
Saturday 13 de July 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE EDITORIAL CRITICISM What of an hour day?
mon to Ministers possible We do morality of Pint rum You gentleman but Seem to the con spell, and is is being must depend upon of their generosity Radio Installation Limon, Juty 15th. 1930. jority of colored people in Limon are EDITOR NOTE. Mr. Ambrose in To the Editor of THE SEARCHLIGHT clean minded and are thinking seriously his unsolicited effort to take up the for the future of their children and defence of his Ministers as he leaves the Dear Sir: striving hard to raise their standard of self abnegations of the white ones severliving. The next time you are in Liely alone is so rambling and incon am through reading your editorial take a walk over to Cieneguita or sistent that to reply to his fickle article under the caption These Excursion Pic along the Hospital Road and you will would involve us into personalities, as nics Affed the Commanity, for the sesee ample proof of what am saying, churches It is noticed that by the last sitting of the Labour Conference light and turned the paper upside down These are not proofs of immorality, ble my dear man.
in the rows of clean, tidy cottages.
are repaired, and how cond time, and have held it up to the are supported, dont trouheld at Geneva, it vvas adopted on June 27th. by a Majority of to see if can find a modicum of truth neither are the large attendances at the Who ever attempted to say much 78 to 27 votes that there should be a universal eight hourday, can grasp the motive for your savage, good is not being done, but we speak and a 48 hour vveek to all employees. Such a regulation would unpalatable attack on the ministers of of the splendid growth of the Boy Scout generally on a point that dors affect movement under the able management the mo of the Community.
be hailed with delight in Costa Rica by all labouringmen. the churches. It is evident you realize of Rev. Ryecart, would this be do not allude to his amusing On the roadvvays in the interior this has been the regulation trite ane, ond that serious thought should if he didn have the material to build gyrations whether carried out on conwith? Even at the degrading dances you secrated grounds, the very principle of hours ever since the inception of road reconstruction; men working be given to the future welfare of our referred to there isn such a lot of which is prohibited by some Churches, from six to three o colck or from seven to four o clock. It would people, clean that much from your immorality as you will have your readers or in beautiful clean cottages. where editorial, but fail to see how the low believe. have looked on at quite a be a great consideration if the Co. and Northern Railvvays morals of young people affects the ecomorality abounds.
few of these dances and have never For Jesus came not to summon the could facilitate their workers and employees by such an example; nomic situation. Your analogy of Ghandi scen a youth with a bis righteous to repentance. If Mr. Amsuch a facility could not fail to inculcate a feeling of gratitude on Ghandi mission is a political one, the dance the shimmy nor the mento any furthermore, they don brose feels that he and his house are the part of the labouring population which would enhance a mission of the churches is spiritual. The more. The new dance is the OUT his neighbour Belscolded for not servite better relationship between employer and employee, vvould deways and means of effecting success are TIME, in this the dancers hold hands irrelevant If Mr. Ambrose thinks that the moramand as a consequence, a better days labour vvith more interested who have lived for a good numand go through some gyrations that are lity of most of our young people sets and strenuous efforts at labour on the part of every honest la ber of years in this town know full well Therefore Mr. Editor, in this respect good example for his children if he has the genuine, unselfish work that is being also you are out of date, and sadly if this bourer.
done by the colored ministers. You OUT TUNE.
ethics and good manners; than too will conclude that he is a very moral The inconveniences of a ten hour day in a temperature such know the difficulties they have to conBut to come back to the excursion am afraid that should as is encountered in the Torrid Zone of our Atlantic and Pacific road that seem to lead nowhere.
The complimentary on the part of the mitrains. These trains have always been he live to see another pair of decades, Divisions ought to be taken in consideration by humane task ceaseless striving to counteract the same he will feel himself much out of date nisters to theri respective congregations Masters. There is no opportunity at hygiene, for vvhat poor labourer people are prone to give way to, and if they now dem if necessary to charge and tune by the (symbolisms) to which his family will be subjected if this riotous after reaching home at 30 can indulge in a bath so as to be which you now claim they are encoustate of living which he now encourages able to change himself and go for a Stroll or a look at a game raging for the purpose of making a immorality you speak of comes in. Some is not legislated against; but as he to be spiritualistic; we of these ministers receive no pecuniary of Ball or other amusement? and in the morning vvhere is the couple of hundred colones for church purposes. The irony of the situation conclusion that he is under support from any substantial source, but time to get a bath and be on the job at o clock?
must rankle. and make them want to a used as a a medium upon the dubious of a higher, cunning Spirit, as a means More convenient opportunities in every valk of life, make exclaim like Julius Casear. And you too Brutus.
congregations Then there for greater efficiency, and it is the efficiency of a labourer that of subjugating even those that are called are the expenses in connection with Your criticsm is injust and harmful.
the up keep of the buildings. have around him in lower thoughts; Are these the thoughts that prompted Mr.
counts in the cost of labour in all Industries, an inefficient labourer The majority of your readers will acAmbrose to explore the unknown Regious is an expensive labourer at any price paid him and at any length cept it for what it is worth and quickly tion here. Apart from this, the people of Port Limon instead of going to New of continuous service. To compel a labourer to work for ten but unfortunately they are others, who good healthy fun at very little cost, and excursions get York?
long hours specially on Roads or Railvvays in a distressing devital be prejudiced in forming their opinion the majority for nothing.
