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AU Saturday 12 July. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT Court Proceedings and Decisions NEWS OF SIQUIRRES some vvas SASTRERIA AMERICANA vvere a LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND Jane Barrett triumphs in emotional statements which BY CYRILLO Suit against the free Seu seemingly. Mr. Zeledon felt he could not refute.
Siquirres, July Cricket The Excelsior senior made deadly business; only Keller man enth Day Adventise.
James Alberga and wife, reenthusiasm is once more a Wak its first gesture on Monday McGreggor seemed to under last when it met the Alliance stand ened in Siquirres, which seemthis left hand slovy The case of Jane Barrett against sidents of miles acquitte lof ed to have grovva tired of of Pacuarito on its own bov vler, vvbo captured vvick the Free Seventh Day Adventist, charges of assaults with a cricket inertia. There is now grounds for a friendly game. ets in 12 overs. All told the and which has been the object deadly weapon on the person an Excelsior Cricket Club com The team comprised Brooks Alliance contributed 43 runs, of a great deal of comment among the members of the different orgaof Henry Dennis prising a senior Club consisting (captain. Thomas Jokes, Wil thus losing to the Excelsior of men and a junior club that son, Pusey, McGreggor, Cham. by nizations in Limon, was finally The Criminal Court has acis made up mainly of the boys bers, Coroiffe, Caroegie, Lin What delighted to see vas brought to a settlement on the quitted James Alberga and his 26th of June 1930, when Coun wife of charges of assaults with attending the English Com ton, Golding, and Kellerman, the fine spirit of sports mansh which the other side being represen ip displayed by both teams, sel for the defendant, in a writ a deadly weapon on the person operates under the Siquirres ted by Sinclair (captain. which made the game such to the Alcalde, surrendered his of Henry Dennis, in a decision School Board, Prophets of ill Wareham (snr. Wilson, Vassel, an enjoyable one as it vvas.
case to the claims made by the handed down on the 28th of do not expect this fresh at Barrett, Tomlinson, Smith, FROM 28 MILES plaintiff, attached a cheque for June last. The Court finds that tempt at avvakening cricket Smith, Davis, Wareham 100 00 to cancel the principal Dennis has not proven to its life in Siquirres to succeed; or. Allen, and Curtis. SACRED CANTATA of the obligations and request satisfaction that he was attacked but the gods kaovv better, It goes to the credit of the ed that a statement of cost and the manner, and by the persons their knees decision homesters that in their first God Beautiful World interest be presented by Miss in alleged, and that even if the should rest. And one thing is contest they should vvin (though is the Title of a sacred cantata Barrett, which he promised to assaults had been proven, the very certain: so long as there by the small margin of 2) that vvas rendered on Sunday cancel immediately. The plaintiff Albergas would have been per is or there are cricket against a combination of seas. afternoon last in the Baptist Miss Barrett was represented by fectly justified and have therefore, clubs here, there always vvill oned cricketers; but am not mission at Waldeck This fine the Limon Service Bureau and acquitted them from all criminal be some cricket matters of loc. encouraged to comment favour service, which was listened the defendant organization by responsibilities.
al interest to talk about a ably either on their innings to by a fairly large audience Barrister Daniel Zeledon. The Court has, on the other subject that is very much bet or on their fielding display. vvas got up by Mrs.
It may be said that Mr. Ze hand, indicted Dennis of charges ter than the usual ranter of The scoring vvas uneven and Douglas, the present day school ledon surrendered his case fol of assaults wieh a deadly weapon the alehouse.
poor, but for Pusey Wilson teacher there and lowing the hearing of the case on the person of James Alberga The Junior club, which is vvho contribufed 13 each, splendid success.
before the Alcalde, on the morn and has decreed his formal deunder the captaincy of master Thomas 7, and Kellerman 5, Mr. Gibson, vvho presided, ing of June 13, 1930, at which tention, pending trial of the case. Kenneth McIntosh, opened they would have been novvhere, and a former teacher of the time the plaintiff Attorney, who The Albergas were represented its season some six vveeks ago 45 being the full total. Brooks day school, gave a very fine was in charge of the collection by the Limon Service Bureau and vvhen it met at Pacuarito the bovvling vvas a splendid per address on the self sacrificing of the debt from the defendant Dennis by Barrister Daniel Ze. Progressive club of that place. formance, vvhich in 10 overs work of the teacher and made organization, made heated and ledon.
