
News of Siquirres not An Orchestra The fate of of The The the same pergerac Banana Contract building. any ma Saturday de July. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE Mr. Lindo thinks of planting 1000 Hectareas of Bananas san In an intervievv by a report dies the present Coutract, it New Foresters Hall Scripture reading (I Kings VI cas; species of Costa Rican er of Diario Costa Rica, vvith 22) by Bro. Fitzalbert Barrett, coins.
is the Co. that is tied by her P, of Court Galeed, our banana king Mr. Cecil compromises to the Country.
Siquirres, June 27. The Limon; an address by Bro.
The ceremony vvas follovved Lindo he points out the stu He asserts he vvas Forester (Court Mt. Hermon, Frank Abel, of the Mt. Her by an elaborate reception pidity of some people vvho thicking of Bananas but if the No 9665) of this tovyo have dance, which bore evidence argue that our present Con present contract fs passed in mon Court, vvhich dealt in scored another bit of success of the good vvill existing am tract vyould be in the main with the history tieing us Congress he vvill pledge himby their having secured a suit progress of the court from ongst the various fraternal or hand foot to the Co. self to plant 1000 hectareas of able spot for the erection of a the time of its inception in ganizations operating here, and thus eliminating the pos. Badanas; because under the building of their own. And 1913; the uuveiling of the plan between them the general sibility of competition in the terms of the present Contract, Monday, 16th vvas really public as well.
by Bro Benjamin Sankey, country, be shovvs that vvhile there is nothing to prevent a Foresters Day vvhen vvell of Court Galeed; The building vvhen comple the Co. is compelled to buy himself or any one else to put nigh one hundred members of ted will be the most imposing from us, we are not compell up a strong competition with all crafts associated themselves and the laying of the corner in the stone laying ceremony of stone by the last named officer. structure of its kind in this ed to sell to her; on the con the Company.
that day. procession, headed Deposited in the stone yvas tovn; as yvell as being the trary he says that if one stu by a band of music, from the a sealed vial containing a scroll only other lodge room ovvned frateroal society, present lodge rooms to the vvhich bore the name of the here by a SASTRERIA GRANT politica jefatura vvhere a salute layer there of as vvell as a list the Progressive (Mechanics)
to the flag was made, marked, of the names of the officers of having been the only body up to novv ovvning its oven rooms, GRANT the opening of the proceedings. the court; species of coins of the United States Suits made to order in the Shortest notice.
currency, The vvork is in charge of The programme follovved at complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels as suggesting that this coun Mr. Charles Rhoden of Limon the service vvas: the singing tay vvas a part of the Amerialways on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals. is likely to be completed by of the hymn Toiling On. North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts August next. It vvill occupy 1, 758sq feet of ground space.
Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings this week This notifies the Music loving public taht In Serie Drawing No. 40; won by Miguel Vargas Ticket No. 15.
the Central American Stars Orchestra. Children Service In Serie Drawing No. 17: won by Francisco Vidal Ticket No. 19.
Is a nucleus of an Amusement Co.
In presence of Mario Fonseca and Arturo Garcin by the name of The Wesleyan Suoday School SERIE IN FORMATION TAKK NEMBER The Central American Stars Combination Co. choir rendered a very fine BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 which will shortly make their debut in the Arrasty Theatre service heve on Tuesday night, Be ti also understood that this Orchestra accepts jobs for Dances Excursion: 17 th before a fairly large auWhen you want to dance and hear the very latest in Blues, Foxtrots, Waltzes, dience, vvhose behaviour sugTangos, Danzons, Rumbos etc. just write to gested the high appreciation The Central American Stars. Box 123 Port Limon in vvhich the various items of the prgramme were received.
Drummond, and others were all of a very high order; vwhile Up to the time of issue the rangements.
AIDA RESTAURANT Miss Drummond dessertation the fate of the Banana Con Almost every really influenon her love affairs deserves The proof of the Pudding is in the enting. To prove the superiority of Cookery, is to come to tract, a translation of the five tial man and bodies of genrepetition more than comment; principal clauses of vvhich apAM AIDA RESTAURANT tlemen are agreed that noth Mr. Coroiffe spoke briefly on If you want something delicious for a dinner or Lunch lets go and try Aida pears in another column of this ing better could be expected Education Culture.
PICNIC PARTIES, AND BANQUETS ATTENDED issue has not been decided. at this moment; in fact is every To have a Ten at 5p. from Aids is alwax to relor there were At the A. The Programme vvas follo Congress having placed it in clause the government has vred by a short address by thc hands of a Parliamentary the upper hand, being so Dr. Shavv, vvho presided, Commitee on finance Agricul vastly superior to the first after which the Doxology voas ture and public improvements proposition; hence by next MORAZANDRY CLEANING Sung for their discussions, but from veek it is almost sure that our conversations in inflaential our troubles vvill be over be.
