
Saturday 28 May. 1930 THE WHAT WORLD? Puntarenas Tierra de Promisión LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND THE INFLUENCES OF.
en If you dont go to church you are not good.
La noticia publicada en estos dias en Trading Co; después hay otras de menor La provincia de Puntarenas está lla If you go to church you are a hypocrite.
los diarios de la capital dando cuenta importancia como la de Silverio Chave mada por el destino a ser un emporio de embarques de banano iniciados con rri, Traube y Rodriguez Volio, etc. de riqueza, toda la suerte llueve en su If you dress shabbily you are a failure.
destino a Alemania y que han tenido el pero que tienden a ampliarsus cultivos, favor: ferrocarril electrificado, muelle If you dress vvell you are trying to bluff.
mejor éxito, ha producido en el pais máxime ahora que ven la posibilidad de moderno, una gran aduana que se le If you dont give to charity your are a tightwad.
las ideas más optimistas con relación al hacer buenos negocios.
construirá muy pronto y la industria If you give to charity you do it for shouv.
futuro de nuestra provincia de PuntaLa iniciadora de la industria bananera bananera que se inicia con promesas renas y como consecuencia del país en If you dont drink you are no kind of a regular guy.
del Pacifico es la Pirris, de la que es halagadoras.
general. Ya el empresario alemán don gerente y principal socio don Agatón Vayan nuestras felicitaciones para los If you drink you are not a desirable person to knovy.
Victor Fabian representante en Costa Rica Lutz, el hombre de la voluntad de hie buenos gobiernos que se han preocuIf you vvear a beard, it is to hide a homely face.
de los afamados productos Bayer y de li rro compatriota y buen discipulo de pado por ese jirón de nuestro territorio If you are smooth shaven it is to try to look young.
neas de vapores como la Hamburguesa Bismarck sin cuyo esfuerzo y tenacidad y para los extranjeros como los emAmericana, que fue el que hizo el prino hubiera prosperado hasta el nivel en presarios Fabian y Lutz que con más If you let your vvife vvaste your money you are a fool.
mer embarque de prueba, ha consegui que hoy se halla dicha plantación. La cariño que si fueran costatricenses se If you refuse to let her vvaste it you are a brute.
do mercados para la fruta y ha hecho Pirris que hacia sus pequeños embar preocupan por el engrandecimiento y If you lose a lot of money you are idiotic.
las gestiones necesarias para que ven ques a California, puede hoy dia por riqueza de nuestro país; para extranjeIf you make a lot money you are a crook.
gan a Puntarenas semanal o quincenalel aumento de su producción enviar a ros asi tenemos nuestros brazos abiertos.
mente barcos apropiados con bodegas ese mercado y a los de Europa tamIf you tango you are frivolous.
refrigeradas donde se pueda hacer con bien.
ARTURO DEUJEP If you dont you are a back number.
toda seguridad el transporte del banano.
If you are poor you are no good.
Nuestra provincia del Pacifico, como mm ზაზ If you are rich you got it by robbing others.
decíamos, tiene por delante un magnifico porvenir, superior al de la provinIf you die you dissipated.
vincia de Limon por muchas circunsIf you live to a good old age you attained it thru lazinees.
tancias: tiene tierras virgenes apropiadas If, vvhen you die, you go to Gehenna it is because you deserved it para el cultivo bananero, no Se halla BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY If, vvhen you die, you go to heaven, you go there by mistakel infestada del mal que azota a las planORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED So What the use of vvorrying of the World.
taciones del Atlántico y puede vender la fruta que produzca con toda liberA Bureau established for the greater convenience, tad, sin compromisos de ninguna espeunderstanding, satisfaction and protection of the Englishcie que la obliguen o maniaten a comSpeaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen pañías o empresas extranjeras.
against unscrupulous debtors.
La más grande plantación que existe Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to Cantinued to page ese litoral es de la Pirris Farm lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both enabled to build better homes, dress better, lead more Sanitary novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with happy and Congenial lives, all brought into being by the constant An Angel Born over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as interchange of Commerce, with the banana growers are who able to Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and We notice by the latest cacome up from the Atlantic Coast and trade with Articles of diet Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials that could not be grown there, is this of no availl? Are these bles that an their has been born are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge advantages?
to coronel Lindberg. We vvonand Counsel.
And now take San Jose, is it not admissible that hundreds der vvhether he has not been born EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ Barrister Investigator of women, young and old could sit at home and make a living in the shape of an Angel with by making shirts, underwear, Cigarretes etc. and send to the Coast a pair of wings attached, judgAttorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager to suprly those who were engaged on the Banana farms? The ing from the fact that he miraBRANCH OFFICE industrial men who have had their Shoe factories, their Cigar culously escaped being born in MAIN OFFICE San José, 50 yards West of the factories, their leather and harness factories, their weaving, cloth the skies. He certainly ought to Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre)
Presidencia and clothe factories, then the Jewellers, the Hotel Keepers, the be a flying genius.
Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Theatre keepers, the doctors, the lawyers, can they not all tell of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, the benefits that has accrued to them by a flourishing Banana Board and Lodgings New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Industry? The National Theatre is a white elephant, because every Theatrical Co. that visits us nowadays that there are no Banaeeeeerre Very convenient Board and nas goes away as near Bankruptcy as can be, if not so; Our Lottery Scheme which is run for the support of our sick and Lodgings can be had at the distressed in Constitution cannot flourish today why? because PINK HOTEL OF LIMON there are no Bananas brought about by the lack of vision by a majority of our Legislators who feel that the United Fruit Co. situated on 7th street adjoining has done nothing for the country, but Lest they forget may we the property of the Costa Rica LIMON Soda Water Factory on 3rd invite them to cast a retrospective glance at the past and see really if the Co. has made her millions by her investments of avenue, and seventh street.
Endeavours to please her patrons.
other millions, if the Country has not also benefilted directly and Every comfort of her clients are attended to personally by, The latest in the FILM WORLD indirectly untold millions too; and if this is true, exhort them to retrace their steps, by throwing their arms wide open to foreignMRS. RITCHE in constant touch with the best production ers and foreign Capital, and so will they multiply by four withProprietress in the next two decades the benifits priveleges that has accrued Be a Modernite Always to the Country within the last three decades.
May we show you how? dont think of what the other fellow Doubling your advertising in The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co.
is earning; open up yourself to trade, give the Co. her chance THE SEARCHLIGHT to develop the Banana Industry; charge her and others an equitCuesta de Moras, San Jose able territorial Tax, charge her and every man earning an income is to double your sales above 400 an equitable income Tax; Tax all Luxuries (but real Luxuries) not articles destined for a bare decent existence of a family. With these Taxes as security, raise a loan of twenty five VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO millions, built automobile Roads into undeveloped regions; as to invite a good. Tourist trade, institute a Tourist Board, for adverEfficacious Remedy tising our country. With such a beautiful, picturesque country of to expel worms differentiated climates and soils there is no reason why we should are made by the World Largest Lucas Morua not have 200. 000 Tourist of the world per annum, and if each tourist on an average spends here twenty dollars, they shall have Cycle Manufacturers. That why SOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUG STORE left behind them four million dollars per annum, besides, some Cartago, Telp. 77 may invest here as in other countries in summer winter resitheir quality is so high and their dences other industries. From these droppings coupled with your internal revenue prices are so low. Write for our refrom new Villages growving into existence Lodge Installation from your new Roadways and a thriving Banana, coffee cattle Industry, you can build hangars and aerodromes in San Jose, of and will hold its installation The Bethfield Lodge No. 3, markably low prices to.
Tierra Blanca, Tortuguero, Puntarenas, Guanacaste, El General, Golfo Dulce, Limon and Talamanca, and so encourage quick open form in the Phoenix Lodge Rooms, of Officers for the ensuing term in transportation for Tourists and our citizens alike, we shall invite untold wealth into the country, our inhabitants will find unlimitcorner of 7th Street 3rd Avenue, on Sunday the 6th July at p.
ed labour happiness; our Merchants will be made wealthy, our SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Theatres will be on the run with a constant flow of Operaticed by the District Grand Master and Installation ceremony will be perform Companies visiting us, our people will be better educated by such his staff. All friends wellwishers are inrerchange of thoughts opinions, our Lottery Schemes will cordially invited.
multiply and prosper, the entire country will be prosperous and happy, and to the Rulers and legislators will be the honour collection will be taken glory; but we must put away all narrowmindedness, and parochiH. PARKER al individualism, and act broadly, think expansively, doing away There is no Hotel that attends to your comfort as Secty with all this egoism and begrudery that at present pervades our THE HOTEL ATLANTICO one block and a half South from the existence and destroy our vitality. No country has grown great by Eastern Market Gate attended to by your friends.
selfishness and aloofness from World intercourse: and no Eduardo Escarré and his wife more can we.
Cine Moderno VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO Hercules Cycles PHARMACEUTICO Antonio Fornieri HOTEL ATLANTICO Radio Installation Siquirres LAWYERS NOTARIES Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
Are you interested in a Radio set?
get in touch with Eduardo Escarré at HOTEL ATLANTICO, San José he will make and install you a first class RADIO ser, so you may sit in your home and enjoy Concerts, Pugil isticbouts, speeches or any Amusement, broadcasted from the United States, nubgel Jamaicazzo duropea Nacional de Bibliotec PILES SHOE STORE Keep apushing an ashoving till you push them dark clouds away; and the only way you can stand tierra firms to do this is to be shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
Siquirres PILE


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