
THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE Saturday de July. 1930 Manhata Ghandi and his Revolution na to without violence Postal de pésame in beauty and style.
FOR SALE The 4th July For the benefit of those of a manoer that perplexes the tion, vvhen general Dyer caused Para un amigo muy estimado, Luis Cruz Meza.
our friends who are not thor great English Government by to be killed over 400 Indians San José, oughly acquainted with the establishing Civil Disobedience, simply because the Indiaas gatman who has invented a novel in other words he defies the hered in the Ounjab district to system of defying Imperialism most povverful Government on protest in a public square of Cuando se pierde una madre, tán buena cual la suya, se we have acquired a few datas earth without raising an arm, the extraordinary measures of pierde todo cuanto vale en este mundo! Pérdida tal, nada la which we here detail.
and in this vway he infuses in severity taken by the English supera: ni la muerte de un hermano, de un tio, un hijo, ni MANHATA GHANDI OR his people a consciousness of on occount of some slight dis de la propia esposa! Si en el curso de la vida, la última mueMOHANDA KARAMCHAND their rights tovvards their coun orders vvhich took place in re, Qué dolor también se siente! Pero nunca jamás, como el GHANDI is 61 years old, the try vvbich all the cannons of Armristar, then boasted that son of an ex Prime Minister. the world will be unable to he could have broken up the de la madre amada, cariñosa e idolatrada! que nos dio el ser!
He studied law in London, but eradicate.
meeting without firing a shot. Ahora en su transe estimado amigo, que es irreparable con from his youth he demonstra Ghandi orders in the Civil but that he had determined to la muerte de su estimable madre, Doña Juanita Señora entre ted a very reserved nature which disobedience the restrain from teach a lesson.
las señoras, matrona entre las matronas, cual las de la edad developed into shyness and ak violence, and be further advises But it is the old policy of wardness, and very probably them that they loose no op the Anglo Saxon race whether media. Yo, uno mi pesar con el suyo, y, doy por este medio on account of the antipathy portunity of opening themselves in Europe or in America, vvhea Ud y demás familia mi sincera condolencia.
which he nursed in his heart to violence from the hand of ther in dealing vvith individuals towards British domination in their oppressors in exercisiog or communities, to emphasize CARLOS OROZCO AMADOR his country, he did not take their rights. He knows that torture and dread, and to avoid Limón, 26 de Junio de 1930.
all the advantages of English an attempt at violence from entertaining or meeting other customs and training being af the Indians yvould give Eogland races on a platform of equal raid that such might have in an excuse for annihilating him rights.
fluenced the emotion and fervor and his countrymen and fill Ghandi alvvays opposed Enthat was in born in him in res them vyith dread to continue pect to India; and what he io their protestations. He knows ronized it, as on the vvhole he glish domination, but he patalways thought as England il that «Civil disobedience) exerHOTEL ATLANTICO thought it best for India, but legitimate possesion of his co cised by the subdued, in retauntry.
liation to the pretensions of when this shameful massacre of his countrymen came about There is no Hotel that attends to your comfort as Still be studied enough law rights based upon force and he unmasked himself definitely THE HOTEL ATLANTICO one block and a half South from the to entitle him to the honors of lacking of legality, arrests even Eastern Market Gate attended to by your friends.
as its uncompromising foe and the profession, in so much that the thoughts of the oppressor.
Eduardo Escarré and his wife in the year 1893 he creditably And he knoves that violence denonaced the British Goverodefended some Indian traders inflicted by the English on his ment as «Satanic.
in Natal South Africa. countrymen vvill briog sympaEast Indians may not be He showed more inclination thy from the vvorld for them. ready to hold their place in for public service than for law. It was the Punjab atrocity the great concert of nations He gave valuable service toʻthe of the English that influenced and as Prof Roberts saysfi, PILES SHOE STORE Siquirres British Government not alone Ghandi determination to op in his own country but espe pose British rule and dominaContinued on page Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away, and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be shod with: cially during the Boer war, but PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies shoes are matchless with all this he never lost his ook identity as a champion of the Siquirres PILE cause of the Indian laborers and traders. Haviog once ser ved on a Committee of investiga. Now that the contracts are about to be aproved by Congress, it will tion when the Indian planters be a opportunity to acquire some of the best properties in Siquirres.
and peasants question develope and G600 monthly.
ed into a riot, be placed as one One (new) reinforced concrete building and several cottages all of the conditions of his sitting well situated on the Committee that he retain dairy Farm of 34 Hectareas in the centre of Siquirres, his identity as guide and advisor very productive. For all particulars apply.
