p. 4


Saturday 28 June. 1930 PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT News of the World PACHECO PHOTO STUDIO The proof of the Pudding is in the enting. To prove the superiority of Cookery. Is to come to If you want somethine delicious for a dinner or Lunch lets co and try ada To have a Tea at pm from Aids is always to return there where! At the NI building. Meals at any hour.
a Lost Mule 100 00 Reward Dark, red, medium size, mag Carta Blanca Current Items Chances in Sweep but the ticket bought in his the hearts of not only their sons name; after the interven subjects but all Nations and in front of the Side Chapel of The Cathedral.
stakes tion of friends, the boys agreed peoples alike.
San Jose. TELEPHONE 3439 to accept 7, 000 and to allot The Calcutta Svreep stakes the father the balanee.
Happenings in India The most exquisite finishing touches.
is worth a millon pounds; of vwhich there are three first Prince Birthday The Commission on investi OBRAS DE SAO prizes of 120, 000 each; three gation of recent occurrences in second prices of; 60, 000 each Oa monday last all guns from India, has reccommended that and three third prizes of. Ships and Forts of Britaioroared a new Constitution be granted AIDA RESTAURANT 30, 000 each; there are also forth their joyous acclamation. India creating a Federal Union minor prizes for starters and that a double Anniverary had closely resembling what exists MAIDA RESTAURANT nonstarters of 750 arrived; the 19th Anniversary in the United States, Canada In the last Epsom Derby the of the coronation of King Ge and Australia; giving to the PICNIC PARTIES, AND BANQUETS ATTENDED prizes of the Canadian Army orge to the British Throne and different Provinces an almost and Navy veterans sweepstake the Anniversary of the Birth autonomous government; which pool brought young Daugherty of Prince Albert of Wales. would create a League of the a broker clerk 19 years old These two happenings were United States of India. It is The murder at Robbing the Churches in whose name the ticket was celebrated with great pomp thro. hoped that this will solve all bought 29, 800, but a con ughout the Empire with true the Indian problems.
Swampmouth For some time novy there has tension arose between the father sincerity, both father and son To test the gloves been The man James Nelson who constant Daniel y his two sons, he claim. having made themselves partic.
pilfering vvas murdered in his field at going on in the Churches of ing that the money was his, ularly affable and endearing in Due to the fact that there eleveo miles on Thursday last the Capital The ornaments has been no real satisfaction to is in bo vyay connected with and implements of several either side in the Sarkey Sch. Mr. Nelson of Limon. This Churches have been continualy American she mule, with melling fight; it is being decided lives at Svvampmouth missed, and the detectives vvere short peculiar head, branded on left fore quarter, has to go it over in September. but vvent to his cultivation at communicated with by the It is calculated that great eleven oclock to vvatch for Church authorities with result disappeared from El Encanto Farm.
fortunes will change hands not animals which were destroying that no less than tvventy woAny person giving the undersigned definite information leading up to the recovery of this animal will be rewarded only around that ringside but his plants vvhen he vvas done to men have been arrested who vvith one hundred colones.
in all parts of the world where death by someone, for vvhat seem to have been found carthere are to be found fighting purpose, it still remains a mys rying on this sacreligious theft, VENEGAS, Overseer. fans. Schmelling is gone on tery. Nicaraguan and a co for what purposes yve shall important business to his na loured man have been arrested hear later on when expounded tiv land Germany to return. on suspicion but until novy no in the Alcalde Courts. Some clue seem to have been arrived of the vessels, have been recoat.
The best furniture to be had from VALLE Co.
Cuesta de Moras, San Jose COFFEE Tobacco Monopoly MORAZAN DRY CLEANING In one pound tins There is a proposition beOF CALVO Telephone 3330 fore Congress for holding a Your clathes cleaned pressed by steam pressure at 150 per suit, giving at any progressive grocer Monopoly on all Tobacco by them to you as good as new. Ladies Garments also attended to. Our steam machines do not burn the edges or make them appear shine as the hand Better quality better price vvhich a Revenue of about Ironing does: three and a half Million colo150 VADRS WEST OF DR. FIGUERES CLINIC nes will be got, vvhereas all the income derived from that source novv is half a mi Waterless Cooker KITCHEN CRAFT llion; it vvill hovvever take SAVE YOUR MONEY a sixth of a million in ExpenA WHOLE MEAL OVER ONE BURNER TUBERCULOSIS ses for collection.
