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EDITOR MANAGER MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY JULY 1930 36 THE BANANA CONTRACT WORLD AFFAIRS An Explanation consolidated Europe by the King Queen of Den and now we find the Bro. of Following are the terms of Company will be exempt from the Banana Contract signed bet. Customs duties for all materials Germany has accepted in prin mark Islandia on the island of the Duce Mussolini, Senor Arnaldo Mussolini speaking in very ween the Secretary of State for needed for such Construction, ciple the project put forward Islandia on Thursday last.
The Crown Princes of Nor unmistaken tones of the feelings Commerce Finance of Costa repairs or maintenance of traffic before the League by Premier Rica and Mr. March as of such Roadways. Such prive Briand that there should be way Syveden were present and of Italy to France, in the official thousands of other world dig. Organ El Popolio Italia.
representative of The United leges cease in those regions that a closer understanding between Fruit Co.
the lands are exhausted and the the different countries of Europe, nitaries. This is the one thous. He says France similarly commits Ist. The Company agrees whe Company will have privelege of by which he advocates the for and the opening speech from the while covering up her ambitions ther directly or by means of taking up the materials used in individuals, or afiliated or as such plantations. For these con Europe. Spain is also in hearty throne was delivered in open air ideals of omnipotence; she preon the same rock on which the pares for war with Italyby inciting sociated Companies, to plant for structions, in case the Company accord with the idea. Hovy exportation at least 3, 000 hecta has to pass thro government land Uncle Sammy would view this parliament was first inaugurated the polulace and the political one thousand years ago.
reas of Bananas of which at she can occupy twenty metres attitude is left to be seen.
The Bay was thronged with least one half must be in the in width without any indemnity President Hoover ships and the Royal Salute was ordered the Construction of We well know that she has Atlantic Zone. 1500 Hectareas whatever for such use. Congress In case the owners of fruit great accorded, and the Kingdom es Fortifications and Armaments this must be planted within three years from the signing of the rejected by the receivers or ar There is a serious difference pressed its intention of joining year, while Briand tries to surContract, and the rest within bitrators apply for the transporta of feelings growing between Pres the League of Nations.
prise the World with his antithe succeeding two years. tion of such fruit to any point ident Hoover and Congress, due Government fallen war proclamation.
The Co. will select the areas along the line, the Company to the project being advocated The President of Bolivia has Italy cannot fold her arms in most convenient for such culti agrees to transport them at of creating a Pension for War vation and will advise the Mi the Rate of existing freight tarrif Veterans: He says that the Probeen forced by the rebels to ab order to convert herslf into an dicate his seat, and taken refuge in easy victim of France and her nister of Public works and agri without any unnecessary undue ject is bad, and it would be a culture where such lands are delay to render them unfit for very sad spectacle to public gaze; the American Legacion at La Paz. hypocricies. For these reasons, selected for his publication. marketable use.
should they fix such gloring exThe Conservative party have although it may surprise the 2nd. The Company agrees to 5th. This Contract comes in amples of subterfuge before the proclaimed the candidature of world, be it known that we too facilitate private growers in the force as soon it becomes law people; for it implies an expenLuis Calvo, and the Labour party are Arming, but it sents us that Atlantic Zone to plant another by sanction of Congress, from diture of 40. 000, 000 annually has lunched that of Bautista Sa the entire woorld may know 3, 000 hectareas, making the neces which time the Co. agrees to pay which is unneccessary, because avedra a as President of Bolivia. why we are doing it. This is an orderly attack against French prosary Contract for the purchase two cent currency per stem the Veterans are already amptly Italy and France jects on her new Armaments. receiving at the fruit, under exported as an Exportation Tax; provided for by other measures similar conditions as exists at and the government guarantees Relationship between Italy and which is considered a grave menU. Immigration France have not been very Cor ace to Italy confirms in all present; such Contracts being for that the Industry shall not be no less a period than five years subjected to any other Taxation Due to the very serious prodial but especially since the Na its phases the recent expressions duration, renewable when ap. or impuesto, except the territo blem of unemployment in the val Conference misunderstanding of the Premier.
plied for.
rial Tax for twenty years ending United States, Republican repre3rd. For the proper manipu on 29th Oct. 1950.
sentative Cable of Ohio has prelations of the Areas planted the The Company agrees to accept sented a Bill before Congress, Co. will have the right to Cons an Arbitration Board in case of for placing power into the hands truct Railroads, Tramways, bran what is considered by the pro of the President to limit or susches or deviations within such ducers undue rejection of mark pend all immigration into the lands under her control or dep etable fruit; it also agrees to cease Country until the difficulty be Limón June 23rd 1930. step you intend to take so that endence; or to remove, extend its Commercial activities in the solved.
or change such constructions as Interior, as well as to reduce by vve may follovv. That is all vve Dear Mr. Editor: Great Fire in Chicago ever had the chance to say to are found necessary.
