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EDITOR MANAGER MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION. 1, 00 SINGLE Copy 25 OTIC NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER 12. 11 THE SEARCHLIGHT Co THE UNITED STATES EUROPE Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica Rica generally ob Togobeto wad YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 19 JULY 1930 38 bom שה indow no balcone vitin te ble od grow on buat bond not TUTU SON TV5 adon gran 100 was the ludno To thoilum nibh blow in boboto nevas moil 10 logo o o Xie met Monsieur Briand of France assuming a non political, com sions should coincide with those these may be mentioned here. American competition from the if seeing the differeces of feelings mercial status through the of the Council of the League.
West. third motive, and by existiog in Europe at this mo Bank for Interational Sét Finally, membership in the importance is urged. One es hope of ameliorating competiEconomic cooperation of vital far the most important, is the. resentful. The Soviet Union last of the occupying forces, members States, and these chement between the various between Europeat nations themmischievous with her Commu were preparing to leave the cretariat is to employ the spe European economic systems.
pist ideas Italy ambitious, Bog. Rhine. The disappointments cial services of the secretariat But the plan is not content selves, constitute a formidable tes fearful of Russian Italian, han emphasized in a striking Let us turn now to the or mith generalities; a truly li obstacle to their individualand beral tariff policy is specifically America and Russia were encollective prosperity. Even if. for Gernan Italian friendship: European understanding. Fina. will consist of (1) a European advonated. cobference the best tirely left out of the picture tion of all Europe with an idea fects of the peoding American organ. 3) a secretariat and dy the control of policies of the creation of European to Peace and friendship; to be tariff bill bad aroused Euro (4) technical committeeb. The industrial unions and cartels and the future possibilities Numerous tariff walls erected Known as the United States pean peoples to a new faithrin European conference, com of Europe, ao so as to give ourdan old saying. In union there posed of the representatives of regardiog the progressive low especially since the war, separate Europe into small compe.
readers a full grasp of his ideas is strength. Times, says all European governments, mem oering of tariffs. The dream of economic cooperation goes ting communities, thus creating as to the necessity for such a Briand, have never been more bers of the League of Nations, a situation which, if not intolmove, its aims possibilities. propitious gor more preesing will be the directive organ. Its even further. The ideal would be the creation of a common A number of European States erable, is at least disastrous.
its Organization ct Government, for the starting of constructive president will be elected annuawe reproduce clippings of the work of this kind lly by rotation. Appareatly this market, raising to a maximum opinion of the Mr. John It should be noted that the body wil have somewhat the within the boundaries of Eu and financial depression, cathe level of human wellbeing are suffering from economic Whitton, Director of the School project itself is couched in ge.
of International Studies of beral terms; the details are the League of Nations. The mopher Pointing to an ideal ever competition. Economic and po Princeton University published by reserved to the European con executive organ will take then the rational organization of a litical selfishness accentuate in Current History of the ference, or permanent organi form of a smaller committee, racial and Wationalistic aniEuropeau system of production World of this month. Mr. Brization which will be set up in akin to the Council of the and exchange, by means of the mosīties, rendering impossible ands Scheme has been gladly order to launch the new con League. It will be the union accepted by Spaio, Greece and federation. Mr. Briand has tried organ of study and at the gradual liberation and meth a real state of peace. Furththe Checo Slovac States, is not to avoid tWobaextremes; his same time its instrument of odical simplification of the cirermore, Europe still suffers from wafavourable to Italv if Fraoce project is neither rigid nor action. Upon this committee culation of goods, capital and dangerous disputes and probwill lay her Cards flat on the sionary. In other words, he will lie the main responsibility persons. At the same time, table.
the needs of each State for its European in oature, may best a for be settled through the operaSummoning Europe to unite practicable plan, but leaves am pean voion and for attacking pational defense must be taken tion of a regional pactp To and, Franch Minister of Forment. It is a federation built tention. Provision is also made States members could cooperate create such a pact was the aim eigo Affairs, has Submitted his. not upon the idea of unity but for a secretariat and special in the carrying on of great of Briand. And, as already loogawaited memorandum to of union. The federation sho technical committees. TOM public works, and in bettering noted, the recent liquidation of the consideration of twenty uld evolve from the simple to wait Having reviewed the genethe means of inter communicertain questions, unusually troublesome, makes the present cation. No cooperation in the six European member States the complex, establishing the niral nature of the ubiénes and of the League of Nations. His first means of contact of what briefly sketched its organization, economic field would be com Therefore, while a natural desire conception for a united Europe is intended to be a solid basis let us now consider its propowas made public on May 17 by of cooperation with a view to sed activities. In general, the res; hence the proposal for the to meet pressure from the Uniports the plan, and an official all problemas bearing on the titute a living bond of solidaried for economic development there found so successful, and an understandable fear of of those States which need it.
