
THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE Saturday 19 de July. 1930 Unveiling of a new Chart CURRENT ITEMS Health Topics Sunday July 6th was a day The choir leil by Mr. James Lost and Found column of August, at which time they whence they will proceed to of great enthusiasm in this sec Montague choir master ChapWe beg to call attention in will take lectures from each other Faircroft College at Birmingham tion, being the coveiling of our laio vvith Miss Constance Bryao another column of a Filly lost on different subjects of local and for higher Studies.
They travel new Charter of the Universal of Cim marrones, presiding at from Carmen District, the pro international interest to educa: incognito with credentials, but Negro Improvement. Associa the organ, played a great part perty of Mrs. Keturah Allen of tion; There is expected at that reveal nothing of their projected tion African Commuoities Le in the ceremony.
that place ague (aug 1929) of the world.
Three hearty cheers vvere It is gratifying to learn that the gland on educational matters, and sal Negro Improvement Assonot as large as was expected and members of this Division El Encanto Farm by Mr. Ve different items. The last of such this Society to the visit of these Although the gathering was given for the successful officers advertisement of a mule lost from arrangements are being made for ciation. Much significance is atthe meeting vvas made bright who are the first to receive and by the many strange faces from unveil one of the new Charter This animal seem to have been courses was in 1926 when there Negro Princes, to the Head quarour Sister Divisions.
in this country.
were gathered in Kingston 260 ters of the Association in Jathe Precisely at 12. 15 Teachers from all over the Island. maica.
All vvere satisfied that the ridden away by some one at meeting was declared open by day vvas a vvell spent one and night. and was heard from at 25 miles, but seem to have strayed must render an improvement in The idea of such conferences Cricket news President Charles Barker, and the singing of the Ethropian on to Matina where it was recovas delivered to Mr. Ste. Aothem brought an enjoyable vered by the owner in consethe status of all Teachers, by Mr. Holt, the old Cricvvart, vvho handled the pro meeting to its close.
changes of opinions on the cur ket Master of Lucas left Jamaica gramme so vvell that at the We heartily thank the sis quence of our advertisement riculum, which cannot fail to be on Friday last with a strong close of the meeting Mr. ter Divisions for their cooperaTeachers vacation course beneficial to the pupils under Combination of Cricketers to their care Cundings vvorthy representation with us thus making engage by invitation several teams The Jamaica Union of Teative of Port Limon called for this meeting such a success.
in the United States, as well as chers will inaugurate their VacaDeath Sentence the West Indian Team which is cheers for the chaiman which tion Course at the Mico Train Valentin Anderson will take now touring the States of New vvas beartily responded to.
SYDNEY MONTÁGUE ing College by kind permission the gallows for the murder of York Massachusetts from the The Charter rvas unveiled of the Principal during the month Alexander Moitt, headman of other West Indian Islands. In his by Mesdames Richards Reporter. Madre de Dios Cove Estate in St. Mary Rayo Miss Povvie of Ci.
team are included Messrs Hilton, He copped the headman in McMahon, Barclay, Damarrones, Pocora and Siquiseveralh parts of his body actually Costa and several other good rres respectively, the number severing his head from the body Cricketers, Gladstone was to have of the Charter is 174.
then burried the body in a precí gone but did not stand the MeThe Misses Reynolds and Barpice and burned his house.
ker also assisted in the unveildical Test, Headley Scott could Either by negligence in inocu circumstancial evidences, 38 wit gagement on the Australian visiHe was convicted on purely not go on account of their ening News has spread all over the Addresses Short talks were world, and has been published in lating the culture or on accoun nesses being called to bring the ting Team.
delivered by Messrs Cup. Costa Rica in El País dated of errors during the 240 manipu case to light in the recent Cir The Barbadian star bowler nings representative of Limon, May 26th, 1930 and reported on lations through which the bacilli cuit Court at Port Maria presided Francis is reported dead, this is Johnson rep. Pocora, F. officially in the Journal of the have to be attenuated before use, Harrison School master Wa over by His Honour the Chief a great loss to the West Indian American Media Association the serum appears to have recodeck Day School, Heory (Edition Nr. 24 Volume 94 of vered its toxity or power to Justice of Jamaica.
visiting Team to Australia; SeaThe Jury complimented the ly will probably take his place.
rep. Siquirres, Brovvn of June 1930. referring to the dis aggravate the disease.