Mr. Ambrose, savs he does not fiud izing climate as ours is, vvithout the chances of routine hygiene, of the colored youth of the community.
Your suggestion that excursions be a Modicum of Truth in what write, and that there is no Politics in the run to Regions Unknown am afraid church certainly tends to make him inefficient, tends to create him a than those of similar intelligence and is not practicable. Nobody cares to go continuous inmate of the hospital, tends to render him unfit for temperament in any country. The ma.
to any Unknown Region at present. If he would like to be a Studunt after At least we had better wait until we Truth we can only suggest that he leaves strenuous labour of a days service, a man must live continually hear from the late Sir Conan Doyle church rituals formalities alone and under the eye of the Foreman and even the Foreman himself before we start accept Truth in its naked formas gets vveary of the continual plodding of the ten long hours, taught by our Lord in all its simplicity Sincerely yours, and humility for like attracts like, thereindeed every man who has had experience in labour knovvs that fore error falsehoods cannot discover after three o clock in the afternoon, it is only resolved into a Sig CHARLES AMBROSE Truth.
vvaiting and watching for the balance of thə afternoon, so that Are you interested in a Radio set?
get in touch with Eduardo Escarré very little is to be gained but punishment to the individual during at HOTEL ATLANTICO, San José those last tvvo hours. Whereas if the working hours wvere ins. he will make and install you a first tituted from seven to four oclock, all parties would benefit by class RADIO set, so you may sit in TUBERCULOSIS the change, there would be a continuous strain on the collar for your home and enjoy Concerts, Pugil DEFINITELY CURED the entire day; the workman going to his toil at seven o clock isticbouts, speeches or any Amusement, in the morning vvould go feeling refreshed and fit, after a nice broadcasted from the United States, Cuba, Jamaica or Europe.
New method, consisting of bath betwveen six seven so he would feel pleased with himself, his employer and his task, instead going as is now in a Doubling your advertising in Sub cutaneous injection of living sullen, begrudging mood, again in the evening his four hours bacilli of the turtle vvould be passed in a happy mood, ready to do anything his THE SEARCHLIGHT discovered by master may direct, in the knovvledge that he shall soon be able to cool down and get a change to pay a visit among his friends; is to double your sales Prof Dr. Friedmann. Chief in this manner the taskmaster would be assured of a more happy, contented and loyal servant.
VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO Physician and Surgeon of the Among the lovver animals this care is much appreciated Anti tuberculosis Institute of Efficacious Remedy hovy much more therefore vvould it be so in the higher creation to expel worms Berlin, hovv vvillingly does a horse touch the traces in the morning after Lucas Morua having had his sinevys properly massaged with an embrocation Cures possible for first and second in the evening after work, and a refreshing bath early morning SOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUG STORE degree of the disease, by means of before he is harnessed, he looks forvvard to it as much as he Cartago, Telp. 77 does his fodder and bedding, why should it not be so vvith the one or two Sub cutaneous Lord of creation.
Ofcourse provisions vould have to be made, so as not to injections of the cause friction betwveen Master servant, by way of incurring Friedmann Anti tuberculosis Vacuna Continued from page unjust expenses on any Concern in trivialities, because the honest minded employee must realize that he should be interested in Other members of the Board This remedy has been officially his Masters vvelfare in the business, so as not to incur losses of Directors are Messrs Samuel Shavy and Wolfe of 28 Mi adopted by the German Government in unforeseens, because if he is intelligent he must knovy that les, and Taylor of 27 Miles.
he too must care the hands that gives him support; it may be This is most complimentary in May 1929 and now also by the argued that too much overtime wouldbe incurred by such long to the residents of Waldeck and Brazilian Government by law passed evenings but this would be avoided by an understanding that in Madre de Dios, in, that they are 17th. February 1930 case of emergencies no extra time would be considered until able to lead in the spirit of after six or seven o clock if one services were needed.
cooperation to better their conWe do hope that those in authority to decide on such matters rative efforts among all races ditions; it is only by such coope. Decrees Nos. 32, 37 and 38)
vvill take these suggestions into consideration and act on them, and and in all countries that sucWonderful cures are being vve are sure great results will accrue to them by a far more cesses have been and can be obtained in Costa Rica satisfactory class of work, as the outcome from a more contented achieved; much credit is due to Messrs. Saml. Shavy and grateful and appreciative body of vvorkers.
Farquharson vvho have kept the For full information apply to the threads together of this great idea; this is a stimulus to other Comsole concessionaires PIEDRA BRO.
munities of Negroes to go out and do likewise use it is ATWELL Co.
SASTRERIA AMERICANA only by such united efforts that respect to the race vvill be ob San José, Costa Rica AMERICAN TAILORS tained.
We have had great experience in the United States. We can make So far as is knovvn the Comthe best suit in Costa Rica. We import English Woollen Goods munity of Liverpool is the only Apartado 861 Telephone 3654 Give us a trial and convince yourself our suits are guaranteed the other which is follovving in the best finished workmanship.
3rd Avenue near Photo Imperial Hernández paths of Cooperation. We wish Office: Opposite the Imprenta Alsina them unbounded successesde and sincerely hope others vvill follow, PHARMACEUTICO


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