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EDITOR MANAGER MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (1. 00 SINGLE COPY 25 S. NATION THE SEARCHLIGHT APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 12. JULY 1930 37 AN ANALYSIS OF THE BANANA CONTRACT After waiting and watching confiding in the integrity of their Costa Rican farnters to compete to attract borrowers, but who is prosperity of Costa Rica, hence anxiously to see what would be master, those coloured labourers with American French Potatoes, going to risk a bad deal today. of this proposition is turned down the outcome of the Banana propo toiled on with out payments, Tomatoes and other vegetables, Let the Co. or any and the Company buys now at sition put before Congress, one until Mr. Keith was influential she compromises herself to trans Costa Rican Syndicate of Capi her prices (because all Contracts anxiety seem to resolve itself into enough to return with the neces. port rejected bananas at rate talists for we have rich men would be automatically annulled disgust. because there does not sary funds. How many men might of Ry. freight, and pays cents here, who Keep their money in through the rejection by Conseem to be anything like reason not have failed, and where would gold per stem (not count bunch) foreign banks band themselves gress of the present arrange.
ableness in most of the discus the development of Costa Rica as export Tax. On the other together and bring back the out ments; There is nothing to bind sions being indulgenced in against have been? Yet we find men so hand let us see. what has the put of Bananas to eleven millions the Company, so she would be its adoption, forgetful of all these occurrences government given in Exchange of bunches per annum, and see in a position to buy what is There are those who feel that as to be blaming the Adminis The customs duties on mate how quickly the World Bankers offered at her prices. what phithe Co. has unfairly pump trators of the government in those rials necessary for railroad cons will oversubscribe a loan of ten lanthropic concern will come in ed the life blood out of the days as entreguistas as having tructions to exploit these lands. millions of dollars to Costa Rica to save Costa Rican farmers?
country so as to obtain the mil handed over the country to for The lands still belong to the And now to the price of ba Will the extreme Patriots form lions she has earned.
eigners, and envying the fact of government, for which they der nanas; we would all hail with another Cooperativa and ship There are others who feel that the care attention that the ive an Impuesto on its improve delight the day when this Com the present output? We have the Banana Industry has been Co. has taken of those colour ment, and after the forests shall pany or any orher Company seen and suffered by the advent of no avail to the Country, and ed people, who for fifty years have been drained, cleared up for the present Concession does of The Atlantic Fruit Co. here, that this is the time to retrieve have laboured assiduously for the means of Communication by not exclude any other doing who came in to sacrifice all us from the Co. all the country development and financial recog; roadways made, they shall be business here would pay seventy who were fools, and raise.
has lost by her past illconsidered nition of the Atlantic Zone and delivered up for colonization by five cents per bunch for bana 100, 000 and quit; we have bargains.
incidentally Costa Rica; and now peasant proprietors, from which nas, but that is not a question seen The Advent of The CuyaThere are others who feel and exhibit their prejudice by coming will spring as an immense rev. for the government to decide; mel, again making us fools, preargue that the Atlantic Zone has in print to say, that the Banana enue to the government, small that entirely depends on the law sumably to put a value on her been and is, of but little avail to Industry of the Atlantic Zone is villages and townships. Where that governs the Commerce of Shares, and negotiate them to the country by its Banana Ex of little importance to Costa Rica is the sacrifice? Where is the the World, the law of produe advantage; we have heard of a ploits. for after all it is contented, because there are very few native Entreguese? Where is the Trait tion and demand; it is the pro Mexican, a New Orleans philanthere are very few Costa Ri labourers engaged there and they orism? Shall the Country not ducers who must bind themsel thropic Co. with a tame five cans who obtain any previleges dont Tennis, they dont live be benefit materially, even though ves together in one great chain million dollar gift loan, we have there, being so very few native hind screened doors etc; what the Company migiht add other of a Banana producers Associa heard of a German, and French labourers on the plantations and frivolity in an argument, how millions to her vast resources? tion and Cooperate in a friendly Co. but if the United Fruit Co.
these do not indulge in Ten unjust! to say the least of it; What doctor, or lawyer in San businesslike manner with the is driven out this Country what nis etc.
how lacking in the statistics of Jose accepts a patient or client Company, so that when the happens? Can the patriots realize Then there are those who feel ones own country! do the men from Charity or philanthropic world demands admit of an that this year world surplus of that anyone who would advocate who proffer these misleading ar purposes? What Merchant opens increase in prices, that Associa Coffee is estimated at two milthe exploitation of the Banana guments not know that there are a business, for the sake of being tion on behalf of the Costa Ri lions of sacks? therefore, it is Industry by means of the thousands of Costa Ricans now called a Merchant?
can producers can reasonably expected our prices must fall; Co. is a Traitor, who is willing working in that locality (since it Of what avail to a country demand of the Company an without Bananas what shall we to hand over the country to the has been cleared of yellow fever, are her undeveloped lands? Is it increase; but at present we would offer our labourers, and with a United Fruit Co.
grippe, black water, typhoid and not by her developments of these not say that the Co. if she was discontented, unhappy populaNow there is no doubt about other malignant fevers by the lands in Agriculture Industries patted on the right side could tion by nonemployment where it that the Banana Industry has United Fruit Co money and that the Securities of a country not be philanthropic and rescue vvill our Extreme Patriots shelbeen a wonderful factor in the the use of coloured labour) as are estimated? Why is it that the planters by a bonus or any ter themselves?
development of Costa Rica, and farm hands and small proprietors this country sent its Minister of other compensation; but if we These are plain reasonings who what has been the means themselves?