25 per cent its railroad and In behalf of one of the Socie him. When he retorted in a The governmentwill give every Ocean freights por the transport Chicago 25. Two Hangars, ties mentioued in your last issue bear like manner; dont want facility for the transportation of vegetables fruits that may and 27 aeroplanes have been Which Mr. Pedro Marshall has no half and half business, if you exportations of such fruit with by shipped from Costa Rica to destroyed by an immense fire tried to hold up to public rid Lodge people cant bury my wife out any especial priveleges. The Cristobal.
here at the Municipal Aerodrome icule. crave space in your val independently and my son vvill Port, losess put at 2, 000, 000. uable columns to retaliate to bury her, and you all better leave Rupture between Britain Mr. Marshall lying abuses; so my yard in quick time. These the Holy Sede that the intelligent public may expressions where supplemented Due to political interference by Pedro and his associates.
be able to find a place for Don with others that could not be heard from any other tongue the Santa Sede over Lord StrickNow? to commence with Don than that of Don Pedro and his By the Diario of Costa Rica away into the Colorado, it is lands rule at Malta, The gov Pedro false statements, he claims, likes.
We note attention is being called necessary that something should ernment of His Majesty King that, not one of the bodies Truly he has said that if it to the effect that the walers of the be done in agreement with the George has had to send a sharp to which his wife belonged; ever vvere not for the Co.
rivers Colorado and Taura near government of Nicaragua to re note of reprimand to the Vatican. looked in to see how she would The Burial Scheme Association the Nicaraguan border have been new the position of these posts, The Pope demands the with be interred. To this would say! his distress yvould be shown drawing off such a considerable so as to avoid a dispute in the drawal of Lord Strickland from Don Pedro is as for from the more; but vvould say, it he had flow from that of the river San future; as is occurring on the Commissionership of Malta. Lord truth, as the Poles are from each not given vvay to ignorance, Juan, that this latter which cons Southern boundary with Pana Passfield Secretary for the Co other. As it was definitely ar then the picture would have titutes the boundary line between ma, for inasmuch as the Com lonies, replies that such interfer ranged, months before his wife, been dravvn differently.
the two countries is getting mission which sat on that dis ence wont be countenanced by death, that the three Societies But as Don Pedro is knovvn more more unnavegable, point pute by the war of 1921, defined His Malesty government, hence would undertake the carrying to be, the annoyance of civility, ing out in consequence the neces the boundary line quite distinctly there is a rupture between these through of her interment. She the destroyer of reasons and sity (so as to avoid the possibi between Panama and Costa Rica, two Kingdoms.
choosing her Maiden order to be the alevvives benefactor, then we lity of a dispute. of replacing ewarding the Territory of Coto the old boundary stakes which to Costa Rica, yet Panamanians St. Paul Cathedral the leading party, hence there trust that the intelligent public was no necessity for asking him for whom this is written, vvill existed from the occupation of are not satisfied and are conti The reopening of St. Paul what is to be done with the easily estimate Don Pedro calthe Spaniards nually encroaching and causing Cathedral was anevent that sur dead? As he claims that one ibre and give him due credit for It was the intention of Spain trouble, and it would not be sur pas ed all prior religious solemni prominent member had asked his worthy actions.
to have opened up a waterway prising if any day bloodshed is ties of its kind. The Cathedral has him.
Thanking you Mr. Editor.
between the two Oceans using caused by that boundery question. been ungoing thorough repairs What really happened is the While have the honour to be the facilities afforded by the watand renovation and was reopened night after she died. There was Yrs fraternally ers of the river San Juan and on 26th ultmo.
the Lake Nicaragua the route New Monument a large crowd. as is customary The Prince of Wales, Duke of in Limon) and in that crowd, JASPER HARVEY was marked out as for back as It is noticed that the Northern York and other members of the there were representatives of her Box 184.
the year 1785 by two Spanish space of the gardens of the Royal family were present at this three Societies. So we met and Engineers Craumer and Isasi who Metropolitan Cathedral is being most imposing Ceremony. after a short discussion among seemed to have placed these cleaned and prepared; this we landmarks there, which have al learn is for the purpose of erecA Parliamentary fight ourselves we decided to approach him, with a view of finding out ways been acknowledged as the ting a monument for the memo Bernes 26. For the first time from him, vvhat steps we should Are you interested in a Radio set?
Boundary mark between Nica ry of our ilustrious late Bishop in history has a fight occurred take, whether the body would get in touch with Eduardo Escarré ragua and Costa Rica; but in of Costa Rica His Excellency in the Swiss Parliament. Com remain at his home, or it would at HOTEL ATLANTICO, San José the year 1889 they got washed Bishop Stork.
munist Deputy changing expres be taken to the Lodge hall. and he will make and install you a first away, and in the year 1905 on the 15th June congress provided Politics sions in a debate with a Catholic other minor details, vvhich would class RADIO set, so you may sit in Deputy, went from insulting words only need slight reassuring for us your home and enjoy Concerts, Pugil that these «Mojones should be There is a project on foot to blows which lasted for five to arrive at some understanding, isticbouts, speeches or any Amusement, replaced, but nothing was ever before Congress for making the minutes, and was only ended by and then proceed to business. broadcasted from the United States, done, but as the old route is necessary number of adherents to the timely intervention of their But alas! To our great surprise, Cuba, Jamaica or Europe.
now being changed slightly by any Political Party two thous Colleagues.
the rebuff came in this way the new surveys of the American as the requisite for choosing Engineers, and the mouth of the a President of the Republic and Oldest Parliament Nine of us approached him and Doubling your advertising in San Juan is getting unnavega for naming Deputies to Conone prominent member said to ble by the flow of water getting gress 500.
The oldest Legislative Cham him. Well Don Pedro, vve have THE SEARCHLICHT berof continuity was that arenedoceamen taidind out from newhat je to dohler anlee Boundary Landmark opiedad de la Biblioteca


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