Pocora, Moss rep. Waldeck, aster caused in the Children Accordiug to the latest infor Police Department on their effiE. Simpson of Cimmarrones, Tuberculosis Hospital in Luebeck mation 246 children in this Hos ciency in probing ths case, and The Colonials breaking all realso Mrs James rep. of Ca Germany, by the Anti tuberculo pital, of those who were inocula asked the Chief Justice to rec cords making 729 for wickets iro and our old friend Lady sis Serum of Calmette, known ted with the Calmette Vaccine, commend those members of the Bradman 254 and the Captain 41 (forty one) infants were killed force, who were responsible for Woodfull 155. England made 425 Knight of Cairo.
as BCG.
and a number of others rendered working out the Crime for consi. in the first inning and 375 in dangerously ill and of whom some deration of his Majesty govern the follow on. The Colonial boys more may not recover. An offi ment lost wickets in making the The Banana Contract cial investigation has been ins African Delegation necessary 30 Runs, thus winning to Garvey by wickets. In the 3rd test AusThe Commitee on this ques the Contract is signed as a help tigated by the Government to fix tion vvill pass their decision over to Agriculture. He however ret responsability, the parents of the By the Blackmann, we find tralians made 586. Bradman 334 victims claiming severe punish that two African Princes sons England five wickets for 259.
to Congress on Monday for utes this report, saying that the.
ment for all concerned if the fact of King Behanzin of Belgian discussion, seven of the nine are government could obtain that a.
Dispute over Colorado in favour, hence it looks favour mount, if the Contract was signed is proved to be due to negli Congo who commands consi.
derable Territory in that contiBar brewing able. The Co. has granted The resignation and replace nent have been sent as a Delegavarious modifications, among ment of the Hospital Director, tion from their father to Mr. Nicaragua does not recognize The Minister of Interior for them it is agreed to hand over German Cabinet fallen Prof. Deyke, is also demanded. Marcus Garvey, are due to arnearly all of their properties The ews has alarmed medical rive in Jamaica this month.
the ownership of Colorada Bar around Guápiles to the govern. The German Parliament has been circles in all those parts of the They are officers of the Indus orders to have it cleaned so as by Costa Rica; he has issued ment to be cut up into small closed amid riotous scences in the house world were the Calmette Vaccine trial and Commercial Workers to permit the traffic by Nicaraholdings for peasant proprietors. by intrigues of Comunists. President was formerly used, and the French Unión of Johannesburg and will guan boats into the lake as the Mr. Cecil Lindo is said to have Hindenburg threatens dictatorship. Ge Press, nothwithstanding the fact be the guests of Mr. Garvey for mouth of the San Juan River is offered to loan the government neral Elections will be called in Septhat the BCG) Vaccine is a a few days in Kingston, from blocked by siltage.
a million dollars the day after tember.
French product, demands that this remedy should be boycotted in France and officially replaced AN ANIMAL LOST by the Friedmann Anti tuberculosis Vacuna which has been Strayed or Stolen from Carmelita Farm, down Carmen, Indiana branch ONE NUTMEG ROAN FILLEY, three years old, with a touch of white Puff on the repeatedly proved to be innotail, and streak of white in forchead about 13 bands height, for 21 days now. The cuous and perfectly harmless, and property of Mrs. ALLEN of Carmelita Farm. Any one giving information Mr. Nation Now Sir, we being the first at the same time preventive and that will lead to the recovery of the animal will be Suitably rewarded.
