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Saturday 19 July. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE 13 MEWS OF SIQUIRRES BISON An Orchestra 30 Hasta donde no llega el by the laxity of the City Fathers progreso de La Aviación Beat depression by advertising 231 The U H Reading Wrinkle July is no time of drought Rough and tough, enough with Clough 10 Sauguin On a visit to Siquirres the poor There are several Works, of one else does. He has planted ign to The doughey bough and plough and slough to service of the electric lighting is improvements being carried out several hundred Mango trees and STT Cough and Gough in a trought to a due to to sadly much in evidence in all at Siquirres and to be carried Pear trees of the best species ugnaba Sought and fought for ought, 12 lontani sections of the Community. For out, but it is strange that our and sells his fruits at half the Lola Butnought they brought to boots mit months now this town has genial Interventor who is con príces current. He has also esvil at 10 Though in although mo been undergoing a scarcity of sidered such an economic offic. tablished a fine dairy on Rose Hill And dough does well for dough cough nough to buy lighting, in consequence of which er does not call for tenders for Farm from blooded stock and Through bogins throughout suis in some merchants have come to the execution of such public is preparing pasture room for And some propen names are Flamborough, molle the decision of generating their works, rather than doing such another 100 head of milch Cows Gainsborough, Scarborough and Marlborought to own lighting. Mr. Mike Shed work under private Contracts orbis choice of stock varying betTurbos knight was made of Roxborough. el nom den is the first to do this by Departmentally by day work. ween Guernsey and Holstein; he Bought and wrought mus go with thought. 7719 connecting a dynamo on his It is amusing to stand by sells his milk also less than any And with Thoroughness, Thorough volis most will elaborate Bread Machine, by watch how some of these day other Milk owner; for the benefit Was thoroughly bred with Thoroughfaroslo bi which he gets all the lights he labourers perform their duties of the poor people. Ofcourse won 11 HYTTON an tem needs for his business, others right under the eyes of the Mr. Lorig is really the founder nos Limon Julio, 14 de 1930. lo es are following his example. authorities. The Supreme go of the village of Siquirres, haData 1179 Tuo onomico The reasons explained for the vernment calls for tenders forving removed from Germania inferiority of lighting are said to everything where public money to that vicinity when Mrs. Uber 10 Sider pbou elu odio Isidor be that the dam which supplies is to be spent, cven in buying was the only business there, 98 the needed water for generating gasoline for their Cars, it is sur. hence his life is wound up with is this electricity belongs to the prising that this is not done the best interest of Siquirres, bir matbl 1899 LIMON Boobin nisl municipality, it fell into a bad by the Municipal Board of Si and has always done and is still state of leakage some time ago, quiries why is this not so. doing his little to make the inmonteur Endeavours to wolnu please der patrons.
and was repaired by Messrs. The only philanthrophist we habitants happy, there are several Db Lindo Bros, whose Electric plant have in Siquirres is Mr. lke tenants of his who pay no rent The latest in the FILM WORLD.
supplies these lights; now it is Lorig, now that the Crisis is when there is no work, he is it constatt touch with the best production again badly leaking, but as the on and no work to be had in specially mindful of the old poor 10 Muncipality we understand are the vicinity he cultivates beans, ones infact he is really a St.
rew. Be a Modernite Always not disposed to assist in the com and such Minor crops on Vincent de Paul to the deservrepairs, and from the fact that a large scale, simply for the con ing ones, altho this is known DOD TOGOSOL Messrs. Lindo Bros. Ltd. contract venience of the women youths but to his friends and the poor has only left four years of life, around who will work on such around him; it is a pity we have o po those this notifies the Music loving public taht and everything pointing towards crops, and so as to help them so few characters of the kind the Central American Stars Orchestra. nacionalizing of Electrical Powers, he pays them weekly which no around us.
Is a nucleus of an Amusement Co.
they are naturally oreluctant in og er log by the name of going to such an oultay with RUST The Central American Stars Combination Co. out the help of the municipality. Waterless Cooker KITCHEN CRAFT The thought now suggests which will shortly make their debut in the Arasty Theatre itself; so as not to inconvenience SAVE YOUR MONEY Be ti also understood that this Orchestra accepts jobs for Dances Excursion: WHOLE MEAL OVER ONE BURNER the town and its inhabitants of When you want to dance and hear the very latest in Blues, Foxtrots Waltzes Tangos, Danzons, Rumbos etc. just write to the precious gift, why canes the COOK WITH MORE LEISURE WILL YOUP Municipality not buy out the Take your share ta day, with The Central American Stars Box 123 Port Limon plant and repair the Dam, in two colones weekly, you can get Od 23101 the absence of such a combieasy, this marvelous cooker.
STOLETTISTI nation it is a pity that the poWaterless cooker cooks withwoye ye air to ob pulace should be so sacrificed out adding a drop of water and is healthy. Save a 40 of Homogels fire and have a pleasant meal et bioroby views XIT DE TOIVODYo boisgu every day.
You can also win on the Mon79 ende amore in a day lottery of the clubivA. no TRA obstolo Ovo sugaig iglo 10 minutit loan Dan Myot om Sales or ash for by installments Los progresos de la aviación sen fin muchas otras novedades. THE SEARCHLIGHT will reddo bli The Aluminum Cluba olib nos han dejado maravillados: he aviatorias. ni giornst ab Box 136 San Jose Reicol Telehpone 2835 mos visto cosas sorprendentes y Los hermanos Hunter cuando NATION Apartados 123Cartago veremos otras superiores, hemos en el City of Chicago batiane Board and Lodgings Distributor from Turrialba to the Atlantic Coast.