Finance abroad to negotiate a judge by the price being liqui which longrange visioned men of such developments? Whatever And now as Entreguistas or loan of two and a half millions dated to the Jamaica Banana like Don Ricardo Jimenez, Don might have been the terms of Traitors to one country, let us of dollars just a few months ago Producers Association of two Felipe Alvarado, Don Cecil the Concessions that brought see what we handed over, or and he had difficulty in raising shillings and eight pence about Lindo; Statisticians like Don into being such developments, have to hand over. By analysis one million, and that to be deli sixty one cents per count after Thomas Soley Guell, Don Carthose terms have been amptly of the present Contract it will vered in moities of a quarter liquidating all costs to the trans los Aragon and many other men complied with, and if the conces be found that the Co. will have million at a time? If the country porters and distributors, there who have made successes of sionaires have made fortunes in to plant no less than 3000 Hec was being exploited as it ough does not seem to be much more their own lives, have pointed their dealings there is no hon tareas of Bananas within years to be, would it not be considered to be expected from the Co. at out to us, and these should be esty of purpose in trying to pe and give facility to small farmers that financiers would rush to this present.
sufficient for our Government to nalize them for so doing; both to plant another 3000, giving a finance any Loan? It might be If we too are termed «entre adopt a firm hand, brush every parties have benefitted by the guarantee by Contracts to buy argued that there is a Crisis guistas. we can only ask those frivolous argument out of the transaction, and if one party has such fruit at sixty cents per bunch prevailing throughout the world, who term themselves extreme vvay and approve of the probenefitted more than the other etc; paying Territorial Tax on but there is an abundance of patriots to show us a way positions novv before them, as in the deal, such might not have the Valuation of her holdings of money available on good Secu out of the difficulty by putting being the only feasible solution been obtained by the intrinsic 50 per thousand, she com rities, in consequence of which up a more reasonable proposi for the problem that confronts value of the contract in itself but promises to lower her Railroad the Bankers have to be reducing tion that will be workable. They the safety of the government and by the means at the disposal of Ocean freight on minor pro their rates of Interests in the prin cannot deny that Bananas are the prosperity and happiness of the other, for the intelligent ma ducts to Cristobal, so as to permit cipal money Markets of the world a necessary product towards the our people.
nipulations in carrying out such Contract; it would therefore appear dishonest at this moment to mulct the more favoured party for his successful operations, for it is unquestionable that the successful operations of the Co. has been due tothe high Dr. Aubrey Shaw has fit for a Native to reside, Dr. the temperate climate vvill rers of Don Federico Tinoco will business acumen and adaptability, been on a short visit to the Shaw used to do the work benefit Bishop Blessing much. be pleased to know that nevvs of primarily Mr. Minor Keith Capital on business of his long free gratis for nothing and have arrived that he will be and secondly his associates in established Drug Store in Si Dr. Aguilar draw the pay; unthe formation of the United Fruit quirres. Dr. Shavv as he is fa til now, he still works gratis We have also had the plea. returning home to his beautiful Co. in 1898 99. Had it not been miliarly called is one of the whenever the is ab.
sure of meeting in the Capital Country sometime in September. It will be remembered for Mr. Keith wonderful old timers of the Death Zone, sent from duty. It is hoped of the firm of The Limon Mr. Aurelio Bermudez head that Don Federico Tinoco as power of Concentracion, Orga Matina to Zent, for many years that the government will give Service Bureau Mr. Bermudez Minister of War deposed exnization, applicability and infuen he was the only life saver in some honorary recognition to President Don Alfredo Gonzá.
tial determination would his con those districts as a medical man matters tract not have ended in Bank under the advise and colabo. willing Mr. Shaw for his 35 years of is in the interior on lez Flores, but after failing to disinterested service pertaining to his Legal Firm obtain recognition by the Unitmptey? When there came a time ration of our old genial Dr. rendered to the Country. We and has brought his Facile ed States and other povvers, that the Costa Rican Securities Steggall, later he opened up wish him a pleasant vacation interior to benefit by the brache left the country in 1919 were not sufficiently attractable with the cooperation of Mr. in the Capital.
in the American money markets Cecil Lindo the Botica Nueva ing recuperating atmosphere, since. After ten years absence, and resided in Europe ever to raise the dollars necessary to of Limon, which was sold out so very necessary to those vyho carry on his work of construc to Mr. Antonio Zeledón, and tion of the Ferro Carril Costa he removed to Siquirres, where have met Monseñor Blessing: Limon. We wish them a very longiogs for Home sweet Home, Among our travellers vve are compelled to sojourn in the Statute of Limitation, exonerates one from all criminal the oppressive temperature of accusations, and feeling the Rica, when he had to ask his he has been the mainstay of Bishop of Limon, vvho is in the laborers (all coloured West In the governmeat in all cases of Capital on a visit to the Minpleasant enjoyable time in dians) to waiton him till he could first aid for years years, from ister of Foreign affairs he is returoiog. It is human Don San José.
to err, but Divine to forgive go across to England and realize the time when the Octavio Beeche matters Ex President Tinoco and forget, so Don Federico the necessary funds from the En lived in Gua piles for the sake pertaining to Religion in his vireturning vvill he vvelcomed home.
glish stockholders; for six months of health, Siquirres not being cinity. We hope the trip incas The magy, friends and admi.


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