Section (East) under the Jucurative.
Mrs. KETURAH ALLEN. Carmen Farm Editor of THE SEARCHLIGHT risdiction of The Siquirres MuUnlike the BCG Vaccine of PERDIDA UNA YEGUITA DE TRES AÑOS Dear Sir: picipality, must thank you Calmette, the basis of which is for the fearless way in which nothing less than a bovine tu de color rosado con algo de blanco en el cola; desaparecida de Carmen, Ramal The stand that you have Indiana. Se derá una gratificación a la persona que la presente a su dueñia.
you have brought out the berculosis bacillus subjected to taken in defeace of our people facts, to the notice of our auth complicated manipulations by arSeñora KETURAH ALLEN. Finca Carmen in this country is suerely wor orities, and we are pleased for tificial means the Friedmann antithy of Praise. When it is conthe effect that it has taken. tuberculosis Vacuna is atoxic from sidered that your Journal is Ofcourse in a letter to our its origin, having to undergo no SADEXASBESS not a political one, it must be admitted that your courage Association you had promised manipulation whatever. The Fried AN ENTERTAINMENT is above the ordinary.
The cream of the August Festivities will be where? at the Home of Mrs to do just what you are doing mann Vacuna is also a virulent, but little did we think it would due to the fact that its basis is Cipriana McPherson, where there will be an elecution Contest prizes When saw your article inawarded to the best Speaker and Songster.
have been so candid and outs. the living bacillus of a cold bloodCome and see your much admired king and Queen and their Court atyour issue of 28th ultimo upon poken.
ed animal, the turtle, which tendants and guards, Unjust descrimination at SiI wish you good luck Sir, and vacillus begins to grow at a tem All friends and well wishers Cordially invited; Prices of admission Adults 61 00 Children 0, 50 Refreshments supplied.
quirres, thought surely Cyperature of 10 25 and not of Entertainment Starts at p.
rillo would write, but in your your paper prosperity.
a warm blooded animal, the vanext issue we saw Mr. Cyrillo Yones Sincerely, cillus of which begins to grow Proprietress. CYPRIANA MCPHERSON was busy reporting on someSYDNEY MONTAGUE only at a temperature of 37 thing else, without even an ackThe Friedmann Vacuna can not SSD SZABEZADE nowledge ment of your pluck. 11th July. Madre de Dios.
therefore create tuberculosis in the warm human body. Its efPILES SHOE STORE fects are entirely beneficial.
Siquirres It is undoubtedly the most Keep apushing an ashoving till you push them dark clouds away, and the notable discovery for the benefit only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be shod with: GRANT of the human race during the PILES hand made Boots. Simply uubreakable, his ladies shoes are matchless Suits made to order in the Shortest notice.
last 25 years, and its official adopin beauty and style. stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels tion to the elimination of all Siquirres PILE always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals other specifics, can not be too North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Yiquez Tramway starts forcibly recommended for all self to the correct treatment to best remedy known to date, in Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings countries were tuberculosis is in immunize himself or herself as comparison with all other meththis week.
early as possible.
ods of treatment.
In Serie Drawing No. 42; won by Roberto Chacón Ticket No. 126. Tuberculosis being a disease The sickness is generally easy In Serie Drawing No. 19; won by, Carlos Bonilla of constant progress, the patient, to cure in the beginning but not from one to three injections cure One injection immunizes and In presence of Valentín Diaz, Ofelio Feoli and Manuel Rojas.
or anyone exposed to infection so later on if allowed to become any attack of tuberculosis in its through contact with the disease, too far advanced by delay.
BOX 252 early stages San José TELEPHONE 3320 can not be warned too insistently According to scientific reports of the necessity to subject him the Vacuna Friedmann is the to be Continued Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
An Acknowledgement CAMP ONE ROAD SASTRERIA GRANT Ticket No.


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