OF CALVO Telephone 3330 Wedding quarters, it is gathered that cause it is yvell understood Your clothes cleaned pressed by steam pressure at 150 per suit, giving there is a majority of Deputies that those who are today them to you as good as new. Ladies Garments also attended to. Our steam in favour. It could hardly be posing as patriots as opposed machines do not burn the edges or make them appear shine as the hand There vvere married in the expected that there should be Ironing does: to the Co. Could not help the 150 YADRS WEST OF DR. FIGUERES CLINIC St. Mary Anglican Church here no Saturday, 21st. June, opposition to the present ara very influential reasonable Country, if the Co. was to abandon the industry here.
Mr. Reginald Lindsay, of the Railroad Dep of the Co. Miss Rose Mais, daughJ. PIEDRA BRO.
ter of Mr. Mrs. Thomas Mais of this tovvo.
On Tuesday last an occurence vvith the idea of taking him fairly large audience yvit.
happened in Limon vvhich out the Car to be placed on nessed the ceremony, which AMERICAN TAILORS does not tend to harmonize the gasolene Car vwhich was was in deed a very fine one We have had great experience in the United States. We can make the best suit in Costa Rica. We import English Woollen Goods.
the good vill of the Commun vaitiog a block avvay at the and among those present as guests Give us a trial and convince yourself our suits are guaranteed the ity on the side of the Compa. Railvvay Station. So soon as Mr.
vvere: Walter best finished workmanship.
ny Officers. It appears that a his friends and Mr. Francis Chambers (best man. Miss 3rd Avenue near Photo Imperial Hernándex.
young man named David Aiken heard of this, they gathered Ida Francis (chief bridesmaid. had been employed in the around the car and resented Dr. Shavo, Mr. Mac merchandise Dept. Co. the attempt, and applied to Donald (Northern Railroad. in the Bocas Division and seem the Police Dept. for protection, Miss Mills Mrs. Weeks, and to have been short in his stock asking that he be taken to Mr. Bedvvard (Organist. Limon July 1st. 1930. Party of visitors arriving on the Pastoin the business, and in conse the Cuartel to prevent his Io place of an address the To the Editor of The SEARCHLIGHT: res last, which was entertained that way quence made his vvay over here, being kidoapped, which vvas to the chagrin of the few autos who Anthem Love Divine (Iodedone, Mr. Croutz vas imme.
he has since been workiog on Dear Sir: had parked at the Custom House in anticipation of the trade.
the Pacific side, but came to diately called by the Comma fined) was rendered, Miss Mavis Bipos being soloist.
Kindly grant me space in your valLimon some vveeks ago and dante who explained the fact The competition of the Co uable paper to bring to the notice of employees Busses is bad enough but found work with Mr. Jaspar of Aiken being wanted on After the Ceremony the party the Authorities and especially the Of with the Ambulance thrown in the ficials of the Co. a certain pracFrancis as a chauffeur the other side to render ac repaired to the home of the tice that is being indulged in by the situation is faced with disaster counts, but our Commandante bride parents yvhere a reTue Accountant Mr. Croutz Mr. Rogelio Gutierrez told him ception was held.
Medical Supt. of the Limon Hospital to of the Public Health Service. Why not thing is not done to abolish this breach the detriment of the Automobiles plyon hearing that arken vvas in that confine the Ambulance to the Sick vvas not the vvay to ing for hive in this town.
Rev. Cecil Ryecart of the St.
Dead tovun, gave instructions to his The practice alluded to above is the Dying and allow the AutomoSpecial service gang to have proceed about it, and aquaint. Mark Church, Limon, of biles to earn a livelihood so they can ed the Minister of public Safeuse of the Hospital Ambulance for him Kidnapped and placed on a purchase Gas, oil, Tires etc. from the ficiaed.
ty of the occurrence, on account conveying parties including visiting Company Store, gasolene Car and put across the guests from the Zone to various points of vvhich an iovestigation has in the town, such as Stations Thanking you for your indulgence.
border secretly as was done with BY CYRILLO been ordered, vvith a vievy of Docks, Post Office, Theatre etc. another man some tvvo months Guard To PUBILC HEALTH ago, to be tried and sent to punishing those yvho are responsible for this attempt at prison in Panama. Hence on Tuesday evening at about tyvo this nevy departure, kidoapo clock Mr. Nelson the ping in Costa Rica. Much credit is due to Mr. Francis for his Board and Lodgings chief of staff of the Company detective force and four Stalcourageous activity in this voorth men. blockaded Aiken matter; as due to his pluck are made by the World Largest in his automobile at the corner alone vvas this barefare act Very convenient Board and frustrated. The second of its Lodgings can be had at the of 2ad, Avenue and 2nd Street Cycle Manufacturers. That why kind in tvvo months.
PINK HOTEL OF LIMON their quality is so high and their situated on 7th street adjoining prices are so low. Write for our rethe property of the Costa Rica Soda Water Factory on 3rd piano and other articles of household markably low prices to.
avenue, and seventh street furniture, also a ladies(Raleigh bicycle) Every comfort of her clients For information apply at PITTS PHOTO STUDIO are attended to personally by, Per documenteres propiedad de la Biblioteca Micional Miguel Obregón Lizano del sMRS. RITCHE. ca al Ministerio de Cultura y Juve SANJ SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Highandedness SASTRERIA AMERICANA AUTO OWNERS CRY if some Hercules Cycles FOR SALE Proprieiress


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