COOK WITH MORE LEISURE. WILL YOU? Vaccine for Take your share to day, with two colones weekly you can get Consumption easy, this marvelous cooker.
New method, consisting of Waterless cooker cooks withThere is no excuse novy for Sub cutaneous injection of living people having the dreaded out adding a drop of water and is healthy. Save a 40 of bacilli of the turtle scurge of humanity, Consumpfire and have a pleasant meal tion; so soon as anyone is dediscovered by clared to be afflicted by this every day.
You can also win on the Monformerly incurable desease, they Prof Dr. Friedmann. Chief vill apply to Mr, Atday lottery of the club vvell of San Jose, for an inSales on cash or by installments Physician and Surgeon of the jection of the vvonderful Freid.
The Aluminum Club Anti tuberculosis Institute of man vaccine, while the dese Box 136 San José Telehpone 2835 ase is in its first or second NATION Apartado 123. Cartago Berlin, degree, they can be cured.
Distributor from Turrialba to the Atlantic Coast We have seen some wonderful Cures possible for first and second Cures effected by this discove.
ry, so it behoves our friends degree of the disease, by means of not to hide this sickness any Continued from page one or two Sub cutaneous more, saying its a bad cold injections of the come at once and try, it only sident on this unjust discri ter do so soon; because any costs tvventyfive colones dont mination being thrown in their child born here, has only got throvv avvay your life and faces from time to time; They to go to the Jefe Politico or perhaps that of your friend too need vvork to feed them. Governor of his province vvith or family as well.
selves and support their fami. his certificate of Birth and say lies, which have been born vvant my papers of Costa This remedy has been officially Money lenders Law under the blue skies of Costa Rican citizenship and it cannot Rica; and if the authorities do be denied him; why then shoadopted by the German Government new law is before Congress not yet consider them as a part uld such people be shut out in May 1929 and now also by the by which moneylenderswill not be and parcel of the soil of this from the Civic life of the Comal recognized by the Tribunals for beautiful country they had bet mupity.
Brazilian Government by law passed more than tvvo per cent, interest 17th. February 1930 on loans; formerly altho the law did not recognize more than (Decrees Nos. 32, 37 and 38)
one per cent, yet whatever agreement was made betyveen party Be it known to the public in general that my vvife Mrs.
sal Wonderful cures are being and party was admissible beMAUD WILLIAMS has left my premises on her own initiafore the law and enforced, novy tive, therefore vvill not be responsible for any debts contracted obtained in Costa Rica it vont be so.
by her They will hovv ever find a way SGD, ADOLPHUS WILLIAMS out of it, for instance, if Interests Tailor (City)
For full information apply to the are not religiously paid in advance the mortgage will possibly sole concessionaires be immediately foreclosed; makiog matters vvorse for the borThis notifies the Music loving public that the Central American Black Stars Orchestra.
ATWELL Co. rovvers.
Is a nucleus of an Amusement Co.
by the name of San José, Costa Rica INI Back to Duty The Central American Stars Combination Co.
which will shortly make their debut in the Arrasty Theatre Apartado 861 Telephone 3654 Profesor Thomas Wel Be it also understood that this Orchestra accepts jobs for Dances Excursions.
lington begs to inform his many When you want to dance and hear the very latest in Blues, Foxtrots, Waltzes, Office: Opposite the Imprenta Alsina friends that he has returned from Tangos, Danzons, Rumbos etc. just write to nis recent trip abroad, and places himself again at their The Central American Black Stars. Box 123. Port Limon disposition. Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca DEFINITELY CURED Unjust discrimination. Friedmann Anti tuberculosis Vacuna for Public Instruction An Orchestra


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