
Saturday 12 de July. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE HAPPENINGS ABOUT US Repatriation of humairas from Cuba The Jamaica government has ordered all Consuls Vice Consuls in Cuba, to pay the Death Sentence Commuted To plant Bananas Excursion to Puntarenas In consequence of the uneven Railvvay fares og stranded Jasurfaces and holes left in this maicans in that Island to the The woman Many Rawe of Malvern, So cognizant of the fact that an Excursion train will leave Street vvhile the dispute vvas nearest shipping port, from who was sentenced to be hung by Justice clark at the Black River sitting of the only salvation for the pros San José for Puntarenas at5 going on as to whom should vvhence they vvill be repatriatthe Western Circuit for mardering her perity of the country lies in the on Saturday the 19th. inst re stand the extra vvorks needed, ed by the Co boats day old infant, was permitted a comapproval of the present proposi turning to Sunday night to ce a detective Mr. Videche, and a going across, as vell as the mutation to a life sentence by the the Privy Council tion before Congress. Several lebrate the Religious fiesta in that lady Mrs. Leonor García fell Webster line. It is estimated gentlemen have guaranteed to Port known as The Virgin of the into a hole and broke their legs. that vvithio a fevy months augment the production if Con Sea. Fare round trip. 00 Who vvill be held responsable over a thousand of these stargress passes the Contract. Mr. the ordinary fare being 50. for such accidents is left to ving men vvill have arrived Hurricane in Santa Marta Cecil Lindo has arranged to be seen.
home, as conditions in Cuba Good News to travellers are unbearable.
plant 1000 Hectareas or more.
By the Gleaner of 26 ultmo we note World Affairs that in a telegram fron Bogota of 18th Mr. Salomon Esna of Estrella It will be welcome news to Valley pledges to plant 1000 and Pugilistic Nevvs. Midget June, it states that by a recent hurricane DEATH on the Co plantations in the will lease on favourable terms our travelling public to Ameriof Philadelfia, feather Magdalena region the Co. lost 10. 000, 000 can Controlled Countries, that weight Champion of the vvorld We are sad to announce another 2600 Hectareas of lands stems of bananas, estimated at a value reported to small farmers.
the Consular fees on Passports triumphed over Rontier Parra the death of Mrs. Randall of near 2. 200, 000. This as the worst hurricane in years.
Don Carlos Gutierrez, who is now reduced fron Ten to of Chile at Jersey City by de James on Friday the 3rd. vvife six dollars.
cision in the tenth round. of Bro, Rannie James of LiIt is noted by this telegram that there says that the best business he The docters of Schmeling mon. Mrs. James vvas a memis a new independetn growers cooperative association which has a contract to has ever done in his life has Central Avenue been in Bananas and is ready to claim that he was internally ber of the Samaritans Order ship bananas to Europe, presumably to injured by the fovvl blavy dealt and Lady President of the Spain; on account of which the Co plant between 500 to 1000 hecThe discussion between the him by Sharkey, hence he vvill of this town, and freight Representative denies in The tareas.
Electric Tramway Co. The not be able to fight again as her death after a very short Espectador that the Co. has any inten tions of trying to hinder such operations.
Hideous Murders Wayss Freitag Co. for the vvas announced for September illoess came as a Shock to all The same information states that the reconstruction of Streets and asshe cannot stand his training her friends.
Manager of the Co. at Santa Marta, was THE SEARCHLIGHT begs to At Conchita Farm near Si: the government has been hap for tvvo months yet. He is ordered to jail for eight days for dispily ended. The Electric Co. hovvever more confident novy quirres the body of a man supextend its sincere condolence obeying a Summons to appear before the Court, in an effort by the State to posed to be Barrantes partly agreeing to grant all the Rails than ever of beating Sharkey sympathy with the bereavcollect a Tax on banana Trees, which ed husband and other relatives.
devoured by crows was found necessary for the reinforcing vvhenever they do meet.
it is alleged the Company is opposing the pavement and six thousand in a trench with his head nearcolones for the work of reinforcePacific Railway Engines ly chopped off. Two men have ment, this, the principal commer Engines Nos. 21 and 22 of the been arrested as suspects.
cial Street of San José will now government Pacific Railvvay PILES SHOE STORE Siquirres At Carmen a Similar job soon be finished, it was a great are under trial by the Northwas done at the Commissary drawback to the Commerce of ero Ry of Costa Rica, vvith Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away, and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be shod with: on Tuesday last, and the per the City, alike to merchant, a vievv to purchase. It vvas a PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies shoes are matchless petrator ran away has not Shoppers and the general public, Strange Sight to see these coal in beauty and style.
yet been discovered.
who could not avail themselves feeled Bogines on the Road Siquirres PILE of the use of the Tramway; after so many years of Oil buroChanchullo nearly a mile of these rails ers. Now that the Pacific have been taken up since over Railvvay is Electrically propellAn immense defalcation and two months nowv, pending the ed, there is no further use misappropriation has been dethe reconstruction of this street for these Steam Engines hence nounced in the Police Depart. Within another month these the sale. No 21 was seen conment by the opposition party rails ought again to be connec veying the regular passenger There is no Hotel that attends to your comfort as in Congress. Mr. Brealey the ted, this portion of street refirst Commandante of Police, constructed and traffic be resum but she han to he helped over o San Jose on the 10 th. inst THE HOTEL ATLANTICO one block and a half South from the Eastern Market Gate attended to by your friends.
is said to have been drawinged to the content of pedes. the Alto by Eogine 55 vvith seventeen envelopes of supposed trians and wheel Trafic alike. the Tourist Train.