Yesterday the fourth day of ington the great father of the of the rioters, and to vvhich Mr. Lester Norton July was the one hundred and American Nation, that gave him condition the English found it SIQUIRRES fifty fourth anniversary of the the first place in the hearts of Independence of the great Ame. his countrymen, convenient to accede.
because his On another Occasion he led rican Nation, and in every cor enthusiasm for his country her of the world wherever found him alvvays first at vvar, a successful strike for the mine workers of Ahmendabad giving exists a half a dozen born Ame and first at Peace; and so also out as one of the conditions of ricans, there is to be observed that some spirit yvas found the strike that the laborers vvere.
that enthusiasm in the celebra uppermost in the breasts of not to resort to violence.
tion and Commemoration of the great enthusiast of LiberFrom vvhat vve have gathThis continues as intense as fifty years. Don Ricardo Jimé dravy the attention of the surthat day, that cannot fail to ty Lincolo, and Franklin and ered of the life of Ghandi vve it ever was. The Servicio Natio nez, don Luis Anderson and rounding Community, as to doven in the make up of every the others which seem handed have come to the conclusion that nal of Electricity, a Board ap: other great Jurists claim this the sincerity of purpose in their true American citizen. On this but he has spleodid material Ex President don Alfredo Gon travention of the Constitution celebrations of this day, and glorious day of American citifor profound tbiokers, for he zález Flores as its President, for on Contracts. by which it is realize that something of vital zenship, The SEARCHLIGHT begs realizes that his country people controling prices of Electrical claimed that no new Law importance happened in the to tender its hearty coogratu.
are not prepared to establish current etc. has been in open operate in a retrospective orde lives of these people, and it is lations to the Representatives a revolution of violence against warfare with the Electrical Com nance on any Contract.
this enthusiasm that has made in Costa Rica of the wonderthe great English Empire, hovv panies (all foreign Corporations) In the meantime the the United States the greatest ful American Nation, for the ever with the flames of love in such curtailments, and has Company has handed over their country of the world today; colossal strides made in so short for his country burniog ard now passed a Law through job of electrifying the Pacific and it was that same enthu a lapse of yeares that has ently in his heart, and satisfied Congress which has tendency Railway and constructing the siasm for everything that goes brought her to be one of the that England rights tovvards the curtail the rights privele water Power for generating the best aspirations, thát vvas ever today in Finance, in Science, in the possesion of India is a conse ges of the Company, obtained necessary Electrical force for quence of force, povver and Im by a contract Concession running this Railway as compresent in the breast of Wash Education and in Industry.
perialism, he revolutionizes in granted on 31 st. Dec. 1905 for plete; and it is discovered by the inspection of an American Waterless Cooker KITCHEN CRAFT Electrical Expert that away from the Power needed for running SAVE YOUR MONEY the Railway there is enough WHOLE MEAL OVER ONE BURNER force that could it be utilized COOK WITH MORE LEISURE. WILL YOU?
for harnessing Industries, lighting Take your share to day, with etc. that would be able to bring two colones weekly you can get Quality Merchandise an income to the government of easy, this marvelous cooker. 8, 000 daily; the problem now Waterless cooker cooks with When you purchase goods at United Fruit Co.
before the Servicio Nacional de out adding a drop of water Electricity is what shall be done and is healthy. Save a 40 of Commissaries you may rest assured that you are with this surplus power. If the fire and have a pleasant meal buying clean, fresh merchandise. Old shopworn goods Contract with the Electric Comevery day.
are not allowed to remain in our stores.
panies could be broken there You can also win on the Monwould a matter of 000, 000 day lottery of the club Zepol and Floradora Products per annum to the government, Sales on cash or by installments what shall be done is the quesThe Aluminum Club Have you joined the growing number of our tion? Box 136 San José Telehpone 2835 In the meantime the E. NATION customers who are saving money by buying Zepol Apartado 123. Cartago a German Co. which undertook Distributor from Turrialba to the Atlantic Coast.
and Floradora Products? Next time ask for Zepol Cod the Contract for electrifying the Liver Oil, Castor Oil, Fruit Salts, Unguento and Pacific Ry claim that by an error Floradora Brillantine, Talcum, Perfume, Eau de in calculation of theirs, they are the losers by 1. 800, 000 on this Cologne and Lavender Lotion.
LAWYERS NOTARIES Contract AT LIMON We Sell the GENUINE Peter Pan Prints Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA Beat depression by alvertising Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before Hundreds of Patterns. Guaranteed Fast Color the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial domore in cuments also prepared at Lowest prices.
THE SEARCHLIGHT ENGLISH SPOKEN The Electrical Disputes can United fruit Co. Merchandise Dept.
ito es propiedad de la Biblioteca Na Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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