p. 4


Saturday July. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE Jottings of American happenings Rectification Consolidation of stores LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND lose; a Presidencia Our attention has been called man of vvorks, vvhom it is by the Jefe Politico of Siquirres understood is brother in lavy of and his genial Secretary Don the President of the Municipal Nicolas de la Miranda, to a Board this gentleman he exclarification of our article of plains employs all the labour, The United Stores Corpora: of 226 stores. The old time inde Illinois received a carton of Old last issue on Unjust discrimi but that no efficient coloured tion has taken over the United pendent grocer is passing. His Gold cigarettes. Many young nation to which vve gladly labour applied for employment, Cigar Stores Company, the Union average business life now is only women at the university admit accede; It is to the effect that as the capable ones are all proyTobacco Company, and the To four years.
that they took their first puff from they had nothing vvhatever to ided for by the Company; havbacco Products Corporation. We step toward the food com the cigarettes received, declaring do with the collection of Funds ing preference in this respect remember, years ago, when they bine was the merger of the Her that they were packed so nicely for the entertainment of the de over the natives in consequence were expressly forbiden by the shey, Kraft Phenix and Colgate that they hated to throw them legation of Deputies, but that of their knovvledge of the encourts to do anythingd of thesort. companies, with assets of. away such vvas done by a Commit glish language, leaving only the But anything goes now. 125, 000, 000. Another is the PEOPLE MUST OWN NOT tee of gentlenan of Siquirres inefficient, whom it could not One third of the retailers in Standard Brands, Inc. which conThe Interventor also explained be expected would be engaged HING all lines are now standing with trols Fleischmann Co. Royal Bakthat there vvas really no discrim vvhen efficient Natives are on their backs to the wall and willing Powder and the Gillett It is the official position of the ination, because the works are the Spot be the next to go. The facts show Company, Limited, of Canada. Chamber of Commerce of the placed in the bands of a Forethat they are taking in an ave.
The Postum Company has ab United States that our governeleler arage of less than a day; and sorved the Jello Company, Igle ment should scrupulously refrain they can not get enough out of hart Brothers, the Minute Tapioca from entering any of the fields that to keep going. Moreover, Co. Walter Baker Company, of transportation, communication, canvassing among these store the Franklin Baker Company, the industry, and commerce, or any keepers, they admit that they are Log Cabin Products Company, phase of business, when it can at the end of the rope.
Richard Hellmann, the Cheek be successfully undertaken and BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY The consolidation of the Sears Neal Coffee Company, Le France conducted by private enterprise.
ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Roebuck Company, with its 300 Mfg. Company, the Calumet BakThis is merely another way of stores and immense mail order ing Power Company and the saying that Big Bussiness is deterA Bureau established for the greater convenience, business, with the Penney Certo Company. This combina mined to keep everything in its understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishSpeaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Company, with its 1200 stores, tion covers a very wide range of own hands. It wants the governDepartment annexed for the protection of Businessmen brings into the merchandising table necessities and luxuries.
ment to act as its clerk, do what against unscrupulous debtors.
field a concern that has an outlet CIGARETTES SMOKING it is told and keep its mouth Shut Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to of 625. 000, 000 a year. How SHORTENS LIFE while all the revenues of the a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both can a small merchant buy in comcountry flow into its hands. It is novy operated under the direction of a Barter with petition with such a colossus? study of the records of the the consistent attitude of Big over tvventy five years practical experience, wquired on There are 328 chain drug orga Dartmouth College class of 1868 Business that the people as a the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as nizations in the country, operating shows that of the students who whole must be reduced to beg.
Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and 2, 725 stores. department store smoked the average age at death gary. No doubt the thought is Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge merger in New York, with bran. was forty nine years and nine that they can thus be more easily and Counsel.
ches in Brooklyn, Boston and Co. months, while the non smoking handled. This remains to be seen EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ luubus, has annual sales of students died at the average age of Barrister SLG Investigator 106, 000, 000 fifty nine years and four months. HEADING TOWARD Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager FOOD COMBINE COMING It looks from this as if, if one SOCIALISM wishes to shorten his life span BRANCH OFFICE MAIN OFFICE The time is at the door when about ten years, he can do it In 1928 the United States had San José, 50 yards West of the Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre there will be a food combine by taking up cigarette smoking. twenty eight men whose incomes Many see it coming. One gro. The makers of cigarettes are exceeded five million dollars a Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of cery chain, the P, has over not averse to shortening human year. This is only three less than Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, 15, 000. Stores New York city has life. Last year each man and wo the number who had an income New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, already had a delicatesen trust man student in the University of of one million dollars a year in 1921 Now the number that have eerre an annual income of one million dollars is 496. So rapidly do we multiply millionaires, en route to TUBERCULOSIS socialism. The only thing that can prevent this country going straight into socialism is God kingLIMON dom; but the millionaires want Endeavours to please her patrons.
New method, consisting of neither one nor the other.
The latest in the FILM WORLD Sub cutaneous injection of living NEW YORK OLD AGE in coostant touch with the best production bacilli of the turtle PENSION BILL discovered by New York state has finally pas Be a Modernite Always sed an old age pension bill, prov Prof Dr. Friedmann. Chief iding pensions averaging about 242 a year for the needy who Physician and Surgeon of the are 70 years old or more. The ISO cost, which will eventually be Anti tuberculosis Institute of about 12. 500, 000 annually, will continued from page above statement. If the East Berlin, be divided between the state and Indians are the counties. This is a start in Ghandi could realize that only rule their own not prepared to country that Cures possible for first and second the right direction. Succeeding as India becomes economically does not follovy that they do steps, and they should come soon, stable and sound and intel not deserve freedom, and vve degree of the disease, by means of would be unemployment insur lectually emancipated, and unibelieve that Ghandi is vvell one or two Sub cutaneous ance, shorter working days, limited through long cooperation avvare of the unpreparedness tation of profits, and the public injections of the in common practical tasks, can of his people on account of the ownership of Big Business.
they deserve freedom or use it complexity in its traditions and DOPE FIENDS IN PRISON rightly, and if Ghandi yvere customs, but it is a fact that content to build for the ages Ghandi «deserves to keep the Prison statistics show that there he would even be greater than fire of NATIONALISM in the has been an increase of 50 per he is.
This remedy has been officially hearts of his people so that cent in the prison population of And although Prof Roberts Imperialism vvill not smother adopted by the German Government America since prohibition went concedes to acknovyledge him it into perpetual servitude and in May 1929 and now also by the into effect and that 43 per cent as great yve cannot agree servility.
Na of the prison population are dope with his prell founded ImpeBrazilian Government by law passed fiends or violators of the prohi rialistic philosophy when he ANTI IMPERIALIST 17th. February 1930 bition amendment. In the words uses the vvord deserve in the of TNT gagazine the average BAD SZABEZADSA American has allowed politicians (Decrees Nos. 32, 37 and 38)
to do his political thinking for LOANS! LOANS! LOANS INA him and big business propaganWonderful cures are being PERSON WITH 10. 000 CAPITAL dists to do his industrial thinking Is willing to aid publie with loans, provided tangible guaran for him. He has handed the governtee is given. For further information and arrangement, apply to obtained in Costa Rica ment and the business of his THE LIMON SERVICE BUREAU between and p. daily, except Saturdays, and from country over to others. America 19 to p. on Sundays.
For full information apply to the is dissolving in crime and violence. Looks as if Christ kinsole concessionaires dom alone would save the day.
Does it not?
San José, Costa Rica VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO Is the best food for people of all ages; it is not of a bilious propensity, does not contain Cocoa, does not proApartado 861 Telephone 3654 Efficacious Remedy duce Uric Acid as does other foods made from Animal flesh.
to expel worms Office: Opposite the Imprenta Alsina Lucas Morua SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES Sole distributors: Solera Brothers. San Jose. Telephone 3950 Li SOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUB STOREited Cartago, Tlep. 77 Cine Moderno DEFINITELY CURED Manhata Ghandi.
Friedmann Anti tuberculosis Vacuna CARNE VEGETAL PHARMACEUTICO Nacional


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