
Saturday 12 de July. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE EDITORIAL MOTHERS DAY OBITUARY THESE EXCURSION PICNICS Affect the Community Yesterday consegranvirtue and respect you proteine do they feel that they are educating our young people The Rainy Seasons and Waterless Cooker KITCHEN CRAFT our Railway Lines 2011 It is sad to relate that death has claimed during this There has been set apart a day by all Nations since the war as Mothers week another of the most inportant landmarks of Limon Mrs.
Day for the purpose of perpetuating Melquiades Pardo Bless; known to some as, Mrs. Pardo of the inestimable value of a virtuous prowas Moin, to some as Nene: She arrived in Limon fom Cartage pagation of the Races such a day in Costa Rica, when mothers na when it was only fit for frogs and Crabs to dwell in, and met in session giving their experiences As one gleans here there from the various periodicals, has always been very much affected by whatever interested Limon on exchanging opinions and exhorting their Magazines etc. he sees that conditions are becoming worse The immense cosmopolitan crowd that attended her funeral is children masculine and femenine, to worse; no work, no money and worse of all is, that the tide of evidence of the Love esteem in which she was held. To mlher lead moral, virtuous lives In financial affairs is at a very low ebb.
quence of the operations of that day, been In this country very serious thoughts occupy the minds of relatives bit especially her nephew Don Rogelio Pardo, The American mothers have our men in the higher walks of life, yet serious as it is, some of an Ex governor of Limon The Searchlight begs to extend its ted by the great American Nation the our leaders and preachers, show no self denial, or charitableness sincere condolence.
tlefields of France Belgium to visit nor love to their followers or less informed brethren, which the tombs of their sons husbands; would tend to alleviate much suffering. All leaders ought to bring they go in batches, and this week saw the eleventh consignment to leave the themselves down among the people they are professing to con shores of America in the Harding sole lead as Ghandi does; he does not sit on a high pulpit for France, 225 mothers wives went or rostrum and exhort his people to do impossible things, no he FOR SALE in this batch.
comes down and sets an example of humility.
We now come to the point we like Today we see men going too fro seeking, work and piano and other articles of household to stress; What are the Negro leaders of our Communities doing for the upliftunable to find it yet we see the preachers of religion encouraging their people to be frivolous and careless, instead of advis furniture, also a ladies(Raleigh bicycle)
ing idea of the celebration of such a day, so as to stimulate the glory of ing them to plant potatoes, corn, beans, yuca, sugarcane, Rice etc.
morality among mothers and For information apply at PITTS PHOTO STUDIO would for their own consumption, thus bringing the cost of living easier be mothers, as well as the duties Port Limon of Brothers fathers, giving a helping to those who must buy; they encourage them as has been said in idleness, frivolities and careless living by having Picnics, Exadvice to the prospective mothers; what are they doing we ask? This is the only cursions, Reggee Dances and the like; with a view that the young sure road to success, and respect by girls boys must beg or steal from their parents and friends other races, but you must courteously so as to be able to go to these degrading amusements. As one MORAZANDRY CLEANING respect yourself; Arrogance, Incivility looks on, the reflection is; how do our leaders and spiritual edu OF CALVO Telephone 3330 Abusive expressions would not demand Awaken leaders to the cators feel when they look on and see the vulgar scenes, in these Your clothes cleaned pressed by steam pressure at 150 per suit, giving true attributes of morality. This is a blackbottoming, chimeying and mentoing dances as well as hearing them to you as good as new. Ladies Garments also attended to Our steam warning note to those who are in a the obscene language caused by the carrying of a pint of rum machines do not burn the edges or make them appear shine as the hand position to appreciate it; and it is hoped Ironing does: in each youngster pocket at these festivities, all encouraged by that the formation of such Organiza150 YADRS WEST OF DR. FIGUERES CLINIC tions will start in Costa Rica them for the purpose of making a profit of a couple hundreds of colones for church purposes; again, let us ask; bow do they feel when they gaze at these degrading scenes? vill they say that they are carrying earth SAVE YOUR MONEY in a line of life which self WHOLE MEAL OVER ONE BURNER fore the gaze of other groups and races of people? surely not, COOK WITH MORE LEISURE. WILL YOU?
their consciences must Shrive away from themselves, they must Take your share to day, with feel that they stand condemned before the intelligence of the motwo colones weekly you can get ral section of every district thro which they pass; they become as Whited Sepulchres wrecking the lives of the younger gene falling from the Continental Very heavy rains have been easy, this marvelous cooker.
Waterless cooker cooks withratlon by debauchery and profligacy; and yet they complain that Divide East for ten days now, out adding a drop of water the young people do not sit side by side with their parents guardians in church, whereas in their inner consciences they been swamped at Matina and and is healthy. Save a 40 of and several houses have again fire and have a pleasant meal must feel that they are responsible for the longings of these Estrada, as vell as on the every day. souls who will be the guardians of homes tomorrow, to go after Rio Banana and Estrella Valley You can also win on the Monvain pursuits.
Excursions of themselves are good, if properly carried out; vvhich our Railvvay traffic has divisions. In consequence of day lottery of the club Sales on cash or by installments they are profitable, they are Educating if educationally arranged.
