nefits? priveleges that outweigh millions upon millions brought rated from responsability or that this tunnel be concreted, will approach the Company and say well, will you place a spur about by what means?
or the entire breadth From Siquirres to Guápiles we find evidences of the same of the through these lands for us, the Co will then inspect those lands see that they are available for a number of years to hold ba thrift. contentment and progress among a peasant population all Street be reinforced with steel nanas, certainly we feel that she will place a spur there to facili brought into being by the development thro the United Fruit Co. bars which would cost about tate a Train load of bananas, but it would be unjust to make a of the Banana Industry: 8000. The Electric Co. refuse hard fast law that wherever any three or four gather them Now from Siquirres to San Jose, does one want to find any to stand by such expense, claimselves together in some unsuitable area of land she must be there greater advantages that has been brought to a township than ing that this work was done with them to bring failure to her investments.
what is exhibited in Turrialba within the past decade? with its under government superviAnd after all why all this entanglement? why all this effort beautiful Hospital. brought into being by the indomitable will of sion and guidance; meanwhile to strangulate the Banana Industry? why all these unnecessary that never to be forgotten unfortunate Youth Willie Allen, whose this Knot is being untied the demands aiming to tie the hands of the Company by small un life has been a sacrifice to Costa Rica. and other public buildings Wayss Co. has decided to profitable demands? Is it because the Company has made her as well as an innumerable variety of designs in residential struc suspend operations on that millions from her investments? and if she has, is she not entitled tures, all of which are a credit to Costa Rican families with for: Street and go ahead with the to make it? what buisinessman makes investments in Commerce, eign ideas, all brought into being in that area within so short a street leading to the Pacific manufacturing Industries, or agricultural pursuits that does not lapse of years by the inauguration of the Banana Industry, and Railway Station and the otexpect his fair amount of profits from such investments in ratio from there to San Jose what influences, has the banana Industry hers under construction; while to the Capital invested? why should we be like the dog in the not brought into the lives of the people of the Interior. At Car the merchants in Central Ave.
manger, even worse, because the dog by allowing the horse to tago there was a time when a full grown chicken could be had nue are making an awful noise eat the hay in his manger stands a chance of losing his bedding for sixty cents, three eggs for ten cents, a milch cow for seventy that they can do no busiwithout knowing whether his master has got what to replace it, tive colones, a horse for fifty colones; today, the same chicken is ness due to this street being so he gets nothing from the horse in return; but have we not worth two colones a half, an egg is ten cents, the cow is dug up and in consequence of got in return a fair emolument from the investments of the Company? three hundred colones, the horse is a hundred and fifty; and so the Rains the mud prevents Do we not realize the fortunes made from the several develop on in every branch of Agriculture, whereby the inhabitants are shopping by the ladies, it is ments of the country? Is it that some of our men who are guidthus left to be seen who will ing the destinies of this country are only thinking of Pequenez Continued to page give way.
the small things and leaving the great ones alone?
Now let us look at some of the great things that have been brought into reality by the existence of the Concessions granted the fruit Company within the past 40 years. The town of Limon, what would Limon have been, had it not been for the businesslike developmet of the fruit Industry by the United Fruit; This The Governor of Jamaica Sired on account of Panama convicted of Murder in West Town has been made by the unconquerable spirit of such a great Edward Stubbs is off to England desease in Portland, to supply moreland in 1922, his sentence leader as the Immortal Rafael Yglesias it is true, that Mr. Keith Vacation, immense the great demand in the Canadian of death vvas commuted for life got a Contract for making that town, and was paid for his work, crowd of all classes from all Market.
but from whence did that money come but from the advent of Up to 5th June 10 005 882 imprisonment, and on reccomMinor Keith and later, his associates with the Directors of the Pier to bid him bon voyage. This bunches of Banonas been ship. mendation of the Prison author the Banana Industry in Costa Rica through the genius of Mr. parts of the Island was on the ped.
ities for his exemplary conduct, Co. which gave confidence to the Foreign Loans which shows his popularity The Governor granted him a enabled the great developments of the entire country; and which, The Hon E. Jelf Colonial Free Pardon has been grant free Pardon. First time in our loans were later undertaken by whom? The United Fruit Co. Secretary acts as Governor in ed Joseph Tomlinson vvho vvas Knowledge.
being redeemed by the great development of the Banana Indus his ab sence.
try; and its Export Tax; and suppose Limon was built and there The best furniture be had from VALLE Co.
was no Banana Industry to foment the possibility of the several beautiful Structures, Commercial and Residential; what would have Cuesta de Moras, San Jose The Right Revd.
been the use of beautiful streets without the vvherewithal toadorn DeCartaret Bishop of Jamaica those streets? from whence have those possibilities sprung? If the is also gone on four months vacation during which time he will SASTRERIA AMERICANA The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co. attend the Provincial Synod of West Indian Bishops in England PIEDRA BRO.
Cuesta de Moras, San Jose which opened on 16th inst. The Ven. Archdeacon Simms acts in AMERICAN TAILORS his absence.
We have had great experience in the United States. We can make the best suit in Costa Rica. We import English Woollen Goods.
Give us a trial and convince yourself our suits are guaranteed the LOANS! LOANS! LOANS best finished workmanship.
The Avenue from the Atlantic Station near Photo Imperial Hernández.
PERSON WITH 10. 000 CAPITAL Over one million Banana trees willing to aid publie with loans, provided tangible guarantee is given. For further information and arrangement, apply to are being pollenated on CaymaTHE LIMON SERVICE BUREAU nas Estates by the Agricultural between and p. daily, except Saturdays, and from Society with a view of propa12 to pm, on Sundays.
gating an immune banana by kind permission of the owner Mr. Crum Ewing. The Gros GRANT Michel is being crossed by the Suits made to order in the Shortest notice.
Robusta, The Bumelan, La complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels catan bananas, and 16 species always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
have been the result, some how North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Is the best food for people of all ages; it is not of a ever being freaks, with only Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings bilious propensity, does not contain Cocoa, does not proskin and no fruit meat, but in this Week duce Uric Acid as does other foods made from Animal flesh.
vievy of the ravages of Pana In Serie Drawing No. 39; won by Alberto Caldera ma Desease they are determin In Serie Drawing No. 16; won by Francisco Durán SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES ed to find a good substitute that vvill be immune.
In presence of Mario Fonseca, Amado Solano, Francisco Cuadra Sole distributors: Solera Brothers. San Jose. Telephone 3950 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional almal obregon those areas abandonGrape fruits are largely being BOX 252 nistero oltura y Juventud Costa RSan José TELEPHONE 3320 Bist of news from the Isle of Springs on an to IS SASTRERIA GRANT CARNE VEGETAL Ticket No. 68.
Ticket No. 145.
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