UDSMAN continente a otro, de oeste a es pieron de una demanda que ha sabut bunci esti awon 1991 Deva stilluleligion te y viceversa; hemos visto vue bían establecido contra ellos y Very convenientil Board and los alrededor del mundo en ze para no descender hacían la so On Lodgings can be had at the olm pelín yeni aeroplano; hemos illicitud de que el juez ascendiera no CW FOTO bir visto como se puede vivir mu en otro aeroplano y que por tePINK HOTEL OF LIMON chos días en el aire, comiendo, léfono les tomara la declaración. snar DOB, le risolto bolo ammayog al sol o bilo durmiendo y trabajando sin in. De Linbergh se cuentan otras situated on 7th street adjoining.
wito allob mollis terrupción, como lo hicieron en historias: una de estas es que the property of the Costa Rica The triumph of the air, is see a Carribean Airways Co.
estos días los hermanos John y queria volar con su esposa y Soda Water Factory on 3rd an accomplished fact, we have Kennet Hunter durante 23 días una comadrona para que su hijo avenue, and seventh street.
Lld. has been formed, and on seen the successes of airplanes the directorate of that. Co. we to assist the land and sea lor find no lees than five air Pilots chos de ciertos ricos europeos to ya puede el amable lector Every comfort of her clients ces in times of war; we have Capt. Halland, Capti Depues, que alquilan un aeroplano para ver cuántas cosas se han hecho are attended to personally by seen transatlantic air Stunts Capt. DeCordova, Capt.
pasar un domingo o día de fiesta por medio de la aviación y ng sungu una from Continent to Continent Pawsey Masterton, volando sobre una ciudad en cuántas maravillas no se harán MRS. RITCHE from East to west and vice all men who have seen service alegre compañía de su familia y en el futuro en el espacio, pero, DOE si Propriettes versa, we have seen journeys in the airforces in the World de otros que siendo novios su lo que no podremos ver jamás around the world in aeroplanes War. The shares of this Co.
ben en un avión en compañía es que alguien se muera y loulon as well as jo Zepelio gas bags; have nearly all been subscribed, del capellán y los padrinos para entierren en el espacio. BON VOYAGE with the recent archievements so that aerial excursions are que los casen en las nubes; y ARTURO DEUJEP ve analitinimo of the Hunter Bros. John being carried out all over that Mrs. Daisley, the very popu Kenneth we have seen that one Island by Capt. Holland and lar soloist of the St. Mark choir can live comfortable in the air his associates; vve shall soon of Limon took her departure for a month, we have seen cap be able to spend our veekends from Costa Rica on Saturday ricious feats being carried out at home, returning to york on last on voyage for the United latest by a group of Amer. Monday mornings what then is a 0316 States. Tant si o swi icaos residing in Germany, hi. Sovereigo State like Costa Rica She effectively bade good by ring the Graff Zepelin to spend doing. As we hinted some we.
BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY to her many friends on Friday an eight hour holiday in the eks ago with the signing of ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED night by an At Home vvhere air on the 4th July, We have the Banana Contract there is no Bureau established for the greater convenience, every one had a most enjoy seen that Lindbergh and his reason why Aerodromes could Mopedsking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection satisfaction and protection of the Englishable pastime but felt very deep wife were so fond of the air not be built in Talamanca, Torregret in saying farevvell to that his heir was on the verge tuguero, GuanacasteGolfo Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen to the idol of their affection. of being boro as owner of the Dulce, El General, the remotest against unserupulous debtors. Law Firm that not encourage litigation to She leaves behind her devoted air; We have seen a lone girl portions of the Couutry so as lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conand most amiable husband; the flying from England to Aus to connect with San José, Liof the public for honesty and efficiency. Both children are in Jamaica but all tralia making the 12, 000 miles mon, Puntarenas Turrialba under the 19 direction of a Barrister With expect to reunite in the near almost in record time; so that Cartago so that Tourists could over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on bad the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as future up North, om the triumph of the air is an be made to see the real beauJudge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and lile We cheerfully vvish Mrs. Dais accomplished fact.
ties of this country, which is Supreme Courts of the Republic His best testimonials ley bon voyage! aw revoirl and In Jamaica we see an echo acknowledged to be the Svvit.
are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge Good Luck! by si of this triumph, by the intre: zerland of Central America.
and Counsel.
20 OBVia FRIEND pidity of Captain Holland we bu yoshi EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ We have had the priveledge lub o Barrister con todo instal Investigator of hearing Mrs. Daisley in some Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager inum of her performances and she is. 2020 BRANCH OFFICES certainly an acquisition to any HOTEL ATLANTICO MAIN OFFICE San José, 50 yards West of the Troupe, and going as she is, to Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre in Presidencia a country where she can obThere is no Hotel that attends to your comfort as Correspondendo and Agents at the principal ports and cities of tain the proper voice culture, THE HOTEL ATLANTICO one block and a half south from the Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, 1California, she will be a Credit to herself Easter Market Gate attended to by your friends.
New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Dubro and her friends, yve vish her SOHO too a bon Voyage and further Eduardo Escarré and his wife csuceessesegón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca 9119 10 LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND 911 nov fidence of operated Ministerio de Cultura


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