One needs to know the country in which he lives; arrange Ex hovvever not to any appreciabeen interrupted, fortunately The Aluminum Club cursions to San José, Puntarenas, Heredia, Alajuela or any site Box 136 San José Telehpone 2835 ble extent, only on tvvo days NATION of Vantage, see the country, the Agricultural or Industrial pursuApartado 123. Cartago its of the different districts, see our Museum, see our Schools, munication vvith Limon. The did San José lose through com Distributor from Turrialba to the Atlantic Coast.
our Public offices, our chemical laboratories, our Industrial factories, our means of transportations, our Hospitals acestinien bore Railvvay must be complimen Indian Affairs New Governor of Jose management of the Northern visited, and it is of a certain that an expansion of ideas to the nipulations in copiog vvith the fertile young minds must be the result of such an Excursion, and India House. a magoificent Engineer don Luis Fournier our young people will not be alienated from their brothers Railvvay since Nov. 1928 up many serious problems of the nevv edifice in the very heart has been appointed and accepsisters as they are today, they will not be looked upon as an of London, vvas opened by ted the Post as Governor of the present time. While king George on Monday last. Sao José; ever since the resig.
inferior degenerate race whose only aim is to follow the fox, the on this point it is only fair to This building is intended to nation of doo Macedonio Esdialogues of obscene language which can only be met with among say that it for tour chariction house all important offices. of quivel to stand as Deputy for a race whose highest aspirations are such frivolities, encouraged Railvvay had fallen into the tiog to Indian interests.
Commercial transactions rela Puntarenas, Don Arturo Garby our educators leaders of thought for the object of gaining a cía Solano former Secretary to few hundred colones, at the expense of the morality of a group. the Northern Ry. Had it been hands of the Co. and The king said it is over Don Macedonio has been acting The Crisis is serious, and every one has got to think out our in the old Company hands 25 years that himself and the most creditably as Governor; means of subsistence, but if our educators, our preachers, our Queen visited India, during but now it is seen that Tech or that of the leaders, would think in the right direction, they would not have goverment his fathers reigo, and in his nical knowledge is desirable as some patriotic idiots have Icgime he has vvatched vvith for the post. It was offered to be brought down to the level of the profligate as they now stoop to, they could make money by elevating them, in such high still be in connection vvith the in the history of India, but account of his efficiency and been advocating Vve would keen interest maay dark days to don José Joaquin Quiros on every community would chime in and be a help to the ideas of Capital only by means of Ae he regards the opening of this zeal as Secretary of the Com moral leadership, when the debaucher and picnicminded would roplanes.
structure as a symbol of Uni mitee on Street Reconstruction, soon be tired of standing alone, and be led to think also of his ty of every Creed and Race in but he did not accept it on degradation, and silently edge along with the crowd of the aspirIndia, and closer Unity of account of his many private ing ones and so he helped by the examples you set around him.
India and England and rejoices transactions, suggesting the Get down to your old time Debates, dialogues, Concerts, Dramin the hope of an early appointment of an Engineer atic and Operatic performances, Your Gardenparties at which progressive advance by such with the Capacity and inte only your Walzes, Quadrilles, Steps, Chotishces, Foxes etc. will be Are you interested in a Radio set? Unification of that great ao. grity of don Luis who accepted encouraged; get up your pupils Excursions to unknown regions and get in touch with Eduardo Escarré tique Unit of the Empire.
the appointment.
lecture them in geography geology, natural history and economics at HOTEL ATLANTICO, San José in contrast of such regions; get up into San José and arrange for he will make and install you a first a professor or two to give talks on certain subjects as affects the class RADIO set, so you may sit in Community, to be responded to by the best of your pupils as it your home and enjoy Concerts, Pugil affects his community, then you will be better respected by an isticbouts, speeches or any Amusement, men AIDA RESTAURANT interchange of thoughts on civilization, rather than looked upon broadcasted from the United States, as a people only aiming toward Tantgoism, Voodoism, obscenism; Cuba, Jamaica or Europe.
PICNIC PARTIES, AND BANQUETS ATTENDED Your Churches, schools and Halls of Conferences will then be a resort of pleasant associations, by all classes of yonr Community, rather than a reproach as is now the Case.
Doubling your advertising in THE SEARCHLIGHT is to double your sales This notifies theMusic loving public taht the Central American Stars Orchestra.
Is a nucleus of an Amusement Co.
by the name of Is the best food for people of all ages; it is not of a VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO The Central American Stars Combination Co bilious propensity, does not cootain Cocoa, does not produce Uric Acid as does other foods made from Animal flesh.
Efficacious Remedy which will shortly make their debut in the Arrasty Theatre to expel worms Be ti also understood that this Orchestra accepts jobs for Dances Excursion: SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES When you want to dance and hear the very latest in Blues, Foxtrots, Waltzes, Lucas Morua Tangos, Danzons, Rumbos etc. just write to Sole distributors: Solera Brothers San Jose. Telephone 3950 The Central American Stars. Box 123 SOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUG STORE Port Limon elacional Miguel Obregón LizzCartago, Rislep, Zotec to Radio Installation AIDA RESTAURANT The proof of the Pudding is in the cating. To prove the superiority of Cookery, is to come to if you want something delicious for a dinner or lunch lets go and try Aida To have a Tea at 3p. from Aids is always to return there; where at the T.
building. Meals at any hour.


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