Eduardo Escarré and his wife Policemen. An order has been passed for his provisional detention. These denouncements were made by Coronel don Abel Robles after discovering then.
The Ministers of war, Internal of fairs have been called and are giving explanations before Congress on the matter, vvhich occasions heated arguments.
We have been handed a Cir. tendency by a group yvorkmen, our Farmers and In vievy of all this, vil cular signed by Juan Bta. Bor of idividuals under different our trades men vvhich contri Nacionalism desist in its pro Smallpox in Nicaragua bón Antonio Portuguez, as to names, snch as (Apra, Liga bute to our Nacional vvealth. gramme vvhat is Nacionalism in so far Civica etc. vvho have constiAll communications have been as it pertains to the body of tuted themselves, as arbiters list Campaign is, by the paral believe their thesis a good one, One example of the Naciona Under no account; for they closed on the border of Nica men vvho are the most serious to Patriotism and to dictate ysis of the activities of the Baragua Costa Rica in conse Oppositionists to the passing the terms to be follovved to nana Industry, Antagonizing and continue believing themselquence of having discovered of the Banana Contract novy combat the foreign element the Company against those ves the Ne plus ultra) of patriocases of this desease at Cardinas avvaiting Sanction, vwhich vvhich formulates Syndicates who have been earning their tiem that their idea is second to near our border; the recent out vve translate for the benefit or Companies vvith Capital to livelihood by it here, to seek none, not caring to see the straitbreak in this country came from of our readers.
be employed in the develop adjoining countries to make ened circumstances, in vvhich that end and it is right that What is it that is called Industries of the Country.
ment of Agriculture and other its investments of Capital; thus the entire inhabitants of Costa every precaution should be taken.
Nationalism today?
the labourer, the artesan, the Rica are subjected due to the To vvhat purpose is this clerk, the Agriculturist, the silly law of 1929.
Nacionalism directed?
merchant and the government Countrymen! Aroase yourselall alike feel the effects of the ves as one man and assist those To place into the hands LAWYERS NOTARIES vvant of money which the Uni thoughtful men vvho have conof Natives every source of bu ted Fruit Co. vvere vvont to tributed by their intelligence AT LIMON siness.
circulate for the upkeep of its to formulate this nevv Banana Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before. What practical results has business. The Nacional Capi. Contract vvhich is better than the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial do its campaign acchieved?
tal is povverless to give bfe, that presented in 1926 and cuments also prepared at Lowest prices.
even to the Banana Industry which is the only means of salENGLISH SPOKEN. The vvithdravval of foreign alone, which is novv languish vation left us.
capital from our midst to seek ing at a most alarming rate.
better business ino hter countries HOTEL ATLANTICO Nacionalism as it applies to our Problems. Hors has National Capi Million Dollar Suit Consulting the obcahman FOR SALE Now that the contracts are about to be aproved by Congress, it will be a great opportunity to acquire spme of the best properties in Siquirres. One reinforced concrete building that produces between C500.
and 600 monthly. One (new) reinforced concrete building and several cottages all well situated dairy Farm of Hectareas in the centre of Siquirres, very productive. For all particulars apply.
Mr. Lester Norton SIQUIRRES.
tal adapted itself to such proDue to the tragedy on board the positions? Tivives some time in April 1927 We note also in the Gleaner, that when Captain Alexander Birks myster for the first time in our knowledge a With the greatest indife iously disappeared overnight from his conviction has been made for consulting rence, because one portion lives ship. The widow of the Captain now an Obeahman. Arabella Watt of Maby Usury, another portion is claims one million dollars from the dras District was sentenced to months ioactive, and another is in the United Fruit Co. as compensation in consulting John Cyrus to throw suspicion hands of persons who take the death of her husband. Her claims from her, for having poisoned provisbeing that her husband was murdered ions in ground from which persons no risks in enterprises that and thrown over board, by the crew, died.
require any outlay of Capital and the Co. is responsible for employ Cooperation.
ing an undesireable Crew for manning this boat. The case is represented Will the campaign of Na on both sides by very prominent lawA CORRECTION cionalism be a failure?
yers and keenly watched in the courts of the United States. If it does not fail, the coWe beg to correct a note of sympathy by our Correspondent Don Carlos untry will on account of it. For Orozco of Limon, condoling with Lic.
we need foreiga Capital to ex Another Merger? Don Luis uz Meza in the presumed ploit maoy progressive loss of his mother but we have been Works, to develop our lands and The Columbia line of Steamers plying informed by Mrs. Coblenz of Limon export the products from them, from Columbia, Colon, Jamaica, Ha that our note is a bit premature, for add te carry on our many vanna, New York are now annexed which we beg to tender our apologies to the United Fruit Co. who have to Don Luis family trusting that this Industries; by means of which taken over the Agency in Jamaica from is an augury of long life to his dear naveederive they pellbeiegalofolapas doreste scenes bemercador Co. mother.
SZABEZA Dsas LOANS! LOANS! LOANS PERSON WITH. 10. 000 CAPITAL Is willing to aid publie with loans, provided tangible guaran tee is given. For further information and arrangement, apply to THE LIMON SERVICE BUREAU between and p. daily, except Saturdays, and from 12 to p. on Sundays.

    Death SentenceSpain

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