DOcopy of the text was delivered organization of European peace ty among European nations.
tential competition from Russia, to our State Department on and the national organization This purpose, as we have seen, Finally, the plan enumerates May 22 bers of the vital forces of Europe. is to be archievedabove all in certain pressing labor questions may have had some influence which are particularly suscepupon the launching of the proThis plan, like the Grand Political cooperation, accor. the political field; this is ject, nevertheless the main mo.
Dessein of another Frenchman, ding to Briand, must pre prerequisite even to a solution tible for solution through coSully, is a stupendous and da cede economic action. Progress of tariff problems. Despite this operative action. There are other tiye was the will to hasten, union. Even if Great Britain upon security. It is therefore vities of the union concern bon cannot be given detailed exa. in the evolution por internatio.
ring conception for international in the economic field depends observation, most of the actis interesting proporsals, but these within Europe own gates, the remains out of its operation, on the political field that the political matters economic, fi mination here el pal society generallygtuand of which seems probable, the pro best efforts of organizers to nancial and labor problems, ou What are the principal mo to the European community in ject conceros the destinity of create for Europe an organic hygiene, communications and tives behind this project? Some particular, is certainly inevita250. 000, 000 people. Because of structure must be concentra transit, intellectual cooperation, see therein merley an attempt ble and may even now be pracits comprebeasive scope, its rela ted. Thus he believes that inter parliamentary relations and to meet Russian expansion from ticable.
tion toimportant current events understanding and conciliation administrations. Only a few of the east, or a desire to counter how bilo 93 90 and the hope it offers to a are necessary before the em.
troubled and divided Europe, broyo of a Federal organizalos ad toni binare il debod has shot and the plan is of no ordinaryo imetion can be created. AbsoluOUR10 portance. Its scope is remark tely essential is the general able. Briand makes core development by Europe of a tually specifies the organiza curity and the progressive ex.
tion which shall form the basis teosion to the whole European position of a Tunnel under the the restricted space in the prose. Railvvay to remunerate the very For several years now the pro ment, because at its best due to of traffic by the underground of his European Union. While community of the policy of English Channel joining Francecution of the great vvork, it could considerable outlav of money leaving ample space for batural international guarantees inau.
growth, he sketches a consti gurated at Locarno. Just as Railway has been much argued. men and those would bemost of accommodation and Luxury and England by an underground only engage continuously 5000 thus rendering it only an voork tution and plans a European at London recently, here again Commission has been placed ly experts and skilled labour in conference, an executive com we see revealed the classic French and not of necessity, mittee, a secretariat and tech stand on security and the iasis been carried out and a favour unemployment on it, and all investigations have the line, hence no benefit to Fifthly. The expense to the Military for fortifications of the nieal organs, all working in tence upon the trinity arbi. able report on the projected in close cooperation with the Lea. tration, security and disarma route put in, but the McDonald Fourthly, it would be distroy.
in entrances and a vigilance might gue of Nations. He also enu ment Which formed the basis government will not carry out ing a thriving trade of Cross also be matters of great interChannel small boats which is nacional provocations.
In vievy of all these points studied and problems to be met. conception grandiose of 1924. Several reasons have been very interesting and helpful to the government would not conhe considers that the political League of Nations is envisaged. undertaking first, on account faring men and there wvquld not construction, either by public sider it advisable to permit the implications of the project far The European association can of the enormity of the Cost be the corresponding increase outweigh in importance the pot substitute itself for the which would be between thirty or private funds. be economic considerations.
An extremely significant mo union is in accord with the streling, secondly, because there Notice To whom it Concerns ment was chosen for releasing covenant itself; it is nothing is no real certainty of the scuthe plan. While the eminent but a regional entente with cess of the urdertaking in spite This serves to notify all mem Messrs. Farquharson of MaFrench statesman was making in the terms of Article XXI of of the most expert engineering bers and Shareholders of the dre de Dios; President public his project, which looks the covenant of the League of opinion, there is no telling vvhat Agricultural and Building Henry of Cairo; Vice Preto the future, a most impor. Nations. In other words, we difficulties might be met in the Corporation of ex Miles Cossident MA tanta step, was being taken to shall have a European league route, until considerable moneys tokica. that the helection of Barker of 28 Miles: TreasOfficers to the ensuing urer.
Reparations Commission ceased dereito will be bene within the Thirdly, ifovvould not supply term for the manipulation of the Gibb of 23 Miles; Se.
to exist; the troublesome repa framework of the League, its dize distribution of this great business of The Society camecretary.
rations question, escaping from meetings should be held at outlay in the right directionoff on the 13thau daxrof July Continued to page a


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