It suffered a defeat, quite true, disposed of vvickets. If the a strong appeal to the parents but it is all the better for fielding vvas a little better than to second her arduous task of that defeat as vvell as for the it was, and equal to the bovy building for the nation. Mrs, PIEDRA BRO.
second one it met at the hands liog, the visitors might vvell Douglas very courtensly thankof the same club on its ouyn be satisfied that they entered ed Mr. Gibson for his genegrounds tvvo vveeks later. thirties. Their scoring, though rous remarks las vvell as for The boys, for one thing; helped by the poor fielding the help she had received from AMERICAN TAILORS shovved a fine spirit of sports of the home team, was far parents childreo io presentmanship that can by no other more eyen, there beiog a 13 ing in so short a time a proWe have had great experience in the United States. We can make the best suit in Costa Rica. We import English Woollen Goods.
club of boys in this communi by Smith, by Ware gramme of that kind.
Give us a trial and convince yourself our suits are guaranteed the ty be exhibited; their fielding ham, by Barret, by Allen, The meeting was fitingis best finished workmanship.
tactics, especially, cannot any and a fevv singles by others closed vvith the singing of 3rd Avenue Dear Photo Imperial Hernánder.
vvhere be beaten, and feel Davis deliveries the Doxology.
sure that when they do meet a team of boys like themselves they will not be so easily beaten; if such a thing is at all possible.
TUBERCULOSIS BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY DEFINITELY CURED Beat depression by alvertising ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Bureau established for the greater convenience, more in New method, consisting of understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishSubcutaneous injection of living THE SEARCHLIGHT Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
bacilli of the turtle Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute condiscovered by Board and Lodgings nce of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with Prof Dr. Friedmann. Chief over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on Very convenient Board and the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Physician and Surgeon of the Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Lodgings can be had at the Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials Iva Anti tuberculosis Institute of are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge PINK HOTEL OF LIMON and Counsel.
Berlin, EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ situated on 7th street adjoining Barrister Investigator Cures possible for first and second the property of the Costa Rica Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager degree of the disease, by means of Soda Water Factory on 3rd MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE avenue, and seventh street.
San José, 50 yards West of the one or two Sub cutaneous Every comfort of her clients Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre injections of the are attended to personally by, Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba ard Jamaica, California, Friedmann Anti tuberculosis Vacuna MRS. RITCHE New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, This remedy has been officially adopted by the German Government Aviation in May 1929 and now also by the Accomplishments LIMON Brazilian Government by law passed At 20 last Friday evenEndeavours to please her patrons.
17th. February 1930 ing the Hunter brothers, Aviators in the City of Chicago The latest in the FILM WORLD (Decrees Nos. 32, 37 and 38)
landed in Chicago in consein constant touch with the best production quence of a leaking oil tank, Wonderful cures are being after breaking all former records Be a Modernite Always of continuous flying; being in obtained in Costa Rica the air for twenty three days one hour and forty minutes.
For full information apply to the The Brothers Hunter, John and Kenneth have gone 41. 475 sole concessionaires miles within that time, and have GRANT surpassed the former record of Suits made to order in the shortest notice.
the Robin of St Louis by five complete stock of English and American tweeds, scrgings and Flannels days thirteen hours and forty always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
San José, Costa Rica minutes for which they each North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts get 1000 per hour in excess Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings the Robin record.
this week Apartado 861 Telephone 3654 Mr. Kingsford Smith also In Serie Drawing No. 41; Won by Jorge Jiménez Ticket No. 73.
landed in Salt Lake City Cali In Serie Drawing No. 18; won by Manuel Sequeira Ticket No. 35.
Office: Opposite the Imprenta Alsina fornia at 25 on the same In presence of Amado Solano, Alofonso Sabautino and José Castillo day in his Southern Cross thus SERIE IN FORMATION TAKE NUMBER completing his fly around the BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 world successfullystema Nacional de Bibliotecas Presidencia Proprictress Cine Moderno SASTRERIA GRANT


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